defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Today we are learning if it’s possible to build a successful online business in the mom cracks of the day. Finding out if now is the time for you to go all in and do this work while being in full-on mom-mode.
If you are a busy mama who is trying to podcast, build a business, and balance life at the same time, this episode is for you.
I pray this blesses you!
(00:07) Oh, my gosh, this is so crazy. Lady, friends. We have officially passed 100,000 downloads together on this podcast. I mean, my heart is exploding. I am beyond belief that this has grown into something that we can learn from and we can grow together. And God has blessed this show by bringing me each and every one of you. And I’m just sitting here in immense gratitude. Thank you for being part of this sisterhood with me, for being one of my Lolas. I love you so much. Okay girl, I will meet you inside this 10 by 10. Get ready. These are gold.
(03:32) Hey Lola. What’s up? So in today’s 10 by 10, I have my friend, my student, my client Joelle Suess with me. She is a top network marketer. She’s has her own podcast now in the world, which is amazing. She’s working on creating a course and planning her products out and she is also a mom of two littles. If you guys wanna connect with her after this quickfire Q and A, you can head over to Instagram. Her handle is at Joelle Suess. Hey Joelle.
(04:05) Hey, my first question is I have two littles at home ages one and three. I have so many ideas and so many things that I wanna execute for my business. What I wanna know is is building my business in the mom cracks of the day enough? What wisdom do you have for a mom like me with littles at home and building a business? Okay. I really believe that this depends on your personality style. And so I think that this truly depends on how effective you are at hustling in the mom cracks. I think for 90% of people, it’s not enough because they’re home. You’re cleaning up after the little humans you’re making dinner, you are trying to do your business Instagraming and trying to schedule out 30 minutes to record a podcast.
(04:58) All the while your kid is screaming at you, because they want fruit snacks, right. Or open my apple sauce. So I think for 90% of people, it’s not enough. Can you do it? Probably, but it could be at the expense of your sanity of the way that you want to parent. You know? So my advice is we’re always gonna build in the mom cracks nap time. Amen. Gangster. Get focused in that nap time, wake up an hour before your family. Maybe two. Okay. And that’s fine. But I think you also want to ask yourself this question. How much time do I need to build this? Right?
(05:36) How much time do I want to spend or do I have to spend to make this business into the business I want one year from today? And if you go, okay, let me be really specific about this and ask myself, okay, I’m gonna spend three hours a week podcasting. I need an hour a day to do social media, I need an hour a week for email, for promotion, an hour a week to work with clients or with my community. I wanna build a course. And you come up with 15 hours a week, look at your planner. Do you see 15 hours a week in the time slots?
(06:10) If the answer is no, get resourceful, like I promise you ladies, there is an answer for every problem, but it starts with getting resourceful. You know me like I monopolize my gym and I work from the gym every day. Like it’s perfect. I ask for help. I have my dad once in a while, take the kids or sometimes I’m my husband. Like next Friday I have clients all day from eight in the morning till three o’clock I’m like, you’ve gotta step up. So you’ve gotta have hard conversations with the spouse, ask for help and really inventory how much time you need and then carve that time out because we can’t do everything and be great at everything. Does that help? Yes.
(06:57) I did implement you utilizing your gym daycare. Like I do a little bit of a commute and a jaunt to a gym that has a childcare function that I can utilize. And that has been so helpful to me. I think it’s just always that question of like, if I had 12 hours in a day to sit down and work my business, I can easily get into workaholic mode. Sure. So I think for me, it’s that taking pause and being like whether the kids were in the picture or not, and I could always do more and more and more if that makes sense. Yeah.
(07:34) So my second question is I’m incredibly blessed to have my MLM income, but as you know, it’s not fully mine and I’ve been doing it for over nine years now. So I’ve seen highs and lows. When and why should I build another stream of income? Okay. Why is because it’s not yours and you never know what could happen to something that is not yours. You know, I was in corporate, got laid off overnight. I just saw my father-in-law get laid off overnight. I’ve seen my husband’s company do cuts all across middle management when they thought it was the safest place to work. I’ve seen MLMs go under like that.
(08:26) So if something’s not yours, you don’t get to control the outcome and imagine, and God forbid, it probably will never happen, but we don’t know. You spent nine, a decade of your life building something that isn’t yours and what if it was gone and there’s a million things you’d take away from it that would make you better, better leader, better mentor all the money that you’ve made from it, the friendships, the personal development. But yet you’re standing there and your hands are empty, because it’s gone. So why? Because you have to have something that’s yours.
(09:01) You are created for something on purpose and there is something inside of you that was gifted just to you. You’re the only person in the world that can do it. You’re the only person in the world that does it just like you and it’s your responsibility to share it. And you know, you’re starting to dig into that. So why is because I believe you have to and also for stability and safety. Now when, yesterday. There’s never a convenient time to go well today I’m gonna brand myself and start a business and okay, here we go. Like, especially when you’re are doing well, which is like, that’s when you have to, because you have water under the bridge and you have the money to stand on for now. That’s the perfect time.
(09:46) It’s probably also the time that feels like you don’t have time to do it is when you should, but it doesn’t have to be overnight. It’s a progress, and it’s something that you can work on and cultivate over time. So just set aside if that’s 15 hours a week is what it’s gonna take, start with five and see how that feels and see how you can balance both. You don’t wanna let go of the MLM, but you wanna grow your brand in tandem with it and then easily slide the MLM under the brand. And if you can, if we can find a way to make it fit together, it can feed your brand and help be the finances to back you as you grow this calling work that you wanna do, does that help? Yes, totally.
(10:33) Third question. I love your show episodes where you are coaching people and I am listening to those episodes. Those ladies are amazing. They’re wonderful. They have so many amazing gifts and I can listen to those. I’m so pumped up for what they are doing, but it can make me feel like what my gift is isn’t really that cool or interesting. And it makes me feel kind of boring and blah. So my question is what advice would you have for somebody who feels like their gift isn’t that special?
(11:24) I think what you have to recognize is that everyone’s gift is special because it’s your gift, but everyone’s gift is different. So somebody may have something super micro that’s unique that we’ve never heard of before. And it’s just interesting, but it doesn’t make it more important. It doesn’t make it more in demand. All it means is it’s different. And especially those of you like people that live in your world, okay, they’re the productivity women, organized achievers. Those women are looking over here at the other Instagram numbers and the things you’re hearing on my podcast and you’re going, Ooh, that’s so different and interesting.
(12:11) But those women are sitting over there looking at you, they’re over here in this artistic realm or this whatever space, musical space or whatever space they’re in, looking at you going, oh, that’s so unique and interesting. Like I just told you before we got on this call, like I attract one so much because I just wish I was you. I’m like Joelle, you know? And Chelsie Jo, like you guys are always organizing and sending me organization tips and like productivity stuff and it’s not super natural for me. So it’s very interesting to me. So maybe put on your perspective lens and say, it’s not interesting to you. It’s natural to you, but doesn’t mean it’s not important or boring.
(12:59) I want you to put you inside of it, no matter what you guys are teaching, there’s a way to make it fun and a way to make it spicy and juicy and unique. And that’s by embedding your personality flare and your quirks, your weirdness, if you are awkward. If you’re super strange, if you’re very businessy, whatever you are at the core who you are, let it come out in the way that you teach, no matter what you’re teaching, that’s what makes you shine in your own way. Does that help you feel like what you’re doing is making an impact? Absolutely. When you said I’m looking at people who are opposite for me and thinking they’re so cool and what they’re doing is so great.
(13:45) The people who I’m thinking that about sees the qualities that I have and are seeking to be better in those areas. That was so helpful. Good, good, my friend, because you’re doing great work. You’re amazing. I know so many people need the stuff that you’re teaching. And so you’ve gotta keep digging into that. Don’t give up on the call you’ve been given, right? You dig in more fiercely, you give more of your heart. You keep showing up for it. Thank you so much, Stef. I hope you loved that quick 10 by 10, and that you took away some value to help you in your own life and business. Send you off with love and light. I will see you again tomorrow. XO XO, Stef.
Learn How to Consistently Make Income With a Podcast For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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