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Have you ever sat and wondered how passive income can actually work for you when your zone of genius is 1:1 coaching? Or some type of ‘time-for-money’ business model? Today, we will discuss How to Convert a Successful Coaching Business into a Passive Program as a faith-led coach or Christian Podcaster.
Meet my pod-sister, and colleague, Tanner Hobbs. She hosts a very successful podcast, Chasing Freedom Method, and runs a stellar private-coaching business. Tanner and I dig into how she can potentially transition her expertise into some type of passive product and how that would look, what value she can still add to her students, pricing, launch, and so much more.
I pray this blesses you!
Hey, welcome to another episode of the Mompreneur Mastermind Show. I’m so excited to bring you guys a strategy 30 minute jam session with actually a colleague of mine, a fellow podcaster, Tanner, and gosh, you guys. Tanner’s so amazing. She is the host of the Chasing Freedom Show and she also does freedom method coaching. She has an online business and she really focuses on one on one coaching. And so we get into how she can transition from such a high level of personalized coaching to a potential passive income business model for her.
So a bit more about Tanner. She is a health fitness and lifestyle entrepreneur, and she helps women experience more freedom. For years, she was lost in her identity, chained down by insecurities, trying to find hope in all the things of this world, but freedom was freely available all along, right? These chains began to break and she felt lighter. She had a feeling that she wanted to help other women experience. And that is when she found purpose, worthiness and confidence in who she was created to be. So here she is now kind of just killing it in her coaching business, helping women chase down this freedom when it comes to health, fitness, and lifestyle.
So let’s welcome Tanner Hobbs to the show. Hey everybody. Welcome to the show you heard all about how amazing Tanner is in the intro, and I’m super excited to welcome her. We’re gonna be doing a mini session today. You guys are gonna love Tanner. She’s amazing. So welcome to the show Tanner. Thank you. I’m really excited. Let’s chat. So why don’t we start with kind of in your own words, who are you and take us through kind of like the business model until now. Okay. Well, that’s big.
So I am a daughter, a wife, I’ve got sisters. I am really just someone who cherishes community now, and that’s not, I couldn’t have said that, honestly, just a handful of years ago. I’m just super passionate about health and I know God’s allowing me to use that to help women in their own lives. We all have health, so that’s awesome. But specifically women with the mindset piece of health and the spiritual wholeness of health, really helping people shift their focus from themselves to the bigger picture and just zooming out a little bit. So we don’t get so obsessed with our looks and all that kind of stuff, but more so how we’re living and actually from the inside out.
As far as my business structure, so really quick recap, I graduated college with an accounting degree? Yeah, I was a D2 softball player. So super, super active as far as keeping up with sports, I worked, gave pitching lessons. I always have had this like entrepreneur spirit and, at the same time became a personal trainer in college because I fell in love with health and fitness to a point that I got super, super obsessed because I got hurt in my sport. Didn’t wanna gain the freshman 15 as I saw happen in that first year of college, got super obsessed with food, super obsessed with burning calories.
I then kind of fell into a love for health and fitness and was like, whoa, we can like actually have control of our bodies and all this kind of stuff. So it started out as an unhealthy obsession. It led into my whole freedom journey, my whole business, Chasing Freedom started out after college. I decided to not do anything with that accounting degree and, pursue personal training. Cuz I had gotten that certification in college and started training people for money during the summers. And so I built up a clientele the first two years after college in a gym.
I had this point where it was like, okay, I can build an awesome clientele and stand on my feet for 60 hours and be completely drained because people think that I’m their therapist and feel like, like I don’t have any energy. And at the same time, I had an awesome community there in terms of like I was building some really cool relationships, but I wasn’t truly helping the people I know I wanted to, which a lot of times what we realize as entrepreneurs, especially women, we wanna help people that are where we just were, right?
Like that’s super easy and natural for us. And we have a big like empathetic side for that. So we’re able to help people walk through that. So with that being said, I’m at my head in that time too, we got married and engaged super, super fast. And a week after I got, we got back from our honeymoon, I quit my job and started my business. That’s not how a lot of people do it. I understand my husband had a home already. He was well established in his career. We weren’t thinking about kids yet. So I decided to take this big bold faith, invest in a business coach and hit ground running. Nice.
So at that same time I was building up community on my Instagram, just sharing my stuff and kinda had built up maybe like 5,000 people on Instagram, just through community. It was kind of cool. And so I was like, oh man, maybe I can do something with this. Yeah. So from there I decided to take on clients online and then I created like challenge groups and stuff like that. And that’s where it all started. Like I said, I invested in a business coach from the very beginning. Smart. Yeah. And so that’s kinda where it’s evolved from.
I have had the business for two years, this past August. It’s now almost October 1st tomorrow. Yeah. And, I mean the business grew really fast. I don’t wanna say quick because I spent a ton of time in this business. Like I said, I started when I didn’t even have kids in my imagination yet. Right. So I was able to be that workaholic and I was that workaholic and really figured out what I was a good at and B people wanted and kind of like brought those things together. Okay. Found my voice in the midst of it, started this podcast, then created a membership group.
And basically where I’m at now is I have a membership community. At the same time I have one on one clients and then business coaching clients too, that are helping women grow their online businesses. And what I really like am, I guess great at is helping people create community. I think it’s really hard to do right now in the online space is cultivating. Like, you know, people say you don’t need that many followers to have a successful business. You don’t, but honestly the bigger your pot, the better chances you have at creating things that are passive down the road and that kind of stuff.
So that’s where I’m now, I’m spending a ton of time. One-on-one with clients still, health and fitness clients in general, my business clients, I would like to do more business clients, but I never wanna get out of the health industry. So I don’t wanna pursue business coaching fully. So yeah, that’s kind of where I’m at now. I love that. So the beauty of it is you have the foundation.
I think a lot of times people come to me and they’re like, okay, I have this idea for a passive product and they don’t have a foundation or a community. So then I’m saying, well, wait, we have to build a community first, which is gonna take you a year. And like, they’re frustrated with that, but yeah, you’ve done it the right way. Right. Which is community first serve, serve, serve, which is so backwards. People are like, but what about the money? But that’s where money comes from is through the service piece. Yes. So I love that you have all of those foundations.
So a year from today, you’re looking at your business model. What percentage of this business do you want to be passive and what do you still want to be doing with clients one on one, let’s say a year from now? Okay. A year from now. I would say 80% passive. Okay. I would say right now I’m at a solid, like 10% passive. Okay. 90%. What are you doing that’s passive now the membership group? The membership group. Okay. And is the membership group, the business clients or the fitness and health. Health and fitness. It’s very, very, just like people chasing Jesus. It’s my Chasing Freedom fighters, so, okay.
It’s still health and fitness. Okay. Do you have any ideas for what you want to create as your passive product? I have two ideas. One would be I have the freedom method that I take my one-on-one clients through. So I’ve been thinking about this, like trying to create a method that really transforms women’s lives. Cuz I don’t wanna do something passive that’s not gonna transform the lives of people. Sure. So, I created the freedom method. I’ve built onto it. So right now I do 12 weeks, one on one with clients, but I only want to launch twice a year.
And I know that for health and fitness clients in general. So the difference between this and my chasing freedom fighters community, the community is like, it’s a safe space. You come in and share. I hop in their live twice a month. I do these little like accountability, weekly things to keep them just in community, in conversation, showing up, that kind of stuff. The freedom method is basically a breakdown of the approach to food freedom so that women can find freedom from body image struggles and obsessing over numbers and all that kind of stuff. And then also rooting themselves spiritually.
So it’s a spiritual mentorship course in the same realm because what I teach is like our spiritual health basically determines the health of everything. Absolutely. So the freedom method will now be six months. So I’ll launch the beginning of a year in the middle of the year. And that’s what I’m wanting. That’s what I’m hoping for moving forward is to step out of the one on one. I have anywhere between 15, 16, one on one clients at a time. That’s a lot of sales calls. My business mind is like, this needs to create more income than my one on one did. It’s not like, let me just replace it. I’m like, no, we need to replace it and go above and beyond.
So it’s a 12 week method. My worry with it is how hands on am I gonna feel like I still need to be. I love that. And how much does that cost for freedom method? Like, one on one. So I hire you and say, take me through the freedom method, which is 12 weeks. Correct? So it’s $1500 for the 12 weeks. Okay. Is there a way for you to here’s the thing with self-study courses is that some people you’re gonna get me in your course and I’m gonna do all of it in three weeks. Right. Then you’re gonna have the other student, like I would get frustrated with you being like we have now sit on it for three weeks till the next lesson will drip.
So is there a way for you to either compress it to where it’s like a six week program or do you really feel like it has to be six months? Cuz that is a huge self-study program, doesn’t mean you can’t do it. It just means you’re gonna lose people and like to impact true change they have to get through the course. Right. They have to get through the content. Right. So the most successful self-study fully hands off that I’ve seen are no bigger then six to eight weeks. Ooh. I don’t know. Like the thing is, I mean, I thought about not dripping it cuz right now with the one on one it’s dripped to them. But they also have me with them every single day. We’re talking about it. It’s part of their check-in process. Like they’re getting that on top of it.
But with the self-paced course, I guess, or like the six months course that wasn’t gonna be self-paced but maybe it should be I’m like, I don’t know. Like I think that they could definitely fly through it. It doesn’t take a lot of time. The video teachings are less than seven minutes and the journal prompts, like the journal prompts I’m one of those coaches, like we’re gonna get deep, real fast. Like I need you to get vulnerable on paper with yourself cuz I, I don’t think women do that, you know? Yeah. So even if it was 12 weeks and you took cuz like right now you’re doing 12 week one on one. Right?
So couldn’t that just be, you’re taking them through, you’re recording the video. It’s the seven minute video. You have 12 modules, right? Yeah. Under each module is the homework. This week, your homework is to journal this or this week, your homework is to practice this or to clean this out of your pantry or to do this self-love exercise or whatever. Yeah. And then, so they’re going through, and you can say do this at your own pace. I recommend weekly. But if it takes you six months to get through it, that’s fine too. But at least you have it available for self-consumption for them.
And then the one piece you might want to keep, this is just me thinking the success of that course would be the accountability. So I don’t know, you probably were already gonna do this, but once they buy your freedom method and let’s say that it’s $697 or $597 as a self-study, they get the membership for free. Just a thought. And then you still go live once a month in the freedom method membership group on Facebook and answer questions live once a month. Maybe you have everyone post their questions in the group and you take the five best or that haven’t been answered before and you go live once a month for them.
That way they have the accountability from the other students. You’re not meeting with anyone, one on one at all ever, but they have the group for that. They have the course, which is all prerecorded videos, homework, on drip. So they take it at their own pace. Right? Just a thought. And then pricing wise. That’s a big course. I think you could totally get away with $597 and then have a payment option. Like yeah. Pay three payments of, let’s say $297 so that it’s more expensive if they do the payment option or pay upfront and save. That’s just me like high level thinking through what I would pay and what I would wanna see as a student. Yeah. No, I love that.
I think my thing was in my head. Everything could be, this is like maybe a stepping stone to more passive. This is like fully the cost of you doing this Tanner is your time to record the course. Let’s say you would get it done in a month, maybe two months. Right. You just record all your content. You pop it up into my favorite is Teachable. Let’s say that you start with the starter plan, $25 bucks a month. You literally have no overhead, but that $25 a month. Right? That’s it like through there you have a sales page, you have the course, everything’s already, you have the checkout. They can check out using PayPal Stripe.
Then your Facebook membership group. Is that where you’re running it on Facebook or is it through something else? Well, yes, I’ve run the one from mighty networks. I don’t know if you’ve heard of mighty networks, but maybe it’s another just like group app that wasn’t Facebook, but I am gonna run this group freedom method through Facebook because I can go live in there. And that’s free. So like I think if you’re gonna do passive, do 100% passive Tanner and then you can still offer paid hours like a breakthrough session or like whatever they need at like a high premium. So that you’re really filtering through.
If someone’s gonna pay you a premium for your hourly or even 20 or 30 minutes strategy session, you’re filtering through the ones that don’t need that. And they get the accountability through the group, but the ones that are like, I am really ready, but I’m at a block or something. You’re only getting 20% of people that are willing to pay the premium. But those are the ones willing to work. Like I’m willing to work with clients, but only 20% of them. I don’t wanna work with all every single person. Right. I don’t to time I want the ones that are like, I am ready. I am on the cusp of that breakthrough. I’m right there. You know? And they’re willing to invest in themselves.
That’s really good. Yeah. I like the idea of premium, like one offs too, because I think that’s what if you offer everyone all of this stuff and then they’re not utilizing it. You and your head are like, what’s wrong with what I’m offering? Like I’m giving you so much. You’re not even using it. Of course you’re not gonna have a breakthrough. Right? Yeah. And the beauty of this too, is that takes the health and fitness, which you have gotten down to this science creates the passive product that you know, anybody can do if they followed the model. Cause you’ve helped how many people through the one on one system, then it frees you up for, Ooh, I’m having fun with business coaching.
Start doing that one as one on one, until you start hearing the same question over and over, next passive income product. It’s this business question that I’ve been getting, right? Like people were hiring me to, how do I start a podcast Stef? How do I start a podcast Stef? And I’m like, okay, I’m just gonna create the course because I can’t answer this every single day. So you’ll start to hear the business questions come through as you play with that over time. And maybe that can be your end product and you can see now I have two cuz the listener is usually the health and fitness entrepreneurs. Now you’ve got two solutions for them. Right, right. Fitness solution.
And you’re in the background going, wow, 80% of this is passive. You’re monetizing it through your podcast, you know? So that’s kind of how I would map that out. Do you have any other questions on that piece or like anything that doesn’t feel right there or that you’re stuck on with the actual course? Do you ever, like, I think that big jump with my health and fitness is I don’t wanna lose the connection that I have. Like I have this lingering fear, like, but what about that deep connection that I get with clients? You know what I mean? Which is where the one offs can come in or I can do phone calls and stuff like that.
I think that’s my biggest fear is like I spend so much time right now on Voxer talking to all my one on one clients and yes, it’s overwhelming and yes, it’s holding me back in my business. I know that. But at the same time without it, I’m like, oh my God, like what would I do with all of that time as an entrepreneur as you sit alone in your office. So that connection with them is important. It’s like, I’ll be able to bring on more business clients. So I’m still getting that connection from them.
And think about this too Tanner. Like, do you wanna help 10 women transform their life because they can get ahold of you all day every day, right? Or do you wanna help 100,000 women with your products, with your methodology, with this whole system. And they have a little bit less access to you, but you’ve created this ripple effect because when someone has the question instead of Voxing, you, they have to put it in the group. Right. So I make the girl, the girls will write me a message in DMs. I’m like, Nope, go live in the group. And I go back and answer it live for her in the group now and then all of a sudden what started happening?
Allison posts a question. Well, Gina pops in, oh yeah. Here’s the answer, Stef answered this one a couple days ago. And all of a sudden, all these women have learned my systems and they’re answering each other and I’m like, wow, they’re out there impacting change and making, you know, helping other people because I’m the law of the lid, right? Your business can never grow past you if you’re the lid. So if you have the call to transform and impact more people, you have to get rid of the lid, which is you. So you’re still gonna have that connection piece, Tanner. I think don’t get rid of the lives in the group, but you can talk to 10,000 people live or 10 people live.
It’s just not one on one. And I know that’s a hard shift to make, but I think you’ll thank yourself as you go into motherhood. I know that you’ve talked about like you maybe on the brink of that season, once you’ve freed up time and space, like holy smokes, I was, this was on purpose because now I have more time and space. I’m still helping people. I’m still going live and I’ve created other people that now understand my methodology and they’re out there helping other women. Right. I don’t know if that helps you.
So what’s the approach to this sales part of that? Right now it’s like my big point with one on one is like, you get this one on one accountability and it’s, I’ve been selling the accountability, the one on oneness. So what, like, I guess the selling point would be like, you get this freedom method for a much less price than has ever been offered, but what’s the big difference in selling point that makes massive amount of people buy it that you would say is the most important. So if I was hearing you, here’s what I would care about.
Hey Stef, right? You can get my freedom method, which has helped 55 or 100 people literally transform their thought process to food and wellness, you know, have this approach of loving your body from the inside out. And instead of paying a premium to work with me, I’ve put everything together for you so that you can get it for 50% off and go at your own pace. You don’t have to go on my timeline. This is convenient for you. You can do it from your phone. So like convenience and price.
And then the third component for me as the selling point would be, and I’m gifting you, the membership community for free, where you get live support from me once a month, you have a sisterhood of women that are going through exactly what you’re going through. So I’ve got community. I still have you live to answer questions. I have a less expensive premium to get into it. And it’s at my own pace. Like I’m busy. I would love to just do this on my own pace. Like, so I think that’s the woman you’re speaking to. Right. And so that’s the sell. Those are good points. Like those are really good points.
That sounds really good. I think focusing on like, what is the value of it versus where, where did it lose value? I’m feeling in like, in me that it’s losing its value because they don’t have me and I’m like the best part of it all. They still have you, you created the content. Yes. You’re creating the videos. You’re gonna go in the group and sometimes I’ll just go live just for fun in the group. Yeah. And they don’t expect me. And they’re like, eh, and everybody’s hopping on and like asking questions. I’m like, I just had a spare minute. I wanted to come support you. Or I had a great question from this person. And so like do much as you want in the group. And that adds even more value it’s unexpected value.
I love to do that because I know I can talk to 100 women in this group and I could be charging for this, but I’m not, and this is the piece that’s like, that’s the you piece that they love, right? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So, no, I love that. That’s really, really good. So the other piece of this that, you know, you wanna think about Tanner is you have the podcast and that is that how you’re selling the course now or, I mean your program now. I would say a lot from podcast, a lot from Instagram swipe up. Okay. Very cool. So now it’s the same concept, but with these other points like you guys, I’m putting together and you can, for a whole month, you can talk about it before it’s ever even live. Right.
I’m putting together this, I’m creating this for you guys or as high demand, but not everybody, you can’t work with as many people that wanna hire you. Right. You wanna offer it to them at 50% off. So, you know, coming January 1st is this course and you can get on the pre-order list. They can get on the early bird list. You can have a waiting list for the course as you build it. Right. And then you could still open and close it twice a year. Right. Cause of course, January 1st, everyone wants to get shape. Everyone’s ready to invest. Right. That would be a great time to launch.
So you could kind of preload into that for a whole month or even launch January 15th. So you don’t lose the Christmas crowd. Right. And then do it again, like maybe end of summer, like kids are back in school and ready to lose. Like, I don’t know, you know those dates better than me, but maybe you still have the twice a month open enrollment. And then you would monetize it on your podcast. Like that’s the thing you would push to anytime you’re talking about fitness and health it’s did you guys know that you can now snag the freedom method for me at 50% off, it’s a self-study course by high demand, you know, anybody can take it like, so you can monetize your show with your own course.
I love that a lot. I think that’s where I don’t utilize my podcast well enough is taking time to really pitch what creates income for my podcast. Cuz like I’m doing a podcast for absolutely nothing. If I’m not allowing it to be a space where it can be something, you know what I mean? And help your listener. Right? Cause she loves you, trust you, learns from you. But now you have a solution for her at a deeper implementation level. Like that’s a gift for her.
People want to spend money on solutions and they already trust you. And so you’re almost doing them a disservice, by not saying I have solutions for you guys and it may not be for you, but it may be for you. You’ve been maybe praying over a solution to heal these body issues, these body issues that you’re having or whatever. I have a solution for that. And if you don’t tell them that maybe they’re stuck in this, this ugly dark space where yours is the answer that they’ve been praying for. Right?
So don’t be afraid of the sales piece of that or feeling weird about selling on the show. Right? I think that’s expected. I think that if you can put it in your mindset of like, I have a solution for you, you’ll feel really great about talking about it, share testimonies, you know, it doesn’t always have to be a hard sell, but it can be like, I’m just sharing a testimony today from the freedom method course, you know, Nancy said, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. If you guys are interested. Shoot me a DM. Like you could even push them back into Instagram to have the one-on-one conversation or the sales call.
That’s really good. Sweet. I love it. Yeah. I’m excited. So I think the biggest thing would be the freedom methods created it’s been created for over a year now is making sure I would wanna like obviously fine tune it to bring it up to date and all that good stuff for 2020, but then figuring out some sort of method on top of it that would allow them to feel like they’re progressing through it. If you know what I mean? Because the check-ins, I wish there was like a way I could do check-ins for them that didn’t have me as a part of the check-ins. So a check-in with themselves weekly or whatever.
Why don’t you because it’s open enrollment, do the check-ins in the group. Cause if everybody’s starting January 15th together, well then everybody should be checking in on, you know, January 23rd or whatever it is. So have it be in the group and then the cool thing is now it’s group think, well, everyone else is checking in. Oh gosh. Okay. So I can study the check-ins, cool. Yes, absolutely. In your group, in your course groups, how often would you say you’re in that group? Responding and giving back and getting back to people and stuff like that. Do you have anyone come coming in there? Cause my big thing next year is like I’m outsourcing everything like amen sister.
I gotta let go of a lot of the stuff, but cause like you said, I am the lid. Like I wanna open, I feel everything pushing it out, but I’m like shutting it back down. Yeah. But what would it, I mean, would it be best for me to hire someone to go in and say, Hey Tanner, like screenshot and say, make sure you get to this one, this one and this one or what’s the best route for that? Say I get 150 people in that first round. Right. So I would say that you could have a VA doing that. Like, okay, there was something high priority or you outsource all the other crap, like, you know, deal with my inbox.
I’m outsourcing everything with my home. I’m outsourcing laundry, cleaning, and I’m gonna order groceries. Like I love my business and I don’t love that stuff. So like I’ve chosen to start outsourcing everything that doesn’t light me up. That’s all gone. Then I say, okay, out of this time, where is Stefanie a must? The podcast PR public relations copyright is me. I have to. Instagram is me. I don’t care if someone wants to run my Facebook group, that’s fine. The course so far it’s me. Cuz nobody can answer those questions, but if I can outsource everything else, then I have really opened time to be really present for my clients and customers.
So you might find that that’s what you want as well. And you probably will because it lights you up to answer those questions to be in there personally responding. Yeah, absolutely. And then if you find now I’m at the lid again, maybe a year from now, you’ve got 2000 people or a thousand people in the group it’s overwhelming. It’s too much, great. Take your very best student and be like, Hey, you’re gonna run this group for me and I’m gonna whatever for you or you’ll have that answer as you find your new lid. Right. That’s good. Love it.
Any other question on like launch strategy, the tech stuff? Are you comfortable with all that? Like any other final questions on letting it go? Yeah, I think honestly the launch strategy I’m good with, I think building my email list is something that I don’t do enough to make sure that the launch strategy is efficient and effective. I mean for the audience I have and how engaged they are, I should have a much bigger email list and it’s really important to me to understand the value of it. So I think making sure I nail down some sort of freebie offer that really just ignites something in people to say like I want the freedom method.
It has to get them to say like I need the freedom method right now in my life, figuring out what that would be and launching that, a time to build that email list up. I’ve done a lot of like five day free challenges and webinars. I just did a webinar and that helped a lot. I feel like I’ve gotta get that email list up. What I mean, as far as your audience goes, whether it’s downloads on your podcast, your Instagram following, how do you know how big an email list should be to where it’s an effective community for you to really market your launches?
So you can estimate that a very engaged audience, like, you know, they love you. If that’s who’s in the list and people are really engaging with you. I would say two to three% conversion is very like, you’re not, you’re probably gonna pass that. Okay. So, you know, you can do that math and say, well, if I get a thousand people on the list and I launch this course and I make 3% conversion, you know, there’s 30 sales. Right. Then you do the math of 30 sales at 600 bucks. Like that’s an amazing launch. Right? So I think what you wanna focus on for the next month, Tanner would be you guys, something insanely huge is coming. Like don’t tell ’em anything about for one month, don’t say anything about what it is, use that urgency and like something big is coming.
I can’t wait to share it with you, but you have to be on my insider list. Okay. So go and do it in your stories. Do it everywhere. Do it on the podcast, sign up here and you can use MailChimp for free or you can, if you have something that’s great. I use get response. Now I started with MailChimp and it was fine. I use active campaigns. Perfect. Create a quick little, you know, landing page. And you could say something like, I’m gonna send you my most recent webinar. I’m gonna send you my four top tips for getting your mindset poised and ready for massive life transformation in your health and wellness. And I’m gonna send you this.
So maybe you’re sending them three things say, and then you have one little email that’s automatically created that it will send it. As soon as someone opts sends the list, this auto responder will send, you don’t have to do anything else, but that right now, get them in there. Right. And say, if you’ve listened to two or more of my podcasts, you have to know about this special gift I’m putting together. This special offer, you guys are gonna have your mind’s blown and you have to be on the list. And like, unless you’re sick of talking about it, you’re not talking about it enough. Right. Right. Absolutely.
And you know that from Instagram, it’s like, we don’t remember that. Not everybody sees it. Yeah. It takes seven times for them to hear it and finally do it. Right. So I think that’s what I would do for a month. Then from there, keep talking about the list, but start leading into this course launch, get them on the pre-order list. Get them on the wait list. Yeah. And then you can launch it with maybe like an introductory price offer to get them to sign up right away. Like first 15, first 50 people get this or first 50 people get a hundred dollars off or something to get that urgency going.
Then you have that closed cart as well. So lots of strategy for you to do that, to build the list, to launch well, and a word on launch, like I’ve found that the shorter time the cart is open, the better I do. I don’t know if you’ve discovered that if you’ve ever done anything, but like I’ve done like a month open and then I’ve done like a three day open cart and my three day was way better. And like, we’re exhausted. Guess I’m like three days. I might have no more energy. I’ve been talking about this like crazy. Good so you’re on board.
I love the idea of just like jumping all in to three days versus like two weeks later, you’re like, don’t forget tomorrow is the last day. Amen. I’m like, no, and I can’t talk about this anymore. I’m gonna just explode. So good. So you’re on board with that. Yeah. But yeah. So I mean, I would love to see you put all of those things together. I think the fact that we’re having this conversation meant that you were meant to hear this. Maybe you were meant to act on this now and you know, it’s proven, the system is proven. So that’s when you know, you can package something up. It’s been proven, I’ve gotten success for people.
I’m ready to create this now as a passive product. Oh, so I have an entire library of testimonies ready for this. And it was just amazing. Amazing. Cause I have a lot that I want to work on probably for the last year that I’ve wanted to work on that I just haven’t been able to do. So this strategy is gonna help me create space to do those things. And now they’re not just gonna be like lingering on me saying like, man, that would be really good. You have a lot of potential there or that’s not something that’s really done in the world that you’re showing up in right now. Like recreate it for them or whatever.
So that’s really, really good. You’re very helpful. Good. Well, where can everybody come watch this journey Tanner and find out more about this course that’s coming and all the things tell us where. This is accountability. So at Trainer Tanner on Instagram is where I show up the most often. But I also have a podcast weekly called The Chasing Freedom Show where you should start hearing about it really soon. I love it. Awesome. Well, thanks Tanner. And we’re excited to watch this unfold for you. Thanks Stefanie.
I hope you loved that episode with Tanner and I hope that it spurred some new inspiration and some new ideas for you in potentially your own business. And whether you have a business, whether you don’t have a business, whether you’re a network marketer, whether you are a brick and mortar, whether you’re a fitness coach, whether you are a podcaster and of today, there you have no way to monetize your brand. I want you to consider that there is a way for you to also create some type of passive product, whether that be a minicourse that just supplements the income that you’re already bringing in, whether that takes that passion project that is potentially not even profitable yet and starts to bring money in the bank, boo. Okay.
But if you are sitting there in that space and you can’t really get there yourself, you’re not sure what those next steps might look like for you. You have it on your heart to ask for help and look for some mentorship in these areas of online marketing, passive income course creation, even podcasting, which you heard what it’s done for Tanner. And you’ve seen what it’s done for me. I want you to know that I have resources for you, whether that be in the online course realm or whether that be private coaching together. I want to help you cross over to the other side in the brand new year.
Let’s do a quick strategy session, a breakthrough hour and get your business on the right track for next year. Emails us at info@stefaniegass.com to learn more. All right, beautiful. I just wanna leave you with a prayer right now that in this season you are fueled with peace, with belief that whatever is next in 2020, you are open and you are ready to receive it. I pray that if you’re stuck in a place of overwhelm, confusion, being unsure that you let go and you let God, and you allow yourself to be fueled with the realization that He has a plan for you.
I also pray that you take this time to unplug, to disengage from social media, to delete the apps like me, and to really pour into what truly matters, which is your family and your faith. And doing an inventory of what your life looks like today and what you want it to look like so that you can become the most fueled woman possible next year. I love you, sister, friend, I am so blessed to be part of this journey with you, and I am sending you a huge virtual hug. As always, love and light, Stef.
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