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For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
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from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
(P.S. This system takes me less than 28 hours a week and DOESN’T include social media OR paid advertising).
Why do you think it’s important to have a six-figure foundation set up in your business? What does that even mean to you guys? What does it mean to have a six figure foundation set up in your business? We’re going to get into that. I’m Stefanie Gass, obviously. And I, for eight and a half years, have been a full-time entrepreneur. And I have done all the things in all the wrong ways.
I did them for far too long. Okay. I got into network marketing, which was my gateway into entrepreneurship. And I grew that business, like the way that the world said to build it, the way that the company said to build it, I worked 24/7. I was a full-fledged workaholic. I was having massive anxiety attacks. And it was to the detriment of my family, to my wellbeing.
It was the beginning of four more years of struggling with anxiety because my mental health had taken a massive toll, trying to have success. And it wasn’t because I didn’t want to be successful. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to have money and have revenue in my business. It was because of the way that I was doing it. I was posting on social media. I was spending time one-to-one. I was in the DMS with people on Facebook 24/7.
I was doing parties multiple times a week. I was going to physical events multiple times a week. I was the leader. So I had to be on every phone call. Like if I wasn’t present in every person’s business, in my downline, they weren’t having success. Why? Because what I was doing wasn’t duplicatable.
No one was willing to lay down their family and take all of the time to blow up a massive business at the detriment of their health, except me. Wah wah. Have any of you ever tried to build a business that way? If you’re like, I’m so tired of working so hard for such a little growth or for such little growth, for slow growth for growth that doesn’t feel like it’s it’s manifesting or it’s coming to fruition for me. How many of you feel that way?
And it’s probably because you’re doing it the wrong way. You’re doing it the world’s way. We’re going to talk about the world’s way of growing a business, a true big, juicy, profitable business, because I believe, and I know that when God is blessing our calling and he’s asking us to do it his way, that he will pour out the favor and provision on our businesses on the words that come out of our mouths, on our decisions, on our clients, on our products.
Yes, he will. Amen. Because I’ve seen it not only in my own life, but I’ve seen it in all of my clients’ lives. Okay. Y’all believe what I’m saying right now. Okay. So what happened? Well, everything fell apart truly. My network marketing business kind of crumbled, just to be really brutally honest. We didn’t have any money left. My husband sold his Harley Davidson to pay the bills.
We borrowed money from my son’s savings account to pay the bills. This is not a joke. This was 2016. 2016 the cash flow was gone. That was the moment my friends, I laid it down. I laid it down. I said, Lord, God, I’m done. Like I’m done working so hard. I’m done wasting money on all of these things. I’m done eating my feelings cause I was 60 pounds overweight at this point. I’m done pushing my family aside for money, for more, for recognition. I’m so done. And I don’t know what to do.
Jesus take the wheel. Cause I’m about to give up or I’m going to have a mental breakdown. And I kind of did. I kind of did. Let’s just be honest. So what I did is I got out a sheet of paper, the good old journaling process, right friends. And at that moment I started to journal. Who’s the woman God wants me to become. And some of you have heard this story, but you still haven’t gotten it.
So hear me stay with me right now. I wrote down all the things that God was calling me to be. And he said, daughter, trust me. I have equipped you. Stop worrying about the outcome and start showing up with the gifts you already have. My perspective was so hyper-focused on the when. For any of you focused on the when right now, when I make blank amount of money, when I have something to say, then I’ll start the podcast.
When I have the clients. When I get clarity, when, when, when, when, when maybe when I don’t know, she already does it better than me. I don’t know if I can. I’m not equipped. Who am I? Any of that coming through for any of you? Because that was all the lies I was telling myself for multiple years, until I wrote on the paper who I really am, which is God’s daughter.
If I am a daughter of the King, the King of the universe, the omnipresent, God, the I Am, I am equipped period. Now. Didn’t know how. And I didn’t know what, and I didn’t know when, but God knew. And so all I did was I started, I started and it was super unclear, but I knew that I had to serve you guys. I had to serve you guys with all that I had.
I had to inspire you to step up, conquer your fears, help you know how to do this God’s way instead of the world’s way. And then I had to just show up until it made sense. And I didn’t really know. So I started going live in a Facebook group. This group, if you guys go back to 2016, 17, you’re going to see some really funny starter videos. Like I was on my YouTube channel last night. You guys it’s so funny. And it was like, it was like how to make a graphic using PicMonkey.
Do you guys remember? PicMonkey like, these were my videos. Okay. And the reason I did that was because I thought that’s what everybody wanted, but I didn’t know. And so I just started opening my mouth and then I started to pray like, God, I don’t really know what the things are. So like, if you could just tell me and use me. And I started to say this prayer that was like, Father use my voice.
Holy Spirit come. Like, just use me, show me what to talk about. Give me the belief, help me transfer belief to these women. I don’t know what it is, but just keep working through me father and move my feet and be my spirit. Surprise me. My favorite prayers. Like God surprise me, shower it out on me. Like I’m here for you and God in a dream I heard vividly “start a podcast.” And that was it. That was it.
So let’s talk about, so that’s what happened for me. So let’s talk about the world’s way and all the things that weren’t working. In order to have success in order to have success in an online business, you must number one, show up on social media, at least five days a week for at least six hours a day. Like you got to always be on, right? You gotta, you gotta post on Facebook.
You gotta post on the groups. You gotta share in Instagram stories. Cause that’s cool. And then you gotta learn how to do Reels. Like that’s what converts am I right? Am I right? The next one you think you have to have an email funnel. You have to have a freebie, and the freebie is going to convert all the people. If you have the right freebie, three steps to beautiful skin, finally have the freebie.
This is it. You post the freebie and that’s what’s going to convert. And then you have to have the email funnel that goes in. Okay. Do you guys think you have to have the email funnel in order to have success? Go ahead, comm, give me the star. Give me the star. Next one. In order to have success, you have to have what everyone else is doing, right?
You have to have something that’s highly in demand and then you’re going to run Facebook ads to it. So if you run paid ads, that is the secret. How many of you think you need to have paid ads? Next one. How many of you think that you have to have? Oh my gosh. I just thought of a good one, tiny offer. This is my favorite. A tiny offer. All right. I know that you guys are like, Oh crap. She’s talking to me. She’s calling me out right now.
It’s okay. Friends. It is 100% normal that you think you have to have all of that in order to have a big, juicy, incredible successful business online. Why? Because the world, the influencers, the leaders, the people you’ve believed in the personal development gurus. The top of the network, marketing companies. If any of you are in MLM. The coaches, even some of the Christian coaches, y’all, they’re telling you that is the secret. That is the answer.
But let me just blast through all of that. I believe those to be lies. It doesn’t mean that they can’t work for some people. It doesn’t mean that they won’t work for you, eventually. What it means though, is it’s getting you distracted because it sounds like overnight success. And how many of you want overnight success?
If you just wish you could have overnight success, I’m like, yes, I would love overnight success, overnight successes. So what’s up? I mean, it’s gotta be realistic, right? There’s gotta be an easier way to get to where I want to go to hit the six figure mark. No, if there was an overnight success secret, everyone would be doing it.
How do you, why do you guys think these big marketing gurus are selling you that because they know it’s what you want. And you’re going to spend all your money chasing after overnight success. Because somebody who’s fancy who makes a million dollars is telling you if you just spend a thousand dollars a month on the ads, if you just spend 500 bucks on the funnel software, that’s where the success comes from.
But I’m here to tell you that’s the world’s lies. And that millionaire didn’t become a millionaire because he is sharing truth with you. I’m going to be probably one of the only coaches that you’re ever going to come across that’s willing to tell you the truth because I’m sick of these lies. I’m super done with it.
So here’s the truth. Here’s the truth. Here’s my three tier framework. Y’all ready. Here we go. We’re going through one, two, three. And I’m going to warn you. This isn’t going to be easy. Nope. This isn’t going to be overnight. No, this is going to take some of you, most of you, years. Spoiler, I’ve been a full-time entrepreneur for eight and a half years in all eight and a half years. Okay.
All eight and a half of them, I’ve only had the breakthrough, the real true life-changing success, the big time income in the last year and a half. Eight and a half years. How many of you are willing to stop getting distracted in your life and in your business and stop messing around wasting hours of your life following this person and this person and this person, looking for the answers and I’ll do a tiny offer and I’ll market over here and I’ll do…
Aren’t you tired of that? And how many of you have already wasted two years or more, trying all the little things and nothing seems to be sticking? And I’ll tell you why it’s because you’re not sticking with anything. Can you guys handle some tough love today or what? You guys with me? Are you enjoying this right now? Let’s go. I’m here. I’m ready for this conversation.
Three tiers here. You ready? You guys write this down. Number one, number one, you have to provide consistent solutions and I’m not going to blow your mind today. You guys know this stuff, you know it. I’m just going to hit you with it in a new and different way. And I’m going to tell you how to do it.
Number one, you have to have consistent solutions that are free. Okay? Write it down. Number one, free consistent solutions. What does that mean, Stefanie? What that means is that I’m showing up for you guys right now, completely free.
I’m giving you a solution. You guys can hear me on my podcast. Two, sometimes three times, times a week, totally free, talking you guys through the setbacks, the triggers, the emotional struggles, the struggles in your businesses that you’re all facing.
And I pour into it also a foundation of working with God through all of those solutions. And I show up and I show up on a show up completely free. When I started my podcast, you guys, two years ago, I was making roughly four grand a month. And the podcast, you know, it was work. It was work. And I didn’t know how it was going to make me money, but we’re so hyper-focused on, wow, I’ve got to make money before I do something.
That’s a lie. You got to do something that transforms someone else’s life before they’ll spend money with you. So y’all stop focusing on what will make me money. And how about you start focusing on what will transform someone else’s life. What will transform someone else’s life? And then your show up consistently for one full year, one full year, every single week.
I don’t expect that you will make a dollar. You will, but let’s just say that you don’t make a dollar. Is it worth it? Is it worth it to be a servant to the kingdom? Like guys, we’re called to bless this planet with our gifts. And each of you has a gift. Each of you has a gift. All of you. I don’t, it doesn’t matter what your gift is and you better stop minimizing it.
P.S., Some of you are called to be, uh, you like, you have this amazing meal prep thing that you do. And some of you have this gift of speaking. Some of you have a gift of teaching. Some of you have a gift of doing artwork and you’re incredible with your hands. Some of you have a gift of being a leader in a corporate career.
I don’t know, but all I know is what your gift is, is part of the puzzle. God’s plan is bigger than us. We don’t need to understand it. All we do is we show up and we speak and we let the Holy Spirit guide us because not all of us feel great at showing up, but I did it. I’m doing it the first time I ever went live, I got so hot and red and I peed a little, my, my, my students know this. I literally peed a little. Okay.
And then my phone, which was in a case right here, like a stand, it popped out and hit me in the face and fell on the floor. Like this is not a lie. Okay. Y’all like, I can’t make this stuff up. The point is you have to show up for free. First. If you want to have a six-figure business, it starts with free. So what should you do? Here are your choices.
You guys can have a YouTube channel, if you’re a video person or you’re teaching something. Like if you’re an artist and you’re teaching artwork, have a YouTube channel, okay? Maybe you’re a writer and you love to write and it lights you up. Have a blog.
Or if you’re, probably 90% of you right now, you should have a podcast. Why? Because we as busy moms, we want to show up in our comfies, behind a microphone, pour out our heart, teach something. And we’re typically speaking to other busy women.
Now there might be a few of you in here right now that are speaking to like, let’s say corporate men, but not many of you. So most of you should have a podcast. Why, why can’t Stef, why can’t we just use Instagram? I’ll just go live on Instagram and do my Reels. I’m so sorry if you guys do that. I’m so sorry. I love you. Oh my gosh. They’re so cute. I’m just jealous. That’s really the truth.
So, because your audience is also multitasking. Okay. So if you start a podcast and you guys show up once a week on your show and you serve, you own it, that’s why. I want to do this on Instagram or Facebook or Tik Toks or Vic Toks or whatever’s cool. Or the Twitter witters. We want to do this on a platform that you own. Okay.
Because Instagram is a business. It’s not even free speech. Okay. It’s literally, and so is Facebook. It’s literally a business. It’s a billion dollar corporation. We are owned on that platform. We need to have a platform we own, which is my podcast. I own it. I own the rights to my podcast. Then I share it in all these different places. It’s my voice.
And you guys can trust me, learn from me, connect with me. And then I show up once a week. And I committed to that, or I show up twice a week. But even if you did once a week, I committed to that for one year, one year. And I, just like, listen, I wrote down a couple of scriptures for you guys. 2 Timothy 3:10. I love this verse. And it says, “now you followed my teaching conduct, purpose, faith, love, and perseverance.”
We have to persevere in our consistent solution. So how many of you have a platform that you own? 100% and you’re 100% dedicated to showing up on it right now for one full year? How many of you are going to have a platform that you own? And you’re going to show up there for one full year?
Okay, let’s move to number two. So that’s the first tier of a six figure foundation. Why do we have to do that? Because when we show up and solve, we grow trust. We connect with people, Okay? They see you as their person and then they trust you and become a super fan of you. And then when they trust you and believe in what you’re teaching, you’re then able to convert them into something paid, which we’re going to talk about in a little bit.
So that’s the why you can no longer show up on Instagram and post a random picture. Think you’re growing an audience, not going to happen. This market is super saturated right now. The only way you stand out is when you start showing up with your full heart, pouring into people in a bigger capacity than you ever thought you could, without understanding the outcome.
Stop worrying about the, what of it all. If I would’ve questioned like, well, what happens when I start the podcast, God, like, is that going to ever make me money?
Is that ever going to be like, what’s going to happen from it? And if God, you know, he doesn’t owe me an answer of what’s going to happen. He just said, do it. And he’s like, daughter, are you willing to be obedient? You asked me the what. You asked me, what I wanted you to do. And I said, start a podcast and you’re questioning me like, Whoa. And no, sir. Yes, sir. I’m literally showing up here and here’s the thing that’s so insane.
Y’all what God has done through that podcast is bigger, better, more audacious than I could have ever written down on my little paper. I just wanted to get back to six figures because network marketing had crumbled, right? Like I just wanted to pay my son back his savings account. Like that’s what I wanted. God smashed my dreams. He replaced them with his dreams, God-sized dreams.
That’s why we have to stop questioning outcome and start showing up with faithful audacity for the call that you have, right? With excited expectation of how God is working inside of you and letting the clarity come through action. We don’t need to understand all of the pieces of the puzzle. We can’t. We are, we are mere humans, right? Like we can’t.
That’s the why of number one, which is a consistent solution. You guys have committed I’m so here for that, if you haven’t started the podcast yet, I got you on that one, right? Like we’re going to talk about that in a little bit. So number two, the second tier of a six figure foundation, a long-term evergreen. You don’t have to like struggle with this anymore. You’re going to love this one is to have an organic traffic driver.
Number two, organic traffic. What does organic traffic mean? Organic traffic means you show up, you push content out or you push a pin out. We ain’t going content. Any guesses on what this one is. Y’all and you let it work for you. Right? You post it, you bless it. And you release it.
Like I’m so here to not show up in my business 24/7. Here’s what I accidentally discovered in 2016 when I was losing my mind and I was having my Britney Spears year. Some of you referenced that earlier. Thank you for that. You are right. It was my Britney Spears breakdown. Yes, it was. I started blogging. If y’all want to laugh really hard, go to Stefaniegass.com/blog click on 2016.
Okay. It’s on the left. You can like go by date, click on 2016 for me. Yeah. You’re going to find how to style your mantle on the cheap. I literally looked it up last night and I was laughing so hard because it’s so bad. Then I had 70 calorie apple chips here. I was 60 pounds, overweight eating Doritos, but I was creating a blog on 70 calorie apple chips.
I love it. You guys, why do I love it so much? Because I get it. I get it. I wanted to do all the things that I thought were selling, right? Like I would go and see all these fancy bloggers posting food. So I’m like, great. I’ll do that. And I started it and it’s hilarious. And, but I started to share the Pinterest graphics. I didn’t know what I was doing. I would just share it whatever. And about a year later, I started to notice that my website had exploded.
We were getting 5,000 views a month. The next year we were getting like 25,000 views a month and so on. And I’m like, what happened? And I realized when I went into the analytics, 78 to 94% of my traffic, every single month was coming from, y’all guessed it, Pinterest. And here is the beauty. I was spending probably five hours a day on social media. Any of you spending that much? Be honest with me.
That’s what I was spending, posting, engaging, commenting, being addicted, wanting to stab my eyeballs out, coming up with content, different things, everywhere. Nothing happening, nothing happening over there. And I was spending 30 minutes a week on Pinterest, 30 minutes a week. And yet Pinterest became my number one traffic driver. So easy. Then I partnered it with my podcast and it was like an explosion took place. It did.
We, I went from the 4k months to I’ve had 75K months in my business. What? I’ve had 35K launches. I have sold programs out in 48 hours. I have 29 recurring coaching clients right now. Like you guys, hear me, those of you that want to make money, stop wasting time on social and start getting focused on push marketing. Podcast and Pinterest. And I have a solution for both of those.
So that’s number two is you have to drive organic traffic. Here’s the other piece of organic traffic. It’s my podcast. Because there is a strategy to podcasting, which is SEO, amazing titles using triggering descriptions to connect with your Lola so that when she goes in the search bar and she types something in, your podcast comes up.
Same with Pinterest, which is something that I teach in all of my programs. Right? It’s understanding the keywords and the traffic drivers of these push marketing solutions. For example, you guys, if I’m going to have, let’s say I’m going to have a Pinterest episode. I could call It like Pinterest marketing 101 and like share it on my podcast, do a little pin. Okay.
Or I could get really gangster with it. Okay. And I could be like, how do you use Pinterest to drive 75% of your website, traffic for driven entrepreneurs? That’s another level of triggering my girl. Right? She wants that. And then I’ve added in some keywords. So there’s a psychology to using your podcast to drive traffic. And so y’all need to get that.
It’s not just, well, okay, Stef, I’ll start a podcast. And I hope I do okay at it. It’s like start a podcast the right way. If I would have known all the things I know today, back when I started my show, it would be over a million downloads right now. But I learned the hard way so that I could give you guys every single tool so that you don’t have to take so long. Okay? It’s not going to be overnight.
But if I can cut your journey down to 50%, I’m winning because I want you to have success. Does Pinterest still work? Or is it too saturated? Pinterest still drives 75% of my website, traffic to my, or drives all of that to my website, which then brings people to the show. The numbers don’t lie. The numbers don’t lie. Pinterest absolutely works, but y’all are so focused on social media. Social media doesn’t build your business.
If you walk away from this webinar and you hear one thing here, this ready, you ready? Here you go. Social media, Instagram, Facebook. They do not grow your audience. They grow trust with your existing audience. How many of you still want to actually grow and scale the people in your audience? How many of you?
Stop wasting your time on social media. I’m probably the only person out there saying this. And the only reason I’m saying it is because I laid it down. I laid down social media against everybody’s direction, against my better judgment, because I thought this is going to be the detriment of me. Like my business is going to crumble because I’m not going to show up on social as much anymore.
And that’s when it exploded because I was able to push me to many versus me one-to-one. Now, if you like social show up there for 30 minutes a day, you guys take your life back. Take your life back. Those babies, they deserve. You put your phone away. Delete the apps every day. If you have to. I do. I delete them every weekend 100% of the time.
I am not going to be addicted to a little thing on my phone and I’m not going to allow that to control my life. That’s an idol. Are you idolizing social media? Are you idolizing busy? Are you idolizing the feel goods from the likes? Are you idolizing the messages that come in? Oh, I have to answer that message right now. No, you don’t. Sisters take your life back. Push the content and walk away. It’s a beautiful, magical thing.
I work literally, literally because Chelsi Jo made me do this exercise 28 hours a week in my business, in my business. And we’ll close the year around 350K. And the reason I share numbers with you guys is because I wish someone had shared numbers with me because honest numbers with me when I had started this process, because it would have instilled the belief in me that I needed to do it until it made sense.
And also I want to normalize that money is okay for Christian entrepreneurs. I want you guys to understand that making money and having a profitable business is a great thing. If you’re doing it God’s way for the right reasons, right? We can, we can give more. We can tie the more I can support more. We’re paying off debt like crazy right now. We had, you know, a big loan, we had to take out a second thing on the house.
Like we’re paying off all of that debt right now because won’t he do it? So money is okay. I want you guys to understand that money is okay for you. And that’s gotta be an acceptance that you have about, but you’ve got to do it in a way that God wants for you. If I would’ve made this amount of money three years ago, I wouldn’t have stewarded it.
Well, I wasn’t ready. So there’s also that trusting God and his timing for you. Cause some of y’all and myself included. I had some work to do in here before God was ready to gift me the provision that he had in store for my life. Okay. So let’s go ahead and talk about money. So now that you have tier number one, which is your consistent solution, it’s your podcasting. Number two, you have organic traffic drivers, which is Pinterest and SEO and strategy with your podcast.
The third one is having an implementation offer. Implementation offer. All this means is getting to know your people. So I get to know you guys as my Lola. Then I figure out what do you really want? What do you really need? I offer you a solution and that solution is paid for, right? So for example, I have Podcast Pro University, which is my course teaching you guys how to start a podcast.
I have Podcast to Profit mastermind, teaching you guys how to scale your podcasts and create a course and a profit stream in your show. Those are solutions that are paid that get you guys an implementation. There’s a difference between free solutions that y’all just learn. Okay? And you’re like, Oh, that’s a great idea. Thanks, Stef. Like I feel good right now and going, I’m ready to do the work.
I need to do this work, but Stef, I need your help. How? Can you be with me on this journey? Can you walk through this with me? Yes, I can, sister friends. Here’s my courses. Here’s my coaching if you’re stuck. Like here’s my solutions for you. And you have to have, I believe as you get clarity on what your person needs, you have to have, a solution that they’re demanding, but also in a way that they demand it.
There’s also something to be said for figuring out the piece of that solution, you guys, that can be monetized passively. So I was doing coaching. Here’s a visual. I was doing coaching and people would work with me one-on-one and we still do to get clarity. And then they would say, great, I have clarity. I’m ready to start the podcast. And they’d hire me for like another month.
We do the podcasting stuff together. And I’m like, Oh, like click here, click here, do this, click here. Here’s how you record. Here’s how you edit. And finally I realized like this piece, this technical like setup portion of podcasting, that can be passive. And I created Podcast Pro University as that solution because I knew that she needed it. And then I marketed the, the solution, the paid solution on the free podcast platform.
That’s it. I didn’t run paid traffic. I actually didn’t have a big launch of my course. I just started talking about it. I made a few thousand bucks, which is amazing, but I just started evergreen marketing it. If I never did another launch again of Podcast Pro University, I’d still sell a course a day at a minimum. As the podcast grows and scales you guys, I’m going to sell more and more, right?
There’ll be a time where we sell two a day, three a day. I don’t know what God’s got in store. I’m just here for it. If he says you will sell zero a day. That’s great too, awesome. Like I’m here for it. I don’t know. Surprise me, Father. I can take it. So the point though, is that once you identify what your avatar desperately needs and you create an implementation solution, you guys, that is where you start to make a profit.
That’s it that’s it y’all hearin me? That’s it. So here are your three steps to recap. And then we’ll bundle this guy up and tell you how I can help you do these things. Okay? Number one, you need consistent solutions, which is podcasting. Number two, you need organic traffic drivers, which is Pinterest and your podcasts. And number three, you need implementation. You need an offer.
I love for you to start with coaching, which is one time for money, but it lets you really get to know your avatar. And it gives you that market research to then come up with the course, because eventually once you guys have 500 plus super fans, you have enough people to know what’s the solution that you can create in a passive way. Okay?
So that’s it like, this is, it’s this simple K? Hear me for a minute. It’s this simple, but it’s not easy. It’s not easy to not look up. Don’t look up, stop getting distracted by all the juicy, amazing new things that are happening around you. Stop it, focus on these simple three things over and over and over and over again and live your life and all the time that it saves you.
How many of you have heard me tell you this? This is simple, but it’s not easy. You’re going to start this process with me. And then you’re going to be like, well, I created four more freebies and then I’m just going to try a tiny offer. Cause that sounds really fun. And I’m going to yell at you and I’m going to say, stop it. Stop getting distracted.
You’ve got to do that for a full year. If not two, to see the breakthrough. Why? Because people need to know you’re here for them in the long run that you are focused on her. One offer. One solution. One podcast message that you stop being all over the place because we are already all over the place.
I want somebody stable to follow. Do you guys? I want somebody authentic. I want somebody who is willing to speak truth when no one else is. I want somebody standing on a foundation of faith and scripture in what they say. I want somebody who’s willing to tell me the truth when I don’t really want to hear it. I want somebody to slap me around when I get distracted. I want somebody who’s ready and willing to be the difference maker, the way maker a speaker for the kingdom.
And guess what? Every single one of you are equipped to be that for someone else. Who’s here for it. I’m here for it. Are you here for it? Imagine the difference, sisters, we can make on this planet. When we stop playing small, we stop playing small and saying yes to the enemy’s lies of distraction of there’s an easier way, Stef. There’s an easier way to do this.
There’s not an easier way. You got to show up and spend the time serving and solving and believing in your heart that God will make good of it. And stop looking around. Just do that with me, we’re going to make a difference on this planet. We’re going to be more here for our children. We’re going to show up at a higher capacity for our spouses, for ourselves. We’re going to feel at peace.
You’re going to feel anxiety leave, I used to have anxiety attacks that would keep me up all night. I haven’t had anxiety in a hot minute because I laid it all down. I’m done doing this the world’s way. I’m doing it God’s way. Who’s with me?
Email support@stefaniegass.com. Ready? Set. Go. Okay. Let’s pray. You guys, I’m so grateful for all of you. And you know, if any of you are afraid, you’re like, I wish I could do this, but I’m afraid I’ve got a spirit of fear. I’ve got a spirit of fear in doing the things and building the business. I have a spirit of fear and speaking out, how could I podcast Stefanie? How could I do it?
I don’t know. I’m afraid. I’m not a great speaker or I’m scared of writing. I’m scared of blogging Stef. I have a spirit of fear of spending money. Okay? Listen, Joshua 1:9 says, “have I not commanded you be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged for the Lord. Your God will be with you wherever ever you go.”
And the point of that verse that I’m sharing this with you because no investment ever feels comfortable choice to start a podcast and start sharing a message with the world feels comfortable. There’s no point in this process where you’re going to go. Yep. I’m ready to fail and suck at something until I get good at it. But you will. If you do it until, that rhymed, you will.
If you do it until. Fear is a liar. Fear is a liar. Say it with me. We are commanded to be strong and courageous and that to remember that God is with us wherever we go. If you are feeling the tug right now, a Holy Spirit pull in your heart to do. I don’t know what that do might mean for you, but go girl, go sister, go. Walk with the spirit of the Lord.
He is with you. I don’t need to be part of that journey, but you need to do it. It’s your responsibility to step up into the things that God is calling of you. Even when it doesn’t make sense. Okay? So even if this is not for you or whatever, wherever you are, I just want you to move. I want you to move. I want you to go. I want you to speak. I want you to show up.
I want you to, I want you to do it God’s way. I don’t want you to lay down all the things in your life that are distracting you, pulling you away, keeping you from the glory that he has in store for you, because I believe in you. And I know you can, and I know you’re strong enough and I know you have the armor of God. Armor up, armor up because my sisters, we have a big fight ahead of us.
A very big fight ahead of us and we are equipped and we’ve gotta claim that. okay, let’s pray and I’ll let you guys go, father God, I pray over every single woman who is here with me. I’m so grateful for the time they have given me. And thank you for speaking to us and through me, Father. I know that you brought a message that so many needed to hear.
I just trust and pray that you would pour into them a spirit of discernment over what the things are they’re supposed to be focusing on and just rebuke all the things that are a distraction that are pulling away from their purpose, their intentionality, and their focus in their lives. I pray that you realign them with what really matters, that you put just a massive focus on their family, on their children, on you, God.
That you become front and center in their lives today, tomorrow and every single day. And I pray that they lean into you and trust you with just a ferocity that they have not had in the past, that they lean on your vision for their life. They believe in you from head to toe and you just pour into them that Holy Spirit so that it may flow out of them to bless others.
I truly believe that we are called to do work for the kingdom and that you have brought us together in this sisterhood to work together for your good, I believe it Jesus’ name. Amen. I love you sisters. I will meet you over in the courses. I will meet you in the PPU group. I can’t wait to continue doing this work with you.
And one other thing I want to mention, if you guys already have a podcast, but you want to go next level, you want to 10X the show. You want to have a course with your podcast and you need that next level help with me. You’ve already done PPU, come and join me in Podcast to Profit. Go to http://podcasttoprofit.gr8.com. If that’s for you. Okay? Cause there’s a solution for everyone here. I’m not leaving you out. If you are further along in the game. Okay. Love you guys. God bless.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
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I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
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How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
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Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
How do we trust God with our online business? Here are three practical ways to keep Him at the center of it all.
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