defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hi Friend!
Today, we are talking about PROFIT! The P.R.O.F.I.T Formula to be exact.
These are 6 things you need to put more money in the bank as an online business owner. And you know it’s gonna be legit when the show has an acronym in the title! #nerdalert
We will talk about specific actions you can take to drive profit, create more in less time, and put more money in the bank. This is going to help you understand the business basics when it comes to growth.
I pray this blesses you and helps you up your growth game. We have Kingdom work to do, sis.
(00:00): Hi! What’s up? It’s Monday, time for a brand new, fresh episode. And I am talking about profit. One of my favorites. Y’all like the business stuff, it just lights me up. I’m so excited about it. And y’all, there’s an acronym today. It’s P. R. O. F. I. T. I couldn’t be happier.
(00:25): Y’all know alliteration and acronyms, light my heart on fire. I’m such a dork and Monday, it’s going to be the best day ever. Are you ready? Get ready, get a notebook, get a pen, get some coffee. We’re going through the P. R. O. F. I. T. Formula today, the profit formula. This is how to make more income and impact in your online biz. Let’s go.
(01:52): I was sitting here, what is this episode going to be today? And I was going back through and looking at my top 10 downloaded episodes for the past two years, and then the past one year. And there’s two reoccurring themes. One y’all love, live coaching. I mean, love it. And number two, you want to make money?
(02:14): Every episode I do about profit, my personal business model, making money immediately online, like working from home, any of those are just gangbusters. So I’m like, give the people what they want. We got lots of live coaching coming up on the show, but how can I tell, teach them about making profit faster?
(02:38): Because I think that there are formulas to that. It’s not just easy to do sales. It’s not just easy to transfer belief. There’s all of these components to it. And so I wrote down the word profit, and I’m just staring at it. And I was like, oh my gosh, there’s an acronym here. People, excuse me, get out of my way.
(03:03): We have an acronym to build. And I looked at the P R O F I T, and it just totally came to me crystal clear what these stood for. So that’s what we’re going to go through today. So you can go ahead and list the profit formula at the top of your paper today and leave lots of room for notes. Let’s begin.
(03:24): Number one, the first way that you can make more profit in your online business or work from home business is … any guesses? Podcast. I’m not even sorry. I’m not even sorry. I’m going to say this to you until you believe me. Podcasting. It’s one to many. You show up behind the mic guys. I have zero makeup on I’m in my PJ’s I’m drinking iced coffee. I’m reading from my little cute notebook with the profit formula in it. And I’m living my best life. And I want you to live your best life.
(04:07): And so podcasting is where we simply record something. We bless other people. We get to optimize it with SEO and all the cool things I teach you in Podcast Pro University, and then Podcast to Profit. Once you’ve launched and you’re going to scale, you’re going to reach more people. And here’s the best part about podcasting. It grows the trust.
(04:28): It grows the connection between you and your person 1 million times faster. That’s not a fact, but I am totally making it up than any other platform because you actually get to hear who someone really is. You get to hear their quirks, their authenticity. You get to hear the giftings that they have to teach you, you to know someone without really getting to know someone, which is way faster than if they have to go on social and get a snippet of who you are in a highlight reel. It’s not reality.
(05:01): And so podcasting is such a shorter way to someone’s heart. And then when you touch someone’s heart, they are willing and desiring what you have to offer. So, number one in you want to make more profit faster. You want to move through a profit formula with Stef Gass is podcast. That’s P.
(05:22): R. Is research. You can think that you know what your person wants. You can think that you know what to create. You can think that you know what your niche is, but you will never know until you know what your people think, until you know what your avatar desires, until you can fully get their pain points until you can dissect why they’re stuck.
(05:48): And the only way you’re ever going to do that is research. So research comes in many forms. I personally want to speak to a human being that is in my market and ask them, what are you stuck with? You guys, I am doing this every week. I mean, literally multiple times a week. We are polling people in the groups. I have questions set up in the Facebook community. I have y’all submitting questions for quick tip Tuesday.
(06:15): I’m not even getting to know you. I’m just featuring you. Ask the question. Like I have to know you so absolutely intimately. I have to know your thoughts, your fears, your setbacks, your strongholds. I got to know it all. Otherwise I am doing you a disservice when I come to the table with solutions for you. And it’s the same for you.
(06:40): Now, if you’re just getting started, oh my goodness, don’t worry. I started throwing spaghetti at the wall back in 2016, honey, like you are way better off than me. So just start now. Another great thing you can do is get in the DMS with some people.
(06:57): And if you’re not a social person, praise the Lord, Jesus, and just email some people, text some friends, get on the phone with some people that are your ideal avatar and ask them questions about what they need, where they’re stuck, why they’re stuck and just let them talk. Just let them talk and write down every thing they say.
(07:19): The O in our profit formula is for offer. Offer. If we’re going to make any money, we have to sell something. If we’re going to make profit in our amazing online God centered business, we must offer something. So what you’re going to create? And remember, you already have a podcast at this point. So really what you’re going to do is join Podcast to Profit with me.
(07:49): And we’re going to hang out together for 90 days and we’re going to build your offer together. Cause that’s way more fun than you building it yourself. And that’s what we’re going to do so, done. But offer is figuring out once you have done that research, what your person really needs, you create the thing, not 20 things, the thing that you’re going to solve their what? Number one problem.
(08:13): You create it, you do it right, you do it well, you come do a course with me or take the mastermind with me and I teach you how, and then you sell it. You actually offer it to your community. So that’s a huge component of profit is you need to be able to solve their number one problem with a product, coaching offer or program.
(08:35): Moving on, the F. So we’ve got P. R. O. the F in our profit formula is for follow up. Let me tell you something. I used to say back in my network, marketing days, guys, fortunes in the follow up, you go to follow up seven times. Well, actually Stefanie 2014 version, you actually have to follow up now, 21 times. Yeah, you heard that right.
(09:05): People have to hear something, the newest, latest stat is up to 21 times before they actually spend money with you. Why is this? What is happening to the world? The world is just ridiculously distracted. We are following a million people. We’re dabbling in a million things. We’re highly distracted.
(09:29): Our attention span is two seconds before we have to touch our phone again. Not you guys, because you guys have been hanging out with me and you have absolute control over your fingertips, correct? You are like, I have broken up with my phone. Y’all have listened to those episodes. You have listened to me go off. I mean, go off on the idolatry of social, of technology, of our phones, of how Satan is using that to distract us and keep us from our purpose work.
(09:54): I mean, I can’t go there right now. We don’t have time for that, but I want you to go back and listen to episode 342. You can also listen to all of my detox Instagram for 30 days and I actually literally never went back. My team’s hanging out there. They’re posting about episodes, but that’s it. Go listen to those episodes, it’s like, it’ll absolutely blow your mind. That one is episode 320 when I start talking about my Instagram detox and then I do updates every week.
(10:30): So you can go grab the catalog to our podcast episodes in the Facebook group, We actually have a podcast catalog for you. That’s there if you need it. But basically I digress. What I’m seeing is that you have to follow up. Now, in my courses, I teach you guys how to follow up without having to get in DMS with people.
(10:52): We do follow up through our podcast episodes, through repetition, through organic marketing. We do follow up in our Facebook groups. I have a formula for what you’re posting in your Facebook group every single week. It’s super easy, but fortune is actually in the follow-up. So they got one thing right back in my network marketing career. However, it takes even more follow-up than previously believed. So that is a super important component of profit in your business.
(11:18): The I. Inventory. So what this actually means is not like inventory your products because you guys are probably just like me running an online business. You’re ready to start following the Stefanie Gas business model, which means you’re going to have courses. You might offer some coaching for a while to get to know your person, or if you just love it or a program.
(11:41): But that’s not what I mean by this. What I mean by inventory is dig into your analytics. You must inventory your own personal brand. You must inventory your Facebook. You have to inventory your podcast episodes. You have to inventory the words that are coming out of your mouth to find out how you’ve grown or how your person’s grown, or maybe your niche has just pivoted ever so slightly. I’ll give you an example of this.
(12:08): I started out with this podcast, very focused on network marketers, because that’s where I had started. I started out with really easy beginner business topics. I didn’t talk a ton about faith, that type of thing. Well, as I was inventorying things I recognized, oh my goodness, I’m called to help them create a God-centered business. So I added the faith pillar into my podcasting career and that was great.
(12:37): And then I decided, oh my goodness, I’m going to take them on this journey. And I got really advanced for a while. I was talking about advanced topics. I stopped doing as much live coaching on the air. And my podcast downloads went down quite a bit. And then we’re like hanging out at this number for like eight months. I’m like, what is going on? And I inventoried everything again.
(13:00): And I’m like, oh my goodness. I’ve gotten away from the basics, from the core of who she is, which is this God centered woman who is trying to build an online business with God at the center. And she doesn’t know how, she’s stuck, she’s in her head. She’s not profitable yet. And I went back there and boom, download shot up again.
(13:25): Everything’s fine. It’s just that I got off track from who my person is. And it was really simple to inventory that, you know, looking at the top download episodes, getting in the DMS with people again, or in the inbox with people again, really asking triggering questions to find out where they were. And I realized they’re still where they were like, they didn’t move leaps and bounds.
(13:50): And the other thing that we have to remember is we are growing. We are always evolving, but we get new people all the time when we’re podcasting, that’s the beauty of a podcast, right? So I’m serving new people at this continuous level.
(14:06): So inventory yourself, your business, your analytics and your person, because things will change and you need to move with the people. I always say, give the people what they want. So when you’re paying attention to your analytics, you’re able to pour fuel on your fire and continue to profit faster.
(14:25): Last but not least is the T in our profit formula, which stands for transfer belief. What the heck does that mean? That means if you do not believe in what you are selling, standing for marketing, your avatar, your person, your buyer, your client, they will never believe you either.
(14:51): You know, like we almost have to have this extra ordinary level of excitement and belief about what you market, because that’s how you get someone else to think that they can do it when you believe they can do it. When you believe your thing is the absolute best solution for them, they will believe you.
(15:18): If you have any kind of awkwardness, this is kind of a cool program. Maybe you should join it. You lost the sale. If you get awkward, if you get weird, if you make it all about you, if you shy away from the sale, if you don’t repeat it often enough, there is an art, an absolute art to sales and marketing, and that our all comes back to two words, transfer belief.
(15:44): If you guys need help on that, we do an entire segment in Podcast to Profit, my 90 day immersion mastermind program for podcasters on transferring belief and sales. There is a huge thing, a huge training that I do on sales psychology because in order for you to profit in your business, you have to get good at sales, selling. If I can sell and I can’t even say the word sell, you do so much better than me. It’s fine. I’m a sales coach.
(16:28): We do an entire training on this because there’s just no way that you’re going to make profit if you don’t understand the basics of selling and I have an entire formula that I take you through, we do sales pitches together. I teach you how to create a sales pitch out of a template. So you have that. I actually critique and work through the selling process with you.
(16:49): We optimize your sales pages. Like there is a huge piece of this working for you, the Stef Gass business model, when you can transfer belief and it is an art, but here’s the great news. It’s teachable. You get to learn it. You get to practice it. You get to perfect it. And all of that happens in Podcast to Profit, which by the way, we’re about to launch. We’re starting this like week 1st of January.
(17:18): So if it’s on your heart and you’ve launched your podcast at this point. I want you to get your little cute patou over to Get your application in like yesterday. A few spots left. I know it’s crazy. It’s we haven’t even started selling it and it’s sold out, not sold out, but almost so you’re going to run to Get your app in. Guys, this is so much fun.
(17:53): We’ve got this close knit group of women. You have me, my team, office hours, power coaching with me, training every other week, you have homework. We ain’t plan like this is the program that’s going to transform your profit from the inside out.
(18:10): Because when you partner podcasting and long form content and getting tied up and yoked up with your avatar, and then you give them a solution that will absolutely change their life and solve their number one problem. That’s it. You hit the nail on the head and you’re ready to run. You’re ready to pour fuel on that fire. And ain’t nobody going to put out that flame.
(18:37): So the point is hurry and come apply. We want you to be part of the next round with us of Podcast to Profit, guys. It’s so much fun. I am telling you, you have pod breakouts. We learn all the things. Let me tell you real quick, what we learned and I’m gonna let you go. You’re gonna learn how to optimize your show. SEO, titling. You’re gonna learn how to do podcast pitching, how I get featured on humongous podcasts.
(19:10): I’m going to give you everything for that, my scripts, my process. I then help you figure out what you’re going to monetize, how you’re going to monetize your show, whether it’s courses, coaching or programs, we build out frameworks for those programs you’re going to do. I give you the how to of building it. So the actual course, crafter formula to make your course, I then teach you how to sell it.
(19:35): We go through a publicity promotion calendar. I have bonuses for you like my flash sale framework. I also take you guys through every single piece of sales psychology like I mentioned, how to sell my scripts, my pitches, and last but not least the accountability is bar none. Like you are not going to join this program and not finish because we won’t let you. You’ve got calls with us every single week. We have office hours to support you.
(20:02): There is homework that’s to do in the groups like don’t even join, don’t even apply if you’re not ready to do massive work on scaling your show to take your podcasts from this is fun, having a great time to like this is killing it for me, I am making money, I am making an impact, I am ranking on the charts, I am growing, I am getting found in countries that I didn’t even know were countries. This is awesome.
(20:29): If you want that, and you’re ready to do the work to get there with a group of Christian faith led incredible God led women and my team, this is for you. And yes it is if you’re still listening to me talk about this. This is for you. We have a few spots left, again that website is I’ll meet you over there. Come check it out. No pressure. Come see if it’s for you. God bless you guys. I’ll see you back here real soon. Bye.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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