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Have you ever thought any of these thoughts as an online entrepreneur? Be honest.
“She’s Already Doing That”…
“Who am I to do This”…
“She Copied Me”…
“Would Anybody Actually Pay For THIS?”…
Me too. Imposter-syndrome, comparisionitis, and not-enoughness is legit. But, it doesn’t have to be part of your story, sis. REAL TALK TIME.
I invite you to come jam with me on limiting beliefs that are keeping you from stepping into your own potential. We will dissect these lies and re-write them with Godly truths so that you can live confident, free, and true. May God cover you in His worthiness!
Hey girl. Hey. Oh my gosh, here we are. So if I’m being really honest with you, it is 7:00 PM up here on a Thursday night, I’m supposed to be packing and doing laundry because we are leaving town tomorrow,
But I just had this burst of inspiration. And I was talking out loud to myself while doing laundry, putting it away, which is you guys know the bane of my existence. I’m talking out loud to myself about this concept because I’ve had all of these women lately tell me this stuff and I’ve been feeling it myself. And I’m like, okay,
No, wait, wait. I need to say something, something about this to my girls. Because if I’ve been hearing from you guys, one-on-one Stuff, you’re probably all thinking it. And secondly, if I experienced it myself in the past 30 to 60 days, I know you’re experiencing it. So we’re going to just go ahead and rip off the bandaid and talk about something that maybe you’ve been embarrassed to bring up, or you don’t have anybody to talk about this with hi, I’m Stef. I don’t have any filter.
So here we go. We’re going to talk today about the worry and the like feeling of lack or the feeling of resentment or the anxiety, even anger, maybe that comes up when you think that somebody either is doing what you do. Okay. They are doing what you do. And so you can’t do it anymore or that they copied you. Okay?
And they’re actually in your circle and they do what you do. Or you’ve had this revelation of what you want to do when you have this thing on your heart. And then you head out into the world, the online interwebs, and you see that somebody else is doing what you want it.
Do any of those three things strike a chord with you because I know that I’ve been in all three of those spaces, headspaces and heart spaces, and it’s not fun and it’s not easy. So we’re going to dissect that today tonight, if I’m being honest and so I guess y’all can call my bluff. And I’m like, I literally never work after 6:00 PM. Well, 99% of the time when I’m avoiding laundry, I’m here for it.
So before we dig into this very juicy, controversial subject today, I just want to remind you guys for the last time, that two things. Number one, if you do not have a podcast in the world, girlfriend, let’s get it going. This is how you’re going to grow an audience. Having the podcast is how you serve and solve. It’s how you show up and you drive organic traffic using the titles of your podcast.
And I teach you guys all of this, all the house, okay. Don’t worry of how to use podcasting to grow impact and to scale an audience. And then you can monetize your things. Okay?
It’s how you make the money is you got to grow the audience, which is what podcasting does now, my course, which is the top podcasting course for the female entrepreneur literally is going up in price on January 1st. And we’re going to have a whole conversation pretty soon about raising prices as Christians. I get it. That’s a thing as well. So we’re going to talk about that real soon, but that is happening.
So if you’ve been wanting to start your show and you’ve been wanting to take my course and let me hold your hand through that process podcast, pro university.com, it’s your last opportunity to get it at the current price, which is absolutely very, very, very extremely undervalued.
And there’s a payment plan. So no matter where you’re at, you can get this course. It, I believe is the best course out there for podcasting. It will take you from idea through execution and way beyond recording, editing guests. How often to post what to talk about. You are not going to have any stone left unturned. I don’t know if I said that, right, but you know what I mean? Podcast Pro University.com.
Number two, you have a podcast, but you want to go next level. You want to rank on the charts. You want to drive recognition. You want to get known for your show. You want to get speaking engagements from your podcast, or you want to end up getting a book deal because of your podcast.
You want to go all in, okay? You want to go next level with it. You want to create a five, five and six figure and even seven figure businesses from your show using courses and or coaching Podcasts to Profit is the mastermind for you.
It’s 90 days, all in my eyes, all over your business, all over your podcast, very close, tight knit, small group of women who are working and running together. Okay. This is the only immersion mastermind that I currently run. And it is because I know 100%, this will create that breakthrough. You’ve been looking for in your show. We hear it over and over again.
You guys have heard me talk about the testimonies over here already, but just to reiterate, I have had $33,000 launches out of that thing. Like my students, not me, my students, $33,000 launches 10, 11, 2000. All of those things, all of those income levels are coming through from my soft launch strategy, which I teach in P2P exclusively. Okay.
Also they are walking away with, I had someone, Jennifer Lee ranked number one in her podcast category. I have had people rank number 33 in their podcast category I have had just tonight, we had someone else rank Dana Irvine ranked in the top 100 for her podcast category. And the list goes on and on.
So if you’ve been wanting to scale your show and you’re like, I’m literally done playing stuff like Mo socks and gloves are on girl, luckless get in the ring Bay. Like let’s do this. Want me to go to podcast to profit dot G R eight.com get your application in. Last time I looked, we have 13 applications, I think, and there are only 20 spots. So you need to run. You need to do it ASAP. Okay. Let’s go girl, 2021.
Let’s dig into this conversation now. I don’t have anything prepared for you. I have nothing. I was just talking out loud, like a weirdy in my laundry room. And I was like, I should just talk out loud to my girls because they’re probably just experiencing this right along with me. So the first thing I want to say is that if you have a thing on your heart, on your mind, you want to do something, but you get online and then you see that someone else is doing it.
Okay. You’re like, Oh, I want to be a blogger. And then I want to blog about like, you know, baby cloth, baby diapers. And then you get online and you find like the cloth paper, diaper, cloth, Baber cloth, baby diapering, Jeanie. She already exists. And she blogs and she has such a good blog. Like, like quit. Listen to me. Listen, I have something to say to you first.
And this also goes for those of you that are like, I have a thing, but I want to charge for it. However nobody would pay for this. Like this thing is just easy for me. This thing is like not novel. It’s not something unique. It’s like something that everybody must know how to do this. So I shouldn’t charge for it. And you talk yourself out of it, the course or the coaching or the thing. Listen, let’s have a moment, girl.
God has created each of us, divinely, uniquely, incredibly uniquely from birth, with an intention for your life. We don’t always know what that thing is. And I don’t think that we ever really will because it’s probably limitless the way that he can use us. But down to your cellular level, you are innately unique. No one on the planet. I don’t even know what are, what are there? 7 billion.
That’s probably wrong, but whatever, how many human beings are here with unique, incredible gifts and styles, there are no two people on this planet that are doing the exact same thing, the exact same way with the exact same voice.
Even if somebody was like straight up, gonna rip you off and copy you and do your exact thing, it wouldn’t be the same because it wouldn’t be your, it wouldn’t be theirs. Okay. And, and, and the authenticity would not be there.
And the people that took the thing from them or listened to them would just eventually the facade would, would, would, would fall. Okay. Eventually the fog would disperse and not only would the people go. I’m not sure if this is really it, but that person will go?
I don’t think this is really it because it’s not because we can’t reach out and grab someone else’s gift. We can’t reach out and touch what someone else is doing and say, that’s for me too. That’s also mine. No, it’s not. That’s there’s bless it and release it. Okay.
And if somebody reaches out and grabs your thing, just know that the truth will be revealed. It’s always reveal and not in a negative way. Like pray for that person, that they are incredible inherent giftings will be revealed to them. And that God would use this as a learning opportunity for them to grow into what he has for their lives.
Kay. So there’s first that like you are so uniquely different in every aspect of her who you are and what you do and the way that you speak in your mannerisms and the way that you operate that no one can do it exactly. Like you can that mommy diaper blogger over there.
Like maybe she’s doing it holistically. And she talks a lot about the fibers of the cloth diapers, and she really loves it, the fabrics. And you’re over here talking about cloth diapering on a budget and you’re doing it because of the financial side or like, and her writing style is going to be different than your writing style.
And that’s the truth. And, and here, here’s the, how I know this, you guys, and this is super embarrassing, but God just brought it into my mind. So here we go. When I started blogging, I would follow these other bloggers and I was really into their stuff.
And so I was allowing myself to be influenced by their content and I would then take their idea and kind of reiterate it my own way. Like basically plagiarizing their stuff like, Oh my gosh, I’m sorry, God, please forgive me. I repent for my sins.
And I I’ve already, you know, I’ve come to terms with this because I think maybe we all do this at some point in our lives and we’re looking for success and we’re looking for the breakthrough and we see what other people are doing. And we’re like, that must be the answer.
Well, that was the answer for them, but it’s not the answer for you. Right. So I would copy their stuff and that’s fine. And I posted out there and it was fine. And then one day somebody called me out on it. They were like, Oh my gosh, you copied this blog post. It’s exactly the same as this person.
And I was like, busted. Right. Cause you can’t have success on somebody else’s story on somebody else’s calling and I’m like, you are so right. Oh my gosh. Yes. And like, I kind of knowingly was doing it, but I thought I was changing it enough to be my own. I wasn’t. And here’s
The thing that, that revealed to me though, is that, that wasn’t my thing anyway. Okay. Like meal prepping and styling your mantle. Like that’s not for Stefanie Gass. Let’s just get it real, like get real, I’m sitting in my hot mess. PJ’s like, yeah, girl, you know, like I can, I can copy a nice Pinterest mantle, but that is not my zone of genius nor is writing my zone of genius. So anyway, I
Totally took that blog and just said, gave that person 100% credit for it and was like done, done with that. This is so not me, but here’s the thing. Like she could have seen that and been like, Oh my gosh, this girl is copying me. Like, I’m going to Sue her.
I’m going to come after her or whatever. But you know what, because of the position she’s in, I don’t, I think that a lot of people probably do copy her in a sense. And she just knows like, she’s the one true Ryder dye. Like she’s, she’s gangster at what she does.
And you know, what else is amazing about that is I bet you that she just doesn’t even look up and she’s like, I’m just busting out my content. Boom, boom, boom, yap. You want to copy me? Ha good luck. Boom, boom, boom, boom. She’s the real G. And so what it did though, is it then brought to light for me. Oh, this isn’t my thing. And I was like
Able to let that go and go, what is my thing? God, what is my thing? And then God worked through my friends and through my prayers and you guys know the story, but he really brought forward. He brought me back to the business realm and he bought, brought me right back here to this space of speaking and conquering fears.
And eventually the clarity gifting that he has given me just all of those things. But, but they couldn’t have come if I didn’t fail my way here and I didn’t mess up and I didn’t do everything wrong. So just know no matter where you are, you know
It’s okay. Not to know you got to start somewhere, but here’s what I want to say to you. Start somewhere. That’s yours. Start somewhere. That’s yours. Even if it feels so confusing and so clumsy and so messy and foggy, just start there and don’t look up, don’t look at the other girl, who’s doing the same thing.
Don’t look at her content, please don’t listen to her podcast. Please do not do not because you will be influenced. Even if it’s subconsciously, I cannot listen to other people who do exactly what I do, because then I would begin to take their verbiage. And nobody does exactly what I do, but people are in my realm. Right?
So the point of that was to show you that if somebody is doing what you’re doing and they’re doing it maliciously, let’s say like copying you or exactly what you do, the truth will come out in their own heart.
That it’s not right, because it’s not for them. So you don’t need to worry. Okay. We’re just going to bless that and release it today. Like, if anybody’s copying you in any way, shape or form, you just going to bless it and release it booboo, like they’re going to figure out that their thing is not your thing. All right. Now, secondly, you feel like an imposter because someone else is doing your thing. Let me tell you something.
The reason that you have the gifts that you have is on purpose. There’s a, there’s a reason that your thing feels so easy, simple and effortless for you. And it’s because it’s your gifting. But I want you to know that 99% of other people, they don’t think that that’s so easy. You know I’m working with an intuitive eating coach right now and I’m helping her start her podcast as well.
So we’re kind of helping each other and she’s like, gosh, you know what, anybody really pay for this. So I’m like, are you, you kidding me? Like girl, like, yeah, this is crazy. Like people would pay so much money for this. Like they would pay and they would pay him.
They would pay to finally find that food, freedom that like I have found in like a very short amount of time, just working with you and having that accountability and the way that you explain things. And she’s like, wow. Like, it just seems so easy and simple to me. And I’m like, yeah, because it’s usually or gifting.
Like your thing that you’re just with your lit up about flows through you, you would give free advice on it all day long, every single day. That is because you’re meant to do that every single day, all day.
And everyone else around you is looking at you. Like, how does she do that? How does she do that? And you’re over here, right? Minimizing who you are minimizing a present that God is trying to give you going daughter, you’re all already doing it. You’re already here. You already have it. You’re speaking at you’re doing it.
You’re saying it. You’re living it. And yet you are like, no, thanks that th that’s not, that’s not worthy of making me money. I’m not worthy of charging for that. Somebody else already does that over there. This person must be better than me because they have a bigger amount of followers lies from the enemy girl.
Not today, Satan, we rebuke those lies right now, right? The truth is you are fully equipped and qualified and you are going to just right now with me, rise up, you’re going to work in a rise up together into whatever that calling is that you have.
And I want you to just write right now with me, just say, I am enough. And my gift is worthy of being brought into the world. I am qualified. I am qualified by Christ himself, signed, sealed, delivered. And you are here with that gifting on purpose. You are here on purpose with a purpose so you can impact other people.
And you are so qualified to do it your way no matter what, no matter what you see out there, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to stop looking up. You’re going to look down. You’re going to look within yourself for your content. You’re going to dig inside your heart for your courses for the way that you coach you guys. If I coached the way that other people coach, Holy spirit could not work through me. Okay?
Because I would be over here going well, I learned in the certification program, but I’m supposed to listen for three minutes. And then I’m supposed to ask a triggering question and then I’m supposed to lead them to three possible solutions.
Like, you know, like guys, we are so much, we are S we are more
Powerful than we give ourselves credit for, because God is at work in all of our lives. And I think that it’s time that we stop minimizing that. I just think that we should step up into it. We need to, we need to claim it. Like, what is my calling God, and how am I meant to serve and solve. And then just to quit me with this insane level of confidence and whatever that thing is.
And then don’t look up because if you look up, you’re going to get distracted. You’re going to feel small. You’re going to compare. You’re going to feel like an imposter. You’re going to wonder if people will pay you for it because you’re not doing it like anybody else is doing it. There is a reason my business is exploding. Even though I am doing this business, 99% different than any other coach you will ever come across.
I don’t have $25,000 coaching offers because that’s ridiculous. That is absolutely ridiculous. And we’re not getting into pricing today because I want to do a whole episode on that. But I am raising my prices consistently to move with demand, to move with the, a value that God has equipped to me to provide.
And I’m good with it. I’m not running ads. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. I am not. I am not having to do high ticket. Okay. Because I don’t want to. I am. I’m not hustling harder. I’m working less. I’m laying it down. When I get burnt out, I turn off my phone. I walk away. I lay down the things that do not light me up. I am like, here’s the point. If you really want true success, that’s not worldly success.
Because let me tell you, let me tell you sister that crumbles it crumbles beneath your feet and leaves you broken. And if you haven’t experienced it yet, buckle up. But when you experience success, godly success, God led success. God-sized dreams. God’s eyes provision, God’s eyes, income God’s size clients.
Oh my God. Buckle up girl. Like that is a different type of success that it feels surreal, but your life feels better for it. Like you’re excited, lit up. You’re motivated. You are ex you are receiving like downloads of what to do next. And you’re just really led
To doing the next more audacious thing that creates impact and change truly. And whatever that capacity might mean for you. But if you look up and you compare and you wonder if that girl or that girl or that girl, or this way or that thing around, Hello, God can’t work. He can’t work. He can’t work in your business in your life, through your voice.
If you want to do it the way that somebody else is already doing it because that’s old news, that’s old news. That’s been there, done that tired, boring world’s way, hustle harder, do more. Copy this coach, copy that coach. Do that. Do that offer do MLM and the DMS.
Like why don’t we just stop and do it our own way. Each of us speak in our own way, where what we want to wear, show up the way we want to show up, pick the social media that we love the best, or don’t pick it at all. How about that? How about that girl? Why don’t we just like all get off social media completely so that we can prove that you can still have an insanely successful business without it.
Can I get an amen? My rambling point, and I really hope you guys are getting something from this right now.
Just, just get in my DMS. If this is resonating with you in any way, shape or form, because I need to hear from you. What of this message right now is striking a chord with you. My point is that you are equipped with whatever gift you have with your thing, your message, your course, the way that you want to coach, the way that you want to do that product sale.
The way that feels right to you is right. It is right. So stop looking up for validation. Stop looking over there for better content ideas, because your content is perfect. The message that you have for your next podcast episode. That’s been on your heart.
I want you to do it without even doing any market research without going to Google and verifying that that might be the right thing to say, without doing a dictionary.com on the certain word you want to talk about what is inside of you that needs to come out without being fact checked or a world checked. Let it go, let it flow. Let it go from a place of
God’s got this. He put it inside of you on purpose. No one else needs to say it’s okay. Before you, before you just let it rain girl.
Okay. There’s that? Number Two, you are 110% worthy of charging for your giftings. Okay? kay. Look like God gave you your gifts on purpose and he wants you to use them for good. He doesn’t expect
All of his daughters to just do it all for free. He expects you to charge for the things you were inherently good at. So you can help other people be good at it. And money is created by God anyway, right? Like if you don’t want you to have it, he wouldn’t, he’s like, do you want it or not? I’m waiting to give it to you love and we’re over here. Like, are you sure? But like, am I really worth it? Like, should I really charge for this thing?
Yes. Yes, Lola. Okay. So, if something is amazingly, not amazingly, if something is just inherently easy for you and you’re like, should I charge? Because it’s so easy for me, it’s probably a yes, because that means it’s not easy for other people. And again, you don’t need to, well, you don’t need to qualify that with the world.
You don’t need to go and see what someone else’s thing has in their course. Actually, I recommend that you don’t because then you’re going to be impacted and you’re going to be influenced, just do it your way. There’s not a right or wrong way to do things. There is a amazing, unique blend of solutions that we all have to offer. And how beautiful to show other people, to show your audiences.
There is a unique and amazing way for you to do this thing. And nobody’s ever done it this way or said it this way or showed up this way. But I’m here for it. I want to be a difference maker. I want to be a way maker. I want to be the change. I want to say, you can do something completely different than everyone else.
And it’s okay because God gave you that way. All right. So you are worthy and you are enough and your thing is enough. Yes it is. And then finally, last one. If someone is then copying your thing, you’re like, I finally got it, Stef. Like I figured it out. I know my thing. I’m here. I’m doing it. I’m doing it. I’m not looking up awesome. I’m charging. It’s going well. And you accidentally look up,
I’m raising my hand. Okay? And you’re like, Oh, well, someone else is now doing my thing. Or somebody copied my name or somebody took my tagline or somebody doing the type of course that I have, or somebody’s doing the type of coaching or somebody selling the same product as me or somebody copied my style or
Listen, remember, remember this. And I’m talking to myself to hear, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Okay. And imitation does not stick. It doesn’t stick because only one you, and there’s only one way that you do things and say things. And even if somebody copies you, I believe, and I’ve seen it time and time again, there,
The thing becomes more and more clear and they’ll pivot away. They’ll pivot away and they’ll step into their own thing. And it’s sooner than later, because we can’t have success by being an imposter. And not even to say that it’s a bad thing to be an imposter because we all do it. You guys heard me say that I did it. We all try
To model behaviors or, or words or themes that we see other people doing that we think will make us money. But here’s the truth yet. Again, a lot of truth bombs on this one. If money comes from God and he gave you the gift that he gave you, why wouldn’t he give you the provision for using the gift?
The way that he asked you to, to use it? Did you hear me? Should I say it again? Should I say a little louder for those of you in the back tonight, if God gave you the gifts that he gave you and you use them the way that he’s asking you to use them, why do you think he will not equip you with the provision that he created anyway, for asking you to utilize the gifts that he already gave?
Like he said,
Got you, babe. He’s got you, boo. He’s got your bank account. He’s got all
Of it. And if we
Would just get out of the way with our little worldly fears
Of worry of what if of that person’s going to judge me,
Maybe my thing, isn’t the thing. Maybe this person is doing a better over here. Maybe I can’t record. Cause it takes me too long. So I’m over analyzing my voice.
Can we stop? Can we just stop? Because the world wants it.
And Satan wants you to be all up in your thoughts. Fears, worries. Anxieties, not enoughness worthlessness brokenness. And today my friend, we say no more. We’ll lay that down. We lay that at the feet of Jesus, because he is all up in here right now saying you are worthy.
You are worthy. You are worthy, go do act, speak, rise up, go right. What do you need to do? This is your permission slip go right now. Right here. Seven 30 up here on a Thursday night. We’re going to go,
Do you need to do more of? What do you need to say yes to? What do you need to say no. To who do you need to unfollow? What social media app do you need to delete? What needs to change in order for you to be equipped with God by your side, to help you rise up into your purpose, your worthiness you’re right now, you’re right here. You’re right now, your future, your next level growth for the kingdom. What is it?
Claimant? I pray over these women. God
Give them an audacious spirit
Of, of just fearlessness right now
Of claiming what you have for them being confidently aware that they are kingdom changers, that they are world changes. They are kingdom fighters for you. That we are all here together, uniquely intertwined, but with puzzle pieces coming together in one big picture that you have already crafted.
And that you would just shed any lies that the enemy has planted in their minds hearts or, or over their homes or their businesses or their marriages or their motherhood, just break those down so that they can rise up into the purpose and the worthiness that you have for them. God, I pray that you, you push them forward into their callings.
Just a little bit more that you just give them that little boost of confidence and encouragement and your incredible mentorship as our incredible counselor, the counselor that you are to just speak into us the truth and the life so that we can be your salt. We trust you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen. I love you guys.
Merry Christmas to be Merry Christmas to be. I’m so excited that you’re here with me. I’m so grateful for you. I’m so thankful that you’re part of this sisterhood. Let’s do big things. I’m proud of you love and God’s light, Stef.
Hey girl. Hey. Oh my gosh, here we are. So if I’m being really honest with you, it is 7:00 PM up here on a Thursday night, I’m supposed to be packing and doing laundry because we are leaving town tomorrow,
But I just had this burst
Of inspiration. And I was talking out loud to myself while doing laundry, putting it away, which is you guys know the bane of my existence. I’m talking out loud to myself about this concept because I’ve had all of these women lately tell me this stuff and I’ve been feeling it myself. And I’m like, okay,
No, wait, wait. I need to say something,
Something about this to my girls. Because if I’ve been hearing from you guys, one-on-one
Stuff, you’re probably all thinking it. And secondly, if I,
I experienced it myself in the past 30 to 60 days, I know you’re experiencing it. So we’re going to just go ahead and rip off the bandaid and talk about something that maybe you’ve been embarrassed to bring up, or you don’t have anybody to talk about this with hi, I’m Stef. I don’t have any filter.
So here we go. We’re going to talk today about the worry and the like feeling of lack or the feeling of resentment or the anxiety, even anger, maybe that comes up when you think that somebody either is doing what you do. Okay. They are doing what you do. And so you can’t do it anymore or that they copied you. Okay?
And they’re actually in your circle and they do what you do. Or you’ve had this revelation of what you want to do when you have this thing on your heart. And then you head out into the world, the online interwebs, and you see that somebody else is doing what you want it.
Do any of those three things
Strike a chord with you because I know that I’ve been in all three of those spaces, headspaces and heart spaces, and it’s not fun and it’s not easy. So we’re going to dissect that today tonight, if I’m being honest and so I guess y’all can call my bluff. And I’m like, I literally never work after 6:00 PM. Well, 99% of the time when I’m avoiding laundry, I’m here for it.
So before we dig into this very juicy, controversial subject today, I just want to remind you guys for the last time, that two things. Number one, if you do not have a podcast in the world, girlfriend, let’s get it going. This is how you’re going to grow an audience. Having the podcast is how you serve and solve. It’s how you show up and you drive organic traffic using the titles of your podcast.
And I teach you guys all of this, all the house, okay. Don’t worry of how to use podcasting to grow impact and to scale an audience. And then you can monetize your things. Okay?
It’s how you make the money is you got to grow the audience, which is what podcasting does now, my course, which is the top podcasting course for the female entrepreneur literally is going up in price on January 1st. And we’re going to have a whole conversation pretty soon about raising prices as Christians. I get it. That’s a thing as well. So we’re going to talk about that real soon, but that is happening.
So if you’ve been wanting to start your show and you’ve been wanting to take my course and let me hold your hand through that process podcast, pro university.com, it’s your last opportunity to get it at the current price, which is absolutely very, very, very extremely undervalued.
And there’s a payment plan. So no matter where you’re at, you can get this course. It, I believe is the best course out there for podcasting. It will take you from idea through execution and way beyond recording, editing guests. How often to post what to talk about. You are not going to have any stone left unturned. I don’t know if I said that, right, but you know what I mean? Podcast Pro University.com.
Number two, you have a podcast, but you want to go next level. You want to rank on the charts. You want to drive recognition. You want to get known for your show. You want to get speaking engagements from your podcast, or you want to end up getting a book deal because of your podcast.
You want to go all in, okay? You want to go next level with it. You want to create a five, five and six figure and even seven figure businesses from your show using courses and or coaching Podcasts to Profit is the mastermind for you.
It’s 90 days, all in my eyes, all over your business, all over your podcast, very close, tight knit, small group of women who are working and running together. Okay. This is the only immersion mastermind that I currently run. And it is because I know 100%, this will create that breakthrough. You’ve been looking for in your show. We hear it over and over again.
You guys have heard me talk about the testimonies over here already, but just to reiterate, I have had $33,000 launches out of that thing. Like my students, not me, my students, $33,000 launches 10, 11, 2000. All of those things, all of those income levels are coming through from my soft launch strategy, which I teach in P2P exclusively. Okay.
Also they are walking away with, I had someone, Jennifer Lee ranked number one in her podcast category. I have had people rank number 33 in their podcast category I have had just tonight, we had someone else rank Dana Irvine ranked in the top 100 for her podcast category. And the list goes on and on.
So if you’ve been wanting to scale your show and you’re like, I’m literally done playing stuff like Mo socks and gloves are on girl, luckless get in the ring Bay. Like let’s do this. Want me to go to podcast to profit dot G R eight.com get your application in. Last time I looked, we have 13 applications, I think, and there are only 20 spots. So you need to run. You need to do it ASAP. Okay. Let’s go girl, 2021.
Let’s dig into this
Conversation now. I don’t have anything prepared for you. I have nothing. I was just talking out loud, like a weirdy in my laundry room. And I was like, I should just talk out loud to my girls because they’re probably just experiencing this right along with me. So the first thing I want to say is that if you have a thing on your heart, on your mind, you want to do something, but you get online and then you see that someone else is doing it.
Okay. You’re like, Oh, I want to be a blogger. And then I want to blog about like, you know, baby cloth, baby diapers. And then you get online and you find like the cloth paper, diaper, cloth, Baber cloth, baby diapering, Jeanie. She already exists. And she blogs and she has such a good blog. Like, like quit. Listen to me. Listen, I have something to say to you first.
And this also goes for those of you that are like, I have a thing, but I want to charge for it. However nobody would pay for this. Like this thing is just easy for me. This thing is like not novel. It’s not something unique. It’s like something that everybody must know how to do this. So I shouldn’t charge for it. And you talk yourself out of it, the course or the coaching or the thing. Listen, let’s have a moment, girl.
God has created each of us, divinely, uniquely, incredibly uniquely from birth, with an intention for your life. We don’t always know what that thing is. And I don’t think that we ever really will because it’s probably limitless the way that he can use us. But down to your cellular level, you are innately unique. No one on the planet. I don’t even know what are, what are there? 7 billion.
That’s probably wrong, but whatever, how many human beings are here with unique, incredible gifts and styles, there are no two people on this planet that are doing the exact same thing, the exact same way with the exact same voice.
Even if somebody was like straight up, gonna rip you off and copy you and do your exact thing, it wouldn’t be the same because it wouldn’t be your, it wouldn’t be theirs. Okay. And, and, and the authenticity would not be there.
And the people that took the thing from them or listened to them would just eventually the facade would, would, would, would fall. Okay. Eventually the fog would disperse and not only would the people go. I’m not sure if this is really it, but that person will go?
I don’t think this is really it because it’s not because we can’t reach out and grab someone else’s gift. We can’t reach out and touch what someone else is doing and say, that’s for me too. That’s also mine. No, it’s not. That’s there’s bless it and release it. Okay.
And if somebody reaches out and grabs your thing, just know that the truth will be revealed. It’s always reveal and not in a negative way. Like pray for that person, that they are incredible inherent giftings will be revealed to them. And that God would use this as a learning opportunity for them to grow into what he has for their lives.
Kay. So there’s first that like you are so uniquely different in every aspect of her who you are and what you do and the way that you speak in your mannerisms and the way that you operate that no one can do it exactly. Like you can that mommy diaper blogger over there.
Like maybe she’s doing it holistically. And she talks a lot about the fibers of the cloth diapers, and she really loves it, the fabrics. And you’re over here talking about cloth diapering on a budget and you’re doing it because of the financial side or like, and her writing style is going to be different than your writing style.
And that’s the truth. And, and here, here’s the, how I know this, you guys, and this is super embarrassing, but God just brought it into my mind. So here we go. When I started blogging, I would follow these other bloggers and I was really into their stuff.
And so I was allowing myself to be influenced by their content and I would then take their idea and kind of reiterate it my own way. Like basically plagiarizing their stuff like, Oh my gosh, I’m sorry, God, please forgive me. I repent for my sins.
And I I’ve already, you know, I’ve come to terms with this because I think maybe we all do this at some point in our lives and we’re looking for success and we’re looking for the breakthrough and we see what other people are doing. And we’re like, that must be the answer.
Well, that was the answer for them, but it’s not the answer for you. Right. So I would copy their stuff and that’s fine. And I posted out there and it was fine. And then one day somebody called me out on it. They were like, Oh my gosh, you copied this blog post. It’s exactly the same as this person.
And I was like, busted. Right.
Cause you can’t have success on somebody else’s story on somebody else’s calling and I’m like, you are so right.
Oh my gosh. Yes. And like, I kind of
Knowingly was doing it, but I thought I was changing it enough to
Be my own. I wasn’t. And here’s
The thing that, that revealed to me though, is that, that wasn’t my thing anyway. Okay. Like meal prepping and styling your mantle. Like that’s not for Stefanie Gass. Let’s just get it real, like get real, I’m sitting in my hot mess. PJ’s like, yeah, girl, you know, like I can, I can copy a nice Pinterest mantle, but
That is not my zone of genius nor is writing my zone of genius. So anyway, I
Totally took that blog and just said, gave that person 100% credit for it and was like done, done with that. This is so not me, but here’s the thing. Like she could have seen that and been like, Oh my gosh, this girl is copying me. Like, I’m going to Sue her.
I’m going to come after her or whatever. But you know what, because of the position she’s in, I don’t, I think that a lot of people probably do copy her in a sense. And she just knows like, she’s the one true Ryder dye. Like she’s, she’s gangster at what she does.
And you know, what else is amazing about that is I bet you that she just doesn’t even look up and she’s like, I’m just busting out my content. Boom, boom, boom, yap. You want to copy me? Ha good luck. Boom, boom, boom, boom. She’s the real G. And so what it did though, is it then brought to light for me,
Me. Oh, this isn’t my thing. And I was like
Able to let that go and go, what is my thing? God, what is my thing? And then God worked through my friends and through my prayers and you guys know the story, but he really brought forward. He brought me back to the business realm and he bought, brought me right back here to this space of speaking and conquering fears.
And eventually the clarity gifting that he has given me just all of those things. But, but they couldn’t have come if I didn’t fail my way here and I didn’t mess up and I didn’t do everything wrong. So just know no matter where you are, you know,
It’s okay. It’s okay.
It’s okay. Not to know you got to start somewhere, but here’s what I want to say to you. Start somewhere. That’s yours. Start somewhere. That’s yours. Even if it feels so confusing and so clumsy and so messy and foggy, just start there and don’t look up, don’t look at the other girl, who’s doing the same thing.
Don’t look at her content, please don’t listen to her podcast. Please do not do not because you will be influenced. Even if it’s subconsciously, I cannot listen to other people who do exactly what I do, because then I would begin to take their verbiage. And nobody does exactly what I do, but people are in my realm. Right?
So the point of that was to show you that if somebody is doing what you’re doing and they’re doing it maliciously, let’s say like copying you or exactly what you do, the truth will come out in their own heart.
That it’s not right, because it’s not for them. So you don’t need to worry. Okay. We’re just going to bless that and release it today. Like, if anybody’s copying you in any way, shape or form, you just going to bless it and release it booboo, like they’re going to figure out that their thing is not your thing. All right. Now, secondly, you feel like an imposter because someone else is doing your thing. Let me tell you something.
The reason that you have the gifts that you have is on purpose. There’s a, there’s a reason that your thing feels so easy, simple and effortless for you. And it’s because it’s your gifting. But I want you to know that 99% of other people, they don’t think that that’s so easy. You know I’m working with an intuitive eating coach right now and I’m helping her start her podcast as well.
So we’re kind of helping each other and she’s like, gosh, you know what, anybody really pay for this. So I’m like, are you, you kidding me? Like girl, like, yeah, this is crazy. Like people would pay so much money for this. Like they would pay and they would pay him.
They would pay to finally find that food, freedom that like I have found in like a very short amount of time, just working with you and having that accountability and the way that you explain things. And she’s like, wow. Like, it just seems so easy and simple to me. And I’m like, yeah, because it’s usually or gifting.
Like your thing that you’re just with your lit up about flows through you, you would give free advice on it all day long, every single day. That is because you’re meant to do that every single day, all day.
And everyone else around you is looking at you. Like, how does she do that? How does she do that? And you’re over here, right? Minimizing who you are minimizing a present that God is trying to give you going daughter, you’re all already doing it. You’re already here. You already have it. You’re speaking at you’re doing it.
You’re saying it. You’re living it. And yet you are like, no, thanks that th that’s not, that’s not worthy of making me money. I’m not worthy of charging for that. Somebody else already does that over there. This person must be better than me because they have a bigger amount of followers lies from the enemy girl.
Not today, Satan, we rebuke those lies right now, right? The truth is you are fully equipped and qualified and you are going to just right now with me, rise up, you’re going to work in a rise up together into whatever that calling is that you have.
And I want you to just write right now with me, just say, I am enough. And my gift is worthy of being brought into the world. I am qualified. I am qualified by Christ himself, signed, sealed, delivered. And you are here with that gifting on purpose. You are here on purpose with a purpose so you can impact other people.
And you are so qualified to do it your way no matter what, no matter what you see out there, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to stop looking up. You’re going to look down. You’re going to look within yourself for your content. You’re going to dig inside your heart for your courses for the way that you coach you guys. If I coached the way that other people coach, Holy spirit could not work through me. Okay?
Because I would be over here going well, I learned in the certification program, but I’m supposed to listen for three minutes. And then I’m supposed to ask a triggering question and then I’m supposed to lead them to three possible solutions.
Like, you know, like guys, we are so much, we are S we are more
Powerful than we give ourselves credit for, because God is at work in all of our lives. And I think that it’s time that we stop minimizing that. I just think that we should step up into it. We need to, we need to claim it. Like, what is my calling God, and how am I meant to serve and solve. And then just to quit me with this insane level of confidence and whatever that thing is.
And then don’t look up because if you look up, you’re going to get distracted. You’re going to feel small. You’re going to compare. You’re going to feel like an imposter. You’re going to wonder if people will pay you for it because you’re not doing it like anybody else is doing it. There is a reason my business is exploding. Even though I am doing this business, 99% different than any other coach you will ever come across.
I don’t have $25,000 coaching offers because that’s ridiculous. That is absolutely ridiculous. And we’re not getting into pricing today because I want to do a whole episode on that. But I am raising my prices consistently to move with demand, to move with the, a value that God has equipped to me to provide.
And I’m good with it. I’m not running ads. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. I am not. I am not having to do high ticket. Okay. Because I don’t want to. I am. I’m not hustling harder. I’m working less. I’m laying it down. When I get burnt out, I turn off my phone. I walk away. I lay down the things that do not light me up. I am like, here’s the point. If you really want true success, that’s not worldly success.
Because let me tell you, let me tell you sister that crumbles it crumbles beneath your feet and leaves you broken. And if you haven’t experienced it yet, buckle up. But when you experience success, godly success, God led success. God-sized dreams. God’s eyes provision, God’s eyes, income God’s size clients.
Oh my God. Buckle up girl. Like that is a different,
Different type of success that it feels surreal, but your life feels better for it. Like you’re excited,
Lit up. You’re motivated. You are ex you are receiving like downloads of what to do next.
And you’re just really led
To doing the next more audacious thing that creates impact and change truly. And whatever that capacity might mean for you. But if you look up and you compare and you wonder
If that girl or that girl or that girl, or this way or that thing around,
Hello, God can’t work. He can’t work. He can’t work in your business in your
Life, through your voice.
If you want to do it the way that somebody else is already doing it because that’s old news, that’s old news. That’s been there, done that tired, boring world’s way, hustle harder, do more. Copy this coach, copy that coach. Do that. Do that offer do MLM and the DMS.
Like why don’t we just stop and do it our own way. Each of us speak in our own way, where what we want to wear, show up the way we want to show up, pick the social media that we love the best, or don’t pick it at all. How about that? How about that girl? Why don’t we just like all get off social media completely so that we can prove that you can still have an insanely successful business without it.
Can I get an amen? My rambling point, and I really hope you guys are getting something from this right now.
Just, just get in my DMS. If this is resonating with you in any way, shape or form, because I need to hear from you. What of this message right now is striking a chord with you. My point is that you are equipped with whatever gift you have with your thing, your message, your course, the way that you want to coach, the way that you want to do that product sale.
The way that feels right to you is right. It is right. So stop looking up for validation. Stop looking over there for better content ideas, because your content is perfect. The message that you have for your next podcast episode. That’s been on your heart.
I want you to do it without even doing any market research without going to Google and verifying that that might be the right thing to say, without doing a dictionary.com on the certain word you want to talk about what is inside of you that needs to come out without being fact checked or a world checked. Let it go, let it flow. Let it go from a place of
God’s got this. He put it inside of you on purpose. No one else needs to say it’s okay. Before you, before you just let it rain girl.
Okay. There’s that? Number
Two, you are 110% worthy of charging for your giftings. Okay?
Okay. Look like God gave you your gifts on purpose and he wants you to use them for good. He doesn’t expect
All of his daughters to just do it all for free. He expects you to charge for the things you were inherently good at. So you can help other people be good at it. And money is created by God anyway, right? Like if you don’t want you to have it, he wouldn’t, he’s like, do you want it or not? I’m waiting to give it to you love and we’re over here. Like, are you sure? But like, am I really worth it? Like, should I really charge for this thing?
Yes. Yes, Lola. Okay. So,
So if something is amazingly, not amazingly, if something is just inherently easy for you and you’re like, should I charge? Because it’s so easy for me, it’s probably a yes, because that means it’s not easy for other people. And again, you don’t need to, well, you don’t need to qualify that with the world.
You don’t need to go and see what someone else’s thing has in their course. Actually, I recommend that you don’t because then you’re going to be impacted and you’re going to be influenced, just do it your way. There’s not a right or wrong way to do things. There is a amazing, unique blend of solutions that we all have to offer. And how beautiful to show other people, to show your audiences.
There is a unique and amazing way for you to do this thing. And nobody’s ever done it this way or said it this way or showed up this way. But I’m here for it. I want to be a difference maker. I want to be a way maker. I want to be the change. I want to say, you can do something completely different than everyone else.
And it’s okay because God gave you that way. All right. So you are worthy and you are enough and your thing is enough. Yes it is.
And then finally, last one. If someone is then copying your thing, you’re like, I finally got it, Stef. Like I figured it out. I know my thing. I’m here. I’m doing it. I’m doing it. I’m not looking up awesome. I’m charging. It’s going well. And you accidentally look up,
I’m raising my hand. Okay? And you’re like, Oh, well, someone else
Is now doing my thing. Or somebody copied my name or somebody took my tagline or somebody doing the type of course that I have, or somebody’s doing the type of coaching or somebody selling the same product as me or somebody copied my style or
Listen, remember, remember this. And I’m talking to myself to hear, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Okay. And imitation does not stick. It doesn’t stick because only one
You, and there’s only one way that you do things and say things. And even if somebody copies you,
I believe, and I’ve seen it time and time again, there,
The thing becomes more and more clear and they’ll pivot away. They’ll pivot away and they’ll step into their own thing. And it’s sooner than later, because we can’t have success by being an imposter. And not even to say that it’s a bad thing to be an imposter because we all do it. You guys heard me say that I did it.
We all try
To model behaviors or, or words or themes that we see other people doing that we think will make us money. But here’s the truth yet. Again, a lot of truth bombs on this one. If money comes from God and he gave you the gift that he gave you, why wouldn’t he give you the provision for using the gift?
The way that he asked you to, to use it? Did you hear me? Should I say it again? Should I say a little louder for those of you in the back tonight, if God gave you the gifts that he gave you and you use them the way that he’s asking you to use them, why do you think he will not equip you with the provision that he created anyway, for asking you to utilize the gifts that he already gave?
Like he said,
Got you, babe. He’s got you, boo. He’s got your bank account. He’s got all
Of it. And if we
Would just get out of the way with our little worldly fears
Of worry of what if of that person’s going to judge me,
Maybe my thing, isn’t the thing. Maybe this person is doing a better over here. Maybe I can’t record. Cause it takes me too long. So I’m over analyzing my voice.
Can we stop? Can we just stop? Because the world wants it.
And Satan wants you to be all up in your thoughts. Fears, worries. Anxieties, not enoughness worthlessness brokenness. And today my friend, we say no more. We’ll lay that down. We lay that at the feet of Jesus, because he is all up in here right now saying you are worthy.
You are worthy. You are worthy, go do act, speak, rise up, go right. What do you need to do? This is your permission slip go right now. Right here. Seven 30 up here on a Thursday night. We’re going to go,
Do you need to do more of? What do you need to say yes to? What do you need to say no. To who do you need to unfollow? What social media app do you need to delete? What needs to change in order for you to be equipped with God by your side, to help you rise up into your purpose, your worthiness you’re right now, you’re right here. You’re right now, your future, your next level growth for the kingdom. What is it?
Claimant? I pray over these women. God
Give them an audacious spirit
Of, of just fearlessness right now
Of claiming what you have for them being confidently aware that they are kingdom changers, that they are world changes. They are kingdom fighters for you. That we are all here together, uniquely intertwined, but with puzzle pieces coming together in one big picture that you have already crafted.
And that you would just shed any lies that the enemy has planted in their minds hearts or, or over their homes or their businesses or their marriages or their motherhood, just break those down so that they can rise up into the purpose and the worthiness that you have for them. God, I pray that you, you push them forward into their callings.
Just a little bit more that you just give them that little boost of confidence and encouragement and your incredible mentorship as our incredible counselor, the counselor that you are to just speak into us the truth and the life so that we can be your salt. We trust you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen. I love you guys.
Merry Christmas to be Merry Christmas to be. I’m so excited that you’re here with me. I’m so grateful for you. I’m so thankful that you’re part of this sisterhood. Let’s do big things. I’m proud of you love and God’s light, Stef.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
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