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Have a podcast that needs a face-lift?
Listen in to this podcast coaching session with Destiny Tillery from The Dream Builder’s podcast where we do a podcast revamp: create a tagline, description, and map out a freebie to drive traffic.
Come on a journey of brand clarity and find out WHY having a niche will always create a way for you to stand out and rise up as an expert. Hear what type of free offer makes sense for your podcast audience and how to map that out. Enjoy.
I pray this blesses you!
(00:00) Hi friend. I’m so excited to be chatting with you today. In this podcast, clarity coaching session with now, one of my amazing ongoing clients, Destiny Tillery from The Dream Builder’s podcast, we’re mapping out her podcast, which is so much fun because you guys get to be part of the original conversation when we got everything up and running just a few short months ago. So be sure that after you listen in and be a fly on the wall on our session, you go and check out Destiny’s podcast. Wherever you listen to shows, especially if you’re a photographer, looking to scale, looking to grow.
(00:39) As I go through all of these questions with her and map out her show, think about how this might work for you and how you can tweak and make some slight changes to your own show. Or if you don’t have one yet, girl, you know, you got to get this going, right? You do know this, implement those questions into your own situation and see what you get out of it. I know you’re going to love this one. I’ll see you soon.
(01:51) So talk to me about what is our goal for this time? So I’ve got my podcast going on, but I need clarity and I need a tagline and a description. I feel like I’m all over the place and that there’s no real clear mission to the podcast. And so I need a tag line and let everybody know what it actually is and who I’m there to help. Because right now I don’t have that. I don’t know why I didn’t think I needed that, but I love that. Sweet.
(02:17) I love your channel art. Thank you. Very good. And then you said Facebook group name, description, and then if we have time, we’ll talk about clarity for the freebie and landing. Yes. So I opened up where I started the Facebook group last night, like midnight and I got it going and like, I didn’t invite anybody to it. So there’s nobody in there yet. I just have it created, have the rules and the questions loaded.
(02:42) I did create the cover art for it, but again, I need a tagline or something that I can, would it be the same as the podcast or something different? The logo for the Dream Builder podcast? I just did it as Dream Builder community and instead of the word podcast on the Facebook group I put community, but I can change all of that. So I didn’t want to go any further until I talked to you today. Perfect. I love it sounds good.
(03:05) So let’s then start with your tagline description. I’m going to share my screen just so you can see what I’m looking at. Okay. So when I’m looking at your show, we’ve got the Dream builder podcast and we absolutely need a tagline here, right? Destiny, because the Dream Builder, that could mean anything. Anything, but it’s really specific to what you’re teaching, what you have right now.
(03:31) How do I build the photography business of my dreams? What steps do I take to grow my business and meet my goals? Introducing the Dream Builder podcast, a place where aspiring photographers can learn not only how to create and build a successful photography business, but also where we discuss turning dreams of all kinds into goals and goals into reality. Tune in for in depth discussions from fellow entrepreneurs who are now experts in their fields. We’ll discuss everything from streamlining your business to achieving your dreams. We aren’t just dreamers we’re Dream Builders. Okay.
(03:58) So when I think of tagline, I really want to have this promise, right? So we really want to have like eight words or less that has who, how and the end result. And then we can pair it down to even smaller. It’s like the sentence of what this brand is and what it stands for. Do you have anything right now or are we starting from scratch? We can start from scratch. I just want to know what’s in your brain. I have thrown around a couple of things. Nothing really felt right.
(04:34) Are we talking to the woman who has a photography business yet? She does. She’s already established, I mean, she could be newly established, but she is already established. And my avatar would be someone who has been doing it for a few years and they’ve gotten good at it, but they don’t have systems in place to be able to make it a sustainable business long term. And they’re reaching burnout.
(05:02) They’re doing everything themselves and they have no time for their own family because they’re always behind the computer and they feel like they’re just spinning their wheels. Not really making any money. They’re not making enough money to see it as an exciting business opportunity, longterm. Like they’re only making enough to get by. Okay. So we know they’re already established. I heard you say a how, it’s systems is there a second how? Let’s say we have a girl who’s maybe what, 33? She’s a mom. Is she doing photography full time? Yes. Okay.
(05:41) Well, I don’t know. I mean, it could be that she’s doing it part time and trying to make that leap into making it full time, but didn’t really know what to do first, actually, how to make the money, how to get the clients, how to book your calendar. Which are all systems. So we have to be using that term. Is there any other how that you give her? Like, for example, if you look at me and I’m saying, I’m helping this Christian entrepreneur with clarity coaching, that’s a how, podcast coaching. That’s a, how and what else? Like systems, time management. Right?
(06:21) So what are the other how’s that we’re giving this person to take that photography business from man to like, Oh, this can be a full time thing. I’m making tons of money. I’m always booked out. What other hows and don’t get caught in like the term just spit hows out at me? What else can you teach her? How to find the right clients, how to attract the right clients, how to make more money per client or more per session, how to work less and make more. Is there mindset component to this? Yeah, it would definitely have to be a scarcity versus abundance mindset work on that for sure.
(07:00) Maybe also like when I think of this, I think of a saturated market where you have to stand out and use a lot of personal branding or like customer service, how to elevate the client experience and to stand out in the market. Absolutely. Yes. Also online marketing, like there’s so many cool things you can teach her. Okay. There’s so many things in my mind, but it’s hard to, it’s hard to plug a word to it, but we can do this. Because if we look at one word is systems, Destiny.
(07:32) When I look at anything that has to do with customer experience, client experience, working less, anything back office, anything structured, it can fall under this word of you teach systems that help them scale their photography business. Right? And then there’s a second word that we need though, that has to do with feeling or something that they’re going to achieve because they’re a mom.
(08:00) They’re just like what I was. I had no time. My children would ask me to come play with them. And I would say, no, I’m so sorry. I really want to, but I have to edit. I can’t, I have to get this done. And then my clients were waiting on me to get done. And I’m like, you know what? Something has to change. I have to change the entire way that I have set my business up to protect my family time so that I can devote more of my time and attention and serve my family in a better way.
(08:26) So that is really where my heart is, is to get these women that have started from mostly just by taking pictures of their family and their children. And they’ve grown a business that now they are at a pivotal moment. They’re like, okay, I’m here. I’m either going to grow and make this a thing. Or I’m going to go back to nursing or I’m going to get a real job, a real job. And then my heart breaks for them. Cause I see them all around. They’re just closing up shop.
(08:53) You exactly hit the nail on the head. We went from, this is a tangible podcast just with tacticals of systems to, Oh no. The secret of what I’m teaching you is all the systems that help you automate this photography business a bit more and make more so that you are working less yet making more because you’re a mom. Yes. This is specifically for photographers who are moms, right? Would you say? I would say so.
(09:22) Because she cares about time freedom. And as a photographer, there is nothing else that is more hustle and grind like that business is all work. And then you edit when you’re home. It is a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be so much work because there’s options to outsource there’s options to get assistant photographers, helping you out. You can get a VA to help you guys with stuff with marketing, you could outsource marketing. So there’s so many ways. So let’s write down outsourcing as another topic anyway.
(09:51) So here’s what I wrote down. We’re close. I’m not sure it’s there. Okay. Systems to scale your photography business by working less yet making more. Do you think that the common younger mom who’s into photography, do you think that they would know what scale means? So other words for scale, let’s just see if there’s a better word. Systems to increase, explode, up level. Up level is very fun right now, systems to up level your photography business by working less yet making more.
(10:24) We can even go a little bit farther to say for the busy mom, right? Like we could be even more clear about who’s it for, and then pair that down somehow for the channel art, for example. But the more clear we are like, this is your whole Instagram sentence. It’s like, yeah, we’re the Dream Builder podcast and the Dream Builder brand. However, what is that? It’s niche, it’s systems to up level your photography business by working less yet making more for the busy mom. Yeah. Tell me how that feels.
(10:54) Does it feel like it’s there or we need to tweak it a bit? For the busy mom. I like it. Do you think that we could have something that pulls on the heartstrings a little bit more? Well, that’s where we get into description. So tagline is like in your face so obvious. Gotcha. Anybody reads that they’re like, Oh, okay. Mine is clarity coaching for Christian mompreneurs, get clarity, launch a podcast and monetize using courses and coaching. Gotcha. Yeah.
(11:25) It doesn’t pull on one heartstring. What it does is it gives her a specific promise right away, but she clicks on anything of mine or she continues reading the description. Now I’m triggering her to listen. My titles are going to trigger her to listen, but you’ve got to know what is this in eight, 10 words or less. Yeah. Okay. Well that’s my goal. That’s what would draw me in. I would want to know how I could elevate my business, how to work less, make more and I’m a busy mom, so yes, let’s tune in.
(11:56) The reason I just love systems so much is it’s like, we can say we could cut that out. Right. And say, up level your photography business by working less and making more for busy moms. How? With what? So that’s where we’re adding systems. And now it’s even a deeper promise because almost everyone I work with and talk to Destiny, what they’re missing is organization and systems they don’t know up from down. And they’re like, I’m just a creative. I go take the pictures. What do you mean I need systems?
(12:25) And you’re basically saying, if you have all these systems, that’s what’s going to take you next level. So let me ask you this. Whenever I’ve done all the systems when we’ve talked about on the podcast, all the systems. Yeah. How will I introduce new content? If it doesn’t fall into that specific criteria of a system? Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. Okay. Systems is just a component of what you’re teaching.
(12:50) You get to teach any and everything, Destiny that does this, up levels her photography business, or helps the busy mom photographer. Okay. That’s it like anything that touches her is okay. The other thing, if you feel weird about systems is we could nick this in the tagline, but then start with that in the description. Like if you feel like I don’t want to be stuck to that term, that could be a category instead. You know how I talk about categories? So we’ve got Dream Builder podcast. We have Destiny at the top.
(13:25) Then we have Dream Builder podcast or Dream Builder brand, you got photography. Then you have this brand of teaching photographers, Dream Builder brand. And then there’s the podcast under here. There’s going to be coaching, probably going to be a passive product. So all those things are under here. Well under the podcast is further categories. So it’s like this web that goes with your brand down, down, down.
(13:51) So under the podcast, how do we help? How do we help the busy mom up level through systems at our back office, through systems, through mindset, through client relationships, client cultivation, attraction, being authentic, all of those words that are like about the humanization side of who she is. And she has to connect connection, maybe connection. That’s the word. And then the last one is marketing. And then under marketing is like leads and closing sales and all the things. Yeah.
(14:24) So really I think if you feel weird about this word, we could just have it as a category and anything that fits in these four categories, everything we wrote up here fits in one of these, does that make you feel a bit more free? I like it either way. I’m going to do whatever you say to do. It does sit well with me to say up level. Cause immediately you’re like, it’s an increase. It’s elevating something. What are we doing? You know how you have in your tagline mompreneur? Well in the photography world we sometimes say mom tog.
(14:56) Oh, that should be something that goes in there if mom tog is widely known, is that a widely known term? I don’t know. I’ve been doing this for almost 12 years. So it is to me, but I don’t know that it would be to everybody. Maybe not. Let’s use mom tog in the description because it is a searchable phrase. Okay. All right. So let’s go with option one. Up level your photography business by working less yet, making more for the busy mom. Option two systems, mindset and marketing for the busy mom photographer or for the photography boss mom. Yeah. Sounds good. Yeah.
(15:43) So let’s pick one of those and then we’ll move to description. So that second one was systems, mindset and marketing for the busy photographer mama, photographer boss mom. But the only thing I see in that second one is it doesn’t say up level your photography business, but we can say it’s inferred because if we’re saying systems, mindset, marketing for the busy photographer boss mom. I kind of liked the first one a bit better because it’s more clear of the promise of what’s the end result.
(16:14) Up level your photography business by working less and making more for the busy mom. I like the first one. I do too. All right. Let’s move on to the description. So I’m just going to say this. I talk fast and it’s recorded. All right. Hey, you busy mama and incredible business woman taking pictures for a living, trying to scale that photography business and burning the candle stick at both ends. Hi, I’m Destiny. I’ve been a photographer for blank years and I am here to tell you this doesn’t have to be so hard.
(16:52) I am here to teach you how you can up level your photography business with simple systems, mindset shifts, client connection hacks, and marketing. That’s going to completely transform the way you run your photography business. Let’s work less yet make more and have more time for the things that actually matter. How does that sound? Phenomenal? In this podcast, I will gift you everything I know about scaling a successful photography business, along with bring on guest experts who are going to pour into your business. Join me as we make this easier, more fun and more successful for you and your family. Welcome to the Dream Builder podcast. Yay, I love it.
(17:48) I understand how you can do this, but it’s a true gift. It’s amazing. Okay. The whole time, like when we first get on I’m like, Lord God, give us the words. Give us the clarity. Great. Thank you. All right. So I haven’t really been worried about that one. So now we have tagline. We have core categories, Destiny. We have topics that I want you to get into. I’m not sure what you guys have been talking about, but I want you to get so specific, if it doesn’t touch one of these four don’t air it, don’t have them on. And it has to be for this woman specifically, right? The mom tog.
(18:39) Don’t have it because it’s like, you want to attract all the photographer mamas. You are going to be well known in the mom tog industry as the go to for scaling, growing her business. Cool. Cool. Okay. Love it. So that feels really good to me. Let’s move on to Facebook group name and description. Would I just do the same thing and can I name it The Dream Builder community. Or do I need to keep it with the podcast and then put community?
(19:10) Well, what’s going to be your thing. Is the podcast going to be like how I am where it’s like, that’s my ultimate thing. And then that funnels people different places. Or do you have a different space that you’re showing up? No, I’m not doing YouTube or anything like that. The only place I’m really pouring into is the podcast is my number one, and then Pinterest and Instagram. Those are my things.
(19:33) Through that, I shared this with you before in the mastermind group. But the ultimate goal is to create a course based on the feedback that I get. And based on my experience over the years of what I needed, what I feel like would be able to take somebody from zero to 10. I love that. So here’s why I do want it to say your podcast somewhere on here, because somebody finds my group, I get a lot of organic people finding my group because of my search terms, Destiny.
(20:02) I still want them to know, Oh, it’s a podcast, I should go listen to the podcast. We kind of want to cross promote. So maybe what you could say is the Dream Builder, and you said community. Yeah. So something like the Dream Builder community or the Dream Builder sisterhood, number one podcast for busy mom photographers. So still put it here. Like who’s it for right here in the graphic. And then you claim it. Number one podcast to scale your photography business. Go ahead and take it. Cause it’s for the taking.
(20:36) Then I have like right here, it’s all pointing to the show. But for my name, the name is Mompreneur Mastermind. So I think for you, you could have the name of your group name. Just Dream Builders if that’s available or Dream Builder podcast is fine or Dream Builder community, right. That’s what made it, I made it Dream Builder community. On my cover art. It has podcast. I just took the word podcast out and put community the same. Okay.
(21:02) What’s the search under like what’s the extension? Well, it says the dream builder community is the title. So just make sure it’s searchable and I think the Dream Builder community is fine. Just make sure on your channel art Destiny, you have them pointing to your podcast. Anyway, one other thing in the group. So when you set it up, the biggest thing that’s been driving for me is these tags. And I need to change these tags, but for your tags, I would have mom tog, mom photographer, or I think mom tog is really the phrase that people will search for.
(22:06) Cause mom photographer could be they’re taking pictures of moms, right? Or what else? Photography podcast. That needs to be one. Okay. Grow your photography business is a term that someone might search for photography business. That’s when they might search for. So all those terms go here in your tags so they can find you. Okay. And then the description is the same one I just riffed off for you right here. Perfect. Good, good. Okay.
(22:34) So then we have some time. Yes we do. Let’s talk about quickly the freebie, I’m trying to get prepared for Tuesday. I just created the longest solo episode that I’ve ever done. I’ve not published it yet because I want it to be able to forward people to this new group that I just created. So it is all of the things that I think that would be so, so helpful that they can do now, even when we’re all shut down and all of the best secrets that I have for marketing. Okay.
(23:08) I just listed them out and have described each one. And I did the podcast on it. I just wrote my show notes. Could I condense those down and make that amazing recession-proof marketing plan for photographers or something like that? Or it could just be like my top 12 and have that as the freebie for whenever someone pops on and they click on? Cause I have on my website, I’ve got an area for photographers. So when they click on that, do you think a popup would be good or? Yes. I love popups.
(23:43) I’m just trying to think it has to be so more juicy, the name. So it’s something like 12 marketing secrets that grew my business 30% or right. Like why do they care? Cause everyone’s like here’s some marketing, right? So they’re like, what’s the result? So could we say something like, is there a tangible result that you think you got Destiny when you put these five things into play? For example, I just came up with an episode and I’m like, instead of just saying five Pinterest hacks, I said five Pinterest hacks that bring me 78% of my website, traffic. Yeah.
(24:14) It’s blown up because the title is everything. So what do you think, is there a result you can tie to these 12 secrets? Absolutely. I had more bookings, better quality clients and more money. Can we say how much, how much more do you think? Was there 50% growth? Yes, 60% even. I don’t know. It’s a lot. I mean, because if you just sit on a log and you do nothing, you get nothing. Sure.
(24:48) If you market these things it’s endless. And so I think, yeah. Then let’s say this, let’s say 12 marketing secrets that increased my photography business at least 50%. Okay. Or increase your photography business by 50% with these 12 marketing secrets. That sounds good. And that’s what you title your podcast too. Okay. Yes. Right now, Destiny, how you get a bunch of people to come listen to your show right now. Can you also create some episodes about, so you have that one that’s like increase photography business 50% with these 12 marketing secrets.
(25:29) Next one is, can you take a photography business virtual? That’s a question. And that’s your title? Can you take a photography business virtual? And it’s you, maybe you and an expert, maybe just you, but talking about what can they do right now to keep making money? What can they do virtually if anything, and it’s like this open conversation or this like Q and A type like, okay, can we even do this? What are some options for us? So that would be an episode that I think you need right next after your 12 marketing secrets. Perfect.
(26:02) Let me think if there’s another one that’s like highly pertinent right now. How about thinking about, okay. There are ways that they can get the back office stuff set up, right? Three things you must do now while business is slow? Or business slow? Three things you should be doing. And when I think of that, what do I think of? I think of, Hey, now’s the time? Get all your back office stuff set up. Let’s teach you some systems. Let’s do a mindset exercise.
(26:34) Third. We’re going to go through and make a whole client roster. And we’re going to call and email every client and just see if they’re doing okay. We’re not going to pitch business, we’re going to continue relationship building. Perfect. So that will different are all within the same different episodes. Anytime you can split an episode and make it smaller and more digestible. And then even a continuation is always great too. Like we’re going through the recession series guys.
(26:59) Cause now they’re like, Ooh, I’m going to subscribe, cause I don’t want to miss next week’s episode when Destiny talks about what three things I have to be doing if business is slow, I want to know what that is. Okay. Let me think. There was one other thing that came through that I was thinking maybe another one that would be really good in the next couple of months would be. Did you know you could automate parts of your photography business? And then four things you should be outsourcing. And I’m just making up the numbers. Maybe it’s three or two or five, but blank things you can be outsourcing.
(27:33) Another one is why you’re struggling to get clients or when to raise your prices for photographers. Like all of those things are things that are coming up. So anyway, I would work on that type of stuff. Cause it’s juicy. The titles are very clickable, but starting with the things that they’re facing right now. Right now they’re terrified their business is going under. They’re being canceled on left and right, they are down to zero income.
(27:56) Can they still make money at this business? Should they quit? What can they do while they’re sitting around twiddling their thumbs? Can they still grow a client base without actually doing the work? They’re scared about how long this is going to last. Anything you have in your arsenal to make those fears go away, Destiny is a must right now. Okay. That’s good. Excellent. I’m so excited. I can’t wait.
(28:18) I hope you loved that clarity coaching podcasting session with Destiny and learned a lot. And I just wanted to thank you guys so much for being part of my community. I’m so excited and grateful for all of you who we’ve just finished up the business booster workshop calls. And 60 people had clarity. For 60 people to have clarity, that’s the greatest gift I could ask for out of that bundle that I sold.
(28:46) I’m so grateful for each and every one of you and for your breakthrough. And for those of you that are looking for your own breakthrough, Hey, let’s grab a session. Yay. Cause guess what? I’m a clarity coach and I can help you map out your brand or figure out what your podcast is going to be called. Go through the brand tier creation roadmap with you, come up with titles. We can map out some type of passive income strategy.
(29:11) We’ve got you covered. So email us at to find out the pricing and to get on my schedule. I pray over you Sis. Thank you for being here. I pray that you were fueled with excitement today and happiness and joy, and that your perspective is fueled with love and encouragement and just know that God is cheering for you. And we are all here together, pushing forward on our greatest dreams and you are not alone. As always, love and light, Stef.
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