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Have you been wondering if you’re doing everything right from a financial perspective? Curious about how to pay yourself as an entrepreneur? What do to set yourself up for success on a monthly basis? Wondering how to get started with money management?
In today’s episode, we go DEEP into all things finance! Taxes, book-keeping, understanding the numbers, savings, and everything in between. I walk you through my entire process from earning money to how I save for taxes and tithe, to business versus personal expenses.
This episode will make MONEY more simple and I hope to clarify the burning financial questions you have! Quickbooks is what I use!
I pray this blesses you.
What up friends. I am coming to you live from a little kids table in the office, in my mom’s house. And if you could see me, you would laugh. But, it’s awesome because I have a hot 30 minutes right now to train you guys on all things money management, financials, taxes, paying yourself and all the things. It’s going to be so good.
I’m going to talk to you about how to set up for success when it comes to your business from a profit standpoint. I’m going to talk to you about money management, actually setting things up on a monthly basis. What to do, what to save for, how I pay myself in my business, the programs that I personally use. And then finally, how I implement all of the things I’m going to teach you . When you’re done with this episode, I hope that you feel so confident about running your business from the back end.
It’s going to be great and shout out to Brooke Janae from Brooke Janae Photography for bringing this topic to me and all of these incredible questions. I know you guys are going to love it. But before we get into today’s episode, I just wanted to let you guys know about something I’m so newly passionate about, but God has revealed to me in a really big way that I think you might want to be a part of.
July 30th is world day against trafficking, right? Like literally human trafficking guys. And if you haven’t heard, we have a massive, massive occurrence of child trafficking happening here, right here, even in the United States. But more importantly, really all across the world and the organization that I really have my heart and focus and attention paired up with right now is Operation Underground Railroad.
You can find out more about Operation Underground Railroad at ourrescue.org. They basically exist to rescue children from sex trafficking. And if y’all, I mean, if y’all don’t know about this, let me just share with you quickly something that I think will really open your eyes and your heart to the fact that we can do more.
One in four victims of trafficking are children. More than two thirds of trafficking victims fall into this category, including more than 10 million adults and nearly 4 million children. And the International Labor Organization reports that forced labor generated $150 billion in illegal profits per year.
Not to mention the amount of children that are being forced to do things that are just really horrific and I believe absolutely evil. And so if we, as Christian mompreneurs and powerful fighters for God’s kingdom can do anything. There are two things that I believe we can do as we near this very, very important day on July 30th. Number one, we can spread awareness. And I think what you can do to spread about child trafficking is go watch Tim Ballard’s, he’s the one that started Operation Underground Railroad.
Watch his documentary on Amazon prime. It’s called Operation Toussaint. I have no idea if I’m saying that, right, but it’s operation Toussaint, based on this true story of how he got started. It’ll bring awareness, watch that and share it with two people. Or if you feel led to donate and support the cause you can head to Operation Underground Railroad, click the red donate button at the top right and give what you can.
I know times are tough. I know money is tight, but whatever you can give towards this incredible cause let’s do it. Let’s show up for the children of God. And remember that they don’t have a voice. They can’t rally, they can’t speak up, they can’t protest, they can’t do anything but live in silence.
So we have to be the voices for these kids. And if we can do anything and it’s free, we can spread awareness. So I encourage you guys to do some research, head on over to ourrescue.org, Google Operation Underground Railroad, support them if you can, let’s rise up for the kids.
Okey dokey pokey. It is time to learn about some money management girls. So let me disclaimer this lovely little episode and let you know, I am not a tax professional. Even though I have a degree in accounting and finance, which is so hilarious based on what I do now, but I am not a tax professional. I am only going to be sharing with you today what I personally do in my own business. I am also not a lawyer. So I am only going to be sharing with you what I personally do in my own business.
This is in no way, shape or form meant to be a recommendation for what you should do in your business. It’s just to give you guys some guidance and some insight into how I manage things. I of course recommend before you implement any new strategy, before you begin any of the programs or things I’ve mentioned here, that you do meet with an attorney and you do meet with a tax professional to be that that is the right plan for you.
All right, so let’s get started here. So number one, what the heck does money management and business financials even mean Stefanie? Okay. When you get started in your business, you want to be set up for success. You want to have the things in place for the day that you do become profitable. Okay. Now what does profit mean? There are a couple of terms here that I want you guys to understand.
The first term is revenue. Revenue is the top line of your income statement, which basically means how much gross, how much actual sales did you make in your business? That’s going to be the top line of your business financial. The next thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to have expenses, right? You all know those expenses.
You’ve got programs, you’re investing in courses, coaching, whatever the things are that you do in your business are your expenses. At the bottom there when you take away expenses from your revenue, you’re left with a number which is your gross margin or your profit, okay? Your profit in your business. And so we really care about this number because from your profit, you are then able to do some awesome stuff, right?
With your profit what is left at the end of the day in your business, you are able to what? Pay yourself, pay your taxes. I don’t know if that’s awesome or not, but you know what I mean? You’re able to do some other things for me. Something that’s really important to me is I tithe and we’re going to get into that in a little bit here. Whatever else you want to do, you want to give to charitable organizations? I had mentioned earlier in this episode, you can do that, right?
So having profit in your business is the goal. But before we make a profit, we want to be sure that we have some things in place so that we’re not sitting there staring at the business a year later, going, oh, poop. I was supposed to be paying taxes on this, managing the books from the backend. I was supposed to have a tax person? Was I supposed to have all these things in place? And you’re panicking.
Let me tell you what managing your business from a money perspective is actually in my opinion, not that difficult. So I’m just going to walk you through kind of how I set things up, how I then manage this process on a monthly basis. Finally how I implement and what I do with my profit every single month. So it’s going to be super fun.
Let’s start with category one, which is the setup of your business. You have a couple of options. Y’all when you start setting up your business and you can do this yourself, or you can get a lawyer. Mainly what I’m going to see for those of you that are entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, running a side hustle.
Most of the people that follow me, you guys are all online entrepreneurs. So probably you’re going to be picking between an LLC or a sole proprietor. Then some of you with really big businesses or you’re running an actual brick and mortar or for whatever else you might be looking for tax certain tax things. You might be looking at an S Corp or a C Corp.
Now the only one I can personally speak to the ones I can speak to you are a sole proprietor and an LLC. I have chosen to become a LLC which stands for a limited liability company. And the reason I have chosen to do that is because as a limited liability company, my personal assets are protected from my business. So if someone was to come to me and sue me, because I have an LLC that is housing my entire business, they can’t go after my personal assets. Okay.
If you’re a sole proprietor, you are kind of one big cohesive thing. So if somebody was to sue you, they could potentially, you know, take your home or take your, your savings and that type of thing. So from a legal perspective, I have chosen to become an LLC. Now here’s the thing that’s important for you to consider is running an LLC in my state is $35 bucks a year.
So obviously that’s the smart choice for me. Some of you may find that having an LLC is a thousand dollars a year, so you really have to weigh the pros and cons of what type of business structure that you want to be. And that’s why, if you’re unsure of that, I would highly recommend doing a consultation with a lawyer and a tax professional to see which one would be right in your situation. Okay.
Here’s another thing I initially went with Legal Zoom to set up my LLC. I paid hundreds of dollars, $500. They set up all the things, and then I came to find out you guys, I could have just done it myself through my state, a website, my, secretary of state website for $35 a year. And it’s just so ridiculous. So be sure you do your research on how to actually go about that process as well, because you may find that it’s a really simple process once you’ve determined, which structure is right for you.
So I set up as an LLC. The next thing that I had to do was split my business and my personal financials. Okay. So what did I do? I went over to my bank and I have personal accounts, right? We’ve got personal savings accounts, personal checking accounts. My kids have a checking and saving and not checking a savings account as well. And we have a whatever else account. Okay. Those are all personal accounts.
I then had to open up from my bank business accounts, because here’s the most important thing that you guys need to remember. You must keep your business financials, your business purchases, your business savings or business payments separate from your personal assets, right? That’s the whole purpose of having an LLC covering your business.
You need to make that very clear distinction if you were ever sued, right, from a liability standpoint, can you prove that your assets are separate? So I created separate bank accounts. I have a business and it’s titled the same as my LLC, a business checking, a business savings, a business tax account, and a business tithe, account. Which is a savings account, saving for taxes and saving for tithes. All of those things are in under a business category at my bank. So now I’ve got a clean slate, personal and business.
And my husband who has an actual corporate job, all of his money runs through the personal accounts because taxes are already being withheld from my husband’s job, right? So those of you that are running an actual entrepreneurship business, that is going to be a separate beast that you need to deal with. The next thing I did was get a business credit card. I need a completely separate credit card than my personal card, right? Because again, your expenses need to be separated business versus personal.
Guys, don’t get overwhelmed. So far, the things I just taught you would take you one whole day. Okay? One day you figure out how you want to structure the business. You do the paperwork, you head to the bank, you open the accounts, even better, just do it online. Then you open the business credit card that links to the business checking account that’s going to pay off the credit card every single month.
Why do I have a business credit card instead of just paying from my bank account? Girl, I need those Southwest points. You better believe when Covid is over your girl is hopping on a plane and going to Puerto Vallarta for a hot month. Y’all I was supposed to go to Puerto for my 35th birthday and we can’t go. We couldn’t go because of COVID. And I want the beach and the waves and boogie board and sand in my toes and a nice little pina colada in my hand.
It is calling my name. So I am racking up the points. But we knew we never, and I mean, never allow credit card balances to stay. We pay them off in full every single month, but we want to get the points. So that’s just an extra strategy for you. If there’s a credit card that offers something, you want charge things and pay them off every single month. Okay.
The next thing that I did was decide from day one that I was never going to get caught in a tax situation again. So rewind back eight years when I started network marketing, I was just willy nilly. I didn’t track my income, I had no idea what was going on, I didn’t check with the tax person, and I didn’t know what was due. And I ended up not paying my state gross receipts tax on my commission.
Now there’s only a few states that do that, but New Mexico is one of them. Okay. And so what happened is after five years making multiple six figures in network marketing, I found out that I actually owed $18,000 in back taxes for something that I didn’t know that I didn’t know. So that’s why it’s important for you guys to get with a tax person, even if it’s like an hour or two, to just make sure that you are paying the correct taxes.
So when I started this business, Stefanie Gass, LLC, and the Mompreneur Mastermind brand and all the things I do, I decided that I was going to save and pay and be so intentional about never missing anything in my, in my business from a financial perspective ever again. Because you guys getting an unexpected audit or tax bill that sucks and to not be prepared for it financially.
Thank God that God is working with me in my business. And he was able to pour that provision down upon me so that I could not be stressed about it. And I knew that he would, and he did and glory to God, but I would like to not have that happen again, if you know what I mean. So here’s what happened for me. So we’re moving to number two, which is the monthly management of the business.
So as I make money in my business, everything’s tied to my business bank accounts. When I make a sale it’s directly deposited through PayPal or Stripe or wherever through Thrive Cart directly into my business checking account. That is what receives all of my revenue. Okay. Then every single month on the last day of the month I go in and I calculate 25% of that revenue. K right off the bat, I take the highest number. Let’s say I made a hundred thousand dollars just as a very easy example.
That’s, that’s not an easy example. Why did I do that? Let’s say that I make a thousand dollars, okay. In that month. And I’m going to take 25% of that thousand dollars, which would be $250. I’m going to move it into my business tax account. It’s just a little savings account, that’s it.
But it’s called the business tax account. Why am I moving that amount of money over every single month? Because my friends, when you start to profit in your business, you are no longer going to get a refund from your taxes, from federal and state taxes anymore. You are going to pay, so you need to be prepared for that. All right? So I’m putting that money directly into my tax savings account every single month on the last day of the month.
I am also taking 10% of the total gross revenue and moving it into my tithing account. It’s again, just a simple savings account under the business bracket called tithe savings account or tithe account. So that would be $100, right? So we made a thousand dollars. That’s not taking into consideration any expenses, but I’m going to take 25% and you guys need to calculate an estimated tax percentage for you.
And remember you are going to have write-offs. You will have things that are not going to hit that number. But, I also have a husband who has a normal job, and he puts the max into saving for taxes for us. So while we’re in a much higher bracket, the actual anticipated payment for us is roughly 25%. So if I have 250 bucks moved into tax and I have a hundred dollars in my tithe, the account I am left with $650 in revenue. Actually sorry, $650 in profit.
Now, again, this does not include anything to do with expenses at this point. This is just what you made. So the next step, okay, the next step is to go and figure out what’s my actual profit, because I think what happens is y’all see a revenue number, like 100 bucks. Woo. But not including in there is your tax, your tithe, your expenses to figure out what’s actually left in this number and what do I do with that?
Do I pay myself? Do I just save it? Like what happens? So I first want to talk about the tithe for a second. Then we’re going to get back to our training here, Stef, like let’s just talk about the tithe for a minute. Okay. You guys are incredible, God-led, kingdom building, incredible women on this planet. You would not be listening to my show if you were not semi like me.
If you did not believe that God is the leader of your life and your business, if you did not believe that God was gifting you, all of who you are, if God was not bringing you the clients and the revenue and the sales and the PR all the things. Right? So then the question is, ooh, but do you tithe then? How much do you tithe then?
Should I tithe then? So hear me. Okay. I personally choose to tithe 10% of both my husband and I, our total revenue. So the highest number, if we make let’s just use an easy number, a hundred thousand dollars together, collectively, we would pay 10% of that, of every single month to our church. That is what we have chosen to do. Why? Well, because I believe that the directions of our life come from scripture.
I’ll read you guys a couple of verses here. Genesis 14:19. And he blessed him and said, blessed be Abraham by God Most High, Possessor of Heaven and Earth and Blessed Be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand. And Abraham gave him a 10th of everything, a 10th of everything. Let me explain something.
Interestingly, and this is from just some information I found online, but this is actually what it says at, and I don’t know why I’m on this website right now, but it’s pushpay.com. Give credit where credit is due. It says that the Israelites back then based on what, you know, their assets were worth, it was actually roughly 23% of their income. So what’s interesting though, for me is, oh, should I give 23%? Should I give 10? Tithe literally means 10th. It literally literally means 10th.
Which I think is so interesting, because I believe that in scripture, there are so many things that can be misinterpreted. But when you look at the word tithe, it actually means 10th. So we choose to do a 10th of our income. And why do we choose the church? We choose our church because we truly believe in our church’s mission. We believe that our church is spreading good in the world in a way that we personally cannot.
We believe that our church is pouring into our community. They’re giving back to the homeless. They are helping people. They’re starting pop-up churches in Africa and all these places and the things they are doing we personally believe in. Here’s another scripture that I want to read to you guys.
This is Genesis 28: 20. Then Jacob made a vow saying if God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear. So that I come again to my Father’s house in peace. Then the Lord shall be my God. And this stone, which I have set up for a pillar shall be God’s house. And of all that you give me, I will give a full tenth to you. You know, what’s crazy about this verse here y’all?
This is actually Genesis 28:20-22, is that it’s all from God, right? The bread to eat, the clothing, to wear, the home that He built it’s from God, anyway. All that we have is from God, your house, your money, your life, the cells in your body. And if we can’t give a 10th back as a thank you as for me, what it’s showing is surrender. It’s showing that I trust you.
Yes, I could spend that 10% on something that I want. Sure. But I can’t because I have to prove and stand beside my belief that God gave everything to me. So He is worthy of what I can give back to Him to do more good in the world. Now, maybe you’re not super religious, or maybe that doesn’t sit with you, or maybe there’s not a church that you believe in. And I know that this is very controversial right now.
So preacher’s daughters do not yell at me, but what I also think is if you are being called to give to a certain charity or a certain mission or a certain thing that you know will create good and will further God’s will in the world for your tithe or your blessing. Okay. I don’t think that there’s one answer to where that 10% has to go for everyone. And that’s just my personal opinion.
That is my personal opinion, but, that’s just how I feel. So anyway, that being said, we give 10% to tithe. If I can, if we can, we can give extra, like, for example, giving back to the Operation Underground Railroad giving back to, to something that you believe in. In addition to like we funded my husband’s brother to go to Africa and he did medical work for them.
And that was a gift that we wanted to give him that was going to spread good and love in the world. So guys, the good you can do on a monetary basis, it’s always going to come back to you. I promise. Like I have seen such blessing in my business and my bank account when I stopped focusing on the money and how much I could save and having my accounts at a certain level and just letting it flow.
Letting God, His will do work when it came to my finances. And I personally recommend a 10% tithe. Okay. And so what we do is then every six months we pay out the tithe. Why do I do that? Because my income is not standard, right? Like my income has huge months and my income has normal months. And so it’s really hard to give a recurring amount because I don’t make a recurring amount of money.
So I just save the 10% every month. And then on June 30th and December 30th, I pop it over into my church. Okay. That’s how I handle the tithe. So then the next step is looking at let’s then pivot into expenses and managing on a monthly basis, how to calculate your actual profit. For a while, an embarrassing while, I used an Excel spreadsheet to try to do my budget, to try to do my finances. And y’all just no.
Then I tried Mint. Didn’t love it. Didn’t love it. And then finally, finally, like, I don’t know, six months ago, I was like, I am done. I’m done. This is so annoying. I’m getting QuickBooks. Let me tell you best $17 a month I have ever spent. And that includes my TurboTax payment. So we do our own taxes, my husband and I are both accountants by schooling.
So we do our own TurboTax and it includes it. If you have an accountant running your taxes for you, you can do the cheaper version of QuickBooks, which is $7 a month. You guys here’s, what’s so cool about QuickBooks. I linked up all of my business accounts. I use QuickBooks self employed, by the way, I’m going to give you guys my link in a minute, so you can save. But I, I linked up all my business accounts and I linked up all my personal accounts.
I spent a couple of hours telling QuickBooks what type of expenses were, what? So you will code your expenses. You’ll say, is this business or personal or split you’ll then choose the category like, is it a utility bill? Is this a business expense? What type of business expense, is this shopping, is this medical? And once you code something, QuickBooks will create a rule.
So for example, if I always receive business income from PayPal, QuickBooks is smart. It no longer asks me what this chart or this income is. It knows this is a business income done, done, done. So on a weekly basis, all I have to do is get into my QuickBooks account and there are maybe two or three things that need coding. I click the buttons to code everything.
Then here’s the beauty at the click of a button, the click of a button, you guys. I can look at how much money we have made on a household and just my business, I can look and see where’s the income coming from. We can look at where are the expenses going, pull up reports and see a profit and loss statement at a glance for any timeframe. I can click business and personal expenses breakdown report, and it’ll show me where my money’s going.
And I can click deeper and deeper to see an actual line by line. It will also figure out my estimated taxes. It’s incredible. When I paid my tax recently for 2019, I clicked a button and QuickBooks populated TurboTax for me. It’s like, y’all, it’s legit. It’s so legit. I’m telling you what, I’m going to talk about taxes in a minute. You’re probably like, Oh, taxes. Like, what do I pay? When do I pay it?
I’m going to talk to you about that last. So anyway, QuickBooks is what I recommend to run your books, to run your actual business on a monthly basis. Okay. And my affiliate link for QuickBooks, if you guys want to get QuickBooks and get my pricing for it, like I said, seven bucks a month, which is insane. Go too intuit.me/ilovequickbooks. All lowercase, intuit.me/ilovequickbooks. Amazing. I just can’t. I can’t, y’all it’s life changing. It’s life changing.
If there’s one thing you take away from this episode, there’s a lot of good takeaways on this episode, but QuickBooks is what’s up. So then let me tell you the next step taxes. Okay. On a monthly basis, I pay my state gross receipts tax, where I live. I actually have to pay that tax on every dollar I make. Kind of sucks cause it’s kind of could be seen as double taxation. It just is the way that it is.
I don’t really worry about it. I don’t fight taxes, guys. It’s just not my battle. So I go to my secretary of state, state website, the New Mexico tax website, and I just pay my thing. There’s a specific rate. It’s right in there. And I pay it every single month. Non-issue okay.
Then every quarter I have to pay my estimated state and federal tax. And the cool part about QuickBooks is that I actually can just click a button. It tells me my estimated tax due each quarter. I click one button after I have set up from that website, which it gives you the website and I click pay and it automatically pays it for me.
The beauty is because I’ve been saving my 25% of revenue inside my bank account. It’s cool. It’s fine. I have got that money there. I’m ready to go. It’s not a surprise at the end of your really profitable year, which you all are going to have when you’re like, oh, I owe 50 grand in taxes. No problem. You’ve been saving for it. That’s the most important thing here is to be proactive about your finances.
Okay. Final part of this puzzle is how do I then pay myself? Like I’m doing all of these things. I’m making all of this money, I’m saving for taxes, I’m paying my tithe and I’m doing all the things. I’ve got QuickBooks, but like, can I actually take some money out of here for myself? So because of how I am structured, so that’s another thing to consider.
If you guys do something like an S Corp or C Corp, you’re going to have different rules. So please again, get with a tax and lawyer and get all of your stuff figured out. But for me, the way that we are structured as an LLC, paying out our taxes as a family, doing an LLC, being taxed as an individual.
What I do is we have determined how much money that we need from me as like a “paycheck” every month to just cover the bills. Right? Cause my husband’s salary pretty much covers everything and we only need a small amount from mine to cover the bills. So what I do is I just have a auto direct deposit going from my business checking account. I think it’s like $3000 bucks going from business checking automatically paying into our personal checking account.
Why is that? Okay? It’s okay. Because we’ve already paid tax on that money. Okay. We’ve already paid our taxes. So we are then free to do what we want with our profit. Now, if I need to take more out, I can. If I want to move money to different buckets, I can. Why? Because I’ve already paid taxes on that money. Okay.
So the most important thing is you’re making sure you’re tracking all your income and all your expenses from a business perspective in your business, bank accounts, business credit cards, using QuickBooks to code everything. You’re properly paying your taxes on time. You’re saving for taxes every single month. And then you are determining what that amount is that you want to pay yourself. If you guys just want to vary that amount, like whatever you want to pay yourself every month. That is, that is cool too.
Here’s the other thing, because we only pull $3000 a month out of my business checking that checking account is growing and growing and growing and growing. If I want to reinvest it in my business, right? Like if I want to outsource more things, if I want to buy more systems, if I need to buy a new laptop, if I need to, whatever. Like if I had an office building or something, all of that money is already there sitting in my business as cashflow, it’s ready to be used to further my business.
It can also just be moved to a savings account. So that’s kind of the way that I’m managing my business. I really hope that this was helpful for you guys. Thank you to Brooke for bringing up all of these great questions. I think these questions are amazing and yeah, again, highly recommend QuickBooks you guys. And again, my link is intuit.me/ilovequickbooks. That’s intuit.me/ilovequickbooks.
If you guys need additional help on QuickBooks and managing your business from the backend, one of my clients, Stephanie Parenza is creating the Business Basics Bootcamp, where she teaches how to set up your books and how to do self QuickBooks, self employed. So if you guys want to get on the waitlist for her new course, her name is Stephanie Parenza and she runs Business Minded Mama on Instagram, hit her up.
She’s amazing. You’ll love her program. And then finally, last thing guys, let’s pray for the kiddos. Okay. We know that world trafficking awareness day is coming up on June 30th. I have told you guys all about Tim Ballard and his amazing mission. Also Operation Underground Railroad, which is that ourrescue.org do what you can at least pray for them.
Okay? If you can bring awareness in some way, that’s awesome. But I would ask you to bow your heads with me now, and let’s pray over this day. Let’s pray over this mission. Let’s pray over Tim. And if you guys will just join me in this prayer, I think that hopefully, God, hopefully no, we know God will hear our prayer. He will hear the roar in heaven coming up from us, asking Him to come down.
And you know, the beauty is that we know that truth will be revealed because the Bible says so, and it’s only a matter of time. And all we can do now is pray for those precious, precious children of God to be protected. So Lord, we call out to you. We call out and ask you to hear our prayer, now, and we pray over all of the children, all of the people that are being trafficked across this planet.
Whether it be for sex trafficking or exploitation or work or all of the labor, whatever the thing is, God, we ask you to just be with them, give them courage, give them comfort. We ask you to save them, to give them that solace, that there will be a day where their glory will come. And that day may not be here on this planet, but it will be in your kingdom. And that the real comfort and peace comes from within you.
We ask you to show them and reveal them your Holy Spirit comfort. I also ask that you pour into the people that can make a difference. We pray that every dollar that we donate to this mission, to helping these kids, to ourrescue.org and to help Tim Ballard and his company and his mission might be multiplied gloriously, miraculously multiplied so that they can do more good.
We pray that every time we open our mouths to share about what’s happening with sex trafficking of kiddos, God, that you help spread that awareness like wildfire, that you light people up to do something to pray out, to share, to give and whatever else we can do. God, we ask you to plant it in our hearts because we are not helpless. When we have you fighting for us and fighting for these kids.
We ask you to use us as their voices, because those that cannot speak for themselves, need to speak through us. Give us the words, God, give us the courage, give us whatever we need to actually make an impact for you. We pray God for your strength now more than ever to keep fighting because the world is hard. And what we are all facing is hard and confusing.
We know that the enemy loves to use confusion and distraction for his good, but we rebuke that in your name because we are kingdom focused, we believe and we trust in you God, more than we ever have, bring us together, bring us together in love. Bring us together in the missions that you have over our lives. We love you. We believe in you and we know that you waste nothing and that all of this will be used for your good and your glory in Jesus name. I love you guys. I’ll see you later. Love and light, Stef.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
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