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Huge thank you to Christina Nicholson from Media Maven for blessing us with her knowledge on media public relations and making the most out of publicity as a podcaster! This episode is for you if you are ready to get more exposure using the media.
If you are curious about P.R. public relations, or the promotion of your podcast – this episode will help you grow your audience and scale.
I pray this blesses you!
Hey mama. Welcome to another episode of the Mompreneur Mastermind Show. I’m Stef Gass. If we’ve never met sending you a huge virtual hug and refilling that iced coffee so that we can get to know each other a little better. Come on over to Instagram. My handle is at Stefanie Gass, say hi, shoot me a DM. Tell me about you. What do you do? Where are you from? And what’s your number one struggle in this online space or as a mompreneur in general, because how I come up with great content for you is hearing from you.
And if we are not connected on the ground where I hang out, let’s fix that like ASAP. Okay. Anyway, today I’m so excited to bring you this episode with Christina Nicholson with Media Maven. Christina and I really talk about public relations when it comes to the media and how you can get the most out of publicity, how to conquer the fear about getting media publicity. Cause if you’re anything like me, you’ve avoided this like the plague, like believe I’m in your shoes. I have so many opportunities to pitch the media and I’m like, that’s on the to do list because it’s terrifying. I feel you okay.
But that’s why I brought in this Media Maven Christina Nicholson. Okay. And she is a TV host who helps bloggers and business owners grow by reaching thousands, potentially even millions of eyes of their ideal customers or clients in minutes, instead of months through the power of traditional and new media, without spending big bucks on paid ads. You can see and find Christina in front of her camera as the host on lifetime TV, in national commercials and read her work online in Huffington Post Thrive, Global Inc and Fast Company. So basically guys like she’s super fancy, okay.
I brought her on because we needed to get over this fear of pitching the media and then really learn how to utilize that to grow and scale effectively quicker, faster. Because the number one problem that I hear all of you telling me is I need to grow faster. I need a bigger community, I need more people to sell, to, to teach. I am just stuck in my little hole and I feel like I can’t grow. Y’all know I’m a huge fan of organic growth using podcasting, but media is another great way for you to grow and scale. So you’re going to love this episode. I can’t wait.
Hey Christina, I’m so excited to have you on the Mompreneur Mastermind show. I am so excited to be here and chat with you. Well, girlfriend, we are pumped because one of my favorite strategies for impacting more women and furthering my mission is PR. Like I was just on your show and we were talking about how one of my favorite activities that ends up with a huge return is just serving other people’s audiences and touching more people. So I’m really excited, cause this is really your, you know, your jam and you’re your area of expertise.
You know, it’s funny as I tell people, I think what makes me good at what I do is actually not having a PR background. My background is in journalism. I was on the other side. I was actually the media. So I’m not coming at it from a I studied public relations perspective. I’m coming at it from, I’ve actually worked in a newsroom all day, every day. I know what is wanted and needed. So that I think is what makes me different than most. Also if I’m being honest, a little better than most because I’m on both sides.
I love that kind of giving us that sneak peek behind the curtain of the media, which is invaluable. Yeah, totally. And the media is constantly changing and I’m still very much in it. It’s not like I totally left my on a ir career behind. I still dabble in it. So I’m consistently seeing what’s moving and shaking and what changes are being made. I can implement that in my PR business as well. So start us off by sharing your story with us. How did you get into entrepreneurship? What did that look like as you navigated motherhood and being a powerful business woman and then kind of into what you’re doing now?
Well, I actually never wanted to be an entrepreneur. It never was like a thought that crossed my mind, honestly just happened after I had my second child and I was working at the NBC station in Miami. My husband was in the golf business. We both had jobs where it was like, we don’t care if it’s a holiday, we don’t care if it’s the weekend. We don’t care if it’s Christmas day or if there’s a hurricane outside. Well in the golf industry, he would get that off. Me, not so much. I had to stand in the hurricane. Yeah. And we didn’t have family here. My family’s in Ohio and his family’s in Canada. So when it came to taking care of two kids, when you’re working crazy hours, when there’s no daycare, it was tough and I needed something more flexible.
And I got a job at a PR agency. So I figure, well, I’ve been on the receiving end of terrible pitches from PR agencies and publicists for years. I know how to pitch the media. These people clearly don’t well, I’ll just work at a PR agency and do that because in my mind I was thinking, all you need is wifi for that. I have wifi at home. I can do that from home. And I have all the contacts. I know what to do. Problem one was that nobody wanted to let me work from home. And this was really annoying to me. Like don’t make me sit and call for two hours a day, to sit in front of your computer with wifi and I can do the same at home. I’d be much more productive. I’d save time.
But I understand some people need that. Some people don’t have the discipline or the work ethic to work from home. And it scared these owners of the public relations agency. So I got a job at one agency and I was told that it would be flexible hours. I could work from home and it was very results based. It didn’t really matter how many hours I worked, which is very true in this industry. But everything he told me was a big fat lie just to get me here. Yeah. And I think the red flag that I missed was that the entire agency turned over every six months, like hiring new staff every six months.
So that was a red flag I ignored. And I lasted at that agency exactly six months. I have no filter on my mouth, Stefanie, which sometimes is good. Sometimes is bad in this situation. I told the man that I worked for that if you Google the symptoms of a pathological liar and sociopath, he has all of them. Right. So, I was out of a job at that point. I actually gave my two weeks notice and then a week into my two weeks notice he cut off my email and pretended that he didn’t know what happened, but I don’t know if that means I quit or I was fired or both. Right. I was fired.
So then I was like, well, I guess I just gotta do this on my own. And really, the goal for me was just to be a professional. I wanted other PR agencies to outsource work for me, and I wanted to do freelance TV hosting. I would get, you know, small clients on Upwork, you know, for like one box a month, something like that. And to give you an idea, the average PR agency is $6,000 a month. So I’m like six thousand bucks a month. I’ll take, I just want to maintain my lifestyle. And, that was the summer of 2015.
And then fast forward probably the first year is similar to you. I was working 24/7 starting in the morning, going late at night. And I think it was a pressure that we put on ourselves, because nobody knew when we started that I needed to work that much, but we put this crush on ourselves and we’re like afraid, right? Because we’re so used to that direct deposit every two weeks. And now we’re in charge of how much money we make. And we think it’s unstable at the time. So we want to go 24 seven just in case.
So I was going 24, seven, totally burning myself out. And then I brought somebody on to help me because I was struggling with a client. The niche was hard and I just needed help. So that was bringing that one person on who is still on my team today to help me pitch that. I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so much stress off of me. And I have more time and I’m not doing this to be rich. I’m doing this to have a flexible schedule. So I’m having to pay somebody to take some of this work off my plate. And one thing led to another. And that’s when I started building a team.
I shifted my money mindset a little bit, not knowing I had a money mindset, problem. Cause you don’t know what you don’t know. Right. You’re just, Oh, but you know, I just started my business. I can’t spend money on it. Well, yeah, that’s actually when you should spend money. So you don’t waste time at the very beginning working 24 seven and being miserable instead pay somebody to tell you what to do step by step and do it. And then we got the money, right?
So, you know, these past two, three years specifically, I’ve invested in different business coaches, masterminds, my team and I am making more money than I ever have. And I’m working less hours than I ever have. I mean, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it’s stressful. Sometimes things get annoying, but I can be stressed and annoyed in my pajamas at home. And I would much rather prefer that than to be stressed and annoyed with a not so nice boss telling me exactly how much I’m going to make. And it doesn’t matter if I work any harder. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll get a poem.
Oh my gosh, that’s an awesome story. And I think it’s so interesting to watch how whenever we stumble or we think there’s a perceived kind of setback like, Oh, I’ve just been kind of fired and I kind of quit, but that was kind of like the beginning of this new journey for you and the beginning of this new season, this new business. And so it’s always trying to find the be patient with the hard, because ultimately it really is the beginning of something new and fresh and exciting. So it’s cool to hear that you’ve been through that hard, even with the hard, it’s a learning experience and you don’t know that at the time.
And something that I’ve been trying to remind myself of, especially, you know, when you start working with these coaches and masterminds, it’s all about goal setting and hitting your goals, right? So you have that goal in mind, but you’re so focused on hitting the goal that you totally forget to enjoy the process. So I think that’s something that I need to consistently be reminding myself, even now, you know, like I just had my full year, what is it? Entrepreneurversary, whatever you want to call it, I had that. And I need to be reminding myself, like sometimes it’s really the goal, you know, what you need to do.
You spend most of your time in the journey. Like once you hit the goal, you just move the goalpost again. So like just chill and enjoy the process. I feel so hard into that one because I’ve been, I’ve hit the goal over and over and over right. Hit the goal. Oh like you almost feel like a deflated balloon because you think something magical is going to happen inside. Like I made it all of a sudden, I feel, you know, like a superwoman and I’m gonna just, you know, fly around and be incredible.
And really you’re just the same woman. You’re just standing there going, I just achieved the goal. I checked something off the list and it’s kind of underwhelming, so often planning a wedding and then you get married and you’re like, now what? Yeah, it’s so weird. And so for me, I’ve learned is exactly what you’re saying. It’s like every little win deserves celebration. That’s part of the journey. And actually now I stop and say, thank you for every hard moment too. I’m like anything hard or that gives me fear, anxiety. I’m like, Ooh, I’m on the cusp of something new, on the cusp of some type of growth. And that’s exciting. That’s more exciting than checking the box that I did something cool.
Just a little grain of salt peeps. I remember I read the 12 week year, like maybe a year ago. And I was so hardcore on my goals. Like I would break them down every 12 weeks, put them in the calendar. And I don’t know if I think it’s a little bit of being complacent. Like when you reached a certain level of success or just kind of complacent, that’s part of it. I think the other part of it was that like, I really don’t care what people think of me. You know? Like a lot of people won’t do things for, you know, the Instagram post or whatever.
Like I know big time influencers, you spend a million dollars to have a million dollar business and they don’t profit and they look like big and bad online, but behind the scenes they’re broke and I’m like, I don’t care to look like that. So I think that was another reason. And then just not being stressed, like I just want to enjoy the process. So I’m going to, yeah, I have my goals, but I’m more focused on enjoying the process of getting there than actually getting there. It’s like, what is it like aim for the moon? And if you fail you land among the stars or something like that. Yes. Same idea.
I love that. So if we rewind back to when you started your own firm, your own PR business in 2015, were you already a mama at that time? Yeah, so I had a two year old and I had, no, I had a three year old. She just turned three and then my son was under one. Okay. So kind of similar to me when I had, I’m like, Oh, let’s launch your business with two small crazy children. How did you navigate that? Like that transition with the kids Was it super hard for you. How did you handle that? Did you outsource?
I’ll tell you why it wasn’t hard to navigate with them because they were already in daycare. Cause I was working full time before that. Gotcha. I’m one of those moms that’s like, you can try to mom shame me and it’s not gonna work. Cause I have no shame. Like I put my kids in daycare when they were infants and I didn’t feel one ounce of guilt about that. Like every mom talks about mom guilt. I don’t know what’s wrong with that, my kids loved daycare. And so they were in daycare.
So I had the time to build my business while they were in daycare. But I would force myself to work after as well. Like I was going 24 seven because I didn’t know what to do. I mean, I knew how to deliver the service, but I didn’t know how to get the clients. You know, that’s like a business thing, but that’s why I was working so much and I was taking all this free stuff online, everywhere. So I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. I wasted so much time on trial and error. I think my biggest regret business-wise is not just hiring a coach from the beginning.
Again, I had a money mindset issue. I didn’t understand the value and I didn’t understand that, Hey, you could actually put this on a credit card and pay it off and you could pay it off early because you’re actually doing something that somebody smarter than you was telling you what to do and you’re making money. I mean, it was okay in the sense that the kids were in daycare. My husband is very involved, but for some reason I felt like I had to work 24 seven. And once I started working smarter, instead of harder, it’s just been life changing and I’m not as stressed. I’m not working as much as I used to and I’m more present. I can do more things.
And I find a way, I get creative and I find ways to work the family into the business, you know, cause I’m in the media business and lots of things in the media, we are always targeting moms and families. So I find a lot of ways to mix business with pleasure when it comes to, you know, getting paid and putting my family to work. We’ve done, I think two or three segments on lifetime TV where we’re on a vacation in Orlando or I’m, you know, promoting eyeglasses and my kids are the kids in the segment with me. So yeah, it’s fun. It’s fun. I love that to integrate your kids into your business.
And my community knows, I talk about that all the time, so I love to hear other mamas doing that. So let’s kind of switch gears a little bit to actually discussing some of the cool tactical strategies that you can teach us today about what you do. And we recently had somebody on that kind of talked about pitching the media. So my community, if you haven’t heard that one it’s episode 78, but I really wanted Christina to come on and talk to us about her vision for why media is important to scaling your business. Especially as new entrepreneurs, I want her to start there, but then secondly, talking us through, what do you do with that publicity?
How do you use it to your benefit and not just okay. I did it by that was terrifying. I’m done. Like how do we actually use that to continue the growth and to continue the momentum? So Christina, can you kind of help us with some of those strategies? Yes, definitely. Well, I first want to start off by addressing some things that people in your audience are probably thinking right now and they’re probably thinking, Oh, I’m not ready for this. My business isn’t big enough for this. And that is a total lame excuse. And the truth of the matter is it doesn’t matter how big your brand is.
It doesn’t matter how much money you’re making. It doesn’t matter. Any of that. It doesn’t matter. You could literally be day one of your business, not making a dime and you can get on the Today Show. I had a client, when I first started, when I was a professional freelancer, I found these guys on Upwork. They had an app that they were creating. They were working full time, which was a side hustle they did at night on the weekends and they hired a publicist to get them covered.
And they were like, it was a waste of money. They didn’t get us anything. When I was like, well, let me see what they were sending out. And he sent me a press release. And let me tell you do not pitch with the press release you did in the seventies. The media is a little different than it was in the seventies people. And this guy was just promoting the app and I was like, all right, you got two guys here. One of them was a personal trainer. So his expertise on his topic is what is going to get him coverage.
The other guy used to weigh 400 pounds. Now he weighs 200 because he ran to lose 200 rounds. So I’m like, all right, you got the personal story. That’s what we’re going to pitch. And then by default, you are going to get coverage for your running app. So we got these guys in a matter of three months, the Today Show, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, Women’s Running, Men’s Fitness, Runners World, like things that are so super niche like Runner’s World, who was their number one goal to things that are so broad and huge, like the today show and these guys, again, this was a side hustle.
They weren’t making any money in their business when they would pay me, it would be a check mailed from one of their moms because they had no money seriously. So it just kills me ehen business owners make the excuse that they’re not ready. And then I always counter that. And I say, well, if you had somebody come to you and they say, would you tell them now? Oh no, no, no. I need clients. Well then you’re ready. And the reason that you don’t have more clients is because people don’t know, like, and trust you.
The quickest way to be known, liked and trusted is to get covered in the media. And there’s three kinds of media. One is owned media. So in this case, Stefanie, it is your podcast. You own this podcast, you decide what goes on it. It’s your social media, it’s your website. You decide what goes on it. Then there’s paid media, which is I can advertise on you know, a Facebook ad. And then there’s earned media and earned media. It’s like me right now being a guest on your podcast, I’m not paying you to be here. You invited me here and people who know, like, and trust you are going to almost automatically know, like, and trust me, because you brought me on your podcast.
And that’s where the earned media is different from other two and why it’s worth more. One, it’s free. You don’t pay for it. And two, the third party endorsement it’s from somebody or an outlet or something someplace, maybe the TV station, the newspaper, the magazine who are already known, liked and trusted. So whatever they, whatever they include on their platform, you’re gonna believe it and know, like, and trust it all already. When people promote stuff on their own social media, it’s like, yeah, of course, you’re going to promote it. This is your business.
When people pay for an ad, it’s like, well, yeah, of course, you’re going to say that they’re paying for the ad. That’s why earning coverage is so important and it’s worth so much more. It just has this credibility factor. It has this authority factor and it makes you stand out. Then it gives you content to share on your own media. And that I think is the answer to your second part of the question, which is what do you do after you gain exposure. And in your past podcast, we learned a lot about the PR industry and how to pitch yourself to get on TV.
Can I interrupt you for a second before we get into that. Yeah. So here I am hearing you, and I hear this story about these guys and I’m like, so here’s immediately what my mind did. So this is what my audience probably did. I’m like, I’m willing to do podcasts. I do so many podcasts because I’m sitting here and I’m still safe. And behind my computer and at home, the second you started saying the Today Show and the Washington Post, I got so much anxiety. I thought about the fear of travel. I thought of the fear of being on TV.
I thought of the fear. I don’t know why, but what do you say to that? Because I think that’s like a natural, inherent thing that maybe everyone feels when they start looking at TV as an outlet specifically, it’s like so big and scary to me. What would you say? Okay, well, a couple of things, clearly I’ve never had that fear. So I cannot speak from experience. However, I will say one, you’re making it a much bigger deal than it really is. And that’s just because you’re not normally exposed to it. Being on TV is not a big deal. Even when it’s live TV, it’s just having a conversation.
I mean, it’s really the exact same thing you and I are doing right now. It’s just pretend there’s a camera in my face while we do it. Just having a conversation and many times it’s not live. So then it’s edited. If you say something stupid or you’re like, Oh, well we’ll edit it out. So, I mean, it’s really, you’re making it a bigger deal in your head than it really is. And too, as a business owner, you got to do things that are, I mean, if it’s going to move your business forward, if it’s going to get you in front of potentially millions of people and you’re not spending a dime on it, you’ve got to suck it up and do it.
And the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll feel about it. I mean, people have lists with YouTube even, right? Like their own YouTube channel. They’re like, I’m so afraid of shooting a video. Okay. Well, people watch videos online. That’s how people consume their content. Oh, you can sit there and you can be afraid to try something new. But let me tell you, if you shoot 20 videos, your 21st one, it’s going to be pretty good. And you’re going to feel a lot better than you did in the first one.
So I don’t, I don’t mean to like, be like hardcore and give you tough love, but there’s going to be things that pop up in life and in business that you’re going to be scared of. It’s going to be uncomfortable, but if it’s going to move your business forward, then you just have to suck it up and do it. I am so all about that. And you guys case in point, please go watch my YouTube channel from two years ago and laugh hysterically, because it was a mess. It was such a mess. Listen to my first podcast episode. Right. And all of those things had fear tied up in them when I first started.
Now I’m extremely confident and comfortable. So I think this is just as with anything else. And for me, the fear is probably coming from, I’ve never done it. The hows are unclear, which is what always brings insecurity is you’re just not comfortable yet because you’ve never done it. Yeah. And then just adding one more point, you’re kind of being selfish with that attitude because you’re making it all about you, right? Not about you. It’s about the people watching, it’s about the people listening.
Cause like, while you’re sitting there thinking, Oh, what do I sound like? What do I look like? The person who’s watching, you’re listening to you. They’re not thinking that at all. They just want to hear what you have to say because you have something of value to add to them. Like I never watch anything on TV or I never listen to a podcast and think, well, that person must be so nervous. Probably wondering how they look. No, you don’t think that you just are like, Oh, what do they have to say? Let me listen. Get into your alter ego. You are so right.
It’s almost your responsibility to share and pour out your message. And you know, for my listeners, you’ve got this fierce God calling in your heart. That is your responsibility to be obedient to that call and to share it. And what better platform? Like what better platform than the media. If you’re going to be afraid to put yourself out in the media, in front of your ideal customer client to get business, and you’re not going to be in business very long, truth. So they step out in fear and send the pitch or send the message or do the thing, make the phone call, whatever it might be and get some media attention, some publicity books, something.
What do they do next? I’ll tell you what most people do. And that’s nothing, right? That’s stupid. Don’t do that, because you know what? Because again, and this speaks to the perception of media. The perception is, Oh, I was on Stefanie’s podcast. Everybody heard it. Today the day we’re recording this podcast, I was on the NBC station in West Palm beach. Everybody saw it. So I don’t need to do anything. That is not where your profit comes from. Remember the idea is to get publicity, to turn it into profit.
And people just assume because you’re on another person or another outlets platform that everybody there saw it. And they’re all going to come running to you. Let me tell you why this is not the case for a couple of reasons. Again in the seventies it probably worked wonderfully. Today it doesn’t. And that’s because after we listened to this podcast, we’re going to go listen to another one. After somebody saw me on TV this morning for three minutes, they were onto the next story. And by the next half hour, they probably heard 60 different stories since then, right?
People are going to forget you because we are like content overload on all of our social media channels, on TV and podcasts, on YouTube, whatever. So what you need to do after you earn any kind of publicity any freaking kind, you need to, what I call do PR on your PR. That’s when you’re going to take a link and you’re going to share it on social media and you’re going to tag the outlet. You’re going to tag the journalist, tag the podcast host. Because, for a couple of reasons. One, I want Stefanie to see that I am sharing this podcast because that sends a message to Stefanie.
Oh, look, she’s sharing my stuff with her audience. And then she might invite me back. She might want to partner in something else down the road because she sees that I am sharing her content and it makes it super easy for Stefanie to click repete or share. So she’s reminding her audience that I was on her podcast. Same thing I was on when I was on the TV station this morning, before I went on, I was taking pictures and I was posting. Make sure you watch me at 11. Tthen I was tagging the outlet. And then when I’m off, I’m going to take the video and the link. And I’m going to not just share it once. That’s another mistake people make.
Social media is a constantly moving feed, that’s one. And two, you see a bunch of stuff in that feed. So I could literally post the same thing in social media once a week. And you won’t even notice because A, you may not have seen it the week before or B if you did see it the week before, you’ve seen a thousand things since then. And before that I’m reminding you because remember when it comes to sales and converting, people need to see the same thing over and over and over again.
So that’s why I share over and over and over again. And I will tell you that most of what I get when it comes to clients or money, it hasn’t been directly from the media earned. Sometimes it works like that. Most of it has been, Oh, I constantly see you here and you’re doing this and you’re doing that. So I want to hire you, right. There’s people who don’t live in South Florida today, but they know that I was on TV in South Florida because I shared it on my social media and it peaked their interest.
Then next month I’m going to remind them that I was on TV today. And then they’re going to be reminded. Oh yeah, she does that. And then in three months, we’re going to see it again. And we’re going to say, Oh, I actually need her now. So I’m going to reach out to her. And it drives me crazy. It’s a funny game of mine today. It drives me crazy when they say, um, well, we got this media hit, but nothing happened. I was like did you do what I told you to do? Blast it everywhere and tell everybody and tag everybody and do that over and over again. No, we didn’t do anything with it. Well, yeah. Then why do you expect something will happen? Like it doesn’t work like that.
Think of the way you can send content. The only time people pay attention to ads in my opinion is when we’re watching the super bowl, because we know people were paying like million dollars for 30 seconds right now, when you see an ad, you see it and then you run your computer and order whatever your phone and buy something new. It doesn’t work like that. You have to consistently be doing PR on your PR. And this is where people fall short. This is where people leave so much money on the table and they’ll say, Oh, well it didn’t work well. No, because you didn’t let it work. You didn’t do your part of the deal.
You know, it’s funny, cause I have used this strategy for a long time and especially I’ve seen an Instagram stories. This works. I’m not a Twitter person, but I know some people are like super into Twitter, but for me, Instagram stories has been insane when it comes to doing PR on your PR and I’ll tag like, Oh, you know, I was on Christina’s podcast and I’m so grateful for her. And we talked about this and I’ll tag Christina, and then she’ll share it in her stories. And then her audience starts DMing me.
I listened to your interview and it was so amazing. And you can start like real authentic conversations with people. And so I love that strategy. Now question on that, people like you and I have a lot of cool PR going on, like you have interviews every week, right? How do you keep rotating those things so that you’re not like spinning in your market or spamming your audience? Or do you have any tips and strategies for people that have multiple PRs? I know some people are like, well, I’ve never done a PR, but you will. So this tip might be important for you down the road.
So something that I do, I always have posts scheduled in the queue. Like I have a scheduler, stuff is always in there. That’s my plan B my plan A is to post in real time. Like I did this morning from the station I posted in real time, I’m going to grab that and I’m going to put it in at the bottom of my social media queue. Like I have a self promotion tab and it posts once a day, like three days a week, I’m posting an old podcast episode, three days, I’m posting an old YouTube video, twice a week I’m posting a relevant article to my industry.
So once a week it’s some kind of self promotion and it’s not overly promotion. It’s not like, get my freebie, call me. It’s like, here I am in the media. So it doesn’t look like it’s self promotional, but you’re kind of getting that, Oh, this is why Christina is an expert. So I just put it in the social media queue. And if I have a hundred posts in there, by the time I get to a hundred, it’ll go back to one. So I’m not sharing the same thing every day, or even once a week, I would say at the most, it’s the same post going out once a month. And like I said, most people aren’t going to see it. And the people that do see it are going to forget that they saw it a month ago.
So you may feel like you’re being spammy, but trust me, you’re not. And then you have to take into account that people are just going to start following me today. So if I was, you know, featured in Forbes three years ago, I want people who follow me today to see that. Cause that’s impressive. And they may like that. So that’s why you should always be consistently sharing stuff because people are always following you like today on your podcast. There’s a lot of people who maybe have never heard of me before and they’re going to come follow me on Instagram or Twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn.
So I want them to see everything that I’ve also been featured in in the past, not just from this point, moving forward. That’s so key. And I love that. You just reiterated that social media is a constantly evolving platform. And unless someone’s literally on their feed at that moment, they’re not going to see it. And we get so caught up in, we already posted about this last week. I don’t want to, but like you said, if 1% of our community sees something real time, why not post it again? Why not casually mention it? Why not talk about what a fun experience it was doing behind the scenes or things like of that nature as well.
I love that you can change the angle. Like sometimes it’s this is behind the scene, sometimes it’s check out this article I’m quoted in, sometimes it’s did you see these five tips? Check out my tip at number three, like you can post this at a link to the same thing that you’re doing to promote your publicity, but you can word it differently every time as well. So even if people are seeing the same thing again, it’s way less obvious because you’re leading into it with a different kind of angle. Yes. So it doesn’t seem so direct. I like that.
I think people get freaked out about being a sales person, I guess, or pushing themselves. Maybe that’s what it is. I’ve never had that problem. I’m like, hello. Look at me, look where I was featured. That’s cool. But sometimes people feel weird about like self promotion. So doing that roundabout way that behind the scenes really gives you, I guess, no pressure, right? Like, Oh, I’m so excited. Like look where I am. And that’s why I said, even though it’s in like my self promotional tab, I don’t consider it self promotional because it’s not. A, there’s not a hard call to action. It’s me really just showing you I practice what I preach. It’s me sharing a success story.
Really that’s what it is when you are promoting these media hits or if you’re a contributor to an online outlet and you’re sharing your content, it’s you sharing a success story. And by default it’s self promotion. So this has been amazing. I loved hearing your story, how you kind of navigated all of that, you know, corporate into your own business and your tips have been gold. I’m really excited to implement them. Tell the listeners where they can learn more about Media Maven. You have a podcast, you have I’m sure, amazing resources for them and how they can connect with you.
I have a podcast it’s called Become a Media Maven and this awesome girl named Stefanie, was a guest on this podcast so you should totally check that out. You can find me on Twitter and on Instagram at Christina All Day. And then I’m also on LinkedIn. Oh, can I give your audience something? So I’m going to give you guys a free three day video media class, and I’m going to teach you on day one how to pitch the media to get publicity. Day two, how to like deliver the publicity so you get invited back, you actually make yourself look good. I’ll just elaborate a little bit more on what to do with that publicity to turn it into profit.
And you already got kind of a sneak peek of that. So you can check that out at mediamavenandmore.com/publicity, or you can just go to pitchpublicityprofit.com. That sounds amazing. I’m so excited to take that class ladies. I’m sure you’re going to love it. Thank you, Christina so much. I hope you loved that wealth of knowledge. And I thought it was a great interview. I learned so much I’m ready to get out there and conquer my fear. You’ll see me on the news or in my local blog posts and my local online communities in 2020, for sure. If I can do it, so can you.
I want to leave you with a prayer now that as we get closer to the holidays and as we kind of slow down for the next couple of weeks, I just want to pray that you take the time to really breathe, to step away from your business for a while, to turn off your phone for half of the week, get rid of social media if you need to for the next couple of weeks and really soak in these precious minutes that we have with our littles, with our children, while we still have them. I’ve been feeling nostalgic as we get close to the holidays. And I realize that there will be a day where I’m going to miss the sticky floor and the mess and the mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama. Right?
I may never miss the pee all over the seats, but I’m going to miss these little tiny humans and I just want to soak them in and I want to teach them what true intention looks and feels like because my children are going to do what mama does, not what mama says. So I want to show them what family and intentionality really looks like this holiday season. And I pray that you can do the same. Let go of all the worries, let go of tomorrow and just focus on today. I pray that God gives you that peace in your heart so that you can let go and let Him. I’ll see you soon, as always, love and light, Stef.
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