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Profitable Podcast Bootcamp
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Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
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Podcast Launch Checklist
Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish
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Complete Business Blueprint
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from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Want to scale past six figures? I know… you’ve started your online business and you’re so ready to GROW. You have set everything up and you’re showing up… and then THIS ONE DISTRACTION strikes.
It comes in hot and you find yourself chasing after it, running in circles, and all of a sudden you are burnt out and making LESS progress than when you started.
You ask yourself what you’re doing wrong, text your friend that you’re gonna quit, and you cry into your Doritos while turning to trashy reality TV to cope. Lol… No? Just me?
Sis, I have great news. This happens to the best of us and it’s TOTALLY, 100% avoidable.
If you’re ready to get UNSTUCK and SCALE past six figures it’s time to remove this distraction and get back to #GrassRootsGrowth.
Are you ready for your podcast to rank on the charts? Want to create an offer that your listeners can’t resist? Ready to use SEO, visibility, and Pinterest to grow your show the easy way? Join me in Podcast to Profit, a live, 90-day intensive group coaching mastermind. Partner tactical training, accountability, and a group of faith-fueled, go-getter entrepreneurs on a mission, and what do you get? Massive results. Traction. Momentum… and Profit. Join us in our next session!
I pray this blesses you!
Speaker 1: Hi, friend!! happy Thursday. I hope you're having a great week. It's almost Fri-yay! And today is the last time you'll be hearing me remind you about our amazing birthday bash giveaway, where you can win free coaching. You can win a scholarship to Clarify Your Calling or Podcast Pro University or a 15 minute power coaching session with me. Three awesome prizes are going to three epic humans, and it's all going down right now. This is your last opportunity to get entered to win. All you gotta do is leave a review for this podcast right here on Apple, head on down, scroll down, click write a review, leave that written review, take a screenshot. Step two of it, submit it. And then step three, come post it in our Facebook community, which is stefgasscommunity.com and use the hashtag birthday bash. You'll be entered to win free coaching. It's gonna take 60 seconds. I promise you it'll be worth it. And someone's gotta win. It may as well be you.
: So today, my loves, we are talking about this one major distraction. This one major thing that is keeping you from scaling past six figures. I have just had this on my heart so hard to talk to you, guys, about. And I had so much validation this morning when one of my prior clients and I were Voxing together and she brought up this one thing, this one distraction and what's insane to me, is that she is sitting on the cusp of this big breakthrough. She's already a six figure earner. Everything is exactly as it should be. And she says this one thing to me.
: And then a couple of months ago, I had another client who's really successful, well over six figures snd she said this one thing to me. And then I hear so many of you who are trying to get to six figures continuously saying this thing to me. And I really pegged it this morning as a distraction that is stealing from you. It's stealing from your profit. It's stealing from growth, and we are gonna smash that today. We are gonna get rid of this one distraction that is just trying to steal from you. And I'm gonna give you six specific steps of what to do instead. So I can't wait to dig in. Let's do this.
Speaker 1: Hey friend, did you know that you and I can work together? If you are a Stefanie Gass student in either CYC, PPU or P2P all the details stefaniegass.com/courses, you can book me for a 30 minute unstuck session. This is one of the best investment you'll ever make in your business when partnered with my courses, because I'm able to really take you through and fine tune your brand vision with you, fine tune your brand map, or audit and map out how you can scale that podcast growth, and really dig into a monetization strategy with you for your show. So if you wanna book an unstuck and you are a Stefanie Gass student, I have a few of those every single week that are set aside just for you. Simply email us support@stefaniegass.com. If you're not a Stefanie Gass student girl, let's fix that. Go to stefaniegass.com/courses, check them out. There are three steps. Don't skip a step. I promise you, it's worth it. They go in order. And when you're done with my whole Stef Gass School, you will have an incredible passive income engine that is built from your calling, a business where you're actually making money, profit and making an impact through your gifts. Imagine, I promise you it's possible. It's real and it is calling stefaniegass.com/courses. I'll meet you there.
: My friends, let's just have a minute here. Here you are, you're building this business, I'm doing this, I trust you, Stef. I can assume that you've been binging my content for a while because that's something that I'm hearing over and over again is that you, guys, are listening to this show. You have the belief in your heart that maybe just, maybe this could actually work for you.
Speaker 1: Maybe you've already figured out your niche and your calling, and potentially you've already launched your show and you might even have a coaching offer or something out into the world. And you're like, man, I kind of feel like this is working maybe, oh my goodness. And then all the excitement of something new wears off and reality sets in and reality consists of a whole lot of boring consistency, a heck of a lot of discipline and nothing new and shiny. And all of a sudden, your heart starts tugging. Actually, it's not your heart. It's your head starts tugging and whispering and knocking and asking you this one question that's keeping you super distracted from actually scaling this business. And that one question is, are you ready? What's next? That's the question you, guys, write on your paper. What is next?
Speaker 1: And then I want you to cross it out. Get a sharpie and just scribble over what's next, because that is not what you should be focused on.When you guys are under that six figure mark, and what does that mean? That means you are not consistently making $8-9,000 of revenue in your business every single month, month over month, or at least averaging out to 8-9K months, you have got to stop asking the question What's next? I think this is one of the things I hear most often from my students that graduate from the Stef Gass School, they go through Clarify Your Calling. And then they move into Podcast Pro University, and then they go into Podcast to Profit and they graduate, and at this point you've really done six to eight months with me and you've heard me tell you what to do.
Speaker 1: And it's not hard. It's simple. Maybe it's hard because there is a lot of work that goes into it, but it's really simple. We really only focus on a few key components, which I'm gonna go over in a minute here with you, but it's soon as you're done with all those key components, it almost feels too easy. It almost feels too simple. And your shiny object alarms start ringing and your head starts knocking and putting these weird thoughts like, what's next? What are you missing? Try this, do this, launch another offer. Let's head over here and make these weird little videos and let's do this. And oh, we should probably hire this person to help us do this thing. And all these thoughts and ideas start swirling around what's next instead of how to dig in and stay the course.
Speaker 1: So that one question, what's next? it is doing so many things for your business that are actually negative. It's diluting your focus. It's stealing from the clout and all of the hard work, heart and soul, blood, sweat, and tears that you have poured into creating the credibility that you now have. And it's just diluting your brand. It really is.
: I will tell you guys that I think the true secret to scaling a big fruitful, sustainable, successful online business, is composed of six simple things. I'm gonna tell them to you now. And then you have the choice to listen and trust me or not, to get distracted and to keep chasing after the next shiny object and hopping from thing to thing. But I can tell you I've done that. I played that game and when I stopped doing it and I got back to the simple grassroots in my own business, I have experienced provision, unlike any other. I've told you guys, it's not something that's been on a vision board.
Speaker 1: There are not numbers that I ever thought possible in my own business. And it's very simple. Let me just tell you what my business consists of. Let me start with where you are. So to get to, let's say 250K in revenue, here's what I had in place. Are you ready? And then I'm gonna go through some steps with you so that you guys can get back to grassroots scaling, grassroots growth. That's what we're gonna #grassrootsgrowth, Stef. I want you, guys, to screenshot this episode right now. Go post it wherever you are, whatever socials you're on and put #grassrootsgrowth, Stefanie Gass Show, I'm committed. In order to get to my first 250K in revenue, I got super clear on what I was doing. I knew exactly who I was serving.
Speaker 1: I got rid of all the weird, tiny offers and courses that didn't solve my person's problem. I got so extraordinary clear on what they needed because I coached with hundreds of people to get to know them and to build a framework that I knew was going to get them a win. I built one thing, one course, and then I poured my heart and soul into that course for 12 months, until the people started asking for the next step. It wasn't a random, here's another course. And here's another thing. It was like they needed the next step. And they asked for it. I didn't create it cuz I thought it sounded cool. I didn't create it cuz it sounded shiny. I committed. I actually got off of all the extra social platforms I was on, I set up a clubhouse account and I ended up just deleting it.
Speaker 1: I set up the Instagram stuff, was something I had been focused on, I laid that down. I never signed up for TikTok guys. I got out of all the extra Facebook groups I was part of. And I just committed to my one outlet. My one traffic driver that I was 100% committed to, which was the podcast and doubled down here. I doubled down on this show. I went from two episodes to three. I dug into the SEO and the keywords of the brand. I got so laser focused on growing my one thing and I did not look up and all of that, really simple stuff right there that I just laid out for you guys. All of that actually got me to a 400K revenue business without ever spending a dollar on ad spend without ever having to have all these fancy things.
Speaker 1: I had two people, two to three people on my team at that point. Now granted, once you pass about 300K in revenue, there are some other really cool stuff that you guys can look at. You can ask me what's next when you hit that number. I promise you. I will tell you, you can grab a 30 minute unstuck with me and I will tell you what is next. But until then, stop looking around. You looking around is actually stealing from the growth that you could be having in your business. You showing up in five places so focused on repurposing all over the place is actually keeping you from exploding in the one place you creating multiple offers and having coaching and programs and courses and this and four freebies. It's just so confusing for your consumer, that they are actually frozen in indecision.
Speaker 1: And they're gonna run to the next person who has made it abundantly clear that there is only one solution here. And that that one solution is gonna get them the answer that they need. So here's what you're gonna do. You are going to commit with me. We are gonna #grassrootsgrowth and we will give you an extra entry into the birthday bash if you share a screenshot of this episode and you #grassrootsgrowth in your Instagram stories or your Facebook and come post it in our free community to let us know, we will give you an extra entry into the giveaway where you can win free coaching, just because I'm so serious about this. I am dead serious about us spreading the message that we do not have to do all the things. Hustle is dead. We are gonna show up with intention, simplicity, and we are gonna streamline so that we know exactly what to do to scale and build a business that actually makes a difference. We cannot make a difference in people's lives if we are confusing, if we are throwing a hundred things against the wall, just to see what's gonna stick, we are hurting ourselves and we are hurting other people because it's not about us just making money, about finding the thing that's finally gonna make money. It's not about that. It's about taking the time to figure out what's gonna actually change someone's life. And the niche that we have been divinely assigned to. And that is where God's going to pour out His favor when we actually say and are committed to consistently showing up and figuring out what our person actually needs. And then we do that thing until He says, go to the next thing. We have to stop focusing on self and we have to start focusing on service.
Speaker 1: That is where the money is. I am telling you, I have seen it time and time again in myself and in my clients and in my students who have committed to the one thing. So now you've heard what not to do. And you're probably wondering what should I do? How can I stop getting distracted by the what's next question in my business and commit to something until I have passed that six figure mark. And ideally until you have passed multi six figures, you are just not looking up, guys. And it's gonna be the hardest thing. It's the hardest thing that you will ever experience to just be so committed to the one thing it's gonna feel at times kind of stagnant. It's gonna feel at times a little boring, if I'm honest and it's gonna feel like you've got to find the next thing, because this just can't be working.
Speaker 1: And that's how you know it's working. Because the breakthrough is born inside of that consistency, that discipline and that one specific solution. Here are my six things that I want you guys to focus on to get you through this stuck season, to get you into those consistent 8-9K months, are you ready? I hope you're writing these down.
: Number one, you gotta know your call from God. Period. You gotta be partnered with Him. You gotta know that this is from Him. Guys, that is the number one thing, you can't pass. You just aren't. You're not gonna pass six figures if you're not partnered with Him, at least not in the way in which He wants you to, it's gonna be worldly. And, for me, it crumbled because He was trying to redirect me into the actual plan that He had for me.
Speaker 1: So, one is be sure your call is from Him. And if you're still unsure on that point, go take Clarify Your Calling, clarifyyourcallingcourse.com.
: Number two, you gotta marry your niche. Here are the really tactical ones. Number two, marry your niche. So what is your thing? And you're gonna know your thing coming out of Clarify Your Calling. Are you a mom who helps people with macros so that they can lose weight in the tiny mom cracks of the day? Okay, guess what? That's your niche. Look at your TSO statement that we built in Clarify Your Calling together. And that is your niche. You are married to it. You're not also dating, fitness hacks and, how to become a CrossFit expert. That's not your niche. You said your niche was little easy macros for moms in the cracks of the day. Stay in your wheelhouse. Stay there, marry your micro-niche. If your niche feels big and you have more than one to two to three components, you're doing mindset and you're doing macros, we're gonna, nope. That's not a niche. Sorry. It's too big.
: I'm doing Christian life coaching for entrepreneurs. Amazing. We can't also add in financial planning and time management. No, I'm sorry. It's not a niche. You, guys, have got to stop talking to everyone and get in there and talk to one person. If that's the one piece of advice that you take today, that's gonna help you make more money, and get more visibility, it's that.
: Number three, you've gotta have clear messaging. Your copy has to be on point. You, guys, hear me talk all the time about keywords, about market research. I am serious about that. When you guys graduate from CYC and PPU and you move into Podcast to Profit, we spend roughly four to six weeks on step number three alone, on how to properly do market research, on how to find your person, on how to dissect what your person is saying, on how to build story maps around what your person says and then how to implement that and use it in the proper areas, right inside of all of the podcasting SEO stuff and the website. And, I teach you guys how to get this clear messaging and build it and create it so that your SEO are like little fingers that head out into the internet and grab your ideal person and bring them to your podcast. Your messaging is so critical. If number three is not where it needs to be, I'm sorry, but you're not gonna pass six figures.
Speaker 1: Your messaging has got to be extraordinarily niche. It's got to be so strategic in where you are positioning yourself and where you're using this messaging. And you've gotta know how to utilize keywords and SEO. And that's something that I teach with so much intention when you go through Podcast to Profit, which by the way, spoiler, we did go ahead and open application super early for the fall session. So if you wanna get on the wait list podcasttoprofitmastermind.com. We'll see how many of you heard that little silent, sneaky, little spoiler.
: Number four is you must have at least one long form content outlet. Those of you who are listening to me and you still do not have a podcast, we have a problem because you scaling something on Instagram, that is not yours, you do not own it.
Speaker 1: It is actually not evergreen growth. It is activity based growth. So if you are not showing up 24/7, then your business will not grow. That is not something smart. We should build smart. We need to build this business strategically, more simply and smart. And that means getting our effort off of activity based growth platforms and into long form content where we grow over time, where five years from now, somebody searches for macros made easy. And your podcast episode pops up from five years ago and you have just got a new lead from something that you built five years ago. That is magic of long form content. And of course, we up over here in Stef Gass world love podcasting because it's so much easier than all the rest. Podcasting can lead to other long form content methods down the road like blogging or utilizing Pinterest and that kind of stuff, which I do teach you all of in Podcast to Profit.
Speaker 1: But there is a time that makes sense for you to start that stuff. There is a time that makes sense for you to start blogging. And all of that is inside of P2P because I think it's strategic. We don't go to step two without perfecting step one, so your long form content needs to be at least one, podcasting, and you've got to be committed, committed, and disciplined. You have got to show up every single week, over and over again until, and I promise it's going to feel like it's not working sometimes, it's going to maybe even feel boring sometimes to keep talking about the same thing, you're gonna wonder, oh my goodness, aren't these people sick of hearing me talk about this? No, they're not.
Speaker 1: And guess what? The sooner you start migrating away from who your person is and taking them to this elevated level in which you think they've gotten, you're gonna lose downloads. You have to stay in trenches with your person.
: Number five, you have to figure out their number one problem. And then you have to do everything possible to solve it. Everything possible, which is another thing we spent a month on in Podcast to Profit, because you can't just guess at this. You don't get to say, I think my person struggles the most with coming up with a customized macro plan. Is that actually the problem? Or is that what you think the problem is? And this takes so much work to actually figure this out. It seems easy. It is one of the hardest things that you will ever do in your business.
Speaker 1: And that's why I teach it in P2P because I know that this is the breakthrough moment. The moment when you finally uncover this answer, everything feels seamless. Everything starts to feel peaceful. All of the puzzle pieces fall into place and you are I get it. I know what I'm doing here. And my person knows that I am for them and better yet. I'm getting so much validation from people that this is actually working and that I'm changing their lives. And when you start changing people's lives, you can't help but grow because they can't help but talk about you. They can't help, but share. They can't help, but be over the moon, excited about the solutions that you have. And they will tell everyone about you. Not to mention, they will start knocking on your inbox being like, how do I work with you? What's next?
: Y'all, some of my longtime clients, they have worked with me in every possible capacity for over 2-3 years. I'm not kidding. They start with one course. And they're like, all I'm gonna do is CYC or PPU. Well, then they get the thing done and they're like, whoa, I did this. I can't believe this. Stef, what is the next step up? And over the course of four years, I have built a customer journey that takes people from step one to two to three. And it's insane. This is a million dollar business now, which is crazy. But what I did is I stopped throwing spaghetti at the wall. And I started listening to my person. I stopped creating stuff. And I just started waiting, pouring into them, giving, serving, and really focusing on my one specific thing.
Speaker 1: My one specific person and solving that problem for them. And that naturally became an evolution for where the business was gonna go. Guys, I never asked, I won't say never, but I stopped asking myself what's next. Or if I did ask myself, what's next, I stopped. And I turned it to God. And I said, You tell me when I'm supposed to do the next thing, Lord. And when that came, it was a resounding command, it was something that could not be ignored. And so if I have to discern between asking or between, if it's me asking what's next, just because I have a business brain and a growth brain, and I want this to be successful versus no, I'm showing up in it. I'm staying in the trenches of this business. I married something and marriage is not easy.
Speaker 1: So you gotta marry that podcast. You gotta marry that niche. You gotta marry that person you're called to serve until. The marriage never ends, it just gets better and better with time, not overnight. That's how you guys are gonna think about this. So that number five was figuring out the number one problem.
: And number six is a one monetization solution that solves the number one problem for a minimum, truly guys, serious of 12 months. What does this mean? This means if you're gonna choose coaching, which I think is really, I talk a lot about this in Podcast to Profit. We go through each person's business. And I talk to you guys about what you should do, because there's so much strategy around if you should start with coaching for a while, if you should start with that versus just launching into the course versus doing a live program. There so much that goes into that decision.
Speaker 1: It should not be made lightly and you wanna be seen as super credible. You also really need to validate your idea before you spend months and thousands of dollars creating the thing. You wanna be sure that this thing is the thing. And so, we spend about, gosh, another four weeks right here on the monetization of your brand in Podcast to Profit mastermind. But the point here is that once you've discerned through that, you know what the thing is, whether it's gonna be coaching or a course or a program, you create it and marry it. So now, we've married two things, not ideal in real life, but it's fine in business. We've married our long form content outlet, which is podcasting, I hope for 99% of you and then secondly, we've married the monetization play and we are not going to divert from that thing.
Speaker 1: We're not gonna say what's next. We are not gonna be like, I made five grand it's time to move to the next thing. No, you made five grand, stay where you are until you've made 150 grand. We get so distracted because something is successful. We think that we need the next thing that's gonna be successful. No. Now, you're gonna steal success from the first thing, dilute the brand, dilute the business. Your focus gets all muddy and you're just busy. You're playing into this lie that busy equals better. And I think I've said this before to you guys, but more is not better. Less is better. So, that's it. Those are your six steps. So what I want you guys to do right now is I want you to be so committed.
Speaker 1: I want you to get back to those grassroots growth. #grassrootsgrowth for me, get an extra entry to win free coaching, but I want you to get rid of everything else. So I want you guys to write, get outta sheet of paper right now. We're gonna do an exercise. I want you to write down every single thing you're doing in your business right now. So here's some ideas. I want you to write down socials, write down everywhere you're showing up. I want you to write down Facebook groups. What are all the groups you're showing up in? I want you to write down long form content, where all the places you're showing up. I want you to write down ways I'm trying to monetize. And I want you to write all those things down. Do you have a side hustle? Are you in an MLM?
Speaker 1: Do you also offer coaching? Do you also think that you should also do this thing? Stop, write it all down. And then the next thing I want you to write down is all the hours that you are spending on all of things, put the hours next to it per week that you are spending. If you don't know, guys, do the work to find out. And then what I want you to do is take a highlighter. And I want you to highlight any of those things that I just mentioned today. What did I say? I said one long form content outlet. Which one are you gonna marry? And I said one monetization plan for 12 full months. If you are not making 8-9K months, if you're making over that, then we can talk about maybe you having a few other additional pieces here.
Speaker 1: But if you are not, get rid of it all, scratch it all out and then I want you to ask the question. I want you to circle it. What are you circling? There should only be two things circled on that sheet of paper. Then I want you to ask yourself, how do do I double down on these two things? How do I pour into these two things with so much energy intention, focus, commitment, discipline, how do I make them better? How do I put on my CEO of growth hat and go so deep into these two things? And I just don't look up. Unfollow everyone, delete the apps. I don't know what you have to do, but you know what you have to do. And you don't look up. You marry this thing until you've passed 8-9K months.
Speaker 1: That is gonna be your breakthrough. Now, you can't do those two things well, if you don't know, first of all, your call. Go take CYC. Two, you don't know exactly who your niche is. Go take CYC. Three, don't have clear defined messaging, keywords, SEO, and a strategy around it. Come take P2P, number three, and then four, you don't have the podcast go take PPU. I have literally every single solution that you need to pass this 100K mark. Investing in yourself will never, truly even if you bought a bad course, let's say you're like, oh my gosh, I took an awful course and I hated it. You still learn something. There is not an investment I've ever made in myself that didn't have some type of breakthrough, that there wasn't some type of little nugget that I needed or little business transformation that helped me to grow.
Speaker 1: And guys, I invest in every area of my life. Even when I didn't have the money to do it, I still did. I've invested in courses. I've invested in masterminds. I've invested in my health. I have a health coach. I've invested in spiritual growth. I have invested, I have gone to events. I mean, y'all like investing in yourself is part of the growth process. You can't get where you need to go when you don't even know what you need to do. You don't know what you don't know. And the internet is not gonna help you get there because you don't even know what to search for. You don't know the right coaches to trust. You don't know the right things to watch. So I really, really encourage you to come on this journey with me. I would love to be your coach and mentor, through this process of creating that amazing six figure sustainable online business, where you have more time for your family, where you're showing up in less places with more intention and you're doing less better.
Speaker 1: You've let go of more. You've let go of busy. And you're really partnered with God to build a business from your calling, from your gifts. It is possible. Go read the dozens and dozens of testimonies that we have on the website. Guys, go look at their podcasts, go ask them, what's it like to go through the Stefanie Gass School? You guys go ask Aubree Malick or Chelsi Jo Moore, or Polly Payne, or any of these success stories that you guys see on my website. What's it really like to work with Stef for years? Ask Brooke Jefferson, what is it like? What happens in your business when you commit to the one thing? They're all standing on a very successful foundation because they stopped doing all the things and they stopped asking what's next. All right, guys, love you so much. So grateful for you. I pray this blessed you.
: Don't forget. It's your last chance to get entered, to win free coaching with me to win a scholarship to the courses or to win a power coaching session. All you gotta do real quick is leave a written review for this podcast right here on Apple Podcast. If you already have, it's fine. Take a screenshot of it. If you haven't, take a screenshot of your new review, and then click submit. Then come post your screenshot in our free community, stefgasscommunity.com, #birthdaybash, you're entered. It's so simple, guys. You may as well get entered because who knows this could help you get that coaching breakthrough that you need. Grab the course that's been on your heart and just finally say yes to that breakthrough. Love you so much. God bless you. I'll meet you back here next week. Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me! I am so honored and grateful to be your coach and mentor on this journey. Bye.
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I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
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Meet Stefanie and learn more about her life, journey, failures and family. Plus, a glimpse of her amazing team.
Book Stef for in-person or virtual events! She will
inspire and educate your audience with her training.
Find out everything your need to feature Stef—bio, photos, and details—ready to inspire and educate your audience
Find out more about working for Team Stef as
an intern! We open our internship twice a year.
Contact us with questions, concerns,
testimonies, or requests here.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!
Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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