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Do you wonder what it means to ‘receive an anointing’? Also, do you wonder if and how it can apply to you? I often talk about God choosing us and having God’s anointing on our lives. This is because it is so foundational to walking out our lives and businesses with God. In today’s blog, join me in our devotional Bible study: “What does it mean to be anointed”? I’ve also included some powerful journaling prompts at the end to help you dig deep into the personal application.
What Does it Mean to Be Anointed? A Bible Study.
What does the word anointed mean?
Firstly, let’s start by looking at what the word anointed means. The word anointed in the bible comes from the Hebrew word Mashiach, and the term Messiah comes from this word as it literally means the anointed one.
The Webster dictionary defines anointed as “to smear or rub with an oil or oily substance,” or “to choose by,” or “as if by divine election.” It’s interesting comparing Webster’s definition with what we see in the Bible; there are physical and spiritual anointings. We see great examples of this throughout scripture by comparing the Old and New Testaments.
Examples of anointing from Scripture.
Old Testament
In the Old Testament, we see many examples of anointing with oil representing divine election.
1. One of the first examples in scripture is that Saul receives anointing as king and ruler over Israel using oil.
Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on Saul’s head and kissed him, saying, “Has not the Lord anointed you ruler over His inheritance?” – 1 Samuel 10:1.
2. The following example of anointing we see is for David.
So Samuel took a horn of oil and anointed him (David) in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on, the spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. – 1 Samuel 16:13
Once again, we see Samuel physically anointing David, and the Holy Spirit comes powerfully upon David from that moment on.
So, we’re seeing this physical, symbolic anointing using oil, and with that physical anointing, a spiritual transaction takes place, and the Holy Spirit comes down powerfully on these kings.
3. The third anointing is King Solomon.
Zadok, the priest took the horn of oil from the sacred tent and anointed Solomon. – 1 Kings 1:39
Also, throughout the old testament, we see many examples of kings being anointed and appointed by God.
New Testament
So, moving into the New Testament, we see Jesus (Yahweh) being anointed.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed. – Luke 4:18
So the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and anointed Him. Interestingly, there is a “to”; Jesus was anointed to do something. God specifically chose Him to preach the Gospel, proclaim the release of captives, heal, recover sight, and set people free.
Jesus displayed His anointing through everything that He did, through the way He led, showed up, worked with His hands and heart, prayed, and put kindness first. Therefore, every element of his life demonstrated His spiritual gifting right through to His ultimate sacrifice of death on the cross.
What do we get anointed for?
So to recap, we’ve seen that anointing is the Spirit of the Lord coming upon us; sometimes, it has physical symbolism, and it’s always in reference to the Holy Spirit.
When the Holy Spirit comes into us, we are anointed to do something. The anointing comes through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is bestowed upon us when we surrender and declare Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, trust in Him, and are saved. Therefore, when you become a Christian, you become anointed. It’s not something we chase after, manifest, or do. The Holy Spirit anoints us automatically.
Anointed for a purpose
So, since we have been anointed, what purpose are we chosen for? Here are three scriptures to help us understand.
The Holy One has given you His Spirit, and all of you know the truth. – 1 John 2:20.
Therefore we are anointed to know the truth.
His divine power has given us everything we need for a Godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. – 2 Peter 1:3.
Through our knowledge of God, we receive everything we need for a Godly life. So, I believe this is saying we need to get into the word of God (the Bible). Also, we are called for the glory and goodness of God. How amazing is that?!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace so that you trust in Him that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13.
The anointing also gives us the power of the Holy Spirit, which gives us an overflow of hope, joy, and peace.
The Lord blesses us with each of these things! Therefore, we are to live out our call, receive all of the amazing gifts of the Lord, and live in God’s presence under His shelter. – Psalm 91:1
The great news is, God anoints you just like Jesus! So, we get to be the hands and feet of Christ. What an amazing revelation!
Journal prompts for what it means to be anointed for you personally
Here are three questions I’d love for you to journal and pray over to dig deeper into what this revelation means for you personally.
1. How do you feel knowing you receive an anointing?
How does that resonate with you to know that God loves you so much that He has anointed you by pouring out the Holy Spirit, just like He did for Saul, David, Solomon, and Jesus?
2.What can you do to display the Holy Spirit in your daily life?
How can you choose to display the Holy Spirit in your daily life and share that anointing with others?
3.Where is God calling you to do holy work?
Where is God calling you to do holy work to glorify Him? Throughout scripture, we see people do incredible things with God, by God, and for God in their anointing. We have so many stories of remarkable people chosen by God and anointed by the Holy Spirit to show up and do holy work.
So, again, were is God calling you to do holy work? It doesn’t have to be hard; it should feel so right. It feels like God is calling you to that place. How can you lean into that just a little bit more?
My prayer for you
I pray that the Lord will pour out His peace and His purpose over your life and your heart. That He would remind you that you are so worthy, just as you are. With all that you have or don’t have, I pray that you strip away to the spirit, down to everything He’s creating you to be, which is enough. It’s enough, right here, right now.
And that even though, you may not see what God sees in the mirror, He decrees and declares that you are anointed. It is spoken in the word of God. And also, there is a flask of olive oil over your head and your heart.
That you would receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and know that God’s hope and His peace and God’s joy, infinite joy, and transformative peace, which completely shifts the way you walk through life, is available. That God would just hand that to you, and you would receive it in His mighty name.
We are so grateful that we get to walk through life beside you, Lord. And, we just ask that we can soak in your presence. And also, that you would continuously push us forward on your path.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Isn’t it amazing we are chosen in the same way as David, Solomon, and even Jesus?! After our salvation, being anointed with the Holy Spirit is one of the greatest blessings we as Christians are given. It allows us to walk in power, hope, peace, and joy. What a beautiful thing it is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, dwelling with Him and under His protection.
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