defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Do you want to make more impact by starting or revamping your podcast? Get clear on your brand messaging and copy so that your avatar knows 100% your show is THE ONE for her.
In today’s podcast strategy coaching session with Courtney Wass, from The Broke Fit Vegan, we dig DEEP into her upcoming podcast. We lay out the promise, tagline, description, and content roadmap so that she can stand out.
If you are ready to define your message and set your podcast up for ultimate success, this podcast coaching session is a MUST.
Get your notebook and pen, let’s dive in.
I pray this blesses you!
(00:00) Hey, Lola. Welcome to another episode of the Mompreneur Mastermind show. Today, we’re actually going to talk about how to map out a podcast for ultimate impact. We’re talking about how to have brand copy and messaging that’s going to just touch your avatar at the deepest possible level so that they will, what? Click, subscribe, listen, work with you, recommend you and be super fans because creating super fans is life. In today’s podcast coaching session with my friend, Courtney Wass from the Broke Fit Vegan. We are going to do all of that and more. I know you guys are gonna love it.
(00:44) Courtney is super fun. She empowers people by transforming their bodies and minds using fitness, food and spirituality, and she teaches fitness, nutrition, personal development, and you guys are gonna love her. You can check her out on Instagram at courtneywassfit. Let’s do it.
(01:53) Hey girl, real quick. Have you been dreaming of starting your own podcast? Have you been on the fence about if podcasting is the right vehicle and vessel for you to teach and inspire and reach your human here on this planet? I want you to know that podcasting has literally been, ladies, out of all the things I have done, the number one way that I have grown organically. It’s how I’m found on the search engines. It’s how I am found and trust is created when I promote on Pinterest or when I talk about what I offer on Instagram stories.
(02:32) It all points back to the podcast. That’s the one place that people know they can come to learn, grow and transform with me as their coach and mentor because of my show, I have then scaled the coaching business and a podcasting course to insane levels. I’ve tripled my income in the past three years, and it’s just continuing to grow all from one place the podcast.
(03:00) So if you’re still on the fence after hearing that, I would encourage you to really pray over it and know that I have a resource to get you a successful podcast going, launched, and hopefully ranked really well in your category. I have helped hundreds of women launch podcasts. Dozens of them have launched top 30 ranked shows. That’s right. Some of them have ranked top five in their category all through my proven course Podcast Pro University. And I want you to be part of it with us. Come join us.
(03:33) You’re going to have a lot of fun with us, Come be part of the sisterhood. Get your podcast in the world. It’s it’s your time. Today’s your day. Let’s do the things is investment will pay off tenfold. It will cut out the confusion. You don’t have to Google a thing. I take you through step one, step two, step three, create the show, record the show, edit the show, launch the show, promote the show, monetize the show, get guests on. I give you every swipe file that I personally use in running my top 25 ranked podcast. So if I can do this, so can you
(04:18) Talk to me about the vision of the Broke Fit Vegan. What are you setting out to do with this brand and what are the solutions that this will provide? So I want to help people, women, men, all ages ,to know that you don’t have to be super wealthy. You don’t have to have good genetics to be really fit and live the life that you want. You can have the body that you want eating very minimalistic meals that are also very, very cheap, frugally saving you money that way.
(05:00) You can literally go into the forest and create a gym like the tree and a couple of boulders. I do that when I go camping, you can literally just go into the woods and start picking it up. I love. And then you’re working out. And also when it comes to mental health, that is such a huge factor. When it comes to getting everything that you want, that body you want, eating healthy. So if you’re not in a good mental state, that’s going to just cancel out everything that you’re doing. Cause you can work out as hard as you want and have a great body. But if you’re constantly not in a good place mentally, then you won’t ever think that what you’re doing is good enough.
(05:43) The analogy of that girl who always sees herself poorly, but in the mirror, but she’s really super fit. Sure. Yeah. Like realistic expectations and the long game. Yeah. And then if your nutrition isn’t in check, then that’s definitely going to mess up your mental health and also your physical health as well. I believe that they’re all connected and I want with this podcast is to tell everybody that’s it’s all connected. You can’t just work out as hard as you want and think you’ll be healthy and happy unless you have nutrition and you’re doing your personal growth, your personal development as well. But I also want people to know that it’s not expensive to do these things right.
(06:28) I live as frugally as possible, so I can continue to put money away for courses or for going on vacation. Buying gear for the gym, anything that I can save money on. I’m going to be researching on how I can do that. How I can put more money away so I can live the life that I want. And it’s so great. I think you’re more clear than you think. Okay. He’s just going to be helping you translate it into verbiage. That’s really. Yeah.
(06:56) So through that, which is all so amazing. And I think you already have a beautiful micro niche right here for us to dissect. Talk to me about the way that you’re going to be teaching this on your podcast. Do you have an idea of like content, how you want to present things? Are they mini episodes, are they going to be like, okay today we’re talking about like, are you going elementary with these people? Are they already vegans? It would be for vegans and non vegans because I don’t like to cancel people out right away. And also, being vegan means you are searching for equality for every single living organism and another human who doesn’t eat a vegan diet is also equal to me. So it’s kind of hypocritical. I’m going to get a lot of slack for vegans right now.
(07:47) It’s hypocritical for vegans to look down upon non vegans just because we’re trying to make everyone equal. So if you are saying, Oh, my diet is the best diet and yours is the wrong one. You’re already making them not your equal. So we’re trying to just educate and the benefits to veganism. It’s their choice if they want to change. Yeah. Isn’t that just like Christianity, right? It’s like, Oh, we should love everyone. Well then we can’t judge everyone. So I love that.
(08:16) So then I would say like, if you were to start this thing, I would almost take it from an elementary level and be like, why veganism? But isn’t it expensive? Like you could have these mini episodes. So think of like your first 10 episodes as an introductory lesson plans so that if anyone wants to come to this podcast, you could say, Hey, I recommend starting with episode one so that they go into episode one and it’s taken them through why veganism and then episode two, but isn’t it expensive.
(08:47) Episode three, the three critical components to finding true breakthrough in your health. And then you’re talking to them about health, mental, nutrition, like the aspects that you think are critical. Then you’re going into all the things you told me, like approaching health from a minimalist perspective, that can be an episode. So I would take them through almost step by step of dissecting this vision that you have for your podcast before you go into, and then it’s limitless. Oh my gosh.
(09:20) Getting through like the foundational pieces would be my recommendation. And then after that you can go into whatever, like a meal planning episode or how I spent, I spent 10 bucks and got three days worth of meals or the next episode could be two workouts using your backyard or using the surroundings. People don’t realize how much coach can do for them. Like full body workout. I’m so tired of people going, Oh, I can’t afford the gym. Yeah. Well, do you have a couch? Like then you’ve got a gym. Okay, cool.
(09:58) I was also thinking of like a longer episode and then like a few mini ones throughout the week, just being like shooting off like quick, helpful tips. And then like a longer episode, either interviewing someone or research I’ve done. Let’s say I’m talking about carbohydrates specific to why they help you sleep and why they’re good for recovery, big stigmatism on carbohydrates. Oh, I am so for that because it’s so unique.
(10:29) I love the idea of having a big meaty, no play on words there, juicy episode, carbohydrate fueled episode, and then having many tips or hacks. Oh yes. I love when podcasts, I’m like the more different and unique and fun and funky that they are, it draws me in. And I also think your human, your human to me is super clear. So we’ll talk about that. But I think your human’s going to appreciate variety. Yeah.
(10:57) I also, personally, when I’m looking for a podcast, I’m looking for something very specific in what I’m feeling or what I’m wanting to know in this moment. Yes. Same. Let’s go then on to the avatar. I’m really clear on like your vision for this. So what I hear you saying is we’re looking for, we don’t care if it’s male or female, we really don’t care about the demographic of who they are. We care about. It’s almost like this, not moral compass, but like who they are. They have more of this specific characteristic style.
(11:32) What I’m seeing for that is they’re kind of minimalist, they’re kind of crunchy. They love to hike and they like nature. They are really already into kind of fitness and nutrition and health and they probably walk and they probably have dogs and backpack maybe some times. And I think that is you’re human. You’re human is also probably wanting to live minimalistically even if it’s not minimalist, it’s like they don’t need a bunch of extra stuff. Possessions aren’t super important to this person. Does that sound like your person? That sounds like me.
(12:10) So then let’s give your person a name and I don’t think gender to me, it doesn’t matter for this brand. So you pick that doesn’t matter, but I want you to have a face and a person in your mind as you’re speaking to them and as you’re recording. Okay. So we could go with the name that could be either. Well personally, I would probably go with the name of my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were in grade four. Yeah. I know her pretty much like the back of my hand were pretty much the same person. Mmm. Yeah.
(12:46) She’s all of those things that you talked about as well. And her name is Abby. Abby. Yeah. Perfect. So when you’re recording, Courtney, you’re just going to basically picture Abby and think of Abby, like, as she was getting interested in all of these things, how you would speak to her. The fact that she’s your best friend makes it even better because there’s going to be no filter, because you know her so well, you can be whatever mannerisms that you have.
(13:16) Don’t be afraid to just let those come through and dare to be polarizing because I think this, the Broke Fit Vegan is so micro niche that you go ahead and go there. Okay. Because like I swear a lot. You get to be you on your platform. And the people that don’t love that they’ll listen to one episode and go, Oh, well that’s not for me. Guess what good. We want to turn certain people away that are not exactly within your wheelhouse. And we can’t be afraid of that. Also, being a personal trainer as well and having to mix with so many different energies throughout the day, you’ll be seeing one person who’s introvert one person who’s extrovert, you have to kind of hold that. It’s super easy for me to be myself. Does that make sense? That’s so great.
(14:12) I think that’s what makes great podcasters shine is the fact that they aren’t showing up themselves. You can tell when somebody is rehearsed, you can tell when somebody’s changing who they are, because they’re behind a mic. And for me, I feel like the more raw, real, and vulnerable people are, the more I trust them, the more I want to listen. The more funny they are too. And like weird. That’s just me, but I’m like, when somebody makes a mistake and they just keep rolling with it or they laugh it off, I appreciate that. More than like this over edited produced show. So yeah. I love that.
(14:46) You’re willing to just be you. You have to gain the client’s trust in the beginning. Once you get a new client, you have to just continuously, I don’t want to make this analogy, but it’s the first one coming to my head. It’s like that shelter dog, you know, into your home for the first couple of times, and it’s not letting you pet it. You just have to continue to show that you you’re working hard to gain their trust. And that’s the same when it comes to a new client, because you’re literally moving their body, working with their body. And if you mess up like bad things can happen.
(15:18) So they have to trust you and you have to show your full vulnerability. Your full self first before they will ever give that to you. Exactly. Yeah. Having that perspective is going to help you so much. So I’m glad you don’t have to overcome that barrier. So I think we’re clear on the avatar. Do you feel like you can now really speak to that one person? Yeah. I did have a conversation with her too actually. And her one thing was, make sure you go over the broke college student who doesn’t have time to work out or eat healthy. All they can afford is ramen noodles. You know what? A hundred percent.
(15:55) I that I think is why we’re in those foundational episodes. Courtney, I would have one, but isn’t it expensive? That one. And then maybe another foundational one is, is it fitness and veganism? Super time consuming? That’s an episode as well. And so you can take them through the misconceptions behind this brand and this movement that you believe in and then taking them through here’s what you’ve done to make it inexpensive, super easy.
(16:22) The meal prep hacks, you have like whatever the things are that you have to put their mind at ease to dig in with you is what you want to really start with. Okay. My gears are turning. So let’s move to the mission statement. Before we do mission statement, do you have a tagline? The Broke Fit Vegan is so freaking perfect to me because it’s so clear. I mean I know what the plan is going to be about, and I think that’s amazing. I’m not like broke as hell, but I live my life as I’m broke. Mmm. Yeah. I try to be fit. I’m also vegan.
(17:02) So like for a tagline, we really want maybe eight words or less, a sentence. What is the brand, we want to be able to be like XYZ and they know. And then a mission. It can be much more juicy. Okay. I was listening to one of Chris Harder’s podcast, Lori Harder’s husband. I love her. He was basically saying like, you have to say what you believe in. And lots of people are putting like, Oh, I help women do this and this. So it’s like, yeah, that’s what you do. But people are more likely to do business with you once they know what you believe in. Sure. I wrote, I believe that a healthy mind, body and soul shouldn’t be out of reach because of financial reasons.
(17:54) So I like his methodology behind that, but at the same time, if I go and I’m looking at listening to something, I want to see what’s in it for me. And I want to see it in two seconds or less. Yeah. And then when I see that I then go read the mission statement and that’s where I want to know, what does this person believe in? What are they promising me? What can I expect in the show? And that’s where it’s like the decision factor. But at first glance, for me, a tagline is more like, what’ am I going to get? Because we’re humans. We’re selfish at the end of the day, you know.
(18:30) There’s a million and one free opportunities for us to learn. So like let’s smack Abby with a sentence that she cannot ignore. Okay. Let me just start and then we’ll kind of try to get it to be perfect. Helping humans get fit and healthy by going vegan for cheap. Uh, let’s see. How about how to live a vegan fit life. Minimalistic cheap vegan lifestyle. Oh yeah. That’s kind of fun. How to be a minimalist cheap and super fit vegan. I’m having a hard time and I know, I shouldn’t like think about this being the stereotypical vegan that tells everyone they’re vegan as soon as they meet them.
(19:26) Why not though? Like, if that’s who you are, why not just be who you are, who cares about stereotypes? I’m afraid of people being like, Oh, she’s going to talk about being vegan and not listen to my podcasts. Not even give it a chance. But you know what, that’s not the person listening to your podcast. Abby’s are listening to your podcast. It’s the people that are already either vegan considering going vegan. They’re already maybe vegetarian. I think that your person is already in your wheelhouse.
(19:59) If it was me and I’m scrolling podcasts, I would never in a million years even find this podcast cause I would never be searching for this stuff because I’m not Abby. Yeah. But you’re Abby, she’s either already highly considering it, and you’re going to put her over the edge or she already is and she wants to optimize. How do I save more money with this, how do I make this easier, how do I make this a full blown lifestyle for me? Yeah. It’s funny you say that cause she’s vegetarian. There you go.
(20:32) So does that help make you feel better about just going ahead and claiming that? Yeah. I mean, cause like I’m not Christian, but it doesn’t stop me from listening to your podcast cause it has so much viable stuff. Exactly. Whatever. And so here’s why that’s so important. I am not afraid to throw in people’s face that I’m a Christian right away. But here’s what I also do. Anybody’s welcome here. There’s no judgment.
(20:56) There’s no, I have so many people that listen to me that are not Christians. I have so many people that are not moms. I have men and nobody’s turned away and if they are it’s okay. But the people that are with me, they just know that everybody’s welcome here. And so I think as long as you aren’t afraid to claim you cuss. You’re a vegan and you’re proud of it.
(21:18) And you know what I mean? Like if you guys are not a vegan yet or whatever, please know this podcast is an educational space for you and you are welcome here. Oh, I like that a lot. And you can just go ahead and say that right there in episode one. Yeah. Okay. So if we go back to that tagline, how to be minimalistic, vegan and healthy on the cheap or what about frugal? Do people know what the word frugal means? Yeah. Frugal versus for the healthy vegan, healthy vegans go frugal. Just break for me what you’re liking, what you don’t like.
(21:55) I know from business classes that if you use the word cheap, it makes it people in their brains already bring it down in value. If that makes sense. Well, and you’re saying the broke vegan in your title so we can totally leave that out. You know, what you could even potentially do is your tagline could even be helping humans get fit and healthy. I mean, it could be just that it could be helping humans get fit healthy and live minimally, helping people get fit healthy, live minimally. Oh, that’s so fun. Maybe. Yeah.
(22:32) Something about the mind too. I will be doing personal development ones as well. Hmm. Oh how about this? Then I feel like this word will encompass the mind, helping people get fit, healthy and thrive for all for dirt cheap. Boom. Yes, yes, yes. Cause, and that to me is like also super fun because the dirt cheap piece, I feel like that’s what people want to hear. They’re like, obviously I’m a broke fit wannabe vegan? Let’s say that’s your ideal listener. And they’re like, she just told me her promise.
(23:12) I can get fit, healthy and thrive in my life for dirt cheap. Okay. Oh yeah. Now I go read the mission statement. So let’s quickly map that out. Oh, and this is recorded because I talk fast with mission statements, but you’re going to make this your own at the same time. I think for you too like, because I’m going to say this and it’s going to be very G-rated so you do you and then plug in like whatever’s Courtney make it your own. But I would almost say something like that. Hey, fellow broke fit vegans…, or maybe you’re a wannabe vegan?
(23:48) In this podcast, I am obsessed with helping people be fit, healthy and learn how to be more minimalistic in their lives while thriving, without spending excessive amounts of time or money to achieve this. Guess what? This can be your reality because I know how to make it. I know how to do it. And I’ve done it. This is for all of you out there who want to be more frugal, who want to get rid of all the excess in your life and truly tap into who you are at your healthiest, most vibrant level.
(24:26) In this podcast, you’re going to find tons of tips and education, maybe a couple of F bombs along the way to help you on your vegan journey to living your best lives, like let’s F’ing do it or whatever you would say. Wow. That was amazing. Good. No wonder you do this for a living. Then the second tier. Take that if you want and the second tier is in this podcast you will find, and you can go ahead and be more specific with some of the things they can expect. Huh. And then the last piece of your mission statement is connect with me at blank and go ahead and put wherever you hang out.
(25:13) Like whether that be a website, an email address and Instagram or all three right there in your description, in your mission statement. Okay. And all of that is the description of your podcast. Oh, I love it. Yeah, because eventually I want to make a course to help people go vegan, do it for dirt cheap and eat the foods that give them the most mental power. Oh my gosh. That would be incredible. And I feel like that would be such a necessary thing because when I think of vegan, I think of all these fancy websites on Pinterest with their organic everything.
(25:50) It’s super overwhelming and I’m not even in your sphere. That’s what my stereotype is. Right. My friends send me vegan recipes all the time. I’m like, that’s cool, but I’m not going to do it. Yeah. But that’s so fun. And I think people are always thinking I don’t have time for that. Exactly. Who does? They’re searching for what you have to offer because, you’re creating this almost micro niche within the vegan community, which is so amazing. So I’m excited about this and I hope that gave you a ton of clarity to go ahead and like do the thing. That was amazing. And I wrote down my intro, bought my song. So all I need to do is just start recording now. Oh my gosh, I love it, girlfriend.
(26:43) I hope you loved that episode with Courtney. And if you just think about the questions I asked her, you should be able to say to me what do you do? And what do you sell? Or how do you serve? And it should be a one answer right back to me. There should be so much clarity tied up in what you do and why you’re doing it, ladies. That you know that like the back of your hand, when I go to your Instagram account, that’s what I should see as your bio. When I go to your website, that’s what I should see front and center. What do you do? How do you do it? And who do you serve? Those are the questions I really want you to ask yourself.
(27:29) If you are so brave, come on over to my Facebook group, the Mompreneur Mastermind, just search for that. You’ll find me and share it with us because we want to get to know you and you have my permission slip to go ahead and share that. So why not get some free publicity? Okay. And also a quick reminder that I’m going live in the Mompreneur Mastermind group now every week. So if you’re not part of that group, you need to get on over there.
(27:55) Come bring your booty and get on over there. Turn on the live notifications. Don’t miss out on an hour of free coaching every week. It’s been super fun. I know you’re going to love it. You can submit your questions and work with me at a deeper capacity, completely free. Which why not? All right girl, praying over you that you are fueled with happiness, excitement, and joy today that you feel into the miracles that are surrounding you.
(28:18) You are looking for the light in every room, in every moment, in every relationship, in every moment of silence. There is just a peace and a beauty that you can soak in and soak up and fuel your heart, fuel your soul and fuel your mind and give yourself that happiness, joy, and fulfillment. That’s there for you. It’s right there for you. Just got to reach out and grab it. I pray that God wraps you up in His love, His courage, His encouragement, and His provision and favor over your business, your life and your family. I love ya. I’ll see you soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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