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Listen into this LIVE PODCAST COACHING episode with my client, Micaela Deegan from Jesus, Jeans, and Coffee Podcast! We dig into her existing show and audit all the things. We go through and define keywords, a new description, and clean up her pillars so that her show can SHINE!
If you have a podcast or have been thinking about starting one — this episode is for YOU!
Hey loves in today’s podcast episode. I am jamming with my girl Micalea Deegan on her four tiers of brand creation. We are actually revamping her current podcast and really cleaning up her existing brand.
We are going through her mission to pull out the actual calling embedded inside of it to give her a strategy to propel her podcast into 2021.
With vision, intention, purpose, and massive growth. Listen, sister, sister, hear me. If you have a podcast in the world, I want to invite you to come and apply for my 90 day, complete immersion mastermind program podcast to profit.
This is for those of you who have a podcast in the world, but you want to go all in. You want to take it next level. You want your podcast to be your thing. The thing that helps you grow, sell monetize, attract people in an evergreen fashion.
And ultimately it’s where you sell your stuff. Woo. We go through podcasts auditing just like this podcast, mapping, SEO, keywords, titling content curation. Together. We go through how to monetize your show.
Whether it’s going to be an e-course or coaching, we create the actual course or coaching program together inside of P2P. And then I teach you my soft launch strategy of how to bring it into the world. You will be fully equipped to have every single thing you need to build out the same exact funnel that I have built that I am using.
And literally right now, recording the show for you telling about telling you about something that I sell. You’re going to have the exact same thing. Not only that, but you’re going to be with 20 other God led incredible kingdom driven women partnered with you on making this a new reality for your podcast and your business in 2021.
You better hurry, girl, we already have 11 or 12 applications. I haven’t checked this morning, but it’s growing fast and there are only 20 spots. So if this is, is just lighting you up and you’re like, yes, I want to make my podcast grow.
I am ready to do this, Stefanie and I’m ready to go all in with my show and monetize it, using a course or coaching just like you have, and then use your strategies to launch it and make that money, baby. Then come on over and get in your application. Hurry. Hurry. Hurry. Three, two, one go head to podcast to profit.com.
Hello. Hi. How are you?
Thanks. Yay. So I was just checking out
Podcast. Why don’t you tell me a little bit about, about yourself
And kind of where you’re at with everything. And then I also want to know what’s the number one goal that you want to accomplish today? Okay. I did do the formula by the way, for the super fan. I’m going to want to know that.
Okay. So a little bit about my show. I started it seven months ago. I really felt led by God to encourage women. I tried YouTube, but it didn’t feel like the right platform. So I just began doing my homework and really praying.
Once when God puts something on your heart, it just becomes so loud that you cannot ignore it. And that’s what happened. And so, you know, I, I plugged in a mic that my son had. And I just kind of began sharing from my heart. My first episode was about depression, which that’s kind of heavy for like a first episode.
And I started to get messages slowly from women on Instagram because I wasn’t even Instagram savvy at the time, to be honest with you. And women were just telling me that they were really encouraged. The first woman who messaged me told me that she has, she had been struggling with depression.
So when I got this message, I knew then that this was something that God was calling me to do. And even when I got discouraged, I would look at the analytics and I would see that people were listening. So really it’s meant to encourage women.
It’s meant to remind them that they’re worthy no matter if they made mistakes, no matter what has happened in their life. And I try to bring stories that are authentic. I try to have women on who can really bring value to the podcast. I sharing what God has done in their life.
So yeah, I, I obviously I share biblical truth because it is faith-based. And the name does have a meaning, so I didn’t just put like words together.So I can kind of give you the short version of that if you want.
I need it because you know me, right. Like coffee except mine’s coffee PJ’s in Jesus.
Okay. So we’re on the same page here. So coffee, obviously I love coffee, women love coffee, but for me, I’m Mexican. So growing up, I saw my grandma and my, my thesis, my aunts talk about life over a cup of coffee, crying over a cup of coffee. It really impacted me because to me it’s something.
So I don’t want to say sacred, but it’s just such a powerful thing that happens over coffee where people connection, heart. Exactly. And so I really wanted my podcasts to have the vibe of this is that little table in the coffee shop, where you get to hear friends sharing their heart.
So that’s the whole coffee jeans. I love blue jeans and I’m a jeans and converse type of woman. And when I see another woman wearing jeans and converse, I’m like that girl is confident in who she is. So when you think about blue jeans in your mind, what does that trigger?
That triggers that you’re comfortable, you’re comfortable being who you are and you can be comfortable being here on coffee jeans and Jesus. And then Jesus, because I did not grow up as a Christian, I got saved almost 13 years ago. So Jesus is really the core of who I am and that’s what I want to give to other people. So yeah, in a nutshell,
Do you realize the alliteration in that, that you’ve just walked me through with this? Have you ever caught that? Okay, so you have coffee, which is connection and conversation. You have blue jeans, which is comfortable and confident, and then you have Jesus, which is Christianity and the core of who you are.
Wow. I never caught that.
That’s so great. You got to tell your community and now community, right? Like that’s the whole, the whole bringing it all full circle as you give them a community for that. So you’ll have to tell your community, all those seeds of what each thing stands for.
That’s pretty cool. I have definitely, I love it. Okay.
What else do you do? Is that, so this seems like a passion project
Right now. Yeah. I’m homeschool mom. I was in school for religion, but that really wasn’t where God wanted me. So I got my coaching certificate recently. And basically I would like to begin coaching women because even though I say I would like to, I’ve already started doing that, not just through the podcast, but through the women who reach out to me through messenger.
And recently I created a group on Facebook cause I also have a Facebook page for the podcast, but I created a group called the girl chat with a purpose Christian community. And really girl chat with a purpose. It’s because there’s so much that is set on social media so much that is being said in the media and all this different stuff where our talk is, is going to be purposeful.
We’re going to be like, I want to be your cheerleader. And so what I started doing was doing once a month, a girl, Chad zoom session, where like we talked about fear this month, how to shut down fear. And I just shared practical tips that are biblical tools that I’ve used in my life to help me conquer fear and overcome obstacles.
And so that’s kind of what I’ve been doing to really grow more intimately beyond Instagram. So yeah, that’s been a lot of fun and very, very impactful.
That is so cool. I love this. So tell me a little bit about the avatar that you are attracting.
So she’s not necessarily a Christian, which I know the name can kind of throw somebody off. She’s a woman who has experienced setbacks, who has experienced a lot of pain and heartbreak in her life.
She’s a woman who has made mistakes, a woman who wasn’t affirm as a child, a woman who really does not fully understand her identity or that she’s powerful and that she has a purpose. And so that’s the message I try to bring on every episode. Like, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done.
God can still use you, even if you’ve sent, even if you’ve made mistakes. So she’s a woman who’s strong because she’s been through a lot of pain. But she’s ready to kind of really conquered that fear, but she might not know how to do that.
Okay. Is she a mom?
Yeah, she, I mean, she could be a mom. I talk about me being a mom. She doesn’t necessarily have to be a mom. She could be a fur baby mom.
Yeah. Is she a certain age or are you kind of getting like,
I’m getting women across the board, but I would say middle, middle twenties. I’ve had women who are in their forties. I’m almost 40. So yeah, somewhere in between twenties and late forties, I want to say. Okay,
Cool. And what is she, what do you think she’s searching for as far as like keywords and search terms are concerned, right? Like, because D what does she think her problems are? That’s sometimes this big hurdle that we have to overcome.
And when we come from a marketing or a content perspective, like if she’s not necessarily a Christian yet, like, what are the words that she’s looking for? Is she looking for like trauma recovery? Is she looking up uncover my purpose. Is she looking up like biblical truth?
Is she looking up encouragement in the word? Like, what do you think she’s searching for like literally searching for?
I would say encouragement, motivation, motivation, authenticity. Because my podcasts we’ve, I’ve talked about church hurt infidelity, you name it, you know things that most Christians, maybe they don’t want to go there. I’ve talked about surviving sexual abuse or trauma.
And I think the way that women have been relating to me is really telling my story of I up in a broken home. I grew up in the hood, you know I didn’t have this perfect life. Hope is another word friendships.
Some, because I’ve, I’ve already heard from a lot of women they’re discouraged. So discouragement, loneliness, isolation, healing, maybe they’re on their own healing journey.
Yeah. Those are all so good. So when we think of this brand, if we were to plug all of these pieces up so that you have extreme clarity in what are you doing with this brand and how are we serving her? Because that’s then how we create, how do we, how do we help her implement? Which becomes our paid products,
Right. Is what is, what
Is our tagline? Like, what are we standing on when it comes to coffee jeans and Jesus. And I feel like you have an idea with that because yeah,
Yeah. Right now, right now the tagline is sharing truth and encouragement. And excuse me, I always say like, whatever brought you across this podcast, just know that I’m so thankful for you, or I appreciate your time, something like that. So my tagline is truth and encouragement because that’s what I want.
I want them to be like, I’m not feeling good. Oh, she has a new episode. Let me go ahead and press play. Where they find hope and encouragement and truth, which is obviously biblical truth and truth, because I want to begin tearing down the lie that you’re not good enough that you’re not worthy, that you don’t have a purpose. Those are lies of the enemy.
Yeah. So I’m wondering if we can somehow add to this just a little bit where it’s something like, you know, sharing truth and hope for healing, purpose and encouragement, because I want to say why like sharing truth and hope is what, but then we need to know the why.
And so I heard you say a couple of things to me that really hit home, which the first one was healing from worldly. Anything about the past, the church, religion, sexual trauma, different traumas a broken home,
So many layers of worldly hurt.
And so you can tell them, this is a place where healing occurs through the truth, which is God’s word, right. Which is encouragement. So I love that concept of healing, inner healing, healing from the worldly pain. The second thing that was a four, what was then what happens when you’re healed?
Well, now, you know, you’re kind of renewed and you’re kind of in this fresh space to then walk into purpose. And then what does that look like? And what does that feel like? So there’s two steps. Like first we heal, then we walk in. Perfect.
Right. So I’m sorry not to cut you off. I’m hearing a lot like, and on my heart walking in freedom. So maybe walk in freedom or something like that.
Yes. Walk in freedom with biblical truth, hope, healing and encouragement,
The local truth, hope, healing and encouragement. Can we use the equipping? Cause I really love that word.
Equipping is really good. Yes.
I like that. Well, I feel like equipping a soul powerful, like a powerful word
To be equipped, to walk in freedom. Oh
Yeah. Because you’re right. Then they’re coming there and they’re like, this is why I’m coming here to be equipped. So I like that
To walk into freedom. Okay. So here are two versions. We’ve got sharing truth and hope for healing and encouragement to be equipped, to walk in freedom. Yeah. I like that. Okay. And then version two, we had walk-in freedom with biblical truth, hope, healing and encouragement.
I liked the first one because I feel like if someone’s not a Christian, not that I want to deseed them, but they might be more likely to push play if that makes sense.
Yes. I love it. I love it. I really love that. And it gives it more meat and more impact. Yeah. I love that. Okay, perfect. So the next thing, my next question for you is what are the pillars? And now you have so many, you’re you get it? Like you get what she’s facing, you understand her pain points.
Do these fit in maybe four foundational pillars that way, you know how you’re solving her problem? How are we getting her there? How are we equipping her to the walk-in freedom? Right? What are these pillars? What does that mean?
Look like. So I’ve already kind of created a mini course for high, want to do individual coaching and I’ll give you some of what I’ve created affirming in the word, finding affirmations in the word of God, word, a versus because the world talks about affirmations, but this is totally different.
Affirming yourself in verses that, speak to you. Secondly, clothing yourself with those, with that word, because you know, Proverbs says called yourself in strength and dignity. Well, that strength comes from the word. I believe. Thirdly conquer beginning to conquer your fear by faith.
So by faith, you begin to pray for clarity. You begin to pray for whatever you believe God has put on your heart. And then fourth, you begin to face that fear by walking in obedience and actually doing what God says, how, because you’ve already been affirming yourself in the word. So now the fear is going to get smaller.
And in comparison to what God, you know, the word has already been clothing you, because those are the things that I’ve done in my life that has impacted me and has allowed me to have godly confidence. And so I want to give that to other women.
So I love that as a course, I love that as a, as a piece of this brand, but I think that’s all one pillar is your podcast is concerned. That pillar is really, it’s the scripture pillar, right? It’s the God’s word and scripture pillar. And then you have, okay,
Applying it. You’re applying it to her life. You’re applying it inside of her, outside of her throughout her action. It’s how do you not just read a scripture, but you observe it, you apply it, you take action on it. It becomes a piece of you. It becomes part of your, your making.
So that’s one pillar, which is really the foundation of like scripture app. I don’t have a pretty word for this, but it’s
Like biblical truth or biblical, biblical implementation or something like that. Yes. Yeah.
Yes. I love that biblical truth and implementation. Good. But I love that as a course as well.
Well, yes. Now one of the pillars could be the healing pillar. Okay.
Because I think hat like that is such a big pillar because there’s
So many layers to worldly pain. And you, you talk about lots of different things you said hurt from the church, infidelity trauma, like all of that fits into this worldly pain slash healing bucket. Okay. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. You’re giving me chills. Stefanie,
You are you’re it’s you, it’s just putting the little names to everything and giving it clarity. So it has a
And see to it where, you know, why am I doing this every day? What about this other concept of walking in freedom, walking in freedom slash purpose bucket? I can, we, I don’t know what you think, but like that any confidence has really been something that has been on my heart a lot lately.
So if we could kind of tie that in, because I feel like the world tells you to be confident as a woman in a whole different way than what God says. And that ties into the word of God too. Like the biblical implementation. Yes.
There’s just something about that. Godly confidence. Like, I love that because we don’t have anything about, I think that needs to be its own pillar. Okay.
Yeah, because you have, so if we think of this in like chronological order,
Yeah. We’ve got,
I guess they don’t necessarily go in order, but they go this biblical truth and implementation. Cause that’s like a core of everything you’re going to teach. Right? The affirming, the clothing, the conference, the facing the fear. Then they go into worldly, pain and healing. Okay.
Now I’m ready. I’m ready to face this. I’m ready to conquer this stuff so that I can be freed from it so I can rewrite the lies. Then they move into how do I walk in freedom? What does this mean now? What do I do? How do I become this new woman? Like they’ve shed the old and she stepped into the new and it’s almost like she gets to write a new book. She gets different,
Shed the old step into the new, I’m writing that down. I wrote it down to the recording. I didn’t mean to cut you off. You’re just getting me very excited over here.
So that bucket is what does this new purpose feel like? Who is this new Christ field woman you’re living more Holy, what does that mean to you? Right? How, what do you do with it? Because there’s something about being changed and keeping it to yourself.
And there’s something about being changed and spreading that and becoming a gardener. Right. And planting seeds and being the light. So you need to encourage her to not just be changed, but to then be the
Right. Yeah. Yeah. So
That’s this walking freedom and purpose bucket,
Walking, freedom and purpose walk. So walk in freedom and purpose.
I think we said walk in freedom. And then I just put slash purpose, like this concept of what does she do with this new truth that she’s now experiencing a lot of like, like for example, like someone listens to my show and they’re changed and then they’ll sit with it and they’re like, I’m just changed. I’m different.
Like we’ll tell people about that. Yeah. Okay. So then the fourth one is this godly confidence and that’s this, this final step of like the coming, right? What does that mean? What does this godly confidence bucket mean to you?
Really? Beginning to feel empowered that like I am all these things that God says, because even for me, if I told you everything that I’ve gone through, like I was suicidal before I got saved. So when you, when you have came from a lot of heartache and even as a Christian and being hurt by other Christians, it’s almost like you you’re just so tore down that you don’t feel like you are worthy anymore.
So that looks like waking up and feeling empowered that, you know, yeah. I’m going to do what God has called me to do. And on the way to doing what God has called me to do, I’m going to show other people I’m going to give this to them because really what the attitude I want the women to have they’re done with this courses.
Yeah. I’m discouraged. Yeah. I’m struggling. But you, don’t what I’m going to fight the enemy by. Go ahead. And you know, I don’t know, encourage people on Facebook live or do a Bible study or fighting back with the word of God, if that makes sense.
Exactly. And that’s kind of what I was saying with, with even the pillar before saying like, what does she do with this new? So I think I was literally saying godly confidence, what you just said to me, like you just said, she’s doing whatever it is that she’s been called to do.
And we don’t know what that is for her because each woman is different. You’re not specifically saying my pain point of this woman is she wants to build an audience online.
Right. That’s not right. Yeah.
Identify her pain point. What do you, and I think now that we have these four pillars really clear in our minds and we know the whole goal of what Micaela stands for is sharing truth and hope for healing and encouragement. So they are equipped to walk in freedom to have godly confidence.
That’s the why, what do we think her number one pain point is why can’t she, why can’t she do it alone? Why can’t she seem to get there? Why can’t she seem to heal? Why can’t she find this concept of godly freedom? What do we think the number one issue is? And just give me some, whatever pops in your head,
He’s very discouraged. And she feels like she’s not good enough. You know, when you feel like you’re not good enough, you feel a lot of things. You feel like you’re not good enough for someone to help you. You’re not good enough to invest in yourself.
You’re not worthy of trying to become a better person because you’ve learned how to function this way. And the enemy has the enemy people and the worldly pain has beat you down so bad to the point that you’re just like, and I feel like crying because I was there to the point that just like, maybe my life is always going to be like this, you become content.
And you just really get used to being with that feeling that I’m just not enough. I’m not good enough. And also when people did not affirm you and they spoke negativity into you, it’s really, really hard to break that, you know? And so just that she’s not good enough.
She’s not good enough. She’s not worthy of, you know, asking for help investing in herself. And she might even be embarrassed to tell people what she’s going through. Yeah.
So when we think of this in a course perspective, because we have the free content in the show and she can maybe do that on her own. But when we look at it from a course perspective, what would be the difference of us helping her?
I almost feel like you’re helping her identify, identify the lies, break free from the brokenness of her past and of the world. Right. Break free from the brokenness and then ignite her confidence so that she can walk with purpose in Christ. Yeah.
She can walk with purpose and we don’t know what that purpose is and maybe that’s not yours. Okay. So let’s, let’s and we’ll work through that in a minute, but okay. What I’m hearing you really tell me your thing. It’s like this healing piece, the journey, your thing is like, how do we, and what’s your woman’s name?
Let’s name her. I’ll give her the name that I used to call myself before I got saved. Michelle. Okay. Michelle. So let’s say that Michelle, she grew up in poverty and she experienced some abuse on whatever capacity she wasn’t given the resources and the help and the tools and yeah, they were all whatever religion.
But then why are, why are people with religion, bad people, right? Why are they hurting me? Why am I ignored? Why am I neglected? Why am I whatever? And so she grows up with this and she’s, she’s just playing small. She small she’s crushed. She’s nothing, she’s unworthy.
And she gets into high school. And so she goes down all the wrong paths there, right? Because she’s seeking, you’re describing my life, honestly. I’m not even kidding. You’re describing my life. Literally. That’s crazy. Yeah. We’re searching for validation and worthiness and enoughness, we’re searching for, we’re searching for identity, identity, hurting for identity.
And then that continues into our twenties. Doesn’t it with different. Yeah. And we all go through this. We all do. You know, everybody’s level. Those are different, but, but what is the enemy? Tell us your identity lives here in the world. Yeah. From birth.
Because he’s trying to break us from birth. It’s the, I think the enemy says to this, to Michelle, to this woman, you’re never going to change things up. Never going to get better for you. You see, because you see how little you are, quipped unsupported. You’re not smart enough. You don’t have the money.
Like her, the resources just full on attack inside with half-truths. That’s what the enemy does because he’s breaking down the daughters of the Kings so that we cannot fight with what we’re already equipped with from birth. But we don’t know it because we’re children because we are, we just don’t know.
And so now who you are is this woman who’s gone through the test, many tests that become a testimony of rewriting. Her truth is she doesn’t know yet and finds you and God will send her to you. You don’t got to worry like, Oh, where am I going to find Michelle?
God’s like, finally, Micaela’s doing what I asked here she is. And you’re going to get all these Michels. They’re going to come to your show. You’re not going to get it. Where did they come from?
This is insane because your responsibility is to show her those realize that have no weight, no power, no truth. No meaning she doesn’t stand in enemies. Half-truths anymore. She’s free. How do you get her there? Right.
Stefanie, this was not supposed to happen.
It’s good. It’s so good. Oh, that’s so powerful. Like what a call, what a calling that you have, what a beautiful mission that God’s giving you. And so don’t get distracted from that one purpose of take her through the healing journey.
Not as a therapist, not as, not as a friend, but as a biblical truth, bringer, a script, a scripture applier, helping this woman take an, understand the word so that she can then rewrite her mind. Right? Renewing of your mind, armor of God, like you said, conquering the fear by faith.
Those are the tools you’re giving her and you’re the vessel. You’re the vessel. And you’ve been through it. So you also understand the emotional side, you understand the spiritual warfare side, you understand the healing process and then you understand the becoming process, this new freedom process,
Right? Yeah, yeah. All of that.
Okay. So you’re so onboard with me. So what is our course? What is our solution McKayla for this woman for Michelle? So how, how do we best get her there? How do we best she learns from you, but yet we have trouble applying it because we can’t seem to really believe you when you tell me you’re enough.
You can. Yeah. So mate, so there’s a few things you can do. Right? You can do one-on-one coaching, which could be something like spiritual mentorship for, for forever healing. And I mean really what this is. It’s like, it’s almost like freedom coaching or something.
Oh, I love that. Freedom and faith coaching. Yeah. So freedom and faith coach. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Stefanie you’re anointed. I think that feels really good. Coaching. I feel like that’s what happens on the podcast. Not just me from the women
That come on to. Yeah. So maybe it’s Ooh. The freedom by faith method or the freedom by faith. Yes. Mastermind, maybe it’s group coaching. I don’t know yet. It’s I was thinking group coaching. I was thinking that because I feel like I can get the same thing out there to more than one woman at the same time.
And it could be like, I’ll just, if it’s okay. Just briefly. Yeah. I was thinking it would be like a zoom session and then maybe the next week I had like an accountability thing. So basically I give them these steps. And at, at the end of the day they journal their versus what happened.
They do that for the week. They keep affirming themselves and now the next week they keep doing it, but that’s the week I check in on them. And if they want to share with me what they wrote down.
So I give them that homework where like, you’re going to do this. This is you. So I don’t know if that’s part of it, but that’s kind of the ideas that kind of float in my mind. I do love that.
My only concern with group coaching are the past trauma stuff or any of the, we have like, we have to be able to get these women to an extremely vulnerable place in front of other women. So, and that doesn’t mean that they won’t, it’s just a question of that. Will they? And it is. And I don’t know yet. Is that right?
Yeah. Maybe what’s your super fan number, by the way. You said you calculated that the super fan number is eight 60. Okay. That being the case then your let’s see eight 60 times the 0.01. I mean, that would be roughly eight to 15 sales a month.
Okay. So in that capacity definitely could run a group coaching program. You probably have, like, I would, I would guess safely 10 women would join you right away. The question then is though, is this too vulnerable of, of a topic?
So the other option Micaela of what you could maybe do, you could run it like a live of course, for example, like you do the class everybody’s in the class and then you do 15 minute breakouts once a month or maybe they get this right now before you get too big is the only, like I still am able to do like minis at some in some way.
And those are great.You could also, and then they have the group to post and to post homework and to have that, but they’re not having to talk openly necessarily in front of others. It’s kind of self-study but then they meet with you for 15 minutes for like accountability or to just come through with questions or something.
So this is a, would this be a separate Facebook group just for these people that I’ve coached? So faith by freedom. Yeah. Some potentially. And I even added a word maybe to this, which is finding freedom by faith framework, finding freedom by faith and then the framework, or you don’t even have to have the framework, but finding freedom by faith.
And this is what this is becoming equipped for healing and godly confidence. What else are we, are we missing something like through, I don’t want to say like, just through scripture, because you’re going to have a whole process for her.
So it’s kind of like become equipped for through, through pillars of like tying in the course of, through biblical truth and implementation pillars. Sure. Yeah. Through biblical truth and purposeful pillars and, and you’ll have, you know, and then of course there’s all the sales copy.
That’s a whole nother thing, but like just having that one sentence of like, Hey sisters, you know, if you’ve been feeling bound by your past, by worldly lies, feeling like you’re not enough, you’ve been constrained from your true purpose, your true breakthrough. And you just can’t seem to get over the limiting beliefs.
You feel like you’re constantly battling spiritual warfare. You’re constantly playing small in your own life and you just feel broken, but you know that there is a healing for you, you know, that there is godly restoration. If you could just break free from the strongholds that have kept you stuck for far too long. Wow.
Join me in the finding freedom by faith group coaching mastermind program, where you will become a Quip for healing and godly confidence through biblical truths. Bible studies with me, sisterhood, community journaling, purpose work, and many tactical purposeful pillars that we’re going to walk through together over the next six weeks. Sign me up please.
I was originally thinking six to eight weeks, six weeks. So for a group coaching program, that’s industry standard. And it also depends on what do we want to charge for this thing. And also what is the outcome worth and how long does it take to get her there?
So I always feel like, like I run right now a 90 day program, you know, but it’s $2,500 and it’s a lot like there’s, I can’t do it in a shorter amount of time, but also run six week programs that are like, it’s a shorter problem to solve. Now you’re solving a big problem here.
So could I add two weeks of accountability? Like check-in,
Let’s just do an eight week program. Just do it as an eight week program to test it one time. And then the beauty here is you’ll now have everything recorded. So now you get to pick like, did I love doing this live or do I just want to package it up? And now it becomes my passive product.
Oh my gosh, that’s scary. So I have to ask Is like six 50, too little for the group coaching or too much. Cause I was thinking like four, four 50 for the class
To run it live. No, it’s not too little. No, I like that. Especially for a first go just to really, you’re literally getting like some one-on-one mentorship in this program. Like I think maybe what you can do is give them two 30 minutes month, one, right?
One 30 minute, month, month one, and then another 30 minute mini with you month two, they’re getting the group training, which is just one hour with you. Everybody’s on the zoom one hour, once a week pick the same time, same day train. They have homework. They come share the homework.
I think, I think for this first time there’s something about staying under 500 as a no-brainer entry-level by with you. Is it worth more? Yes, but I think for you to really grab those, I think a 10 women would be such a perfect goal for you for this first round at four 97 and give them a payment plan as well, because we just don’t know where she is financially yet.
We’re not sure where your avatar is, this woman and where I think she is. She’s probably not raking it in. You know what I mean? So also having that three month payment plan option of one 97 a month for three months, which makes it a little bit more expensive because she’s doing a monthly plan, which is okay.
You could also, if you don’t want to do that, just have the two month payment plan of or could I make it, could I make it less and not have a payment plan? No, you need a payment plan. Okay. All right.
But, it’s only going to be a really small plan. Okay. So it makes it really digestible. What’s what’s the, what’s the, what makes, what is making you feel uncomfortable about that?
That I’m worried that they’re not going to pay me, but I guess that’s the enemy lying to me.
Yes. And a three month or less payment plan has a less than like 0.01 issue. It’s when you get over five months that you’re really going to have problems. Okay. So that would be five grand, right? That would be really nice. That’d be great. Here’s the good news because this is all going to be live like this.
Basically you can go ahead and launch this. There’s no prep work really other than creating week one slides, you know, you’re going to go, I think I’m gonna do this course. God, talk to God about that. You’re going to start opening your mouth about it.
And you’re going to be surprised because when you’re in alignment with what he’s wanting for you, the flood Gates open digest, do you know, you wouldn’t have over 800 super fans without even having a clear, you had your show and you had a clear concept of what you were giving, but you didn’t know why.
Yeah, you’re right. You’re absolutely right now that it’s been seven months in now. It’s like, where’s the meat I haven’t, but like, where’s this going? You know? Yeah. So, okay. So when we talk about what to do now, okay. Also, you know what we should do in the last five minutes, we should go look at your podcast page.
We want to make sure what you and I have just done is coming through here. So we’ve got coffee jeans and jesus’ podcasts up here in the top. Let’s add our new tagline. Okay. Okay. Sharing truth and hope for healing and encouragement to be equipped, to walk in freedom and be equipped to walk in freedom.
I think that’s better now here, next to your name, you can put Micaela Deegan dash and then let’s put your new title, right. Which is freedom coach. Okay. Now here in the description, let me try to refer you a description real quick.
Okay. That’s really specific for Micaela and you’ll have to transcribe this later cause you know, Hey sister, welcome to your new favorite coffee shop, where you can come as you are in your blue jeans with your converse on so that you are comfortable.
As we dig into biblical truths and discover hope for healing and encouragement in your life. Because I believe that you are equipped to walk in freedom. You just don’t know how to put on the armor of God. Maybe you feel like you’re not enough. Maybe your past has created lies and limiting beliefs inside of your head and heart.
That is so painful. You can’t seem to break free. Maybe you’re experiencing strongholds in your life or half-truths that the enemy has planted. But I am here to tell you that you can break free and begin to walk in godly confidence again.
And it begins with understanding what God has in store for your life. Uncovering the lies, rewriting them with God’s truths from scripture, and then closing yourself with the words so that you can conquer your fear by walking in new faith. Hi, I’m Micaela Deegan, and I too have been where you are.
I have experienced both pain and trauma. I have been wounded. I am from a broken home, but the good news is that I have been restored and I am here to now pass that restoration onto you with the help of scripture and Jesus as my guiding light, I’m here to mentor you through the healing process so that you can really walk by faith.
Wow. I love that. Breathless, Stefanie. You’re so cute. Yay. Wow. You’re a genius. Oh, so sweet. I’m not God. Wow. Thank you so much. It was fun to you. Make it so fun. So I’m so grateful that bless you, Stefanie. Bye. Okay.
But for real, how cute was Micaela? She’s adorable. And I’m so excited to see how God works through her podcast and her brand in 2021. I hope you guys go check her out. She is amazing. Jesus jeans and coffee. So, once again, here we are. I will see you back here real soon.
And PS, if you didn’t know what was going on over in my Facebook group, let me let you know. We are doing the 12 days of Christmas over there, which is 100% free. It’s just for fun. It’s your Christmas gift from me to you? 12 amazing speakers teaching in the areas of productivity, purpose, and planning.
And I kicked it off this last Sunday. So you can watch all the replays if you missed it, but you’re going to want to head on over to my Facebook group and be sure and hang and check out and hang out with us.
Because we were doing all of these free trainings for you. So much value selling nothing just here for it. Yes. So you can go find out more about the 12 days of Christmas by going to Facebook and heading to the mom for our mastermind group in there. I just want to leave you with a pair of love.
I pray over you now that you are just lit up with purpose and with intention over where God is calling you to step into in the brand new year, that you are trusting him in every aspect of your life. Whether that be your marriage, your home, your business, your heart work that you need to do that you just trust and lean into him and lay down.
Maybe what your mind, what the world, what others are telling you and lean into what the word is calling of you. What your prayer are leading you to your prayers and hearing what God really, really wants for you.
And then leaping on that. Taking massive action forward and partnering with him in 2021 father. We love you. We trust you in Jesus’ name. Amen love and God’s light, Stef.
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Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
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