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Are you ready to create your ‘thing’ but feeling stuck on what you do, who you serve, and what you can actually do to make money online? Do you feel boxed in because you already have a MLM or Network Marketing Biz? Hold up. There’s so much opportunity for more!
What about pairing an MLM or Network Marketing Biz with a personal brand? Pivoting or expanding your current reach?
Not quitting your side gig in MLM or Network Marketing but allowing yourself vision to add in other streams of income that actually HELP you recruit and expand? (While making you more income?!)
That’s what today’s podcast episode is all about. You’re about to get your learn on.
Listen in to this live, full coaching session with Meagan King as we uncover how she can pair her direct sales wine biz with her God-led passions and skills. We determine a common denominator of her brand, come up with a tagline, title, description, categories, and more. We create a 5-tier brand map that allows her to expand into who she is meant to be while allowing her current income stream to do just that…fund the MISSION BABY!
I pray this blesses you.
Hey loves! Welcome to another episode of the Mompreneur Mastermind Show. Before we get started, I want to remind you that we are still celebrating 250,000 downloads on the podcast, 200 episodes, and almost two years of this podcast being in the world. Oh my gosh, crazy. I’m just so excited that you guys have been with me on this journey. And if you’re new here welcome, you are a part of this sisterhood too. I’m grateful. I’m thankful.
Now, in today’s episode with my amazing client, Meagan King, we talk all about how to create a personal brand and a podcast that is bigger than her network marketing business. So if you have a side hustle, a MLM product that you sell, a network marketing company that you’re part of. But you really want to grow a brand that’s bigger than an MLM or Network Marketing Biz. It’s more than just one product or one company, this is the episode for you.
We talk all about how Meagan can pair all of her passions and her spiritual giftings without saying goodbye to what pays the bills, but just her network marketing business. So we bring that in as a revenue stream for her and you guys can kind of see how that whole thing flows out so beautifully for Meagan, so that she gets to create this perfect, comprehensive puzzle of what she is created to do and be, and who she’s meant to really serve. I know you’re going to love it. Let’s do this.
Talk to me about what needs to happen in this session, Meagan, for you to be like that was everything.
So I guess for me, I am looking for other ways to serve my community of moms and friends. I’m currently working in direct sales with a wine business. I’ve got four kids. So I left my corporate job shortly after returning from maternity leave. Decided that I got really used to on maternity leave spending time with my kids, and I thought I’ve always wanted to own my own business. If there was a way that we could make it happen, I wanted to be able to do that.
So I started the wine gig and it blew up way quicker than I thought. And I love it. I get excited about it. I like being around people and I like teaching people, not just the drinking wine part, but teaching them about wine and socializing.
I love all things entertaining. I’ve done a lot in the last almost three years that I’ve been in the business and I’m earning trips and I’m meeting people. I’m doing all of that. I’ve kind of learned how to run a business, but I want to find another avenue to serve hearts a little bit more. A way to serve people without telling them what to put in a glass.
One thing that I have really enjoyed and kind of felt a calling in is working with women, whether that’s young women or older women, I feel like I relate to younger women and people closer to my age than older, but I mean, it could apply to anybody. I’m looking for ways to serve, ways to connect with people, but also generate additional income streams without having to leave my house to go to tastings or stuff like that.
I guess I’m trying to get a little bit of clarity on what is it that I enjoy and I’m passionate about that could fit into those income streams, because I have all these ideas and I have all these things that I enjoy, but I have no idea how to put that together into like a solid plan. So I guess something where I’m in charge.
Good thing that is my gift.
All of your big ideas and meshing them into a plan that has clarity. Because once we have clarity, you’ll have confidence to go build the thing to really step into that space. And the wine is great, because that can be one of the streams of a bigger purpose and a bigger brand.
So let’s start with what are the things, if we had to pick like two or three things that are supernatural for you, that people come to you for, that you light up when you’re doing those things. Whether they’re paid things, not paid things. Try to think outside the box. Instead of oh, I went to school for this, so this is what it has to be. What are the natural things?
So I love having conversations. I love interaction and I feel like people come to me for advice a lot of times. I have a group of friends that used to call me Grandmother Willow, the old lady tree in Pocahontas. That’s what they used to call me, because my husband and I we got married and had kids really early.
I feel like a lot of my friends are a little bit younger than me. So, I went through all of these things before they did. I think when it comes to like relationship advice and family, like raising kids, running a business, and faith, I have a lot of people that like to chat with me.
Also entertaining with parties and socializing, I love helping coordinate and plan weddings. I love doing kids’ birthday parties. I’m over the top with all things themed and stuff like that.
So in the Bible where they talk about how Martha has Jesus and the disciples over for dinner and the Martha is doing all the work and putting everything together and she’s so upset with Mary because Mary is just sitting there listening. Jesus is like, Mary has got the good portion here.
I feel like one of my things that really interests me is how I went from this 100% Martha person. Now I’m trying to be more of a little bit of both because neither one of them are wrong. Right. But how do you kind of fit that into so you’re still getting the good portion?
That’s one thing that interests me is working with other moms or other women that have this Martha attitude and we’re in this Martha world, but like fitting it in. So we’re still getting the good portion at the same time and not missing out on all the other good stuff.
Right. Okay. So conversation, interaction, family, motherhood, and relationship advice.
Connecting, socializing, party planning, an event planning. I mean, don’t you feel a theme?
Yeah. That’s the thing is I have an idea of what I want to do. I just have no idea how to implement it, I guess. What would be in a way that serves other people other than just going and having conversations and telling people what to do?
What is your that you said that you have an idea of what you want to do?
I love the idea of podcasting. My negative thoughts. I get a little nervous about doing that because do I have enough to say that I would be able to provide that content?
Of course you do.
And do people really want to hear that? My thoughts are a podcast where we talk about all things entertainment like dinner parties, birthday parties, weddings, how to do fun activities with family and friends, but also working in the faith factor. Where I can make all the schedules and all the routines and all the organization. But if God’s will and plan isn’t what is initiating all this extra stuff, we’re missing the point of having a dinner party or doing all these kid activities.
So I guess just a podcast is something I haven’t I’ve thought about doing a blog is something I’ve thought about doing. I feel like I do better with voice than I do with wanting to type stuff out.
Yeah. One of the things I wrote down right as you started talking was connection coaching. Now we have to get to a promise inside of that. But if the whole idea here is what can Meagan do to help other women, other Christian moms and wives? What if your whole zone of genius is connection? Right?
Connection is the underlying promise. Can we teach other people the importance of connection? What does the Bible say about connection, service, and deeper meaning? Even this whole idea of serving and you taking all of that and saying, there’s a method to connection. Connection, people get it. Then they’re like okay I like people, but if you can bring it to this deeper level of why do we connect? You have like a formula for connection.
We can talk about, is this connection specifically for this Christian mom and wife? And so for her, we can be teaching connection with your kids, spouse, yourself, friends, and Christ. It’s all about this big circle of connection that brings you to your fullest self. That was something that immediately came through for me that I wrote down as you were talking. How does that even feel?
I like that a lot.
So is it for that Christian mom? And is it what I just said? Is it for her kids? The spouse? Nothing to do with business, right?
My avatar would be, she’s a mom she’s likely married or if she’s not married, she has been, or she’s in a relationship. She’s Christian. She could be an entrepreneur, but she doesn’t necessarily have to be, but she likes to be involved in things. She’s probably a people pleaser. She probably has negative self talk when it comes to meeting with people. So this is a way to kind of help overcome that.
Let’s dig deeper into what is the result. When we want to sell something, Meagan, people want something sticky. They want to chew on something and say, oh, there’s an end result to connect.
Why do we care about connection? Why do we about going deeper with those that we love? What’s the end result of that? We’re just brainstorming so you and I are both putting ideas out until we can get to a promise.
I think the whole purpose of life is relationships. Even when Christ created us, He created us for relationship with Him and with each other.
What about it?
It makes us feel more whole. Fulfillment. The end result is this Christian mom who is feeling disconnected. She’s always on. We’re on social media. We’re doing all of that. The kids are probably in school, the spouse is working, super busy all the time. She’s just kind of lonely.
Here’s Meagan, a connection coach who walks the Christian mom and wife through the full circle of connection. And why do we care about this? Because the purpose of life is connection. Why? She gets more fulfillment, meaning, worthiness, joy, growth, and meaning. She is now a beacon of all of those feelings to those that she loves as well. Lifting up her kid and spouse. Being Christ-like because of connection.
Right, right.
How does all of that feel?
I like that.
Now what’s her name?
What are we going to teach Gabby that gets her these results? Meagan, where do we start? What’s the formula that Meagan can take her through that’s unique and different from anyone else? Where do we start with her?
You know who she is. She’s feeling that loneliness and that connection is missing. She really wants to reconnect with her family, with herself, with her spirituality. She’s just disconnected with all of these different categories. Where do we start? Do we teach her the categories? Do we teach her why connection matters? Do we teach her what the Bible says about connection?
I think so. Yeah. I think I want to show the importance of connection and relationships in the Bible first.
So let’s start with Biblical connection. We’re going through your content tiers right now. That’s what this is called, where we have the avatar. We have a rough promise. We don’t have a tagline yet, but we’re getting mapped in our brain to where we know what we’re doing with the brand, who Meagan is. Now we’re going through the content map of what we take her through, which ultimately becomes your podcast categories, and topics. Then later a coaching program or a course. Right?
We’re going through Biblical connection is your foundation. It’s what you want to stand on. The second thing is she now understands what does the Bible say about connection, meaning, and relationships.
The second tier then I think we care about is how connection will change you. Why do we care to be more connected? We’re going to trigger her with feel disconnected, feeling unfulfilled, and lacking joy worth and meaning in her day. The answer is more meaningful connection. Why connection? What connection will do for her? Now she’s bought in.
The Bible says all these great things about connecting. I understand why connection will matter and what I’m lacking because of my connections being meh. What if we took her now through tier three, a connection inventory? Where is she? In that one, what are the tiers of connection?
Let’s go through an inventory and here’s your freebie. Okay. We’re going through an inventory of how connected you are in, what, spiritual connection? Spousal? Family? Self? Friends? What about the calling or maybe business work or calling?
Sometimes you have all of these other things and you’re unaligned with what you’re doing in life. You’re not connecting with your calling. So now you’re off. Let’s call it like calling/work. We’ve got spiritual and family. Self would also be health like self-care health? Are you valuing yourself in a deep way? Are you reading what you need to read or taking time? Friends, calling, and work.
So here’s where we say there are five categories of connection. If you aren’t fulfilling each of the five categories, you’re hurting your level of joy. You’re impacting how joyful you feel on a day-to-day basis. Is this making sense so far?
Absolutely. I’m right on with you.
Cool. So we’ve got the inventory and I would see this as maybe you could create this freebie or this idea as here is you in the middle. A Christian mama, Christian wife. Five bubbles come off of that. Spiritual, family, self, friends, and calling. She rates herself. On a scale of one to 10, how connected are you in this area? What are you doing well? What needs to change?
So she’s just taking a look at it for the first time and saying, oh, snap, my family bubble sucks. Or I have a -1 in the family and the friends category. So she’s able to now spotlight where is connection lacking. Okay. So now she’s gone through the inventory. She knows what’s missing.
Should we now walk her through each category, Meagan, and teach her? Let’s take her through the plan. How does she grow in spiritual connection? That’s number four. Then number five, how does she grow in family connection? So each one is a category. Each of these five areas.
Family, self, friends, and then calling. Then this is where you come in. So if we go under spiritual first, what can you give her to connect more spiritually? What would you say to a friend?
Gabby hits you up and she’s like, I am so spiritually lacking. I have zero connection right now with Christ. I feel like I’m constantly searching. The answer is that I’m not connecting spiritually. What would you say? You’re this connection coach.
So you say here’s what we can do. Here’s a plan for you.
Right? First I’d be talking about how is she practicing corporate worship? Is she meeting with other people, whether that’s at a regular church service or is she going to small groups? Talk about what devotions are you doing? Are you setting aside time during the day specifically for a meeting and to talk with Christ?
I can even provide what are my top resources that I’ve used. Books, devotions, podcasts, and stuff like that. So connecting her with resources that have worked for me or that have worked for other people.
Now go into family. She just discovered she’s missing family connection. What would be your tips here?
I guess when we’re talking family, are we talking just like immediate family? Are we talking about all family?
In this one I would think you would talk about your spouse and your kids.
Number one, are they overextending their time budget? That was something that we struggled with for a while. I’m a planner, list maker, calendar follower, and all of those things. I had every minute of every hour of every day scheduled, and I have to actively make sure that I am leaving in some I call it flexible grace time to make sure that we’re actively or intentionally doing family things that aren’t tasks or achievement based. But also one-on-one time with kid.
We’ve got four kids so trying to figure in time that each kid gets their own time. Figuring in time with my husband. We’ve started doing a once a month date night that we have to go do it. It doesn’t matter what’s going on. It happens and we go do it.
But in the evenings, my kids know after 8:30 pm it’s mommy and daddy time. Nobody else gets to interfere with that. I think being active about scheduling that time. But also in those times, not just doing filler stuff, making them meaningful moments. So having communication and connection.
Love it! Listen to this. Basically right now we’re mapping out every podcast episode that you get to have in the future, right? We have an episode about what is Biblical connection? We have an episode about why connection and what it’s doing to your joy?
There’s another episode, the five categories of connection. By the way, grab your freebie because I have the five key areas of connection inventory sheet for you, mamas, go over here and download it. Now we an episode about that.
Now we have the seven tiers of spiritual connection. Are you missing one of these? And you’re walking her through each of those things. We have another episode right here, four secrets to deeper connection with your kids. You just talked to me about one-on-one time, time budgeting, being active about scheduling, and making meaningful moments. That’s an episode.
Now we’re going into self. Are you ignoring connection with self? How to have a deeper connection with what mama needs, right? So in that one, what would we say about connecting with self? I mean, that’s the last thing on everyone’s list is boundaries. It’s mindfulness, it’s reading the book. It’s what do you need? Making that list and then making a promise to yourself. So all of the things that go in self.
Then we have the same process for friends. In friends, we can talk about one of your favorites. We can do a theme party. You can have an event you can once a month create a girls’ coffee day or wine night. And by the way, I have a favorite wine that I love guys head over here to learn more about my favorite. It’s organic and amazing and tastes so good. You can order a case or two and I won’t judge you. Even though we all love Jesus over here.
You know, like you can make it fun and promote your wine as well when it fits in.
I love this. I love it.
Okay. We’ve got the five categories of connection. Now the final tier. We’ve got biblical connection is where you’re starting to walk her through because that’s the foundation. We then have why we care? Why connection? What do we even care about? What is this doing for her?
Then we go through the five categories. We have five categories of connection. This means you get to teach on your podcast, Meagan, anything that touches the five categories of connection.
Which gives you so much to talk about. Then I have a final idea for you. This final tier, which is connection, coaching, Christian connection coaching, or just connection coaching. Where you coach people, and this is where you make money outside of wine, on connection.
Imagine if you had 30 minute mini sessions with people. They pay you, but then you can also air them on the show. Kind of how I do, right? It’s a connection audit/connection coaching session.
So they come and they say, I’m not connecting with my husband. And then you’re saying, okay, so let’s come up with a plan. Let’s take your connection on a scale of one to 10. You’re a three. Can we get you to a five?
Let’s come up with a game plan for that over the next 30 days. Here’s what we can do. We can start praying for him. We can start opening the doors to communication. Do you think he’d be open to going on one date night, a month to start? Can we make it about him? Can we let him pick what he wants to do? How can we start to change the behavior to open the door to connection?
What if you’re having these conversations live?
I love it. I never even thought about the connection piece on there.
It’s everything about what you told me that you love to do is connect. There are so many women, especially right now when social media is so big and we’ve taken everything virtual. Now during this whole COVID thing and all of that, it’s like we realized for the first time ever how much connection actually mattered, because we don’t have it.
There’s going to be this new focus and this new heartfelt demand for deeper connection. I want to see the people I love. I want to go to dinner with them and to connect with my spouse again. All of this pent up. I want to connect. This piece of our souls that’s been missing for a while. And so I love that. That’s your strength.
I think when we can give her a promise out of it, that will matter to her. Hey, what if I could take your fulfillment level and your level of worth and joy from a five to a 10 in five categories? What if there were five things that you need to be doing in the area of connection and you’re missing one? That’s what I’m here to teach you. There’s a five tier process for ultimate connection.
Is there any piece of this you don’t like? Is there any piece of this that’s missing? Is there something that doesn’t feel clear?
I think besides changing what we call some of those five tiers, I’ve liked everything. Instead of friends, you think maybe social life? Or something like that, because it’s not always friends. Sometimes it’s coworkers.
Let’s call that social.
Then for the calling and work, I’m wondering if, what about calling?
What about calling/career?
That works.
Calling can cover those women that are stay-at-home mothers. They’re called into motherhood, but then you can also say career, because you know, there are really two types of women. The women with the calling and it’s maybe not monetary. Then the women with a career, whether they be an entrepreneur or not. So I would call that calling/career.
I like that much better.
So let’s go through the four tiers of brand creation. We need to name the brand and come up with a tagline and a description. Then we’ve already come up with categories, which is the fourth. So I’m just going to spit things out and words you like, make sure you write that down. Then we’ll try to come up with a name.
Think in terms of the show. This is what my podcast would be called, what my website would be called. This is the thing I am. The Christian connection coach. Connection coaching for Christian moms. Connection chronicles. The connection collective.
That’s cute.
Christian connection collective is lots of c’s which is fun. Connection collective – I really like that. That sounds vague but it’s so catchy. Right? Like connection collective, and then we would say something like fulfillment, love, worth, and joy through meaningful connection for the Christian mom. Right? That’s not it, but you know what I’m saying?
We would have a promise right on the podcast title so that they know why am I here, what am I getting, and who is it for? So if we did go with something with a vague title, like connection collective, we’ll really have that clear tagline.
We can also do faith fueled connection for the Christian mom. Faith fueled connection would be the title and then Christian mom. Then we would have under there, our little tagline that we’ll map out in a second.
Tell me what you’re loving and what words you’re not loving.
I like collective. I don’t love it but I like the idea of something and then connection. What about like good portion connection?
Is there a verse or a play off of the Bible that we could use that has to do with connection? It’s so fun because sometimes God will work through you and put something there and then all along it’s the thing. So idea. If it was the good portion, that’s actually the title. That’s actually the brand.
Of course we don’t know what that means as a viewer, but I come and I see the good portion. Great. But then I see finding connection and meaning through motherhood, life, and joy. Or finding connection, meaning, and joy in motherhood and life. Something like that where it’s interesting because now I know it’s about motherhood. It’s about life. It’s about connection and joy.
In the description, it’s very clear in, and I don’t know what book that’s in, but in Proverbs we learn that the good life really comes from digging into action worth and meaning in five categories of your life. Right? Are you like, oh my gosh, that’s it? Or are you like, I don’t know.
I love that. That’s it.
Okay. So hold on. Let me check that it’s available before we go deeper down that rabbit hole.
By the way it’s the book of Luke.
Good portion. Okay. So there are a lot of podcast episodes that people are titling that, but there’s no podcast called the good portion. Okay. That’s really great. Now let’s just double check that it’s available. I don’t know. Good news and bad news. No one is using thegoodportion.com, but someone bought it because they know how good that is.
It’s only $2,500. But here’s what you could do. Thegoodportionpodcast.com or thegoodportionshow.com. The only third criteria is we have to make sure it’s not trademarked. So let me check that. Then we got a name baby. I love this because it’s like the good portion of life of motherhood. The good piece of the pie. It’s all right for you, and your underlying thing you teach is connection in these five areas. It’s like so perfect.
My hands are sweating. I’m so excited. TMI.
Oh no. You know me, I’m always TMI. The good portion is not trademarked. You’re good. So if you don’t want to have the good portion and pay $2,500 for it, which you do not need to do, just have the good portion, something podcast show. You could have the good portion. I mean the good portion. How about the good portion mama?
There we go. Yeah.
The good portion mama. That’s the brand. There it is.
Yes. Oh my gosh.
Okay. So I love this, my favorite part when we finally get the breakthrough, it’s so fun.
I have so many notes here. I’m like, I can’t read half of what I wrote.
All right. So let’s go through the four tiers so we’re so clear. Number one. The name, the good portion mama. Yes.
Number two. The tagline, the promise. This is everything. This is where she decides to listen or not. What are we doing here? So a couple of ideas, again, brainstorming. Connection and meaning for your greatest joy in motherhood and life.
I know it’s bigger than motherhood and life, but I want to say motherhood, right? Maybe we don’t have to. Connection or we get a little bit more meaty, connection, coaching, and relationship strategy for ultimate fulfillment in motherhood and life.
We don’t even have to say motherhood, I guess, because we are saying the good portion mama so we know it has to do with moms. What did I just say? Connection, coaching, and relationship strategy for ultimate fulfillment. So one feels more emotional and one feels more tactical. Which direction are you liking?
Let’s go back to the first one. Connection and meaning. What if it was connection and meaning for ultimate fulfillment in motherhood and life?
Yes. I like that better for better than the greatest joy. I also like it cause fulfillment is my word for the year.
Not it’s not?
It is!
So fun. Serendipitous, right? Connection and meaning for ultimate fulfillment in motherhood and life. Connection and meaning for ultimate…is it is enough for her to click? So the good portion mama, if she’s really into her faith, she may even already know, oh, the good portion, then she’ll know what that means.
If not connection and meaning is what you’re teaching. Why? For ultimate fulfillment for her in motherhood and in life. That feels good to me. Does it feel like we’re there?
Do we need to have Christian or faith or anything in the tagline or do you leave it out? If the primary foundation of it is through faith…so could it be in Christian motherhood and life?
How about connection, meaning, and faith for ultimate fulfillment in motherhood and life?
I like that better.
Because yeah, if you’re going to have a Christian title, you’re going to be infusing a lot of scripture, a lot of ideas and principles here. That let’s let her be clear, we integrate faith into this thing.
Right? Because I don’t want the mamas that are new to Christian and faith that haven’t heard anything about the good portion to miss anything if they’re looking for something specifically faith based. I don’t want them to miss it.
Another tip that I’ve done is I put the Mompreneur Mastermind Show – for Christian entrepreneurs. I put Christian right there as a little. I don’t say that anyway. It’s not part of the title. It’s just for SEO. You could even have the good portion mama – Christian mom podcast, because if someone searches Christian mom, yours will come up.
Then our graphic will actually say the good portion mama. Big and beautiful. Connection, meaning, and faith for ultimate fulfillment in motherhood and life across the bottom. Feels so good. I’ll read for you a description as well. But what are we teaching? All those things we mapped out in the beginning.
I would start with episode one is are you experiencing the good portion yet? What does the good portion mean? Something like where you’re talking about telling that story that you told me why it mattered to you and why that is spurring everything for you in this new mission of your life. Right?
You want every Christian or faith fueled mama to be living in the good portion to be experiencing it. Here’s why the show was born and why the brand was born. Your vision for what you want to teach her in this show in this podcast.
Description. And you won’t be able to write this down.
I know.
We are at, for your replay when you forward, you’re roughly 45 minutes in. So just go there and then you can pause me. Okay.
Hey, faith fueled mama. I know what it feels like to need more fulfillment, to pray for more meaning in your life, to wonder what’s missing, and why your soul isn’t complete. I believe that the core denominator; enjoy, fulfillment, meaning, and worth is deeper, authentic connection.
I am a connection coach and strategist. I am here to take you through the five tiers of ultimate connection so that you can tap into your most fulfilled, beautiful, authentic, and meaningful life. Because mama, this is the piece of the puzzle you’ve been missing all along.
The good news. It’s so easy to step into your most fulfilled you and go through these tiers of connection with me. In this podcast, I will take you through a journey of Biblical connection. The five categories of connection. Tactical and tangible connection exercises that you can implement right away and inspiring coaching and live Q+A to help you get results. To make you experience heaven on earth.
Because I believe the purpose of life is relationship, fulfillment, joy, and worth. It’s time to experience the good portion.
Yes. I was just waiting. I was like, is she going to put it in there?
That too, Meagan can be your intro. Shorten it, make it 40 seconds or so, but take pieces of that and that’s now your intro too. Right?
Then also in the description. So that’s the emotional that we’ve just told her; who it’s for and why she needs it. We are triggering her. We’re pulling the heart strings. Right below that we want to say: connect with me and put an email address and then work with me. Eventually you’ll have a work with me page. Even if right now that’s an email address, right?
I think you can start making money with this brand, Meagan. Monetize it with your wine business, right? This episode is sponsored by, and you don’t have to say the name of the company, but you can just say it’s sponsored by my favorite wine.
Why? Because it’s organic and it’s super affordable. Who doesn’t love to connect with a glass of wine with your husband, with your friends? I want to send you a coupon code for my favorite wine. Send me a DM. It can literally be as automated as it needs to be.
We can point back to wine as this vessel for communicating, right? Hey, grab a glass of wine by the fire. When’s the last time you had a great glass of red wine with a candle at dinner with your spouse? I have my favorite wine and I have a 20% off code for you. DM me or shoot me an email. I would love to gift that to you for being a listener.
So that’s one way you make money. The other way that I see making money is offer connection coaching. This would be something like, did you love this episode about spiritual connection? As we dug into my seven tips for having a deeper spiritual connection in your life? Well, if you’re feeling stuck or something feels unclear, did you know that I actually offer connection coaching?
Let me work with you to come up with a roadmap together that you can implement over the next 30 days to go from a five to a 10 in deeper, spiritual or family connection. Email me for my pricing menu. We can literally do everything without a website from day one.
Then as you build things, Meagan, you can just change what you say.
Awesome. I never even thought about coaching. How do you coach somebody to throw a party? How do you coach people to hang out with friends? But awesome.
Yeah. Coaching is this. So let’s say she comes in. The first thing that I would do with your clients, Meagan, is let’s say what you need to do is you need to start your podcast. That’s step one.
Step two. I want you to create the five categories of connection inventory work worksheet. Before you ever meet with a client, you send her the worksheet. So, you know, well she’s missing one area or whatever. She’s missing two areas. So now when you’re meeting with her, you already know our focus point for this hour is the spiritual because you had a two in there.
It’s a lot of listening and it’s a lot of conversation with a friend about how do we get her to have deeper connection? There is no education for that. There is no certificate that you need to feel qualified to teach connection. You naturally are a connector. You naturally have friends come and ask you. You’re already gifted you. It’s inside of you.
You know this. And so you know how to gift it to someone else and say, this is what you’re missing. Here’s the tips. Here’s the strategies. Let’s work through it with a plan and go do the thing. I don’t know what I would charge for that.
I think you want to start with something that’s a no-brainer for her. Then max out at that price point and go and raise your price. What would you feel like if I made blank per hour, it would make me feel so worthy?
I feel like I probably underpriced myself because that’s just kind of how I function, but we’re extra thrifty. We’re thrifty about everything. So for me, if I was going and looking to do something like that, I probably wouldn’t spend more than $50 for an hour.
I know you typically like to do sevens. I’ve listened to plenty of podcasts of yours. I think, especially starting out no more than like $47.
Start there and you don’t have to make excuses for where you want to start. Because $50 an hour is amazing. If we were to think about in terms of real life. The beauty of coaching is an unlimited scale, which is so cool. So in five years, who knows what you could be charging, but I think it’s great to start with what you feel you would pay as a no brainer and start there.
Do I like coaching? What am I experiencing with these people and make some money, which will also validate your mission. And you’re going to feel really good about that. Once you say, look, my goal is three sessions a week or whatever it is. Once you hit that number for three months in a row, go up to $97.
Hit that for three months in a row, go up to $197 an hour and let it naturally progress. And you’ll notice as your demand grows, the price aversion will go away.
So now here’s the order of operations. You’re starting your podcast. That’s number one and getting an email address. That’s it. We can start right there.
Next thing. Once you have the podcast, like basically you’re ready, everything’s loaded and you have a week to go, create the freebie. The little mappy thing. You do need some branding.
You at least need podcast channel art and a logo. My girl Ale is super affordable and it’s so worth whatever it is, $100 or whatever she’s charging to do the art because it’s just so good. She’s so good. So let me make sure I send you Ale. So that’s branding.
Then you’ve got branding podcast freebie with the inventory thing. Then you start promoting inside of the episodes. The wine is the way you’re sponsoring your show. And the coaching is where you’re driving traffic and driving them to download your inventory worksheet. Right?
I wrote down five categories of connection, but that’s what it is. So we want to give it a name. That’s like connect to joy worksheet. Grab my connected mama. Let’s see connected mama. Is it a workbook? It’s a worksheet, a roadmap. It’s a bubble matrix. Grab my connected mama matrix. There it is.
Grab my connected mama matrix and inventory your five categories of connection. There it is. So fun. I just love when the letters. I forgot what that’s called.
I don’t know what it is either.
Alliteration! Okay. Do you feel clear? Do you feel good? Are you excited? We came into the session with like, what am I here to do? Literally we have podcasts laid out, descriptions, titles, content, how you’re going to monetize. We got through so much.
So on the podcast. Getting that started. I haven’t done Podcasting Pro yet, but that’s next on my list. Before I paid to do that, I wanted to make sure a podcast was something that was doable.
So I need to buy the domain. I need to get set up to get the podcast going. I currently have a business page. I should get better about using Instagram, but I use Facebook right now.
Instagram overrated.
Yeah. I listened to that episode too. So I guess do I emerge in my wine branding in with this? I don’t know that I necessarily want to manage two separate.
No, I would have like…
How do people typically do that?
You would have thegoodportionmama.com, you know, and you’d have about Meagan, the podcast, the blog, and then drink wine or connect with wine. Then you have a wine page in there, because it’s feeding the brand. It has nothing to do with the brand. It’s just feeding the brand. It’s a way for them to connect. Does that make sense?
Yes. I just, I wasn’t sure. Because I built this brand, which is Wine Lady Meagan. I’m just trying to figure out, you know, how do I ease into this without just completely dropping?
So, just link Wine Lady Meagan, underneath thegoodportionmama.com. It can be a tab. It can be its own little bucket.
I wasn’t sure if that would be weird to have that linked in there that way.
Okay, awesome. Cool.
I hope you loved this episode with Meagan. How great is her brand? Y’all have got to go check out her podcast cover art because it’s so good. I love it so much.
If you have been thinking about how you can expand into a brand that can become something profitable for you in the future, but something that you really want to pour into and create a mission and do good work here with the gifts that you have inside of your heart, with the mission that you feel that God’s placed on your spirit, but you’re stuck.
Hi again, I do coaching. I am a clarity coach. I would love to help you break through in a one hour power call, just like this, where we can go through the four tiers of brand creation. We can come up with what your thing is going to be.
You can walk away from that call with a roadmap and a plan to go and implement. There it is. I can help you come up with the messaging, the title of the thing, what that podcast could look like, what you could talk about, and even some ideas for monetization down the road.
Okay. So if that is you and you’re like, I need this in my life. Head on into your inbox, email my assistant support@stefaniegass.com and we will get you all squared away. I can’t wait to work with you.
All right, loves, let’s say a quick prayer.
Lord, I lift up these amazing women right now listening. I just pray that you give them some happiness in their day. Some joy, some spirit peace to just rest in the knowledge that you have got a plan that is bigger than any plan that they could have for themselves. That you know who they are and you see them for everything that they are worth.
That little whisper that you’ve placed inside of them, I pray that you amplify it so that it cannot be ignored. That you pour fuel on that fire for them so that they can leap and fearlessly begin to take action on the things that you’ve whispered into their spirits because they are so worthy as your daughters.
Your daughters, Father. We are here to serve and to do our best work for You. I just pray for their confidence now, as they begin to lean into what that thing is. Thank you. We are grateful for You. In Jesus’s name, amen. I’ll see you guys back here soon. Love and light.
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