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In today’s fun jam session with me and biz bestie, Chelsi Jo Moore we go into the TOP productivity hacks that help us get more done, in less time. These tips are what we personally live by to help us achieve more, better. It’s time to move the needle in your business, home, and life.
We cover juicy questions like, what systems do we use? What are the things that keep us focused and locked in? How do we stay organized while managing a business and kids – while working from home?
Find out all of our secrets, sis.
And, I hope you’re ready because today’s show is kicking off a fun, 3-episode series on how to BLOW UP YOUR BIZ! Be sure you’re subscribed to the podcast so you don’t miss anything. Let’s make 2022 your best. year. yet.
I pray this finds you right on time.
What’s up, sister? It is the last week of 2021. It is the last week of 2021. Can you believe it? Today, I am jamming with my good friend and my biz bestie and my life bestie, Chelsi Jo Moore. And today we are going through as I believe, two extraordinarily productive high achieving women How you can stop feeling distracted all over the place and overwhelmed in your business.
And what we did today is we really wrote down our top three productivity hacks that have allowed us to achieve more in less time. And I know that these three things will and can absolutely transform your intentionality in your business, your efficiency, your effectiveness, and move the needle. Cuz y’all we have goals, 2022 we’re here for it.
You know, like we’ve been through it the last couple of years, we’re done with all the weird stuff we’re done with the hard we’re done with all the things. And we’re like, let’s get back to normal. Let’s get back to growth. Let’s do some really big, incredible things, but that begins with being productive and having your systems set up and having your productivity just locked and loaded. So if that’s what you’re gonna learn today on this episode, you’re definitely gonna need a notebook and pen.
Now, two quick things that I wanna share with you the first is that this is your last week, officially, the very last week that you can get Podcast Pro University at current pricing. The course will be going up January 1st. And that is because we are adding all kinds of cool goodness in there. It is PPU 2.0 and it’s been fully revamped and this product quite frankly, should be at $1,500, but I’m keeping it super affordable for you.
But if you wanna just grab it this week and save that extra, that it’s gonna be going up to 3, 2, 1 go. That’s at podcastprouniversity.com. This course teaches you how to plan, launch, promote, and even a monetization bonus, getting that podcast into the world. It is the thing that I use. It is the one outlet that I am committed to and it is grown a hugely successful business for me.
And I know it can do the same for you. I have so many success stories that you can go read over at podcastprouniversity.com. And you know, if you have any other questions for us, come post it over in the Facebook group, stefgasscommunity.com. We’re happy to answer any question that you have.
The second thing I want you to know about is that I am doing something super fun for you, called The Blow Up Your Biz Series. And this is just for fun. I am not selling anything. It’s just because I feel like it. So over the next three episodes starting Tuesday, Thursday, and then next Monday, we’re gonna go through The Blow Up Your Biz Series.
And this is gonna teach you really how you can 1) build a scalable, incredible podcast in 30 days or less 2) how to explode a Facebook group and 3) how to sell with soul, how to learn how to love sales. So Blow Up Your Biz Series is happening starting tomorrow. So if you guys are not subscribed to the show, just go ahead and do that thing.
Like let’s just, I mean, can we stop pretending already? I know that you’re in this with me. Like we’re done dating. Let’s just call it what it is. Anyway, that’s it. I’m excited to have this conversation with you. Let’s do this.
Welcome the Chels and Stefanie Show!
Every time.
Y’all! We are here in the house, hanging out with Chelsi and Stef live. We are gonna jam on one of your favorite topics on my show. And one of your favorite topics on Chelsi’s show productivity. So we’re gonna be going through, Chelsi and I really sat down and we wrote down, the top three productivity hacks that really allow you to become for me, what I really want you to take away from this is a high achiever in your life, in business as an entrepreneur or work from home mom. So that’s really what we’re jam on today.
Yeah, I’m pretty excited. This is just a fun opportunity for you to hear from two work from home moms that are really trying to crush it in home and business. And really what does this look like? Like I tell people all the time, you have to be high achieving, like this is a high achieving lifestyle. And so we just narrowed it to down to the top three things.
I’m gonna give you my top three things and Stefanie’s gonna give you her top three. So you gets to kind of be a fly on the wall and hear the inside perspective of what we try and prioritize what we’ve found to really work for us, what we know to be true. And honestly, like, let’s be real, we’re both doing all six of these, but Stefanie really excels in certain things. And so do I, and we have a different spin on it.
So we’re just gonna jump in. We’re gonna ping pong back and forth on this. I’m gonna ask Stef some questions. She’s gonna ask me some questions. This is gonna be a fun, little interview for both of us to jumpstart, hopefully what’s gonna be the most productive year that you’ve ever had.
Yeah, we got goals, girls. We got some goals. All right. Should I go first Chels?
Yeah, let’s do it.
The very first thing that I believe truly helps me be as productive as possible is intentional planning. Now I’ve been a planner for my whole life. I love having a plan. If I don’t have a plan, I have immediate high anxiety. This is in every area of my life. I have to have a plan. I have to know what I am doing.
And one of my favorite verses Isaiah, 30:21, “This is the way; walk in it”. Like, how do you get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going? So as I’ve evolved in this entrepreneurship role, and I’ve gone from a solopreneur to managing a team at this point, I have kids and schedules and all these things to manage, my planning has gotten better and better.
And of course, with the help of Chelsi’s systems as well, learning that planning needs to be more than a todo list. Planning needs to be a super intentional practice where you’re looking at your life as a whole and what you want your schedule to look like and become. And then breaking that down into recurring tasks, things you’re always doing, time scheduled, events, projects, and fitting them into the way you want your life to look and feel.
So it’s this big picture and intentional approach to purposeful planning in my life and on a tactical basis. What does that actually mean, Stef? Well, it means that, you guys, heard Chelsi in my episode about our yearly planning process.
So we’re super intentional there, but then breaking that down into what does this look like quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily and for me, I’m using a blend of Asana to manage the workflows, the actual recurring tasks, monthly tasks, projects, and then a paper planner, and of course, Chelsi and I love the Horatio products to look at what my time blocks and things actually look like.
Like, what am I doing on a daily basis in that morning time, in that work-block time, what is happening with my kids and my family. So Sunday night sitting down for an hour and being so specific with what is happening every hour of my day. So thoughts Chels questions, ideas?
Yeah. I actually, it’s such an interesting evolution. Cuz, you guys, have just have to bear with me. I’m like dealing with this thing in my throat. So
Love every once in a while.
You’ll hear some weird things from me. So it’s just been such an interesting evolution on watching you, kind of, so let me just like go straight to my first one is obviously very much of the same thing, but for me it’s so much more of like, how am I segmenting my time? And so Stefanie’s very hour by hour and her brain really goes that way.
So if we take it and we look at it from my perspective as a person that gets really overwhelmed with too much to do very quickly, I’m so much more at peace and I’m able to produce so much more when I’ve chunked all this down into segments. And then that’s how I know which segments are my time blocks. And so I come at this with time blocks and workflow.
This has been my biggest thing. And so just to kind of jump into what you were talking about, Stefanie, it’s like so beautifully articulated how you’ve broken all that down, but what do you think like over the last week when you’ve kind of been segueing from, and kind of using a little bit more of like this blocking system, but in your own way?
Stefanie doesn’t use the exact method that I use because, and nobody really does. But she’s taken it and she’s made it as to what she wants it to be. And so I think that this first tip that we’re both giving you is, can be a beautiful blend for whatever it looks like in your life? So I just wanna ask you Stefanie, like what has it been like for you kind of adapting it and going to this next phase of planning?
Yeah. So prior to our annual event, you know, my planner looked a lot like a big to-do list on a daily basis. And I was using Asana for the projects, but I bring everything to the planner, every to do list item and being the high-achiever personality type that I am checking things off, brings me extreme gratification like I did it.
And it could be like the smallest, most ridiculous thing and I’m like, check that off. Look at me, go. And Chelsi was like, is that not feeling kind of overwhelming for you? And I said, no, it feels great. But the problem is because I love work so much and I tend to lean into work. if I see something unchecked life cannot go on.
And so what that was creating for me was too much work and too much time in my business. So what I really went to was listening to Chelsea and learning from her when it came to, how do we keep all the check marks off of the planner and only pull in what you have to do this week that fits into the work blocks that you’ve scheduled. And I was like, oh, and that felt really great to me because I didn’t have a start and stop time for my work.
Being able to put into the planner this week, for example, I have 30 hours time blocked out in green for work. And so I go into Asana and I only pull the projects that are gonna fit into that 30 hours. I feel a lot of freedom in that, knowing that I still have a lot of to-do list items, but I don’t have to see them.
They don’t live in my planner this week. They’re gonna live in next week or whenever they’re gonna be there. So it has felt really freeing, but still I feel so great knowing that I can still put in my checks, I can still do all of that, but that I’ve created more time and space in my brain to have permission to turn work off. And that is definitely attributed to you and your time blocking.
Which is so cool because like, this is really the conversation of, that’s why you’re so high achieving. And so now it’s to see the potential in both of us. The whole thing that we want everybody to walk away from this episode with is really looking at how are Stefanie and I achieving as much as we are.
And it’s just an evolution for everybody inside of these things that we’ve found that really work for us. We’re still fine tuning all of the time. So this is both of ours number one and number two, but I’m gonna jump into my next one, which kind of goes right along with it. But here’s the other thing that I do that I know allows me to be super productive and really get a lot more done without feeling like I’m doing so much.
And it’s called routine stacking, which a lot of people have kind of heard this concept and it piggybacks a lot off of what we’ve been talking about. But the most beautiful thing for me is to be able to alleviate all of the things that I have to do and crunch them into I only now have three things to do, but all of those little things are inside of a routine.
So my brain just knows that I’m going to do the before school routine. And that’s it. My brain is not thinking about, I have to pack lunches. I have to help the kids get dressed. I have to make sure that all of the things are in the car. Don’t have to think about any of that. All I know that have to do is the before school routine. Done.
And so when we create that space in our brains, we’re able to actually execute because we’re not running around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off thinking about all the things that we have to do. And that’s just been such a beautiful thing for me, where I’m really learning to excel in this is my routine stack inside of my work block.
So when I go micro level and I look at what kind of routines do I need to build in my business, that’s where I’ve just grown as an entrepreneur. It’s been really fun to see here’s the things that I have to produce every single week. It’s a podcast episode. And what is the routine for that? What do I need to do every single Friday in my business so all of my finances are taken care of, all of my metrics are being met.
All of my goals are situated my week for next week is set up so that I don’t have to do it over the weekend. And so I’ve created these routine stacks in my business that have just been a game changer. Now I get to show up to my business, to my work block and I don’t have that same feeling like a lot of people have in their home and their motherhood where it’s like, I have to do all these things. I don’t feel that way in my business anymore.
I have like three or four things that I do each day in my business and that’s it. And it feels really good. It’s taken some time to get there, but it feels really great. What’s your next one?
Well, just to piggyback off of that for a second, the exercise of building the routine stacks, sitting there and listing out like in the morning routine, what you’re actually doing? Like that was so pivotal for me to have the actual list of what is the morning routine and what is the the weekly recurring staff in my business. Because you think you know, and you think it’s a routine, but until you write it out, you don’t know.
And you’re gonna continue to look at that thing over and over until it becomes a routine. But, at first it’s kind of a to-do list while you’re training your brain and then it becomes a routine and that’s when the freedom comes in. Oh, I’m just doing this thing and I know what I do.
Number two, my second one, this is like my favorite. So just please enjoy this as I take you on a little journey into the universe, and then we’re gonna take a deep dive into something called the black hole. Chelsi, and I’d be jamming on Vox whatever, and I’d go black. There’d be no Stefanie Gass anymore. She’s not available, not answering you. She’s nowhere to be found. You can’t text her, Instagram her at Voxer her cuz she’s not answering you.
And Chelsi would be like, hi, are you in the black hole? And so what we discovered is this beautiful thing that I had created, which was basically focus mode. I am going into work as seriously as intentionally as possible, I wanna get five hours worth of work done in one like I’m so dead serious, Chelsi’s laughing. This is not a drill. I have places to be. I have people to see. And the only way to do it is to get it flipping done, you know, and having this, I’m not gonna sit down and waste time.
And so what I created is this thing I call the black hole. What does this mean? This means that when you sit down to work, your work block, your power hour, whatever it’s gonna be, your time that you have that is time is money more than anything else in your business time is money. So I can sit here and I can be distracted and I can fart around and wonder what I should be doing. I can click on all the clickity clocks and check the tab and check the tab. And no we’re not doing any of that.
It is all about eliminating distraction 100%, because anything that’s gonna trigger distraction for you is trying to kill your productivity. And that means for me, like my phone is out of arms reach and it is away or focus mode or completely just out of reach, tabs are shut down except for what I’m working on.
Because otherwise you have a tab up and guess what it does. It triggers something. Oh, I was in the middle of working other thing, close it all down and come to the table with one focus, one intention, one routine stack that you’re doing and get rid of distractions because they will kill you. Truly, your business is dead, distraction is a killer of productivity. So that’s it.
And I can’t, you guys, I’ll just tell you, as somebody that has the word productivity tips on everything that I do. And then I show up and Stefanie outworks me and out crunches check boxes times like 1000, every day of the week, some days I would just be like, oh, I’m so terrible at this and it’s been like a battle. I also just went through a season where, our life just was like super weird for like two months cuz Blaine changed jobs, anyway.
So I’ve learned a lot from you Stef, just like looking at, I call you gangster often and it’s because of this. You’re so like you don’t play, you don’t mess around. It’s like, you just really go in and have blinders on, you go in to execute and just annihilate all the things and then you come out and you’re like, ah, I did all the things so I really love this.
And of course I’ve deleted apps. I’ve gotten rid of distractions, but I think what I’ve been working on so much in learning this from you is first and foremost the tabs, because here’s what happens with me, especially when it comes to tech. I open up the thing and I’d love to hear your answer to this.
Say one of my tasks requires me to go in the Flowdesk because I gotta do something for this task. And then when I’m in Flowdesk, I realize, oh hot dang, I was supposed to do this thing for this person. So it only takes me two seconds and then do the thing for the person that only took me two seconds. And then while I was doing the thing, I gave a pig a pancake is what happened. I gave a mouse a cookie.
And then this is what happens. And it just turns into this thing where it’s like, now I have 15 browsers open and I could die, and so I’ve learned lately that I know all my passwords. It’s okay to close the tabs, I’ll be able to reenter. And so what do you do? Like where do you park them? Is this your spot? I know Stefanie’s workflow. Is this the spot in your workflow where you park 1000 urgent things when they pop up? What do you do with them?
So good. First of all, I didn’t know they had give a pig a pancake. I mean it.
Oh, they have lots. We just read it lot. If they give, if you give a pig a pancake, if you give a mouse a cookie, there’s like 15 different ones.
Oh cute. We have like three, I’m gonna have to buy all those. Anyways. So, you guys, know that analogy that’s like, if you didn’t post your workout on Facebook, it didn’t happen. Well, I don’t believe that to be true. I believe that if you don’t put your tasks somewhere, it will be forgotten.
You cannot live your life based on what tabs are open, that is not a task management system. And the reality is that you’re always gonna end a task in the middle because you’re gonna run outta time or you’re gonna get distracted or you’re gonna have to go to the next thing. And so what you have to do is immediately in that moment, decide where to park the task so you can close it and move on with your life.
So for me, I use Asana for my task management, in the boards, in the workflow, I have something called urgent. So that’s where I’ve been parking things. You could also have something that just says in progress and park them on that board. And all I would do, for example, is I’d be like, complete landing page, end at blank, done. The task just lives there. And for me it can sit in process or it can sit in the urgent.
You can decide if you wanna have both of those boards or one. For me, my urgent board it really never goes above 10 things, cuz they’re quick things, but they need to be not forgotten. So that’s where they live. And I just know that if there’s any tab open with a thing and it’s going to distract me, like you said, down this rabbit hole of something else.
And at the end of that hour, I’m so disappointed in myself because the thing I set out to achieve and I planned for it and I created the space and the cues and the yummy essential oils are blowing billowing in the wind. I have my iced coffee and I’m like, I’m gonna do this thing, Chelsi. And I’m over here in a dumb Excel spreadsheet, updating something that does not matter.
What does this KPI have to do with making me profit or impact in my business today? So that’s the thing. And here’s what I want you to know when you go in some crazy distraction, it pulls you away from the income producing activity, cuz that’s the harder stuff you’re focused on here. So we are naturally gonna go to these weird superficial high level tasks because they’re the easiest thing to get off of the plate. But those are not the things that we’ve scheduled in.
No, and it’s a hundred percent avoidance and this is just side note. We’ll have this conversation quickly and then we’ll bust out our last ones. It’s really as avoidance, I have a to-do, it stays in my in progress, I never actually let mine get above five because it should be, I have 20 minute scheduled to knock off my to-dos. And so I should have four easy, quick five minute things. My biggest thing in my personality is touch it once.
If you pick the shoe up, walk it to the shoe cubby, don’t put it down on the chair and do something in the kitchen, like put it away. And so I’ve been working on that in my business. Like if you’re gonna open an email just to see what it says, you best have time to respond to that email right now. So you’re not opening emails, you’re not looking at emails.
And so I think for me, it’s just been marrying those two things together to figure out and that’s why in my top three, every week it’s been to execute my workflow the way that it’s established. And that’s so much of what you just said, everything’s there. I have the time sit down to do it. Now only open the tabs that you needs to execute the podcast episode that you’re supposed to do.
And so I’ve gotten really efficient at making sure the correct links are tied to the card so that when I go to open up, this is my task right now and it is to produce this podcast episode, the link to the notes where I’ve already copied are there the links to everything are there, it opens it. It’s beautiful. It’s super efficient.
So I love everything that you just said, cuz it’s really so true. And it’s something inside of my personality that I’ve had to work really hard on, cuz we’ve hashed this out a lot. So I’m glad that you shared that. And we got to really kind of look at those things because people are gonna land all over the map on that.
And find what works for you. But distraction is a steeler of everything that you’re setting out to create. So the question is how do you get rid of that for you? What’s your second one, Chels?
My second one was routine stacking. First one was time allocate. So last one for me is, I say this in the academy all the time, but it’s improvising. So I always say improvise, adapt and overcome is something that we teach a lot. It’s actually a military term and it needs to be a motherhood term. It needs to be a work-home mom term because I’ve just become really skilled at improvising.
I’m not afraid to break ties with my plans. I’m not afraid I’m not married to anything. At this point, I’ve gotten really good at being super positive when kids are sick, when things come up, when my dad needs me for something and I’m helping him with his business, he’s 71. And you know, he started a business and he calls and needs help with this and CJ what’s this email mean?
That just took 30 minutes of my work block. I’m so disappointed, but I’m actually not like, guess what, what a privilege to be able to have the flexibility in my life to do all these things. And I think there for a while in the beginning it was getting really frustrated with the fact that I was constantly in motion and constantly inflow and there was no rigidity and I needed that structure and I needed it.
And then I realized, well, you don’t actually need it. You just need to change your perspective. And so I’ve worked really hard at improvising and adapting what I thought was going to be into what actually can turn into something so much better. And so just a really quick example of what this looks like is yesterday. We’ll just use yesterday because yesterday I was supposed to show up to my work block from 12 to five.
Yesterday, I was supposed to have five hours and it ended up that I didn’t start working until almost three because that’s just what it was. Can you tell, we watched the wizard of Oz a lot in this house. I ended up with a migraine and I had to go to the chiropractor and I needed to go to the grocery store and then Bailey has had this cough and there just was a lot of things that kept ended up getting pushed back. And then I had to run into the store. I was like, should I just scrap it all? And I just was sitting on the fence with what do I do?
And then I was like, you’re just gonna improvise. It’s totally okay. So I opened up my workflow. I was able to move things to where I needed to. It took two seconds. I hammered out some incredible work. I actually ended up taking a phone call from my dad and helping him with an invoice. It ended up being a really great workflow that left me feeling amazing about what I was able to accomplish that day.
I think so much of that really just comes back to our attitude and attitude is everything. When you work alone and you’re isolated, your attitude has nowhere to go but down the pooper when you have no one there to lift you back up. And so you have to get really good at the art of improvising when all of the little things in life take you off what you thought was going to be your plan for the week.
I love this one so much. And I think this is one that’s super hard for me because I’ll sit down with this plan and this vision and this intention, and how I show up to a work block and then whatever my son’s school calls or Brad needs to talk to me about this thing and it’s important and I have to deal with that.
I’m triggered, I’m like you’re coming in and like you’re still in my productivity time. We have small kids ish still. So it’s like, this is truly the time I have to do all these things. I think everything you said, you know, shifting your perspective and your attitude around it. And then one thing that’s really helped me is praying in the moment Lord, please help me to not be frustrated and to help me see the, the beauty and the blessing and this break.
And also Lord, like carve out this time for me to make up for this somewhere else. There’s always an answer. I think prayer has really helped me shift my perspective really quickly, cuz I can only control so much about myself, but you know, the Lord always wants to help us navigate those hard spaces.
Yeah. I love that. What’s your last one.
My last one, my friends that helps me be super productive and a high achiever is a morning routine. And whether you have one or not, this is really non-negotiable in my opinion, I don’t care if you’re a morning person or not a morning person, this is a learned skill.
I was not someone that was like let’s rise and shine at 4:35 in the morning. No, of course not. No one is, and lots and lots of changes had to happen for me over, it was an evolution over a year and a half of like scaling back the time that I spent watching shows at night or putting the alarm away from my body or not scrolling the phone when I went to sleep, like all these things had to change in order for me to start getting up in the morning for a morning routine.
And what began as time for me to give my first fruits to the Lord, like if I’m waking up, that’s my best time of the day, that’s when Stef is at her best. I have had a coffee and a half. I am ready to go. That’s when I deserve to hang out with the Lord because I have the best that I have to give.
And so that’s what it started as, but then once I was done with that 45 minutes to an hour, my day started and the kids were up and all these things and I went, you know what? I’m gonna scale this back even more. Cuz what I’m finding is there’s so much beauty in this solitude in the morning that I’ve created to get my heart right. And to focus on what the intention for the day, what am I doing to today? What does today look like?
And how do I scale this morning routine back a bit. So I’m starting without any chaos hanging over me. And then the other thing that I added into my morning routine, and again, this is an evolution, so I don’t feel overwhelmed here, but I added a power hour into the morning. So in this power hour in my morning is where I I’m doing these to-do items that Chelsi mentioned.
All emails are happening in that one hour in the morning. To-do list, cleaning the desktop. I don’t know about you, but if you sit down to work and your home is clean, everything’s put away and you’ve got your essential oils and I dunno if you saw Lydia’s post the other day, it’s like you have vacuum wines in the living room. Like angels are singing, I’m ready to go.
This is the same thing. It’s like, you’re making your bed so I’m getting up. Emails are done. Inbox is cleaned out. Know what I’m doing today. I’ve spent time with the Lord by the time 6:55 rolls around, I’m so ready to slay. When I get up late things are thrown off, I miss my morning routine, my day is totally, I would say it’s 30 to 40% less productive than the days that I begin in this way.
It really is and that’s the thing, you can still have a great day. You can still have a good day. But it’s not gonna be as productive. And so we’re just gonna keep this all back to how are you actually going to produce more? You have to start your day before everyone is demanding something of you, because then you’re just gonna be putting fires out all day long. This is so that I obviously do too.
I’m really flexible with this. Like there are just days when Blaine and I love to lay in bed with each other and just like chill. We love to start a slow morning together. And there’s other days when I’m up at 4:30, I’m at the gym, I’m home and I’m crushing it. I used to do a power hour of work every single morning and now I don’t need to.
And so I love my warm bed. If it’s cold, I can’t get out of bed. And so I kind of really give ways to a morning routine that looks different depending on the day. Like I know what a morning routine looks like that I only have 30 minutes for versus one that I have two hours for or anything in between. And I like that yours is you shoot for the same thing every single day.
Mine is very static and that works best for me. And again, bringing us to the point of what works for you and everybody has different personality types. And at times where you can hang out with your spouse or that may look different for you. But for me, it’s been such a game changer that it became a commitment.
And for me it’s like, there are certain parts of it that are non-negotiable. Are there days whenever I am in bed cuz I stayed up super late, cuz I was up with somebody all night long and I just don’t get any of it. And I get up and I throw clothes on and we get the kids out the door or whatnot. Those days do happen. But those are pretty much days where I’m just honoring sleepover all else. And that’s just what it is.
But for the most part, 98% of my life, there’s some kind of morning routine happening and it has to happen if you want to be productive. I love the way that you’ve set yours up a lot. And I think this is why it’s so awesome that you and I have come together to do this episode together so that people can see two people running businesses with young kids at home with full lives and totally making it happen. And there’s no right way to do it. There’s different habits. There’s different approaches, but you’ll see the similar threads through all of this. It’s just the way that Stefanie and I spin its to fit what we need in our own lives.
So let’s recap for you, guys, Chelsi’s top three: routine stacking, time allocation, and improvising. My top three: intentional planning, the black hole slash focus mode, a morning routine, including a power hour in there. So hopefully those blessed you, guys. And listen, if you’ve enjoyed, hanging out with Chelsi and I today and in the last episode that we did around our annual CEO retreat, we would love to invite you.
This is actually a last call for any of you who feel led on your heart to come pour into this type of work in person with us. We are hosting Call Her Blessed. It’s a three day retreat in Gilbert, Arizona, March 4th, 5th and 6th. And at the time of recording this, we actually have six spots left but by the time this airs in two weeks if you’re still hearing this, there’s probably a few spots left.
And so if it’s on your heart to get around other faith led women who wanna explode their business, grow in their goals, really step into what God has called for them, but do it in a clear, cohesive of concise way where you know exactly what you need to do to make that happen while being pampered in this gorgeous little area of town, with beautiful restaurants and the most beautiful working space that we’ve rented out for you guys go to callherblessed.us and check it out. And we would love to have you there with us.
It’s the accountability that you really need from people that wanna have conversations like this. If you’re eating out this podcast episode and you’re like, dude, I want friends like that, I want friends that are gonna vox me. I want friends that are gonna be like, Hey, what’s on the agenda today? Hey, what do you wanna get done?
If you wanna be in this space where you’re trying to find other high achievers that are faith based 100% of the way, they’re not gonna be throwing new age things at you, they’re not gonna be throwing distractions at you. They’re gonna give you sound advice. They’re gonna support you in the way that you want support. Come get your seat to Call Her Blessed cuz that’s really what it’s about. We can’t wait to see you there.
Let’s do this! callherblessed.us. Okay, guys, God bless you and we’ll see you back here real soon. It’s almost 2022. Let’s get it!
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