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Hey Friend!
“How do you record a podcast episode from your iPhone?!” In today’s episode, I answer this #QuickTip Tuesday question from Gabe Cox. This is such a great question and the truth is, you can create a high-quality podcast recording straight from your phone, without a microphone, or even a headset!
There’s so much freedom in that! Being able to record from your kid’s pick-up line, vacation, on a walk – literally anywhere!
Having a portable podcast mic in your pocket just became a reality!
Learn exactly how to record from your iPhone in these easy, simple steps.
I pray this blesses you!
(00:00): Hey, friend! Welcome to another Quick Tip Tuesday! Today, I’m gonna be answering a great question from Gabe Cox from the Red Hot Mindset Podcast.
And she’s wondering all about the ease of recording from your phone. I record from my phone all the time and the great news is, is that you really can’t even tell.
(00:22): So, today I’m gonna be spilling the beans or apparently spilling the tea. Although somebody told me that was already outdated. If you have teenagers, you know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, you have no idea and you’re better off.
(00:36): Anyway, I’m gonna be sharing all about how to actually do that today from a tactical perspective. And we’re gonna do the thing.
(00:42): Now, before we get into today’s Quick Tip Tuesday, I wanna let you guys know that we have opened the application process for Podcast to Profit, which is kicking off for the spring-summer session, April 14th.
(00:57): So, if this is on your heart to monetize your podcast and really go through the bootcamp of all bootcamps to make your podcast the best that it can ever be, to optimize it from the inside out to go deeper into the analytics than you’ve ever been before.
(01:17): And to truly understand what you’re gonna create, that’s going to transform other people’s lives. And no matter what it is that you podcast around, this is possible for you.
This is the program I promise you’re gonna cry both because it’s hard. And also because you’re having so much fun and you’re having so much transformation.
(01:35): Within four weeks, people were ranking on the charts. They had doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled their downloads. It’s insane. Right now, we’re about six weeks in. People are optimizing and creating their coaching offers.
(01:47): They’re mapping out the frameworks for their potential courses. We have got so much incredible stuff happening in the new version of Podcast to Profit.
I have left no stone unturned. You have an Excel file, a formula, and a download for every piece of the process, and it’s just next level.
(02:06): So, go to and get in your application. There are only 30 spots. And as of this very moment, we already have 16 applications.
(03:24): Hi, Stef. This is Gabe Cox from the Red Hot Mindset Podcast and a current P2P student. Super excited about that.
I have another question and this one is related to recording on your phone because I know you talk a lot about ‘it doesn’t matter where you record, you can record from anywhere.’
(03:43): I use my phone all the time, and I love that idea because I am out and about all the time with my kids, bringing them to and from activities.
And sometimes I just get this, oh man, I need to talk about that and I can talk about it right now, but I don’t know how to do that.
(03:59): Can you talk about the tactical parts of recording on your phone? Cause I haven’t found how do I record on my phone and get the audio so that I can upload it and do all the things because I can’t figure out how that works.
(04:13): How do you download it? And what’s the best recording system and software to do that on your phone. Thanks for your help!
(04:22): What is up, Gabe? How are you doing? I’m so excited that you asked this question because I think so many people are probably wondering the same thing and maybe they’ve tried and they have not had great results and it’s really easy to do this.
(04:38): And I’ve learned a little bit of tricks from the trade, I guess, that I’m happy to share with you, guys. So from an iPhone, which is all I have. So if you have an Android, what is even happening over there?
First of all, just kidding. My mom just finally switched from Android and she’s so frustrated, but she’s finally getting the hang of it.
(05:01): Welcome to the bright side, mama. You guys are gonna go into voice memos from your iPhone. You can just simply go into the app store and type in voice memos, but it actually does come pre-installed, I believe, on your iPhone.
(05:19): So you’re just gonna go to voice memos. And then what you’re going to do is you’re gonna click the little red record button. Now, here are some tricks. The speakers are on the bottom of your iPhone.
(05:32): So, you actually do not wanna point the speakers up at your mouth because then the speakers catch all of the spit, all of those really awkward sounds that our mouths make.
Those speakers are super sensitive. They’re really great speakers actually on an iPhone. I think I have the 11 plus or whatever.
(05:55): I have a newer-ish version of the iPhone and the speakers are really great. So they’re actually a little too great. What I do is I actually face the phone vertically so the speakers are pointed down at my feet, down at the ground, not at my mouth.
(06:12): And I hold the phone about six to eight inches away from my face. You don’t want it super close. Again, it’s really gonna amplify your voice and we don’t need to hear no booming peas up in here.
So pull it away, create some space and speak directly into the screen of your phone.
(06:37): Now, as soon as you’re done with your recording, you just click the red button again and it will stop recording. So at this point, it’ll show up, mine shows up with the location of where I recorded, interestingly.
So once you see that recording, you just click on it with your thumb and then you’re gonna click on the right, the little dots.
(06:56): There are three little dots on the top right of your recording. You’re gonna scroll down and you’re gonna click share. And what I actually do, is I airdrop it to my laptop.
Now, if you don’t have Bluetooth on a laptop somewhere close by or on your computer or your desktop system, you can email it to yourself.
(07:19): So that option is in here. You could even text it to yourself. If you can open text messages on your computer. Basically, we have to get this audio file from your phone onto your laptop or desktop.
So I click airdrop. Once I airdrop it to myself, it pops up on my laptop.
(07:40): Now here’s the only thing when it comes over onto my laptop, it is an MP4 file. And I prefer to use Audacity for editing. So Audacity does not accept an MP4 file.
So one easy step and it’s free, and it takes two seconds. I go to and I drag in my audio file and I convert it to an MP3.
(08:12): Now, if you don’t use Audacity to edit your podcast episodes and you use Rockband, you can go ahead and drag your MP4 straight in. So it just depends on what editing software you use.
(08:22): So once I have that MP3, I drag it down into Audacity and I’m good to go. It’s as if I recorded straight from my laptop. And quite honestly, I would say that it sounds 95% the same as using my Yeti blue.
(08:40): So, I’m feeling pretty good about it. Cuz I can record outside. I record from my car. I record out of town. Sometimes inspiration strikes and you just need to get out a word.
So feel free to use your phone. Permission granted, Gabe and I hope that this helped you.
(08:57): If you guys have a question for me, whether it be something super tactical, like today’s episode, faith-based, questions around how to partner with God in the growth of your business, productivity, how to be present in your life.
(09:11): Anything related to building a business God’s way, please head to Leave me a SpeakPipe question. Also, if this podcast has blessed you in some way, I would love to hear from you.
(09:24): I would love to know what it was about the show that helped you, inspired you. Did you have a tactical breakthrough, a win? Did you have a win? Or maybe your podcast ranked?
Let me know, go record that testimony over at or better yet, leave it as a written review for this podcast.
(09:43): That is the number one way I know you like the show. I have no idea if you like the show.
I’m just hanging out over here in my PJs, drinking my lukewarm coffee, hoping that I’m hitting somebody’s heart today. I don’t even know.
(10:00): So the best way that you can just really connect with me say thanks and let me know how the show has hopefully impacted you, challenged you or changed you, leave a written review.
All you gotta do is scroll down in the Apple Podcast app all the way down to the section and click on write a review or maybe it says leave a review.
(10:20): Anyway, it would bless me big and I’d be super grateful. God bless you. I’ll see you back real soon. Bye.
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Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
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