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Are you a service provider (virtual assistant, graphic designer, fitness coach, life coach, etc.) and you are considering a shift into TEACHING that same service?
If you’re tired of exchanging time for money, this episode is for YOU. During this live coaching session with Lauren Maddox we dig into how to transition from being a service provider (aka exchanging time for money) to teaching (hellooooo passive income)!
I pray this blesses you!
Hey friends. Welcome to today’s episode of the podcast. I’m so grateful you’re here. If you are just finding this show and you just stumbled upon it, welcome to the sisterhood, Lola. Yeah. That’s what I call you guys. I’m so happy you’ve been led here in this podcast.
Just in case you’re new around here. You’re going to find so much clarity. That is what I do. I’m a clarity coach. You’re going to learn how to grow an organic brand and business out of your passions, out of the things you were called to do using an organic sales funnel, like podcasting paired with Pinterest.
Also what I do, I am a podcasting coach and I have a bestselling podcasting course called Podcast Pro University. Finally, what else are you going to learn here? You’re going to learn how to automate work in a passive authentic way. I know because I’ve done it.
We can work less. Streamline our businesses. Focus in more, be balanced, get off social media every single weekend. Yes, that’s right. Something I actually do. I put my money where my mouth is and operate using passive products like e-courses to grow and streamline a very profitable yet balanced business. That is what I am all about. So that’s what I can offer you.
I can also maybe make you laugh, I love some coffee, I work from home in my PJ’s, and I have goats. So there you go. If you haven’t come and said, what’s up to me on Instagram, slide into my DMs and say hi. I would love to meet you and hear what your number one struggle is as a mompreneur.
All right, let’s dig into today’s episode where I’m doing some live coaching going over how to transition from a service provider to teaching a service. Example, you’re a virtual assistant today, and you want to teach virtual assisting to others, or you’re a graphic designer today, and you want to teach other people how to become a graphic designer and etc.
Because when we know how to do something well, we can actually step into teaching other people how to also do that thing. That my friend is how you start to expand your brand and become an expert in the online sphere and quit exchanging time for money, at least a hundred percent of the time and create a passive teaching business based on what you already know. So dig in, get ready. Today’s going to be so good.
I’m so glad we could meet right now. This is perfect. Just worked out so well. Tell me a little bit about in your own words where you’re at with struggling with clarity. I did read over here your notes, but just like a quick one minute synopsis of like what you’re struggling with.
I think I’m struggling with how to market marketing as this large umbrella of what I do and how not to get focused on what other people are doing and how they’re niching down. But also not wanting to turn clients away who might be asking for something related since I’m trying to build a business right now.
So I’m looking for a little bit of clarity, kind of from a business level a little bit, but then also how to translate that into a podcast. Just kind of the growth options that you’re presenting and I’m working on with you and the business bundle.
Yeah, for sure. So let me ask you this question. Do you want to keep doing the graphic design and marketing for people, or do you want to teach other people to do it?
I think I want to teach. I actually had a scenario where I got derailed and tried to earn my alternative teaching certification in actual education because I enjoy talking and I enjoy teaching. So I thought maybe I needed to be in a school setting, but I’m not ready and don’t feel led to leave the marketing that I do know.
So I would eventually like to move away from being the actual service provider to more of a teaching or strategy. Just kind of showing people how to do it.
Okay. When you think about what the thing is your best at inside of marketing and graphic design I know is a hard question or what is the thing that you like to do the most inside of this world? What would you tell me?
I kind of go back to can I just talk about it? Because that’s what I like to do. I have built websites and I’m good at them. That’s kind of a humble brag, but I am good at that. I do feel like I’m a couple steps ahead enough to teach people about social media. I’m not blowing it up by any means, but I can teach some people who have no clue and are starting fresh.
I feel pretty decent at design too, but I don’t know that I want to do that forever.
Yep. Okay. So you like to talk about marketing when it comes to the graphic design stuff, website building, and all of that. Do you like talk about that? How to build a website that converts, how to choose the color palette, how to do branding? Is that something that lights you up?
I think so I’ve just never really done that.
Okay. But could you?
Okay. So, because there’s two directions that you can take, right? When you start a podcast, Lauren, there’s two goals. It’s either get clients to listen to this, my ideal client and get them to hire me to do graphic design, website building, marketing, social media, or attract the woman that wants to become a graphic designer, marketing guru, probably virtual assistant or contractor I’m thinking and teach her how to do it.
So we have to pick, because we can’t attract both women with a podcast. So we’ve got to decide where’s Lauren going with this brand?
Agreed. This is another kind of thing I’ve been mulling over too, is a lot of people I run into they kind of a DIY marketer. Would that even be a third goal? Again, I’m not trying to do it all, but that’s what I’ve been thinking of this person, this small business owner, who they kind of want to do it themselves or think they can, so here’s how to do it good.
You could totally go that direction as well.
I don’t know that I want to, but that is just something also been coming up over and over with people I’m talking to.
I think there are a lot of people that don’t want to pay for someone else to do their stuff. I was one of those people, I was like, I’m going to Google this and figure it all out myself. Yeah. It was fine, but it would have been nice if you had one cohesive place. I eventually outsourced everything. So it was like, this is dumb, which would be fine too because you could have this DIY or learning from you.
Or they could pay you a premium to come do it for them. Right. So that has two tiers to it. If you did target the DIY entrepreneur or online guru, let’s say, you could teach them all the things. Here’s how you start, have branding, could set up a website, market on social media, and create graphics in Canva and all of that type of thing.
Then say or, your upsell is, or I take a select number of clients on at any given time. I would love to just implement for you if you’re having trouble or hire me for a consulting hour and I’ll teach you the tech on a Zoom. Let me teach you the tech, pay me by the hour to teach you and then you go do it.
Yeah. That’s kind of neat.
That’s neat. That gives you two tiers to grow. The beauty there is instead of doing it for someone, what they’d be hiring you for is to teach them the how on like a one hour call and then you don’t actually have to keep doing it.
Yes, I do like that.
So then scenario two, cause I think we’ve cut out the scenario one. So let’s visualize these other two scenarios. That was that third scenario of the DIY marketer and how we could monetize it right now would be sure they can hire you to do the things, to do a Zoom with you for an hour and need to teach them something.
Then of course you can create some passive products as well in the future. Take my course on how to create your own graphics in Canva. Or take this course on how to pick your branding messaging.
Okay. Other option could be, become a graphic designer, social media marketer, all the cool things you can do. Right? Facebook ads, email campaigns. Become a virtual assistant really is what you can teach them to do with a specialty in marketing and graphic design.
I have never, ever thought of this. So this is kind of interesting too, cause I’ve never seen it from this angle.
Right? So from this angle, cause there’s so many people trying to make money from home. Everyone and you have a skill set that can be taught and you’re still teaching people how to do it, but you’re going to teach people how to do what you’ve done.
Hi, guess what? I created a business out of graphic design and marketing, and these are the skill sets I have. Let me teach you how to start a business doing the same thing.
So two scenarios. Yeah. Does one feel more in alignment? Does one make you cringe versus the other?
No, the attracting women who want to become kind of what I could teach them to become is new to me. So I’m going to have to process it because I am a slow processor, but it’s interesting because I’ve just never ever thought that maybe I could teach people.
I think I kind of even struggle a little bit with like the scarcity mindset of, I don’t need to teach people cause then they’ll go and do it, then I won’t be able to do it. You know? I’m learning a lot from you, but also from just others, about this whole, give it away, share it. I want to resist it at first, but it’s very interesting.
Yeah. Here’s the beauty though, too. How do you go from law of the lid, only what Lauren can do per hour with your busy life, with your family, with all the things you want to do here while you’re on this planet. If all you’re doing is exchanging time for money, what if you can then say, I’ve now done something myself that is teachable?
Here’s the only choice. Am I teaching DIY entrepreneurs solopreneurs how to do it themselves? Or am I teaching other women and moms most likely how to do it and make a business, doing it for others? That’s the only question. You’re going to teach it. You’re going to give it away. Right?
That’s how you scale, get away from exchanging time for money, and impact the world. Where you stay look, I have a gift and yes, I can do it for you all day. Sure you still might. You’re going to charge a premium for that. But what if I can just teach other people to do it that way? Now I’m creating passive streams for myself. I’m a mentor now in this field.
You become someone that others are looking up to in this area, which makes you more money. Gives you credibility, opens the door for multiple revenue streams.
That’s really interesting.
It’s so exciting.
I know. I don’t know which way to go yet. I’ll be honest with you, but again, I’ve never thought of it. I would love to mentor, help, and serve. Even like, when I do just basic marketing work, I really want to do it because gosh, I can make that change. Then you would see such a change in your business.
So I really have that desire and what you’re presenting this option, it’s interesting because also I have just friends, their name will come to mind and I’ll be like, oh, I want to help them find a place where they can succeed. Maybe I should figure out how to employ them, which may not be their goal. But my aim is to help them find a spot where they’re thriving.
So this mentor role that you’re describing again, it is exciting. You’re right exciting is a better word. It’s exciting.
Okay. So since we know that we’re going that direction, even though we don’t know who exactly we’re going to target yet, let’s try to map out the brand. Okay. I think clarity comes when you have a direction and even if we don’t know exactly who we’re going to target yet, we can target both at first and you can let that become a natural evolution.
By saying example, and we have to get more clear a bit here too, on what do you actually do? Because like you said, graphic design and marketing is extremely big. So can we niche down in there as well. Say specifically like I help entrepreneurs only, are we helping only female entrepreneurs? Are we helping online marketers?
Maybe you’re helping online marketers and freelancers and contractors. Somebody could come listen to you and DIY market themselves or learn your cool tips and tricks and start a business off of it.
Yes. Again, this is almost a new segment that I haven’t even thought of, but you’re right. Freelancers, contractors, and online marketers. It’s honestly a world that I haven’t thought of. I just helped small business owners, even if that’s a brick and mortar. My goal was almost like a service based professional.
So let’s say that I help service-based professionals.
One thing I played for a while was I helped them establish their roots, almost like a new business starting off. Cause that’s been a lot of people come to me, I need a logo. Then I kind of can show them well, a business is way more than just a logo or marketing is way more than a logo. Establish their roots.
Another trend I’ve seen with some of my clients is they’re trying to make a shift in their marketing, a pivot maybe where they’re kind of either adding on a service or kind of changing what they do and I can help them do that.
Okay. That is very different. So when I asked you, what do you want to do? Don’t get stuck in all the things you can do, Lauren. Cause right now you get to do anything. You’re creating who Lauren gets to be. So if what you said to me was, I just want to teach marketing, graphic design. I want to talk about it.
You never once said, I want to do it for them. Now I know you can, and we should at a premium. But if you want to talk about it, I think you need to teach it.
Yeah. I don’t know that I want to do it.
Okay. So let’s get rid of that for a minute. We’re not gonna do it. Nothing to do with what we’re building right now has anything to do with, I am a graphic designer and I help you pivot. No, no, no.
Okay. So what are you doing? We are going to help service based professionals or we can fix that so it doesn’t sound weird. I help business owners create. I liked that you said I help business professionals. Now create means you’re doing it for them. Maybe what we could say is I teach instead of help, I teach business owners, marketing. Maybe it’s like, I teach beginners. Can you say something like I teach beginner business owners because you did say that right? They’re starting out, right?
I teach beginner business owners or freelancers and we can cut that if it feels weird to you or contractors. Right. I’m trying to say like they want to make money from home, but they don’t know what thing to offer.
Let’s just get a sentence and then we’ll fix it. I teach beginner business owners or contractors. What? Messaging, marketing, and graphic design?
Messaging, marketing, and graphic design. I’d want to probably include something about websites.
Do we want to say web design instead of graphic design?
Maybe web design. Yeah.
I teach beginner, business owners and contractors messaging, marketing, and web design.
Messaging, marketing and web design. Yes.
Okay. What does messaging mean to you? Let’s make sure we’re on the same page with that.
The content they’re putting out there. It can be as broad as social media. It could be as short as here’s your elevator pitch. You know your one line.
Messaging too could be, like you said, copy. It could be email funnels. You said you can do that. I think that fits under the umbrella of messaging. So that’s kind of a fun word, because it gives you a lot of wiggle room.
Marketing again. Now maybe we want to clean up marketing to online marketing. Is it online marketing all online?
Okay. Let’s get that niche then too. Not just marketing, but like online marketing specifically and web design. I teach beginner business owners and contractors messaging, online marketing, and web design.
Yeah. That’s good.
So what are we going to call you? What is your title going to be?
I don’t know.
I know let’s play with this.
Is the entire thing, like a title for a podcast. Are you thinking? Okay.
I have some ideas. Now these are ideas before we’ve talked. But I’ve thought of marketing DIY. My last name is Maddox. So there’s a lot of play on words. I feel like you could do with mad. Mad about marketing. I’ve thought of the midnight marketing mom, because I do feel like sometimes again, this was when my client or my target audience was maybe a little bit different, especially during the stay at home orders.
People are kind of moonlighting as marketer, moonlighting as a mom or you know what I mean? A professional trying to squeeze it in. So I thought that. You’re better at this than I.
No, no, these are good. Very good. So the one that I wrote down, I wrote down mama does marketing.
The reason I wrote that down is because you’re the mama that does marketing, but I’m also targeting the mompreneur. I’m also targeting the contractor who’s a stay at home mom. It’s like all three. It can be, you are the mom that does marketing. She’s the solopreneur doing marketing.
So my question was, are we only targeting women? Tell me.
This is where I don’t know because if you’re a small business owner, then you’re a small business owner. Doesn’t matter if you’re male or female. So I do feel like I kind of have to pick one because the mom thing, anything female related, I don’t know how to speak to both, I guess is what I’m trying to say.
Most people really resonate with working with one. Usually women prefer to work with women. Now I have very rarely come across. Someone’s like I love working with men and marketing, but we have different brains when it comes to marketing. So let me ask you, have you worked with men and do you like it?
Yes. I think I prefer working with women clients all across the board and it works fine.
Okay. Let’s go there then. Let’s do it. If we say mama does marketing, it is super implied this is female marketing. Okay. Do you like that name? Let’s keep brainstorming the name. Or are you like I love that?
No, I actually like it. I think it’s pretty catchy. I think this mom idea, kind of did come back to me and so I hadn’t thought, yeah, I like this moma does marketing is catchy.
Let me make sure it’s available.
How do you make sure it’s available? Just look in the podcast library or what?
You look in the podcast library and then you look in GoDaddy. Then you look in the trademark database, the government trademark database. Holy smokes, mamadoesmarketing.com is available.
Oh cool. Okay.
It’s super short it’s trademarkable you could have mama does marketing courses. Mama does marketing coaching. Mama does marketing podcast. Mamadoesmarketing.com.
I’m kind of blown away. I’m kind of a little like really did this just happen?
That’s too good not to have that name. I can’t believe that’s available. I was pretty sure that would be taken to be honest.
Let me check the trademark just so we’re triple sure. Yeah. I love it.
That’s cool. Yes.
There’s no trademark with that title.
Okay. So you can still also with this Lauren pitch yourself, right? Because you could say, for example, if we look at your content pillars next, let’s get this done this time. What are you going to talk about in this brand? What are you going to teach? Then finally, and you’re not there yet. It’s going to take probably 60 days to get clear here, but what could you offer? Right.
So when we look at content pillars, we look at how do we get the beginner, female mom, business owner to start out in marketing? That’s really why she’s here. That’s going to be your question. Also we need a quick tagline for your podcast. So mama does marketing and I think what your tagline would be is messaging online marketing and web design for beginner business owners.
So that’s like on your channel art so that it’s clear what this is. Then your content pillars are what? Messaging, anything that goes under messaging. You get to talk about copy, the one liner, taglines. How to have your message be clear. What do you do on your website? Your descriptions and emails.
Anything that has to do with words can go here. That’s a pillar.
The second pillar is online marketing. In that one, social media. What is online marketing? What’s organic versus paid traffic? How to set up a Facebook ad. Do you need a Facebook ad? Should you pay for Google clicks? You could talk about anything in here. How to create long form content? Do you need a blog versus YouTube channel versus podcast?
Wow. Okay. Yep.
Third pillar is web design. In here you’re telling them, do you need a website? Where to host your website? What is SEO? How to brand your website? Should you do it yourself or should you outsource it? Three steps for creating a cohesive website. My favorite tips for website layout. I mean limitless, right?
Here’s where I see you making money, Lauren. Do you want me to teach you how to create your website or do you want me to create it? Maybe you should just focus into web design as your thing just because that’s really easy and tactical to sell, right?
So you’re teaching it, but before you ever get off the podcast, you’re saying, by the way, if you guys loved this quick tutorial on where to host your website, I just wanted to let you know, I would be happy to hop on a one hour consulting call with you and go through high level website creation with you.
Maybe it’s whatever five hours. I don’t know. But let’s do it together. Or I can create it for you. I have a full website concierge service where I will just create it for you and then I’ll teach you how to make changes.
I like that too. I speak web design for sure. That’s when I feel like I could do it in my sleep. So I do think this is interesting.
I mean, you could monetize that way right now.
Yes, for sure.
If I were you just because web design is a premiere service that you could literally charge $5,000 for versus let me make your graphics on social media. Well everyone’s doing that and it’s $10 an hour, right? I think you should go, like if you’re going to do this, pick the highest. Let’s go web design and make some money.
So yeah. So still go with the three content pillars still have this broad umbrella, but right now, let that be how to monetize it?
Yeah. Every episode, Lauren, so let’s say every three rotate. So one of the episodes is something inside of messaging. The next one’s online marketing, the next one, the web design. Just pitch your thing every time.
Hey, just a quick reminder. I wanted to remind you guys that I offer one-on-one web design coaching or tutorial, and I’ll teach you how to create your own site. We’ll do it together. Or I do a full website concierge package where I create it for you, but I will not leave you high and dry. I’ll teach you how to make changes.
I think that’s the number one barrier that people don’t want to pay for a website is they know they’re locked in forever with these people, charging them a thousand bucks to make a change to their blog. They don’t know the specs.
So what if you were like, hey, I’ll create it, but then I’ll teach you how to go deal with it, how to change something. We’ll spend a couple of hours all embedded in this beautiful concierge price.
Okay. I can do that.
You feeling on this?
I like it a lot because it takes something that I know that I am good at and gifted in. Then it allows me to teach. It allows me to share on the other stuff I do know. It’s fun.
It’s super fun. Now order of operations, normally I would say, Lauren, get the podcast built right away. What Lauren is going to do first is your own branding and your own website. It must be spectacular. If you’re going to sell websites, I want to see this message that we just built a beautiful website.
I can do it.
That’s one. Then step two is the podcast. Don’t get distracted by that. That is the first two things you need.
Yeah. I know that my website I think I’ve stalled on it. Cause I do want it to be perfect. I want it to be nice, but I’ve also been a little bit unclear about what do I offer? What am I doing here? So this has helped me kind of focus in on that.
You can have mamadoesmarketing.com. I think you should go deep with that brand because that is trademarkable. That is very recognizable. It is memorable.
Can I ask you something? So your brand is this momprenuer and there’s others out there. How do you not get distracted by someone else is doing that? Or here you are teaching, helping me do something mom related and that is your business. How can I overcome that? Or just be okay with that?
It’s abundance mindset versus limited mindset. It’s saying the more I give, the more I receive. I don’t know if you’re religious, but it’s truly such a beautiful testimony to everything that God is asking us to do. When he says, just serve, just love, just give it away. When you see that person struggling, what do you have to offer them?
Here’s what you have to offer them. When you do that and someone trusts you, they listen to your show and go I learned something from Lauren today about my messaging it’s been off. I learned something from Lauren about creating my own website. I trust her. Then they get in and start doing it and they’re crazy overwhelmed. You have an implementation solution for them.
They remember it. They say, she mentioned that. She’ll just do this for me. Holy smokes. I’ve got to make that happen because I’m super overwhelmed. They trust you. They’ve learned something from you. They will spend money with you and guess what? They will recommend you like crazy.
I’m learning that from you. I have been following your podcast for a while and then obviously listening to these lives that you’ve been doing. I want to be there even more. I’m definitely there. I definitely have that in my heart. In my mind, it is just such a culture change.
I’m religious. You know, I believe in this, but every time I leave your podcast, finish your podcast, I feel amazing. I feel so encouraged, hopeful, and want to give that to whoever God brings before me.
Exactly. Well, he wouldn’t have brought you to me if he didn’t want us to have this conversation. I truly believe it. I don’t think that we would have had such an easy, simple title that just flowed right in for us to run with it was available.
That this whole idea of out of all the things you offer, which is the one that people have the hardest time with? Easily identifiable, and then you’ve been able to, you being able to say from that, how can I help them implement? Well, you can teach them how or you can do it for them. You can already make money with that right now. It’s all so beautiful. It’s all been there this whole time.
I love it.
I’m so excited for you.
Thank you.
You’re so welcome. If you’re feeling any resistance, like once we get off and you go tell the husband, remember this is no one else’s but yours. Nobody else gets to dictate who you market to. Nobody else gets to tell you what’s right for you. So follow your own intuition, pray over this.
Make sure that you invite him to come in here and to show you. Show me, this is right. Give me the inspiration, open the doors for this to work. Then once you get that, don’t look up.
I came across something. That’s like, don’t dig up what you planted in faith. You know that saying? I agree with you. I’m already feeling okay, I’m going to get off the call and here’s, what’s going to happen if I tell so and so this. Or my husband, I talk about this. I agree with you. It’s going to be against my own nature. It really will. But I agree with that.
I thank you for saying that reminder before we close, because I needed that. Yeah. I think I’m excited.
Yay. Hey sister, I hope you loved that coaching episode with Lauren Maddox and you learned something that you were able to apply to your life and your brand. If you want a session just like that, get off the fence and get into your inbox and shoot us an email right away so that you can snag a session at current pricing at support@stefaniegass.com.
Lastly, if you’ve been here for a couple of sessions, listen, Lola. Listen up. I want you to go over to iTunes right now, or pause the episode, if you’re already on iTunes and leave me a written review. I would be forever grateful to you for just taking one minute out of your day and sharing what you love about the show. Something you’ve learned about the podcast, what you want to hear more of on the show.
Really just any feedback from you that will help us continue to spread this mission of empowering, incredible faith-fueled women to step into their own potential, to break free of all the societal stigmas and lies that are hanging over their heads, and for them to just know that they are enough and they are worthy of success and worthy of that breakthrough, and also able to have the life of their dreams.
I believe that is what this podcast provides. I know that you are so important to us spreading that word and that mission, and really sparking that revival. So do me that one solid leave this show a written review. If you have not, please do so for me. Finally take a screenshot and share it in your Instagram stories. That is another avenue for us to grow and spread our sisterhood.
See you soon. Praying over you that you are excited, inspired, empowered, and fueled today with fun, with vision over your business, with motivation over where you want to go for the next 90 days. I pray that you have every resource, every mentor and coach, and whatever that thing might be, that you’ve been missing to just help you navigate what’s next for you.
I pray that for those of you that need to stop looking up, stop looking for mentors, that you are able to just get to work. Dig in, get focused, and know that you don’t need to compare to keep going. You don’t need to research any more to be enough. You are worthy of sharing your gifts right now, right here, as you are. I’ll see you back here soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Join 5-Day Profitable Podcast Bootcamp!
Podcast Launch Checklist
Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish
Should You
Start a Podcast?
Complete Business Blueprint
Where Are You in Your Online Biz?
Choose the option below that best describes you!
Show me how to grow an audience the easy way - without the social media hustle
Show me hot to grow my podcast, make money online and get more visibility.
Show me the exact steps to starting my online business
from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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Book Stef for in-person or virtual events! She will
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Find out everything your need to feature Stef—bio, photos, and details—ready to inspire and educate your audience
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!
Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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