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I hope you’re ready for a juicy, LIVE COACHING episode with my client, Katie Smith. We go DEEP into cleaning up her brand, podcast vision, mapping out the mini-course, and how to market and sell it. Brand Clarity & Mini-Course Creation is just a FEW of the topics we cover. Live Coaching!This one has it ALL.
If you’ve been wanting to fine-tune your business, come up with a course, build an organic marketing plan using podcasting – or anything in between, LISTEN IN!
I hope you enjoy!
Hey, SIS. Welcome to today’s episode. I’m super excited that you are here. We are going to be doing some live coaching today with my girl, Katie Smith, we are going through clarity work, the four tiers of brand creation. We’re talking about a mini course, mapping that out for her, giving her the strategy behind setting up the funnel process in which she needs to grow the audience, build this course market it streamline it. Avatar clarity.
I mean this one is absolutely value packed. You’re going to have so many tacticals that you can apply to your own business. I know you’re gonna love it. Now, before we dig into this episode, I do want to remind you of a few things. Number one, I have a completely free workshop set up for you. If you’re struggling on clarity, just like Katie, and you want to start there.
It’s a great place to do some of that foundational work and do as much as you can on your own. Before you decide on working with me or with another coach or moving forward with getting more help in this area, you can grab that workshop at getclarity.gr8.com or stefaniegass.com. Now, if you’re like, I’ve got this step, the ideas kind of like where Katie sitting and you’ll hear that in this episode, but I can’t seem to get out of my own way.
My thoughts are fighting with each other or I’m too multi-passionate or I don’t understand what course I can create that partners with my podcast or whatever that thing might be, where you’re stuck in the execution. Come grab a coaching session session. Okay, girl, it is the number one way that you can invest in your breakthrough is not having to sit there and overanalyze and try to figure all the things out on your own.
Some of you will be able to do it on your own, and some of you won’t and those of you who are like, I’m still stuck and it’s been a hot minute and I am ready to really be done. Know exactly what I do, who I do it for what all the pieces of this puzzle are. Let’s just do some coaching. Let’s knock that out so that you can move forward. If you’re interested in that you can get my coaching menu from Nina support@stefaniegass.com.
What do you really want to accomplish? One is just clarifying while the name pillars a mini course idea, potentially I have something that I’m working on and how to what’s the sorry, what’s the funnel for that. And, and I listened to one of your coaching sessions last night, and I really liked what you did with that particular person. And I’m wondering if that’s the same funnel potentially.
And again, just some ideas. I am. I’m a person who has done every course under the sun. And I have a hard time like putting it into action because I’m very distracted. I’m wondering that about myself, like I’m lacking some focus, so really having you kind of help outline that for me so I can walk into that would be really helpful.
Okay. Awesome. Love it. Let’s do it. So talk to me a little bit about where you are in the vision of this. It’s a new brand for you, right? Like you doing network marketing. So talk to me about that. Like what was happening with network marketing? What are you doing right now? And then what does that look like?
Right. I joined network marketing almost five years ago with the intention of fully retiring me from my brick and mortar which I still have, but I turned that into an online business over the last six months. So that’s a whole nother thing, but my whole intention of joining network marketing was to retire myself from the brick and mortar retire.
My husband, like I joined for that dream. I didn’t join for the 500 to a thousand. Like that was not me. I joined for that dream, particularly using the network marketing company as that vehicle, it was never the end like goal. Right. Five years later, I’m in a very similar position as I was when I started, even though I am a top 2% leader and I realized this past year that I had to ask myself like a, is this even a possibility?
Cause I realized there are cycles to companies and there’s, you know, there’s this growth. I believe I joined kind of after that with my current company. Is it really something that I want to do? Had to honestly answer that and almost die to that dream.
And I’m still kind of processing that and I’m sure you can relate on some levels to what that feels like, but I am now, I’m not doing a lot with it. I mean, I’m not recruiting and I love to recruit. I mean, that’s just who I was from the get-go. So I haven’t been recruiting. I do still obviously want to service my customers. It is a of passive income for me, so I don’t want to close that door down, but I also I’ve spent the last four years branding that company.
Without the I didn’t know how to do it any other way, because that’s kind of what I was shown to do. It was a real eye-opener at the beginning of this year, like, well, wait a second, this just doesn’t sit right with me. And frankly, it’s not working and what am I going to do with my life?
You know, like my dream for the last five years, and now I’m going, oh, is it though? And is it possible? And is it okay to pivot and all of these things that I’ve had to just wrestle with? Like my leadership, my team, I didn’t do what I set out to do. Am I a Quinner you know, all this stuff that like comes with it. So I’ve been processing that for the whole, almost the whole, if I’m honest, the whole entire year.
And so I’ve been working through that. I just started, and that was about two to three months ago, probably pivoting and showing up on video and, and really trying to narrow down my niche. And I love communication. I love writing. I love, you know, you always ask, okay, what is your favorite?
And I’m like all the above. Like I love all of it. So I thought my, my initial kind of niche was going to be female entrepreneurs in the communication, helping them communicate. And that just wasn’t landing for people. It was communication is so broad and people are like, what is, what, what is what does that mean?
Is it like, like relational communicate, like people were, did not have a clue. I have again, wrestled with this for months and I landed on personal branding and I realized that, gosh, that is where I have always, I’ve loved to brand things from, you know, my son’s birthday parties to, I used to throw a big ministry events a once a month.
I used to lead a women’s ministry and it was all branded and themed and like, I could see it and it was so fun. And I had just, I’m always that person doing that for myself or just in my life. And I’m like, oh my gosh, that’s, that’s where I want to land because I wish I had been given that four years ago that the message that, Hey, you don’t have to brand the company you brand you.
From that you have these experiences and you have this expertise and your story, that is what you lead with and that’s enough. That is really where I am feeling the most passionate and the most cohesive. So that leads me to right now where I did that pivot really, haven’t been marketing my network marketing company at all for the last three months, maybe a bit on stories, you know, but nothing on my wall, on my feed.
I do have a private kind of Facebook group that I do for that. But yeah, so here I am really going, okay. I don’t want to create content on five different platforms every day. Like I’ve been, you know, just, just the, the, the striving in that, in that social, in those social media content creation and the, and really getting nowhere, like, you know, I mean, you know, I love this so much, so let’s so you haven’t built this new brand yet, right?
You’re really getting into the personal branding space, but have you done anything with it? Do you have a name, have you like launched it to the world yet? So, well, just on my Instagram primarily I, you know, I’ve kind of positioned myself as a branding coach. I have done a few clarity calls, so people have reached out to me and I’ve again, done some clarity calls in terms of honestly trying to get to know my ideal client and, you know, giving them that feedback, but nothing has been monetized yet.
I do have a couple of contracts out with people. I am going to be creating reels for them. Like I had a local, a couple of local business owners where he talked to me and asked me to kind of help them with some content stuff. So that’s, I mean, that’s something, but it’s definitely not beyond, you know, not anything more than showing up on reels, having clarity calls. And now I have a couple of these small contracts.
So to the extent of it, and really, you know, when I heard you talk about the podcast and talk about, and that was my end goal, too, I worked with a different coach and she was like, you have to have all this following before you launch a podcast. So my end goal has always been a podcast, but it was just a timing thing. And then you kind of gave me that permission to go, wait a second. You can do this now. And this can actually be your long form content rather than all the athletes. So
Here’s the thing about me, Katie. That’s going to be interesting for you. You worked with a lot of people taking a lot of courses. You’re going to have to totally unlearn every single thing you’ve ever heard to have this conversation with me right
Now. Okay. I’m
Going to tell you everything that they have said to you does not have to happen that way. Yeah. Tell you that the podcast is the generation. That’s the funnel, that’s it? It’s the show that will bring everybody. That’ll bring all the babes to the yard. Okay. And then from there, that’s where we say here’s free stuff, free stuff, free step transformation. What’s a personal brand, blah, blah, blah.
Do all the things. And they’re like, oh my gosh, I love Katie. She’s my person. And then you go, yeah. Awesome. I have a course. And here’s the thing it’s that easy. And I could do it without a website. I don’t even use Instagram. Really. I don’t have to use Facebook if I don’t want to. This is, it it’s like the easiest thing ever, but it’s, it’s opposite of what you’ve ever been told. So so that’s the good news.
The bad news is it’ll be easy to get distracted again, once we’re done with this conversation and you have a plan of action, it will be easy to go. Oh, and you, and shiny thing that I should do. Oh, another platform that I should join. And like my only advice is once we have this nailed in the, you don’t look up six months and you’re like, I am so true to this one plan.
I’m not looking up, I’m doing this exact steps that Stefanie said you’ll have the explosion. Like my students that do what I say for roughly six months to a year, they’re all having 11, 1230, $3,000 launches because they just didn’t look up. Oh, all great news. Let’s, let’s clean up the brand. Okay. Let’s, let’s create your brand. What is your podcast going to be? Because the podcast really is the brand.
And then everything models from that, your website will model from that. Your video can be your podcast episodes. Right? We’re going to have a YouTube and stuff. It can be the same thing as the podcast. You can record it right here on zoom with your video on, then you have a video and you have a podcast, so. Okay, awesome.
So let’s make sure when we talk about, let’s just make sure we’re not missing any piece of this puzzle for you. Cause you don’t have to be just a personal branding coach. Okay. So talk to me about, are there any other major passions in your life that we want to integrate into this brand? Just tell me, like, what do you are lit up about? Let it flow. Okay.
So I’m lit up about, I love to write, I love to speak. I love business and help people kind of put those pieces together. Love to travel a hundred percent miss that and going on walks. I mean a lot of why I go out walking is to like boost creativity, it’s to you know, get my energy up. And so I love mindset.
I love personal development. I mean, that’s what I do all the time. If I’m not doing this, I mean, I eat that stuff up. I love learning about the mind and I love learning about the mind body connection and gosh, what else? Of course I love my family. Love my dogs. I mean, that’s what we, in a nutshell.
Okay, perfect. And then with the skills, so now like the tactical, what are you really great at? I’ve heard you say motivation. That’s literally a skill personal development, helping others be inspired speaking. Right. Writing ICU very clearly as a coach. Speaking, anything else? That’s a skill set.
Let’s see, being able to, and I wrote this down and I don’t know if it’s a skill set, but, but it is literally like branding, helping people put these pieces together, being able to see that from a 10,000 foot view and helping them just create that. I don’t know what you call that though. I mean, I, I titled that like maybe like a big picture vision. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Good. Cool. Okay. So let’s now plug all of those pieces
Into the pillars and the who, you know what? I want to start with the who for a minute though, and then we’re gonna go back into the pillar. So this female entrepreneur is she and network marketer who wants a personal brand specifically? No, she
Can be, but I don’t. I don’t. I know. Okay. I actually have her written out. Can I read it to you? Yes. Okay. So who am I talking to? Female entrepreneurs, business owners who want to build their personal brand and business with ease and without frustration. The person I’m speaking to is Casey. She’s a 38 year old project manager who has a dream to launch a business of her own, but doesn’t know where to start.
She has driven leads herself with excellence and knows that she can work anyone under, under the table. But once the clarity, strategy and mindset shifts to understand that she can build something of her own based on her experience, her expertise, personality, and her story, she loves the beach, wearing her favorite hoodie, yoga pants, and flip flops, but can dress up for any special occasion, bringing out her wedges and wide brimmed hat.
She drinks iced coffee on the rag and loves to be active, but also loves a good basket of fries with ranch and sipping Chardonnay. She is genuinely curious about others, loves to travel and listens to podcasts every minute she can, values authenticity and showing up as real and doesn’t want to waste any more time.
She is highly competent, ambitious self-motivated and wants to be. Purpose-driven making income with impact. Casey is a learner for life, mastering her mindset and overcoming her limiting beliefs. And resourceful, willing to do what it takes and wants to build a wildly successful business, to authentically serve and unapologetically make income. Confident in certain areas, but wants to be confident being herself.
She wants to gain authentic influence because she wants to be authentically influential. Good. I love that. And Pete, so she’s us with her ice coffee and fries with ranch again. Great. Okay. That really helps. And how you said 38. Okay. Perfect. Now what is she? So when I think of this woman, she’s already driven and motivated, but it sounds like,
It sounds like in, in Casey’s PA position, she’s doing something she doesn’t want to do. And she literally wants to find an entirely new business model. And doesn’t know what that is. That’s one type of woman, woman two would be Casey, who is starting the new thing. Whether it’s starting a life coaching business, starting her network marketing business. And she doesn’t know how to brand it. What is personal branding? I have a vision for the business, but I can’t bring it to life two different cases. Right. Which one is for you?
I feel like the second one.
Same. So let’s pivot this just a little and let’s say that she is a 38 year old X project manager. Okay. Life coach. Okay. Has the certification ready to go? Part-time at her job.
Yeah, totally.
I’m really unsure of how to begin the life coaching business online. Yeah. I love that. That way. It’s like, you’re not that way. You’re not doing these. Like you’re not doing like, what are you made to do? Like, I want to be a life coach. What’s my personal brand. And you’re able to niche to that step right there. Like you want to find your step that you get known for. Yeah. Okay. And so that helps us clear up who she is even just a little bit more good.
So let’s back into now the pillars. What is your podcast going to be about? So for a visual, have you heard me talk about the triangle? Okay. So imagine your brand or your podcast is a triangle. Okay. At the bottom, there’s four little legs that you’re trying. Your triangle stands on. These are our pillars. This is the free stuff that Katie talks about that you teach.
This is how Casey gets a transformation inside of our triangle is Casey and all of her pain points. So this is like, oh, we’re going to help you with all of this at the top, his tagline and title. That’s the whole podcast brand. Then from that, we can draw some lines out here that are the, how, how the outlet. So with the podcast is an outlet. The course is going to be an outlet.
Maybe YouTube videos is an outlet and whatever else we come up with that those are implementation of this big solution bucket. Does that make sense? Yep. Okay. So our legs let’s start there. I have three of them pretty clearly already. The first one is personal branding and storytelling. Yep. Yeah. And this one is like, okay, Casey, listen, you got this vision girl. You want to be a life coach.
Great. We can’t just say hi, I’m a life coach by here. Why, what are you going to teach? What’s your story and your colors? What is your branding going to look like? What are your messaging going to be? How are you going to get your what’s your, who is your avatar? Like all the stuff that goes into creating creating a presence online that people can even know, get to know you for.
So all of that would be in personal branding. Storytelling. Love it. Okay. Pillar two, I think is like personal development and motivation or encouragement, I think. And in this bucket, because this woman is literally super driven. Like every, everything about Casey made me feel like she’s going to get it done. Like she is motivated, excited, driven, ambitious. She doesn’t have the, how you want me to give her the, how, like, you don’t have to worry about Casey. She’s going to execute.
So she loves and is lit up, I think by personal development and motivation. What can we do in that bucket though? You can just motivate her. You can share books, you can have positive quotes, affirmations, vision casting for her. Like anything else you want to plug in there?
Well I love what you said about storytelling and a lot of what I like to do, and maybe this is kind of in I don’t, I don’t think it’s an in one. I think it, it could be in here is I love to share people’s stories of just, and I do this on my stories and I do it really quickly, but it’s sharing people’s stories of how they started and where they’re at. And it’s, it’s other people’s stories.
Like, you know, the guy who started Starbucks or, you know, just just stories of people that, gosh, it gives people hope and, and it’s, and it’s maybe stuff that they didn’t know. And you see people’s highlight reel, but you don’t know that, you know, Starbucks lost millions and millions of dollars before. And you know, just like all this stuff that you don’t know about people, you only see where they’re at now, but I love telling people’s stories and that way, and I don’t know if that would be part of this or not. I don’t know what your hat. Yeah. I love that.
Absolutely. I think that’s a huge yes. And even, and even if you want to have guests on, in this pocket that are motivational, encouraging, have stories of success. Yes. That’s great. Here’s another idea. As you were talking, this idea came up for me. What if you had these personal brand
Like breakouts, personal brand blueprints, something where you take a person and you’re like, okay, Virginia, come on the show. Or Stefanie, come on the show. I want you to explain what you do, how you do it and what your personal brand is, what does it stand for? What’s your tagline? What are your ways that you market?
And then how does that work as a funnel? Like what if you had successful people break down their business models as an, and what it does is for that person, it’s great because it allows us to like self promote in a way. But what it’s really doing for your woman is letting her reverse engineer a personal brand.
Yeah. I love that. That’s a great idea.
Okay. So I called that like personal brand breakdowns, blueprint sessions, something like that. Yeah.
I liked that. I liked that. The blueprint, I mean, I think I can play with that a little bit, but
I love that interviewing successful brands and reverse engineering, basically their funnel. And what’s going to be fun about that is you’re going to hear so many different, cool ways that people make a brand work for them. There’s not always one right. Answer.
Well, that’s so good. And it also simplifies it. I think for people it’s not as hard as you think, and you can actually have fun doing this. That’s a huge part of what I want to relate to is I have, I’m an intense person. If you haven’t noticed already, like people are like, you are so intense. It’s just part of who I am. And I’m like, okay, I’m just, I’m just whatever, I’m just that person.
But I want to have so much more fun in this new season than I feel like I’ve had. So I want to be able to take that up, that intensity and that kind of authority, and also bring in that fun. So I love how this, these, this personal brand blueprint or breakout, whatever is going to be called can help people have really see that they could have fun. Yeah.
Visual learning would be favorite type of learning. So what that does is that will help them go, oh, there’s somebody doing it this way. And that feels right to me. And now I have a visual of how that works now. Even have a person I can follow. That’s great. But now my question is, how do I do that myself?
Which is exactly where your course will come in. Cause that’s an, a very, very easy course to build. And it’s a course that will be highly needed. So I love that bucket as well. Now I don’t really have a third bucket except for I wrote business growth. Right? Well, I’ve,
I’ve actually written mine down. Let me read it to you. I wrote, okay. Personal branding was one business strategy was to number three. I was like, Hmm. And that’s where I was like, do I do social media online marketing? That feels like it’s probably business strategy. Communication was a question mark speaking. And then I had stories in there. Kind of what I just shared with you. And then number four was, you know, breakthrough mindset strategies for personal development, all that. So I don’t, I feel like ours are, I feel like business strategy is
That’s the only one missing, I think would be business growth and strategy. And that can be social media. It can be the tacticals. Okay. How do you create a logo? Should you outsource? Should you make it yourself? How to craft a message, how to craft an Instagram bio? Like this can be the little tactical things inside of building a personal brand, and that can be you and, or an expert.
If you’re like, this is one, there’s lots of pieces in there, so it can be anything. So I have personal branding and storytelling, then your personal brand breakdown sessions, business growth and strategy bucket tacticals and then finally personal development and encouragement and mindset that would be mindset and personal development are in that final bucket.
So there’s your four. Cool. Yes. Okay. So now we got our, who we have our pillars. Let’s come up with a title and a tagline. Do you have any ideas? I do. I only have
One. And it’s called, well then tell me if you think this is dumb. I think it’s cute brand you boo. Oh, how cute. So cute. I love Bo though. An
[inaudible]. Oh gosh. I can’t even with that. It’s adorable.(26:58):
And I already bought the URL. Okay. We’re done perfect.
I like those better than what I had. I had personal branding boss, the branded boss, the branding blueprint, but I like brand new bow better. And then we can add my little things into the tagline though,
If we want. Good. Do you have an idea for it timeline yet? I mean, I do, but it’s like, eh, it needs finessing for sure. Okay. Well I help female entrepreneurs grow their personal brand and business breakthrough, limiting beliefs and have a blast doing it. I mean, it’s kind of like, I really want to incorporate obviously what I’m doing and the fun aspect. And then question was, should I put anything about monetizing because, or is that already a spoken?
That’s where I get, like, it starts to go if you are a branding expert, that is one piece that is so like easy to just, this is my thing. That’s exactly what I do. Yeah. But then you go to like an monetization that’s step five over here. So what if you’re like, yes, monetization is important and you can tell her why it’s so critical, but you don’t have to teach that part. Okay. Yeah.
So I don’t think we should add that in the tagline, but it can be something that you, you know, touch on why branding will eventually make you money. And like, even if, if podcasting came into it, you can affiliate for my course, like there’s affiliates, you can say, oh, you want to do that avenue video. Here’s Virginia and you make 40% or here’s Stefanie, you want you as podcasting. Here’s her affiliate. And that way you’re not trying to take this whole bucket and be the expert, but you’re like, I’m here. I’m the brand, the spot. Yeah.
I love what you’re saying, because it’s like, that gives me permission to just stay in my lane and get super hyper-focused and just do that. Yes. Good.
Okay. So when we think of this tagline, we really want to tell her what she walks away from. So I’m just going to brainstorm and then we’ll clean it up. You know, when we have two seconds and so brand UBU ? That’s cute. What is this personal online branding mindset, transformation and strategic strategic marketing. Maybe. Yes. She wants a brand. Yes. She wants a story, but she really, at the end of the day, once a successful business
And strategic business growth. Yeah. Now is this, this is the description for the SEO.
Yeah. So you’ve got here brand UBU, put your little TM. You can put that before. You’re actually a trademarked. Okay. Dash, what is it? So right here would go personal online storytelling, mindset, transformation, and strategic business growth for female entrepreneurs. It won’t all fit. You have to cut out a little bit of that, but that would go here of what is this? And preferably on your art as well.
And then here we can have a big long blah-blah-blah, which I’ll I’ll refer you one. Okay. Okay. Then here’s the other thing to know every title that you have for your show is completely SEO searchable. So when we think of this woman, you’re going to want episodes that are called, like what is a personal brand and how to get started and how to start one. What does it mean to have an online story?
How to generate leads online, the simple way, three components of crafting your Instagram bio three steps to picking a logo where to show up online when you’re just starting a business, those are all questions that she’s asking and she’s Googling them.
So when somebody Googles something, guess what all of these shows come up and all of these episodes come up. Okay. Does that make sense? Yep. Totally. Okay, cool. So we’ve got our tagline, SEO up at the top. Now let me refer you a description that long guy and this just flows. You’ll have to relisten to this part. Yeah. Okay. Hey, boo. I see you over there trying to get started with that new hustle.
You’re starting the business. You’re a brand new entrepreneur, or you have a vision for that thing that you’ve been wanting to do, but you’re totally stuck. How do you market this online? What is a personal brand? How do you sell something without being salesy weird and sleazy? What do you do to set up an organic online presence? That’s going to work well, you sleep. I’ve got all the answers and it starts with one super simple concept. Personal branding. Yes. You have a story that is so much deeper than your product or service. You have parts of you that are going to resonate with your ideal customer.
That need to be shared authenticity that needs to shine through online. So I’m here to show you how to create a personal online brand and share your story, create that mindset transformation so that your authenticity will shine and all the strategic business tacticals that you’ve been super overwhelmed with. Let’s simplify this process. It’s time to brand you UBU.
Woo. Love it. That’s it? Yes.
There’s your description. So now let’s move over here to the outlets. What do we do with all this? So the first thing we do is you have a podcast and you are hopefully if you really want to go bigger and go home, which I have a feeling that you do twice a week, okay. Three times a week. Now these can be 20 minutes, 15 minutes, Katie. They are power packed on there.
You yep. You just let that flow and really honing in on those pillars that we identified. And those questions that she’s Googling. Now, if you want a double whammy and you like the video, which I think you do, you can record your podcast, episodes on zoom with the video on, okay. Now they’re going to be a little bit more unedited, but I think that’s great. And I’ve actually noticed the more raw my episodes are better.
They do. People don’t want to hear editing. Yes. So now you have to YouTube that week too. Yes. That’s awesome. So good. All right. So that’s your outlet, your free outlets. So then the next outlet that I know she’s going to ask you. Oh my gosh, Katie, I love your episode. I’m starting a personal brand. I love how you had, you know, Stefanie dissectors or Louise dissector thing. How do I create one of those? I need a personal brand. I’m a brand new life coach.
Hi, I’m Casey. I’m 38. I just became a life coach. I have no story online. Like I have an Instagram. I don’t even know how to use it. Is that where I have a brand? Should I have a website? Do I need a podcast? Like what should I do? Like what’s a brand. Do I have a message? What’s my tagline. What’s my, like, she’s literally has a business idea or the certification or started the MLM totally lost from there. Yes. So what I think you should do is create a fully passive course, which I think you were thinking of already, which would be the brand you boot blueprint.
Yes. Love it. So the brand you, blue blueprint should be something for a beginner. Right? So create, let’s see craft your personal online brand. And what else goes in here and your story and find your story and find your voice and be, and grow an audience.
Yeah. I like that. What about the feeling of like, and feel confident showing up? What about that confidence piece? Because she’s a confident person, but she has no idea where to start. So like, I want her to walk away from this course, with that confidence set up or, you know what I’m saying? Like some things where she’s feeling. Okay. Yes. Like from here I know what to do.
Yeah. Yes, yes. I feel that. Okay. So how about something like craft your, your personal online brand? We need another, see though, craft your story. I don’t want to say craft twice and cultivate confidence to shine online. That’s it good. So
What about, what about create your online, personal brand? Craft your story?
Perfect. That’s it create your personal online brand, craft your story and cultivate confidence to shine online. It’s so good. So should we outline the course?
Yes. I already actually have a, I started doing I called it the brand you signature process. Okay. So, but I don’t, again, I’m not like married to it. I just kind of went with the acrostic and started going through the process that somebody would go through using that brand new method. But I don’t know. No, that’s good though.
Because you can say in brand new boot in the brand new blue blueprint, we go through my brand. You signature process. Yeah. So that’s the what? But the brand new blue blueprint is just more catchy. So the brand new signature process inside, which is going to take you, step-by-step tier by tier of creating your personal brand from step one through step, whatever, simple, easy we’re going to take all the overwhelm out of this thing.
So that can be part of your description of like your signature pro your signature process for her. So let me give you what I think would be like maybe some outlines and then you can plug that into maybe what you have. Perfect. And this is for the beginner. So I think the very first module obviously is like an intro. Welcome what to expect. Then you would go into the very first question, which is, what do you actually do if Casey can’t tell us I am a life coach, then we have a problem.
Yeah. So what do you actually do? And inside of here, it’s maybe it’s just like streamlining, streamlining the what I do statement and just a little bit of clarity to make sure that they are clear here. The next question that I would have as Casey is what are the places I should be showing up online? And then what am I supposed to be saying over there? So, and I don’t know which order is first. I think maybe the first thing is, do you want to first have her define her brand first and then plug it into the outlets?
Just logically in my mind, I hadn’t moving from like build the foundation who, how do you want to show up? Who are you? What are your values getting clear on that? You know, as that kind of foundation. And so it was build your foundation and then realize your story as the are. And it’s like how helping them craft their, what are their experiences, their expertise that got them to this point and then align your message. What’s your brand message.
That’s kind of what you’re talking about. Maybe that’s right here under maybe that’s right under the intro, because you’re kind of seeing what I’m saying, but yours is like, great. Let’s just put after the intro welcome and what to expect, let’s create, let’s go through the brand use signature process. You have the story. So that would be second is the brand new signature process.
And you’re going to take them through each step. You’re talking to me about, which builds the foundation of the story and the values who are you serving? Right? So the B in brand, so B is like, build your foundation, realize your story. Yep. Realize your stories. Number two, number three, for the AE, align your message. What’s your brand message.
Great develop compelling messaging that feels authentic and right, that describes who you are, what you do and inspires your audience to take action and then number and his name, your ICA. So then this is where we’re going to do that. ICA work. D is define your content pillars. And then again, I, I haven’t really spent a ton of time on this.
Outlet is the, oh, okay. So how about for the Y
And your solutions
Because if they have the content pillars in the sea, well, the next question is, what are you putting in there? What are your solutions for them? Like if this life coach and her content pillar is like, okay, simplifying your, what? You really want boundaries. We’re going to do boundaries. That’s a content pillar. Okay. Then if we come to the, you, your solutions, what are your solutions for them?
How is she going to implement the boundaries? These are the solutions, the tips, the tacticals, the pod episodes are the videos you’re going to make. So that could be the why, your solutions, where I love that. Then the, oh, would be an outlet. Where are you going to share the solutions? And this can be affiliate. You don’t have to teach them how to start a podcast or how to start a video. Outsource that to the next person, with the course, I would recommend this course, here’s the link.
And you can use your affiliate links, love that the, you could be like, understand, understand your avatar, understand the need, because that’s, then what turns into the sale is like, okay, so you gave the solution now with your senior person, you have to like, uncover the need. How about that? Uncover the need. And that becomes your offer. That’s your paid thing. Yeah. I love that. Okay. Yeah.
And each one of these letters can be a module, Katie, and then you have the conclusion slash what’s next module. And I think an easy thing that could be next, not first but next. What about an hour with you? You know, they’re stuck or they, they need help with the branding stuff. Like maybe they want your help on teach me how to do this or that. Right. But it’s only for your course students. I learned this one.
Okay. Only for your core students. Do you then offer the thing? Okay. That’s good. Did you have a price in mind for this, the brand new boo blueprint? No, I don’t know. My, my initial thought was two 97 as a beta. Okay. To run it at two 97 for like 90 days and really make sure is it, is it converting? Is it working?
Are people having huge results from it? Are they really happy with this? What can I add? To test it and that’s a, such an easy yes. At that price point and then having a payment plan okay. Of 47 a month for three months, which makes it a little bit more expensive. Right. That puts it at three 50, but that’s an even easier. Yes. Sure.
And then your coaching
Would need to be more expensive than that because eventually it doesn’t right now. I understand. It’s like, I’m building this, but like, let’s say at a year, at a year in you swap it where it’s like, this is the two 97 everybody goes here. And if you want to work with me to fine tune it, let’s say it’s two 50 for half an hour or something where it’s like, it’s oh, well I’m going to just do the course. Right. Right. Because what are you going to do in the coaching? You’re going to do what’s in the course, but you want to help people when they’re stuck. Yes.
Yes. I love that. Yeah.
Then this is, I like evergreen. So here’s the way this all comes together. You podcast twice a week, Hey sisters today, or, Hey booze, you’re gonna have to go with the boo. Hey booze. Today, we are talking about the power of storytelling online, how your story is going to convert into leads in your business, new followers, new people who are going to connect with you. But before we get into today’s episode, I want to remind you, I have the brand new blueprint.
If you are stuck on creating your personal brand, crafting your story, and you’re feeling super stuck. And maybe you’re searching for that confidence to show up online and market your thing. I got you. I got you. But we’re going to go through my brand new signature process, which sets up your foundation of a blueprint, walks you through your values, your story, how you can create your tacticals online.
What’s your outlets going to be how you’re going to serve and solve who your avatar is, who you serve and so much more. If you want to create that personal brand, that’s going to stand apart from the rest brand. New blue blueprint is for you right now. It’s priced at beta pricing because I just launched it at only two 47.
So this is a huge, easy, yes. For you to walk away with a personal brand, that’s going to get you leads. Get you ultimately more business and tons of confidence. So you can shine online, go to brand new blue blueprint. All right. Let’s dig into today’s show.
Love it. That’s the whole funnel. Oh, that’s awesome.
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