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In this coaching session, I chat with Emily Nichols, host of the Self Care Isn’t Selfish podcast, about pivoting and making a transition into following her passion for self-care. As Emily shares the challenge she’s facing to narrow down a clear vision and direction, I help her clearly define the path she’ll need to take to solidify and reach her audience.
This session reminds us that it’s crucial to allow yourself grace and room to change the trajectory of your brand and message as you grow and gain more clarity.
I cover the details that we need to be aware of to find success when we pivot our vision and how this transition impacts our brand. I dissect the podcast pillars and lay out a clear plan as she prepares to expand her brand. As we begin to broaden our focus, we must be mindful of the whos, whats, and whys of your brand.
Emily shares with me that she wants to position herself with passive income as part of her brand. I walk her through the milestones and clarify the steps she will need to meet to offer this to her followers successfully. Then, I explain the strategy I used, share what I found most helpful, and impart essential aspects to consider as she develops this part of her brand. I remind her of the importance of offering a clear, tangible solution to provide her followers.
Emily inspires us through her passion for what she does and the help she offers her clients! We discuss how we can monetize. We dive into the numbers, and I share my advice in best practices to monetize a podcast. I outline clear tips to promote your service offerings through your podcast and how to monetize your organic content.
Join Emily and I as we talk shop and discuss positioning yourself and your brand for success on whatever path you take!
I pray this blesses you!
Hey friends. Welcome to episode 178 of the Mompreneur Mastermind Show. I’m so grateful that you’re here in today’s episode. I’m going to be going deep into a coaching episode with Emily Nichols, where we dig into brand expansion and what the heck to do when you want to pivot, how you can make some passive income off of a brand new brand, and ideas for monetizing her existing podcast.
If you are a podcaster looking to make some more passive profit, if you are kind of sitting with a brand that you’re not sure is exactly right, and you’re questioning if pivoting would be the right move or how to get more niche into your demographic, this is the coaching episode for you. Grab that second cup of joe. Let’s do it.
Quick reminder, girlfriend, if you are wanting help to clarify your brand, if you need some guidance on getting specific on your avatar, your niche, if you want me to help you map out your four tiers of brand creation, including the title of your brand and the tagline, the description, if you need some help, figuring out what your online course is going to be and creating that course together, hi, it’s me. I’m a coach. Hey girl. I’m here for you.
Let’s grab a coaching session so that I can help you get over the roadblocks that are keeping you from your own greatest potential from your biggest breakthroughs, from your greatest, most exciting year yet. Please email us at support@stefaniegass.com and we’ll get your coaching session on the books.
Start me off by sharing with me. Like, what’s the goal for today, Emily? What would you be like, okay, we got this stuff done. I’m so happy. So I kind of feel like I’m at a place in my business where I need to transition a bit, but I feel kind of lost as far as that transition, as far as which direction to go. I feel like I’m kind of confusing my audience a little bit right now, cause I’m confused. Just to get a little bit more clarity on which road I’m going to go down and what that will look like.
I have a lot of ideas, but I need to narrow it down just so everyone is on the same page. Okay. Is that the main thing? Yeah, that’s the main thing. I mean, obviously I have some ideas as far as some online courses and where to take my podcast. As far as like tangible goals, obviously monetizing that a bit more and having a steady state of income coming in every month from these courses that I’m going to be creating.
So the reason I feel like I need a little bit more clarity, so kind of starting from the beginning. So I am a Whole 30 certified coach if you’ve ever heard of Whole 30, it’s kind of an exclusive coaching certification that I got about a year and a half ago. It’s something I’m very, very passionate about. And I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over three years. I’m a fitness instructor as well, but Whole 30 kind of helped me change my life.
I was like, wow, I want to be a coach. So I became a coach and after helping people and kind of just looking at my own journey, I was like, man, the Whole 30 really helped me find my own version of self care. There’s gotta be a way I can help inspire other women to take care of themselves first and find their own version of self care. So this past August for like the past year, before that, I just kept feeling called to start a podcast. Cause that’s my favorite way to get my own personal development.
I’m always sending a podcast recommendation to people. I’m like, let’s just do my own and recommend people listen to mine. So I really felt just called to do that. So now I feel like I want to take it more as being like a self care coach, but having Whole 30 as an arm of that, because Whole 30 is something very, very specific, which I think is great. I feel like I can reach a broader audience being a self care coach and just having Whole 30 is like an arm of that.
One of my mentors, if you’ve ever followed or heard of Danika Brysha online, but she kind of has a similar story and she’s more of like a self care coach and just has some Whole 30 coaching opportunities a couple of times throughout the year when it makes sense. And for me, I’m like that, I feel like would be more profitable and makes a lot more sense and be less confusing for my audience. Yeah. That sounds amazing.
Where do you feel like the struggle is coming in? Because it sounds like you’re like, I know I want to do this thing. Where are you having that hard? Is it how it looks or is it the transition vocalizing it to the audience or are you still stuck on, do I fully transitioned to the self care coach? Where are you kind of finding yourself stuck? Yeah, I feel like I’m stuck as far as fully transitioning to the self care coach or whatnot.
I feel like my audience would be like, that makes total sense. You know, that’s what you talk about online anyways and the podcast. I also don’t want to lose that Whole 30 part of me for a couple of reasons, because it’s a great way to make money a couple of times a year and host some groups as sort of like a self care, coaching thing. But also it’s a national program. I get a lot of exposure by being a Whole 30 certified coach and having that tie back to Whole 30 HQ as well. Okay.
So then I guess my question is why does it have to be a full transition? Emily, does it have to be like this hard set in stone guys, by the way, like I’m fully transitioned to this self care coach and Whole 30 kind of fits in sometimes. Why can’t it just be, you know, you guys know I’m obsessed with Whole 30. I love fitness. I went through this transition of where I recognize that Whole 30 was a form of self care.
So now what I’m doing is I’m expanding on the Whole 30 mentality for you guys. And we’re now adding in beep beep and beep, which we should come up with the specifics of what does that picture look like. And say, so now we have an entire umbrella of how you can blossom and you know, have the full picture of self care or all the components of it. Like instead of cutting Whole 30, why not build on Whole 30 so that they look at it as this puzzle where there’s like four pieces to the puzzle and Whole 30 is one of the pieces. Absolutely.
So when I started my coaching business, I made like this tagline being my coach. I lead you through my eat, move, love, coaching philosophy, where we start with Whole 30. And then since it rippled into this other areas of my life of self care, we talk about moving your body. We talk about personal development and I kind of coined it, my eat, move, love coaching philosophy. But I feel like there could be a few more layers to that to build out more of a self care coaching program. Yeah.
So let’s talk about that then, because I think it helps you have direction when you have so much clarity on what is our promise that we want to provide somebody? Then we can talk about what are the funnels that feed that promise that feel really right for you. Okay. So if we were looking at your podcast, so the self care isn’t selfish, somebody comes to you and they’re like, okay, I want a self care session with you. What would that mean for you? And what is the tangible?
This is where we have trouble with self care and self love and all of those is that what’s my tangible result. Okay. Talk me through that. So my whole thing is, okay, so as far as something tangible, like if I was to do like a one off with a client, be like, we are going to leave this conversation and we are going to make a tangible self care checklist for you to get started today.
Kind of basing that off questions of places they feel like they needed a little bit more help in whether it would be food or movement or making friends or all these different areas of self care and kind of getting them that checklist of things they could do every day to move them into their own self care routine. That word specifically helps me where you say so I help blank create a simple, sustainable self care routine.
To me that’s like, oh, that’s something I walk away with. I meet with you. And I get a routine that I can now implement on my own. So a self care routine would be something sellable, Emily, for sure. I’m like a routine, a checklist because when I do any type of public speaking, like right now, my whole thing is like at the end, I have them pull out a piece of paper and I’m like, write three things you could do tomorrow for your own self care checklist. That will take less than five minutes.
It could be, I’m going to get up and stretch. I’m going to get up and read. I’m going to drink water. It means something basic to give them some baby steps into crafting a more substantial self care routine. I love that. And two, you could build on how a routine starts to lock in those habits and then habits become something that’s automatic for self care.
Like I don’t think about going to the gym anymore. I don’t think about the steam room anymore because it’s ingrained into my habits. So that’s something you can build on too. Because anybody could say here’s a checklist, but maybe what you can do to expand upon that and like take your clients through a larger system. It would be, how do we then put in the accountability, Emily of taking them from the checklist to the routine, to the habits. Yeah.
So there’s this three tier system of self care to get them to go do it without thinking about it, self care is ingrained in who you are. Yeah. So to me, that’s where you can maybe add that higher level of coaching. Okay. So then let’s talk about the components of that routine. Okay. So because when we say, what are the components of this full self care picture for her. Now, you know, the categories of your podcast you’re talking about now, you know, the modules of your course, you’re going to sell, now, you know it all will fit in so beautifully when you have clarity on what makes up that perfect routine.
So can we get to like four or five components of your best freaking self care? Like you are rocking? Yeah. So, you know, obviously I always start with food, like how are they eating and feeling their body? I always talk about some type of movement, talking about some type of mindfulness, whether it would be prayer or meditation. Those are always my top three and stuff. I already coach now like within my Whole 30 groups. Perfect.
As far as some other modules and just thinking about the guests I’ve brought on my shows, I mean, I could go a few different directions. I could talk about how to make friends, plugging into community and thinking even about people’s finances. How are you taking care of your finances? I mean, there’s a lot of different directions I could go with it. I love the community one maybe as that fourth bonus.
I think once you start getting into finance, it’s kind of self care. I love though the community friend piece and then in mindfulness, I’m sure that this is where you’re going with that, but like I’ve been on this huge kick of finding your peace as Trent Shelton says. You know, it’s like taking hours with no social media, like that component of detoxing, I guess, from the world. So that could probably fit into your mindfulness, but that’s for me, such a huge one. Yeah. Okay. So let’s roll with those four. Okay.
So if you have these four categories, then I think what you just freaking embody is like, what’s up like I’m Emily Nichols. I am a self care coach. So see, how does this feel? I help women customize or create not sure, simple, sustainable self care routines. Yeah. I help women create, so I don’t know if customize or create, I was thinking if you said customize, that’s a whole nother level of your coaching kind of embedded in there. Simple, sustainable self care routines. And then the beauty of that is how through food and health mentorship, movement, mindfulness coaching and community and friendship building. So like, this is how.
So, who is women? And we can get more niche there if we want, but do what? Create simple, sustainable health care routines, how? Those four things. And now those four things now have wings. Yeah. So these four things, if we’re looking at how that would flow and how that would be monetized, obviously the food health and movement one is all monetized by your Whole 30 coaching. Hmm.
So any episode where you’re doing food, health, movement, physical swap this for that, or explaining Whole 30, talking about how food is energy, how food is a form of love, and all of these things are like, by the way guys did, you know, I’m a Whole 30 coach. My next thing is going to pop off on whatever August 1st. And even if you’re only doing two Whole 30 programs a year, whatever you want to do. Okay. So you can pick, okay.
Obviously January is a great time. And then maybe like August is another great time or whatever you can promote it and have waiting lists in between or funnel people into a group in the meantime, and then launch for a month before each group. But you don’t have to take people all the time, but you should be filling in those programs because these women need that. And they’re looking for, well, if you’re teaching me food and health, give me the program. Yeah. That’s how I would run that piece.
I wouldn’t get rid of Whole 30. I wouldn’t even say anything about it other than this is how the picture looks. You guys, this is how Whole 30 fits in. I’m going to be running two programs a year. You guys can get on the wait list for the one in July or August. And you got like a funnel system for that. It feels more exclusive that way. Cause I’m just going to do a group right now. They’re finishing up and I was going to do another one in September because that’s when like Whole 30 HQ does theirs. It lines up really perfectly.
Just this past year, I tried to create like an evergreen, Whole 30 product where it’s just like a $50 course. And I just kind of take them through Whole 30 whenever they want. I’m just their virtual coach and it’s done okay. People wanted the higher level accountability versus just getting a weekly video on daily email for me through their Whole 30.
Are you still promoting that at all? Like is it still something you’re pushing? It’s something I’m going to be pushing more. I think that’s still something great for you to use in these episodes, Emily, to have to do with the food health movement, all of that guys, two options for you. I’ve got a mini course. You want to do this thing virtual. I have that option. If you want to do the group program with us, get on the waiting list or do you want to add private coaching?
I don’t know if that’s something you want to add in, but it can be your, I do private coaching group or the evergreen mini course. Okay. So really there’s something for everyone and the course is no time off your back. And you were saying like, oh, I don’t know if it’s enough, but remember that whoever’s starting that program, Emily they’re at square one. So what may not seem like enough to you? It’s probably enough for the beginner to jump in and go, I love this. I’m getting it, but I need more. I’m going to go pre-register for her next group program. Yeah.
I’m glad you said that cause I actually have someone in my group right now. She did the mini course last year and then she registered for the group. Cause she was like, I loved it so much. And I just wanted to be connected to you more is what she said. And I was just like, can I just get more people like that? Exactly. And in your course, make sure that your last module is ready for more? Here’s how you guys work with me at a higher capacity.
You can register for the next group coaching here. And you’ve got your little landing page for that or email me for the latest coaching menu. So right inside the course is the upsell. Gotcha. So I think that’s monetizing the food and health portion of it. Do you have any other questions on that piece of it? Or like how I would say certain things or capturing leads from that? Not necessarily, like I said, it’s so niche with Whole 30. I think I was confusing myself more so than when I’m confusing my audience. Cause I was like, do I just get rid of the Whole 30?
But like you said, I’m still, I talk about food a lot. And I always in dropping little nuggets about Whole 30 or stuff I love in regards to, so it still makes sense. And I like the idea of getting a wait list and having it more exclusive to do like higher level, Whole 30 coaching experience with me. Yeah. If you feel strange about, I feel like I’m all over the place, do they know what I’m doing and who I am?
Record an episode, Emily where you’re like, hey everybody, you know, I’ve been feeling like a little unclear about how I want to serve you. So I met with a coach. I am so clear what you can expect going forward. We’ve got four categories we’re going to learn in every single month. I’m offering you this type of coaching. I’ve got this resource for you. So I wanted you guys to be on the same page with me. Cause like open communication with my audience.
Then it opens up the door for them to message me. Cause I’ll say, what do you guys want in the food and health category? What can I teach you? What do you guys want in the mindfulness category? Which experts would fit in that you guys want to recommend? And so once they feel like they are part of the journey and part of the changes, they’re so ingrained, like they’ll never leave and they trust you more too. Cause they see, oh you’re a real person.
I just love being vulnerable with my audience and it always pays off. Right. I love that. So then the next category is mindfulness. Now I guess let’s talk about your ideas for that. Cause like what I said with my Whole 30 coaching, everything falls under that umbrella so much already, but I feel like if I was to do like a self care checklist coach coaching program, like this is like my big program where you get more exclusive nitty gritty, personalized self care coaching. I feel like that would be a lot more profitable than what I’m doing now, which is Whole 30. Okay.
So here’s my next question. Do you have enough market research to know for sure what this woman needs and wants from you at this point? I don’t think I do. Okay. So then step one, I think Emily would be offer private self care coaching at a price where you’re like, this feels really good to me. Like I can make this amount anywhere else, but it’s affordable enough to where you’re going to get enough women through the door to do the research and create a whole bunch of these customized self care routines with her.
You’re going to start hearing same question over and over the same setback. The same mindset shift needs to happen, the same problem that’s going on. And when you start to hear the same thing over and over again, that’s when you know and when you’re answering it in the same way, I’m seeing a system be born answering this. I’m giving her the same 10 steps, every call, that’s my 10 step formula. Right?
That’s when you package that up and when the next person comes to hire you, you go, I think I know what you’re struggling with. Is it these 10 issues? Cause I have a course that I just put together for this so that I can save you money. Right. That gives me so much more clarity right there. Cause in my mind, I’m like, I’m going to drop a course. I’m going to do this.
Like when I launched my Whole 30 coaching business, I did like a beta group, like a group of people. I mean I put them in there cheap and they gave me a lot of great testimonials and feedback. And then I reworked the course just according to what they told me. But I liked the idea of doing private coaching first and then going into course creation. And then it’s like, you don’t waste any time because you know.
Because I have created so many courses thinking this is what they need and none of them blew up until it was the one that I kept getting hired for over and over hearing I’m answering the same thing, the same way as same thing as three months of it, four months of it, I was like, we’re done with this call cause I’m doing this. It’s the same stuff. And that’s when you know, it’s demand, you know how to answer it. Cause you’ve talked to enough of these women.
You know the format you’ve given them the answers and you’ve got social proof, it’s working. And then, you know, you have a winner course because courses take time and energy and they’re a lot. And so it’s like, I don’t just want to create something and hope it sticks. It’s great when it’s done being created though, it’s amazing. Oh. And then you can go in and just update and tweak and your topic is so perfect. Cause you don’t have anything you’re going to have to go in there and update all the time. It’s not online marketing. It’s not Instagram. I’m like praise, praise. Cause you’re good.
Create it and be done based on the clients you’re getting in Emily. I mean 15 people before you’re like, okay, this feels good. I’m starting to really gain this clarity. Even 10. You’re going to have a lot of clarity. So it may not be a long time. It’s just getting enough women through that door. So you decide what’s that price point to get these 10 women through the door. Just do like 10 of ’em set up an hour Zoom. We’re done. Exactly.
And then take them through your formula so you’ll know. Okay, we’re going through these four categories and create like this outline or this system that you really want to take her through live. And I think the deliverable from you is this customized self care routine. It’s just so much, it’s tangible to me in an area that’s untangible, which is so cool. Yeah. So, well this makes so much sense. What other questions do you have on coaching? Do you have any questions on coaching like how that works?
No, I feel like that’s something it’s very ingrained in me and I love having one on one conversations with women and helping to coach them and encourage them. But you know, once I launched the podcast in August, I was like, man, this is even better. I love what I’m doing. I’m loving these conversations. And you know, I have some affiliates that I work with, where I just share my discount code and stuff and get a cutoff at that. But I’m really looking to take the podcast to the next level and monetize it more and really, you know, being able to offer these private coaching options and eventually another course.
I’m kind of looking for your opinion on how to monetize it more, make some money off of that as well. Because I feel like that’s something that really, I dunno, it speaks to my soul when I do the podcast. I love it so very much. I was just saying on my stories yesterday, I don’t do it for me, I do it for them and I really just hope it’s inspiring them and I hope they’re feeling, but I also want to make money what I’ve been doing too. Oh my gosh. And you should be. Yeah.
Because the people listening to your show, they already like, know and trust you. And so it’s almost, I feel like it’s almost a disservice for you not to give them well, what’s the next implementation solution for you? So how are you monetizing it today other than is it just affiliate? Just affiliate. That’s all I’m doing right now. Just with certain companies, mainly Whole 30 companies that I’m able to offer a discount code and get a cut back from that.
So you’re always gonna make more money, Emily, if it’s yours, right? If it’s your product service. Once in a while. And especially when we have a hundred thousand, millions of people, then it starts to compound. If you have something that’s yours, which you already do, that needs to be your push because that’s 80% profit margin on that course, if not more. Even your Whole 30 programs are a ton of profit margin, which is amazing. And now these self care sessions.
Coaching is my most profitable, that and my course. Once you have your signature course, that’s going to be not expensive, but it’s going to be enough to like, oh wow, this makes an impact. Every time I sell one, you know, the dream is like for me to have 70% passive coming in from courses and then 30% coaching with people I truly want to coach. So that would be the goal for you cause you have a similar model of service.
So I would start today and anytime you have a food, health or movement, and I would think of your podcast in a tier of three, okay. So you’ve got this food health movement segment. You’ve got mindfulness/prayer or peace or quiet your phone and all that is in the middle of the mindful. And then this community friendship/coaching live on the air in that third pocket. So if you did an episode in every other one, people know what to expect.
You’re going in order that when you do food, health and movement immediately, right in that next episode, you do your monetizing with that course. Right? Sure. So, hey guys, today we’re talking about how food is a form of self love or a form of self hate. How can we rewrite the food story in our minds? You’re going through your podcast episode and then right in the middle it’s like, beep okay, real quick. I had to pop in because if you’re loving this episode, did you know I have a food solution that’s worked for me and dozens of other women, just like you.
It’s easy, nutritious, it’s healthy. It’s Whole 30. And I’ve got a simple starter course for you. It’s extremely affordable. It’s going to reset the way you think about food, help you get healthy, lose some weight. Head over to blank and grab it for this introductory price. Right? So you can monetize using your course, which is super affordable. You can sell it anytime of the year. Then in your course, the last module is, did you love this? You ready for more? I offer group coaching, get on the wait list or Whole 30 private coaching. Here’s how you get in touch with me.
So it’s almost like a sales funnel for people. Yeah. Right there within the course. So I would then go the next time and talk about your Whole 30 group coaching program. Get on the wait list here because you want them to know you have both options. So I would talk about both. And in every episode, Emily, I’m giving them every single episode sell something of mine. Yeah. It doesn’t feel salesy though. Right? Like I’ll read a testimony. I’ll give an inside peek. I’ll talk about how something helped me.
Sometimes it is a straight sale, but not every time, because I know they need it and you know that they need it. Right. And if they don’t need it, they can fast forward. Right. So that’s how I’d monetize that food, health and movement. Does that feel good to you? Yes. Okay.
What about community? Because I thought about starting my own Facebook group for like the podcast, but at the same time, I also like, I don’t want another thing to manage. That sounds it’s horrible. But you know, it’s a great way to connect with them and you know, and provide other resources there. But I’m kind of like, what would I talk about? Just post like, oh, did you hear this from the show this week? And it never hurts you to have the Facebook group.
Are you funneling people to an email list yet? Yes. Okay. So that’s obviously most important. And that’s in your show notes every time, like get my self care tips, top three tips for self care in five minutes or less, like you said, like whatever your freebie is, getting them in there. But if you also collect them in a Facebook group, here’s the funny thing.
I’ve just been collecting people in a group for like seven years. Well, there’s 3000 people in there and like I didn’t ever, I didn’t really do much with it, but the beauty is certain people are Facebook people, certain people are email people, certain people are podcast people. So I don’t want to miss out on my Facebook women when I do have a launch of something, they already know who I am. They already listen to my show, but maybe they’re the Facebook people.
So when I go in there and I do a quick live, or I do want to do some engagement, I’m trying to be better about engagement posts, asking questions, driving community. There was like a good six months I did literally nothing in there. And you know, it self sustains. People, post stuff. Well, and I can see that as the third tier, like, oh, community friendship. Oh, did you know I have my own Facebook group where you can connect with other women looking to connect with other women. Exactly.
And to collaborate on self care and brainstorm. And yeah. A form of loving yourself is finding meaningful relationships and it’s lonely being a mom. And so yeah, we look to the internet and we look to like-minded women that are, you’re listening to this podcast. There’s probably someone just like you listening to it in another state. Why don’t we collaborate? So I think it can’t hurt you to set up the Facebook group.
Then maybe a couple of times a week, Emily, you do a prompt or a quick something of like, how can you drive self care and how can you drive community and friendship? And so you might ask leading questions like ladies, what did you do for self care today? What’s one way you can improve in your self care this week, make a promise to the group, like use it as almost this accountability group. Yeah.
For the podcast listeners and the beauty to have a Facebook group is you can put a pin post up there too. That has like, here’s the podcast with all the free things. Here’s the checklist, join the email list. And did you know, here’s the ways you can work with me. And you’ve got a list right there in the group. I don’t add people to my group. They find it through the podcast. So they already know who I am and they’re looking for more.
They’re almost like your perfect market that are ready to buy. You have it right there up in the shelf of the pin. Yes, I guess my answer is, yeah, you need a Facebook group. So with this Whole, 30 group I’m doing this month, like I said, I’m hosting it through Kajabi and they made their own free community and they have an app that they just created as well. So I was like sweet because I would always host it in Facebook and like, you know, the posts get lost and I was like, I’m going to do it through Kajabi because maybe they’ll be more interactive because they won’t get all the clutter of Facebook.
Well, it’s just, they’ve totally not been interactive because they’re like, and I’ve asked them, I was like, why don’t you answer? And they’re like, well, it’s not on Facebook. Let’s try something a different platform. No, I think the benefit of Facebook is that we all, even if we’re annoyed with Facebook, we get in there once a day to see what’s up. We’re already in it. And then if there’s something we’re interested in that pops up as an alert, we will go look.
So it’s almost like instead of having to do a poll system of like, you’ve got to login somewhere, check with this membership community and that it’s a push system where it’s like, oh, it’s right in front of my face. I’m for sure going to look at it. And then when they’re already interested in you it’s even that much more easy. So I’ve had that same experience. All right.
So like right now on my Instagram, I have myself as Whole 30 coach and self care expert. And right now it’s just like, Hey, I help women stop dieting. Okay. So then I help women customize simple, sustainable self care routines through food and health transformation, mindfulness and enhancing community and friendship. So it’s almost like who, what, and then how is all that’s one sentence in this bio?
So you can cut out free resources in my course, cut that out. And then you can still leave your hashtag Whole 30 if you want at the end, because really what we want to do is we just want to drive them to the podcast. Right? Right. That’s the goal because everybody starts with free, everyone. Yeah. So I’m going, yes. We have resources and courses, but if I’m talking to an engaged audience, they already know that because they listened to the podcast.
But if I want to grab a new interest, I want to send them to the podcast because they’re going to hear about my courses, my programs, my membership groups, my email list, all in the podcast while they learn, while they start to trust me. My podcast is the most insane funnel for everything that I do. So any time I’m talking about anything, it’s listen to the episode, go to the podcast, learn about this. Free, free grow, let me serve you, which is my goal.
And then those 15% of those women that go but now what? They can go to my website. It’s all right there. There’s many different options for them in one place. Gotcha. Okay. That makes sense. Cause I was like, okay, I need to rebrand this Instagram page now. And it’s good. It’s close. You’re super close. And then with your bubbles, I love that you have testimonials right in there already and just make sure you’ve got these four categories as a bubble as well.
Emily, you can have coaching. And then a course bubble. So what I did is I have a course bubble. All my students have testimonies in there. I have a sneak peek of my course in my highlights. I have got information on how to get started. So like if someone’s already knows me, they go to my highlights and go, I want to know about her courses. There’s a highlight for that. There you go.
There’s a highlight for coaching. And I have all my coaching, students are posting stuff and saying how our session went and I’m asking for testimonies all the time and those will go in there so that if someone’s curious about me, they go listen. Or maybe I can put my coaching episodes from the show and talk about those in that highlight as well. Okay.
Which brings me to, for your mindfulness and community friendship. One, I think for right now, you’re really promoting yourself self care coaching. What if you had self care coaching live on the podcast? What if you did like a mini sessions and you said, Hey, I’m going to do 20 minutes with you for free. And you grab a couple people just to get them on the show.
There we have it. There was so much more where came from, but I just wanted to give you guys a taste of pivoting inside of an existing brand, fine tuning a podcast, and then of course more talk about passive income and course creation because I believe that each and every one of you has a special gift inside of you an a way to go deeper with your listeners and with your audience. Even if you are new.
There is a way for you to make a profit by guiding your audience at an implementation level, right? At a deeper level, taking people from trust tier one, which is your podcast, your Facebook groups, your Pinterest into trust tier two, which is a $500 price point or below, coaching, an entry level course, etc. Again, that is what I do. I coach women just like you on clarity, on passive course creation and on podcasting. So if you need help with that, let’s do a coaching session because your greatest breakthrough is just inches away.
I promise you so often my clients are sitting on the gold. They just can’t seem to strategize to get the next steps clearly laid out, or maybe it’s the how to, or the verbiage or the copy that’s keeping them stuck. And I know that I can help you with all of those things www.stefaniegass.com/coaching. It’s time. It’s your time. I’m going to leave you with a prayer right now, sisters.
I know we are all in a moment in time that seems to be standing still. I know that we are all feeling a heavy weight with what’s going on in the world and that between quarantine and black lives matter and all of the political things going on and the news, the world we live in right now seems to be crumbling. But I want to remind you of one solid fact, one thing that we know for sure, and that is that God is on the throne and that God has called us to love each other.
I believe sisters that when we come together, we learn together in love and encouragement in patience and in ultimate kindness. We can grow faster. We can create more awareness for each other, for equality so that everyone can be seen and heard and felt and loved equally. And that we can grow out of our ignorance and into enlightenment. But we cannot do it by pointing fingers and in hate and in hurt, but by loving each other and encouraging. I pray with you, wherever you sit right now that you reach for Jesus, ask Him to show you your own truth, your own weak spots to help you grow and be better.
No matter the color of your skin, I pray that you love and enlighten with grace, that you encourage each other to speak, that we encourage each other to learn, that we encourage each other to love, because that is what we are called to do. And we have to be the light in a world full of darkness. You are the light, be God’s light. Be His voice, be what He needs us to be right now, more than ever sisters and I am here with you. I’m for you.
I am growing. I am learning as well and I am not perfect, but I am willing to get uncomfortable and grow. And I am calling out to Jesus to help me, to guide me, to lead me. And I know that He will guide and lead you too. So I just wanted to share that encouragement and that reminder with you that we are here. We are one. And if we just stay true to what God has asked us to be, we will get through this and we will be better for it. So I love you.
I will see you back here super soon. Thanks for being with me. Thanks for being part of my sisterhood. I’m so grateful for you. I am so thankful. I pray over each of you all the time, more than you know, because you are the world changers. You are the light, you are the change makers, the way makers. You are the kingdom’s wueens and sisters and daughters of the King. And I know that you are made with a big purpose. All you gotta do is start believing it, lean into it and own it. I’ll see you soon as always. Love and light, Stef.
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