defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
$30K in Sales in Three Days. I did this UNEXPECTEDLY. With ZERO ads. With ZERO pre-written funnels. Six LIES you’re being told about making money and sales.
Join me as I de-bunk what the ‘big names’ are spouting as TRUTH in the online industry. Listen in as I walk you through how authentic, organic marketing is always going to WIN. Playing the long game the right way is my method and I am putting my money where my mouth is.
I will give you the exact steps I took to open my heart and serve more deeply which in turn created more trust. Then, I explain how to provide an IMPLEMENTATION solution for your community and create more profit in your business giving people exactly what they want, RESULTS.
I pray this blesses you!
(00:00) Hey friends. Happy Thursday. Okay. I have got a crazy, crazy story to share with you about what just went down over in my Mompreneur Mastermind group. Some of you were there, but I want to explain to you guys why doing something for free that really helps people transform always also equals a boost in your profitability. Me showing up completely free for roughly an hour and 15 minutes for three days in a row resulted in roughly $30,000. Completely unexpectedly, completely unexpectedly guys. Zero paid ads, zero fancy pre-written funnels, nothing. Everything was real time me just showing up.
(00:54) I mapped out what I was going to talk about the day before. Like it was insane. And I’m now going to have the most profitable month I’ve ever had in my life because I went deep. I’m going to share all of that with you in today’s episode, along with six lies that you are being told about how to become successful and profitable. I’m going to debunk these. So stay tuned. This is going to be real good girl. P.S. If you need a coaching session with me, a full one hour juicy coaching session to get clarity, figure out your brand, map out your four tiers of your podcast, get the things like out of your brain. The overwhelm, throw it away.
(01:50) My literal gift, you guys is clarity. Let me help you. So if you’ve been wanting to do a power call with me, the clarity call, I would highly recommend booking that right now, like right now. So if you want to claim that, go to your email, email us Get your coaching session on the books. I want to help you transform. I want to help you have clarity. And now is the time.
(02:41) So what we’re going to debunk right now, sister friends are the lies that you guys are being told about how you should become profitable. And then I’m going to share with you what I do to make money in my business. Okay? Now this is, I’m not recording this episode to brag. I am not recording this episode to make you feel like, well, that’s not what success equals to me.
(03:47) I’m recording it because whatever success means to you is right. To me, time is money. I’d rather have more free time than money. Truly. I would rather make one sale a day and have a very comfortable life. Then do absorbent, crazy launches, like the bootcamp, those are very draining or open-close carts or all of that, and have a million dollars and work my butt off nonstop. Like you get to determine what it means for you, but I want you to understand something. You get to do it your way. That’s why I’m recording this episode. Okay?
(04:26) For me to make big impact here on this planet, to give back to tithe at a higher capacity, to get out of certain debts that we do have, I would love, I would love to be at a roughly, you know, multi six figure income. I know that I can begin to make some changes in my life and those lives that I love in my church, in my community at that level.
(04:50) And then if God says he wants me to do more great, I’m here for it, whatever He wants me to do, I’m excited to do for the glory of His good, but that’s my definition. So I also want to do that in a way that feels right to me. I don’t want to be running a bajillion launches all the time. I don’t want to lie to my community about sale prices and all these things, and I don’t want to spend five grand a month on ads because ads feel impersonal to me. And I’m really all about right now, going super deep with people in an authentic way.
(05:25) I also don’t want to show up in Instagram 24 seven, again, draining. I’m tired of being drained. I don’t want to do it. So I’m doing it my way. And guess what, sister, friends? I just had the biggest income month of my entire career, my entire life. And it’s May 5th. I’ve made more money this month than I’ve ever made in my life in five days. Why do I share that with you? Because I did it my way, not on Instagram. I didn’t run Facebook ads.
(06:10) I didn’t open and close some fancy program that costs thousands of dollars. I didn’t lie to you about what you would receive when you purchased the thing that I sold. No, I did it all in a way that felt so true to my heart and soul. And I had zero expectation about what would happen, zero expectation. I wasn’t doing it for the money. And when you do something out of service, when you do something, because God asked you to and you do it in a way that you know is right for people and you believe fiercely in what you’re offering people, and then I with excited expectation, my friends, said, whatever God wants to do with this boom.
(06:56) I’m so excited. If two women need this, I’m there for it. I thought 10 of you would need it. Okay. However, in God’s incredible fashion, He is such a jokester that little God, I see you up there laughing. He brought me 96 people that needed my message over the three day period. There was 96 people the first day and roughly 85, the second and 55 to 60 the third day. He brought me all of the people that needed the message of clarity, of how to create an authentic vessel for your long form content, which is podcasting, and then how to market it using Pinterest and organic messaging.
(07:44) I did that over three days, and God brought you all to me, those of you that came, thank you for coming. It was so much fun. I truly enjoyed it. I’m going to totally be doing that again because it was super fulfilling. But then one of my rules, this is my rule if you have ever done coaching with me, you never leave someone without the next step, without a way to implement all the things you just gave them. So I put together this bundle, as you guys have heard, if you listen to the replays, if you were with me in the bootcamp, and I said, how do I get these people to do the work?
(08:25) I give them a workshop so I make them implement, which is happening today. I have them doing three workshops. So I have them implement. I have them get clarity. Then I make them go and take the product and give them the support. They’re going to take Podcast Pro University, come, I’m going to go live in the group, support them, ask questions. And they have the sisterhood, the membership group. Then we’re going to go into the Pinterest masterclass and they’re going to learn to market. It’s a three tier process, and I give them to give it to them at a price that is a no brainer buy.
(08:58) I can get these people to have a result. I know if they trust me enough and they show up in this bootcamp and they see that I’m really real. Like I’m so just anti fake. And I’m just all about truth that they will trust me. And they will come on this journey with me about building a business the right way. Oh my gosh. 58 people, 58 people invested in themselves and bought the business bundle. Y’all I just sat there as we passed 50 and cried.
(09:40) I looked at my husband. I said, what’s happening? And we said, God, God happened. God happened. He asked me to do the bootcamp for you. It was a Holy Spirit moment. He told me what to talk about. And then the implementation was priced at roughly $1,400. And then I had this moment of, this is not to help the few and make more money. This is something I can offer to help many people have transformation and hot dang, hot dang did everyone that came believe in themselves enough to do the actual work and take the leap with me.
(10:22) It feels incredible because I didn’t bend. I did not get shiny object syndrome. I did not follow coach B or C or D that is telling us lots of lies. And I’ll tell you these lies in just a second. But my point of sharing this story with you is that inside of you, you have a gift. You’re going to figure out your gift, okay. If you have not worked with me yet, let’s do that work. You owe it to yourself to know why you’re here and what you’re meant to do, and to get some semblance of clarity. So you can start moving your feet.
(11:00) Then I believe for 90% of people, they need to be showing up audibly, which is a podcast or visually, which is YouTube. Most people can show up audibly and it’d be much more comfortable for them than video. So I teach podcasting. The third tier is marketing and the fourth tier is making money at it, creating something passive. I just showed you that everything I teach is real, right. I just proved to you that I walk what I talk. My talk is backed up. That’s why I’m sharing numbers with you right now.
(11:37) When some people are really afraid of sharing numbers, I’m not, not afraid of that because I want you to see what’s possible for you without ads, without thousands of dollars, without fancy programs and systems without a $10,000 coaching program all need is you, your heart, deeper service with the people that are following you and a way to get people to follow you, which is the podcast, right? And clarity. If you don’t, it all starts there. If you don’t have clarity, you can’t do anything. So many of you are running around like chickens with your heads cut off like, woo, I like coffee. And I like PJ’s and helping women. Oh, and I’m a coach. I’m a nutritionist. And I sling.
(12:20) I’m like, y’all please, being multi-passionate is not a bad thing, which most of us are, me included. But there is a core denominator inside of you that needs to get uncovered. And Monday I’m going to air an episode because I just had this conversation with Tara Johnson and we did this call and we worked through clarity. So you guys can understand that sometimes what you think you do isn’t really the core denominator of what you do. You’re getting blinded by what you think you should do or what you think, what you’ve already been doing.
(13:01) So we’ve got to get out of our own way. And if you listen to me and you do the work that I’m teaching you guys to do, you can follow in my exact footsteps. There’s not one of you listening right now that can’t do what I just did, that can’t create a podcast, have clarity, serve your audience extremely deeply, and then go even deeper with them in like a bootcamp or some lives or whatever that might be in a Facebook group or in a Zoom and sell out your implementation solution, your passive course, or your coaching or whatever, and have $30,000 months, eventually.
(13:43) We’ll start with hopefully $500 to a thousand dollar months. But how great would that be for so many of you? And then as you scale, as your podcast grows, so does your revenue, because we’re going to go deeper with more people as you expand. I’m just putting my money where my mouth is. I want you to understand what I’m teaching you guys is real. Why? Because it’s time for some discernment. It’s time for truth. Here are six lies you may have been fed that I have to bring to light.
(14:30) I don’t feel right about what’s happening in the industry. There are so many multimillion dollar coaches that were built on the backs of people that are not having success that had to spend more money to get the promised solution that they never got in the first place that are being sold and things they don’t need. So let’s go through these.
(14:53) Write these down. And then just in your heart when you’re looking at a program, a course, a coach, even listening to someone’s podcast, what you watch on TV again, go watch Out of Shadows at, do your own research, but it’s time for us to wake up just because someone tells us something, doesn’t make it true, just because the media tells you something, doesn’t make it true, just because I tell you something doesn’t make it true.
(15:26) The only truth is God’s truth, is the Bible and the truth in your heart. You and God’s decision together about what you’re supposed to do. So are you bringing God into your business? Are you on a daily basis, inviting him in to make a difference? I prayed fiercely over that bootcamp. Y’all know if you were there. If you’ve listened to the replay, which I haven’t had time to take down yet. And I don’t know if I will, because I think it’s super impactful for people, but I invited God in.
(16:00) I said, use me, speak through me. You tell those women with they and Jose, what they need to hear so that it impacts them so ferociously. They can’t ignore it. Like I want you to just trigger people so they know what they need to change. And then I prayed over my product too. I said, whoever needs this business bundle right now, tell them, give them the money, give them the way, give them the Holy spirit chills when I ask them to join me, I want them to know this is for them. So are you doing that?
(16:38) Are you being audacious about your prayer and inviting God into your business, your life, your choices, the people you follow, because we are being fooled often. Lie number one, you have to run ads to be profitable. Now, a lot of people tell you that you’ve got to run Facebook ads to a tiny offer, to become profitable. I’ve played that game. I’ve followed that lie, guys. That is not true. You only should, in my opinion, run paid advertising like on Facebook or Instagram, when you have an audience to retarget or you have a lot of discretionary income that you’re willing to spend testing to make sure an ad goes viral.
(17:32) I have spent probably over $15,000 in ads in the last couple of years. And I definitely have not recouped that investment because you have to do so much testing to get an ad to work. I’ve built a great list using ads, but that does not make me a profit. What makes me a profit is my podcast because you guys trust me here. What makes me a profit is Podcast Pro University. My course that you guys need to build what I’ve built. What makes me a profit is authentically sharing with you why you need coaching with me?
(18:11) I’m telling you guys the things you need that will get you a result. And then I create them for you. And you’re here learning with me for free, right? How many of you have never worked with me, but you’ve considered it. It’s only a matter of time, because if you love me and trust me enough to believe me, when I’m telling you that you need clarity and you need to have long form content like a podcast. And no, that’s not right for everyone, but it’s right for a lot of you because most of you are moms and you’re speaking to other busy women.
(18:47) So the lie is when you’re new and when you don’t have discretionary income or when you don’t have an audience, yet you do not have to have a bunch of ads or any ads. I’ve turned off all my ads, guys, I just did it last week. I just turn them all off. Right now in COVID-19 with people losing their jobs left and right, I just had the biggest month of my life. That tells you guys something about being real and authentic and putting in the blood, sweat and hard work it takes to build a brand that’s going to be standing no matter what happens. Also, a brand that’s yours. So that’s lie number one.
(19:37) Lie number two, it has to be expensive to be good. So many people lately have been telling me, they’re spending 5k, 10K with these super glittery coaches or these programs, or this course that costs 5K and it’s just junk. And I think that people get distracted. And we think that something that’s expensive means it’s better. Absolutely not. Very few things that I invest in are extremely expensive. And if they are, they better be life changing because I don’t know about you guys, but $5-$10,000 is not a joke to me and that’s me. So is $5-$10,000 a joke to you? But yet there are people that are building multimillion dollar empires and acting like asking people for 5k is a joke.
(20:42) When people get into the programs, they being told, just take all my templates, buy all the fancy systems, buy all the fancy programs, set up a Facebook ad budget of 500 bucks a month and you’ll just sell stuff and it’ll be awesome. No, when someone’s starting out, you guys have to start adding value in serving and showing up on your podcast or your YouTube or whatever for free. You’re not going to make money when you start. And these coaches, a lot of them, they only want to sell you the next thing. And I think that’s wrong. So be careful with that. Just pray over that.
(21:22) If you’re looking at a program or course be sure if it’s really expensive and it’s really going to put you guys in a financial pinch, be a hundred percent sure. Pray over that, ask God to reveal the truth to you. I’ve had a couple of people recently that prayed over this and the truth was revealed and it was pretty ugly. So that’s a lie. Doesn’t mean that some great things aren’t expensive. Absolutely. I get it. I have had a Louis Vuitton purse for like 20 years. Y’all it is quality. I’m telling you. I love it. So have some discernment, be careful, pray over the things you’re investing in.
(22:11) Number three, if you do blank, you will have the exact same success as me. So this one, you know, this lie is going all around because they’re saying, Hey, like if you just do Instagram, you will have the same success as me. Or Hey, if you just do a podcast, you will have the same success as me. Guys, that is also a lie because everyone’s definition of success is different. So if we’re following somebody that is making multi seven figures and they tell you, if you just take my Instagram secret blueprint formula for 5K you’ll have the same success as me. Absolutely not.
(23:01) So the discernment here for you guys is to make sure what’s the end result you want out of a program out of a coach, out of the book, out of the thing. Okay? You get to define what success means for you and you get to pick how you do it. Yes. I’m telling you guys that podcasting is how I’ve built my success, but I never said you will have the same successes me. I know you can have success in your business using podcasting, but I have no clue what that looks like. That depends on you. Are you going to do the work and sow up, be consistent, put your stake down in the sand and say, I’m doing this and I’m going to stop consuming and getting distracted by shiny objects I can’t control.
(23:51) Once I’ve given you guys the tools, if you have the patience to see it through, if you have the faith to continue to dig in, even though the dollars aren’t there yet, because three short years ago, I made $27,000 the whole year. In the entire year, I made 27K. I’ve made more than that in five days, three short years later, what if I gave up then? What if I got shiny object syndrome from all the coaches that tried to get me to spend $20,000 with them, this is not a joke, for mindset work. They told me you’ll have the same success as me. If you just spend all this money with me. And I’m not saying that some of those coaches probably weren’t incredible. I’m just saying that wasn’t for me at that time, because I made $27,000 that year.
(24:47) So make sure that you don’t give up on what you know is right for you. Don’t let people tell you what’s right for you. No one, including me, including anyone, you get to choose. Lie number four, you have to have super expensive programs to run a profitable business. Not true, not true. When I was getting started, you know, everyone kept telling me about this one program that I had to have. Well, that one program was like $150 a month. I didn’t even have an audience yet. I didn’t have something to even sell it with.
(25:28) No, I didn’t need a hundred dollar a month program when I didn’t even have an audience. Okay. You don’t need that. What do you need? You need a way to share your message to the world. Whether that be a podcast or YouTube or whatever you want, a blog. I don’t care. Just start showing up for people, start giving them what you guys know and do it in a way that you can make it work for you. It’s about the content. Okay. When I first got started, you guys, I would just do stuff on YouTube videos and then share it out. I used MailChimp which was free. My first course was hosted on my website, like on an actual webpage. I just embedded the YouTube videos, like ghetto rig it, the programs and the back end should not be your constraint. And you shouldn’t listen.
(26:25) If someone’s telling you the only way to have success on the backend is this program. So when I tell you guys, yeah, I use Teachable. I always say, but you use what’s right for you. I recommend Teachable. And I like it. But if you have a different system that works for you, great. You guys, there’s no one right way to do any of this. And I just feel that this message is so important to say right now, because you guys deserve to know the truth. Next lie. We have two more lies.
(26:59) Number five, they are promising you a specific income amount or a defined result. That is a huge red flag. If you are hearing someone tell you, I will get you 10K a month if you blank. Run like you’ve never run before. Because again, there’s no one on this planet that gets to determine how much money you make, but God. So that’s a humongous lie for them to tell you. They know that you can make 10K, anyone can make 10K, but it’s not our timing. It’s God’s timing. God knew that I wasn’t ready for 10K months, three years ago, I was still weak. I was still stepping into my ultimate faith. I had one leg in to network marketing still. Like I was still a mess. I had a lot of work to do that. Wouldn’t have been good for me at that time.
(27:56) What was good for me at that time was making me struggle financially so that I reached for Christ for fulfillment. And He knows what’s best for us. So let go of chasing shiny promises like that. The last lie is that you have to do blank in order to be successful. So this is similar to number three, where I said, if you do blank, you will have success. This one is you have to do blank in order to be safe. So they’re kind of the same thing. Number six and number three, but it’s super important. You don’t have to do anything. Okay? People have become millionaires in so many beautiful ways. They become an author and have a bestselling book. They become a blogger. Great.
(28:52) Some people are influencers, some people did it all on Facebook. Other people did it all on YouTube. Some people did it all on a podcast. Some people did it all brick and mortar. They started a shop and they blew that shop up. And some people did it all through advertising. Everybody does it their own way. And that’s why there are many different coaches, many different mentors, many different strategists, all teaching, something that they know best. So you get to pick and you get to pray over what is right for you. What are you here to do? And then with that information, that clarity, how do you want to do it? Okay?
(29:32) I am the coach for you if you want to do it through podcasting, passive income and coaching. I am not the coach for you if you want a brick and mortar, you’re like, I want to go create a six figure pizza shop. And I don’t want to grow on social media. Don’t even look at hiring me. Go find somebody that does that. If you want to build a business entirely using Facebook ads do not hire me. I’m not going to teach you that. And I also believe that you will know in your heart what’s right.
(30:04) Then when you find the right mentor for you, just take a look at the way that they’re selling themselves. Are they promising you a specific number dollar amount or result that cannot be obtained that cannot be promised that you know is variable, but they’re promising it? Are they telling you, you have to do blank in order to be profitable? And that’s a difference from me saying, you guys have to have long form content to be successful. Yes, but I’m not saying what type of long form content I’m saying you have to serve. You have to show up, to help people, to do things for free to gain trust.
(30:51) That’s different than me telling you that you have to have a YouTube channel. That’s the only way, no way. Or you have to grow only on Instagram. No, absolutely not. Okay. Or they have a huge, very expensive program that only sells more programs. So if you guys are going to get into a course or program, one of the questions you should ask right up front is what other programs, software, upsells, what other things will I need to make this coaching program work? Because many, many sales or business coaches are selling you other programs that you have to have in order to make that thing work, which is fine. As long as it’s disclosed to you upfront.
(31:41) The other one that I just want to recap is if you have the notion that something must be extremely expensive to be quality, that is also not true. And sometimes when something’s very expensive, it’s the opposite. So start with their free stuff. What is that person like for free? How are they showing up for free? Did you find them organically or did you find them through an ad? Did somebody recommend them to you organically? Right? Like how do you feel in your gut about the free stuff this person is offering and about the things they’re telling you and then have extreme discernment and pray over that before you invest. Okay.
(32:26) So that’s my episode today. And I just felt really compelled to share that with you, because I can’t believe the stories that people are telling me as they join the Business Builder Bootcamp, BBB business bundle, which has expired. So not to promote it right now because it’s not available, but people are telling me, they just can’t believe that my free boot camp gave them more value than some of their 3k to 5k to $10,000 programs. I can’t believe that either, because I think we should all be showing up at this capacity.
(33:01) Can you guys imagine the type of world we would live in? If we all showed up fiercely for free to help other people change their lives, to help other people learn something new, grow, get a new hobby, be a better blank, better homeschooler, a better cook, better chef, or more fit, more healthy, more vibrant, like whatever your thing is. What if you just showed up for that for free, just start there? Stop looking at the dollar for a minute, and getting distracted. What if you just start teaching, start serving, start pouring into others, start creating a ripple on the planet. What about that? Can you do that for me? Can you just start showing up more deeply?
(33:50) Can you commit to being committed and dedicated to your cause? And then let God surprise you with the insane abundance that he can so easily shower on your life when you’re ready, when he’s ready for you to have it when you’ve earned it. How about that? Anyway, I love you guys. I hope that this was helpful to you. I hope it was inspiring for you to hear what happened through my program, through my free boot camp. And maybe you can model that behavior and maybe you can step into what that might mean for you and your business.
(34:34) Also I hope it brought you some peace in your heart about all the shiny objects that are being waved in front of your face so that you can know that that is just that, it’s a shiny object and it’s distraction. And the enemy loves distraction. He so fiercely loves to distract you because it keeps you from moving forward. You’re stronger than that. God is on the throne. God will keep you focused.
(35:00) You have got to get out of your own way. You’ve got to put your head down and serve. I’m here. I’m here to help you. If you need anything at all, let me know. I will find a way to help you. If you need anything at all. From coaching to a DM, to joining me in the mastermind group, throwing up a question that I answer live in one of the groups, there is help for you here. Love you guys. I’ll see you soon. Stef.
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