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Wanna get more podcast downloads, faster? In today’s episode, Podcast to Profit Graduates TELL ALL!
Listen in as Cason, Liz, and Makenzie tell us about their BIG wins coming out of my 12-week, live immersion mastermind for faith-led podcasters.
They share big wins like:
“During P2P my weekly podcast downloads went from 965 downloads per week to over 1600 per week and my 4-month-old podcast hit 15K downloads after just 9 weeks of P2P! I’ve had 5, 1 on 1 coaching calls.
And I’m now more clear than ever on the framework for my course that will help postpartum moms create the RIGHT habits at the RIGHT time for REAL weight loss!
Something that would’ve taken me at least a year to do by myself (and that I would have done in all the wrong ways and wrong order) I’ve made progress on in 9 weeks!
Just so thankful, it’s crazy what investing in myself and my business has done to further the call God put on my heart.”
Liz Henderson | The Tough Love Mom
“My growth and download numbers have tripled since starting P2P! Before this program, I did not have true direction. I’ve ranked Top 5, Top 10, Top 50 multiple weeks throughout the program.
And am consistently ranking within the top 200 globally and within the US in my category. Also I’ve created my coaching framework, booked coaching calls, and am working on building out my course!
The overall clarity and direction I’ve gained is priceless.”
-Cason Schulze | Her Pursuit
“Stefanie taught me the power of niching down, sharing my story, and helping others to believe in this possibility.
50% growth in Facebook Group, Weekly Plan for Connecting with Facebook Group, More Clarity around my avatar which has increased podcast downloads.
Over 50 podcasts planned, outlined with SEO titles. Coaching Framework and Pitched on my podcast. Created a higher conversion sales page on my website.
I am Actively Building Course and should be ready by the summertime! Almost 50% growth on my podcast.
Most importantly, I DID NOT GIVE UP when the growth was slow and I didn’t know what to do with a micro-niche!”
– Makenzie Oliver | Teacher Let Your Light Shine
Want BIG WINS like this?! Apply for Podcast to Profit, HERE.
I pray this blesses you!
It’s Monday! Who else gets pumped up for a Monday? My friends, let’s talk about these crazy wins. Oh my goodness!
16K downloads in four months, coaching clients, sales, big breakthroughs, ranking on the charts, top 3-5% podcast in the world.
The growth that you can absolutely experience in your shows in just 90 days. This is what we’re talking about today. It’s gonna get real. It’s gonna get raw.
We’re gonna be sharing all of these amazing wins and breakthroughs from Podcast to Profit.
So if you are a podcaster, you have podcasting on your heart. I want you to listen in.
And I want you to listen closely to find out what Cason, Liz and Makenzie have done so differently to really have exponential growth in their podcast downloads and thus in their businesses.
Can’t wait for you to listen in.
Now, two things: thing one, you are a podcaster or you’re thinking of podcasting, and you want to learn some of these amazing strategies for free.
I invite you in two short days to join me in my completely free workshop, the S.C.A.L.E. Your Show Workshop.
This is gonna be Wednesday, the 30th, March 30th at 10:00 AM Mountain. So that means 9:00 AM Pacific, 11:00 AM central, 12:00 PM Eastern time. It’s one hour.
I’m gonna be giving away all the secrets about how I was able to go from 0 to 750 K downloads in three and a half years, be a top 0.5% podcast in the entire world.
And kind of just sit and chat with you, guys. Tell you a little bit about what that journey’s been like.
Some of the things that I think make such a huge difference that no one else is talking about in the industry, I’m gonna be giving that away totally free.
We have door prizes for you, guys. It’s gonna be a ton of fun. Head to scaleyourshowworkshop.gr8.com and get registered right away to get entered and to win a door prize.
And number two, you’re like, I don’t know about that workshop. I mean, I know I’m coming, but also like how do I sign up for Podcast to Profit?
Our next round of Podcast to Profit, which is a 90-day immersion mastermind program for podcasters starts April 14th. That is a few short weeks away.
We do have a few spots left. If your heart has been tugging, if you are feeling led to do this with us, I want you to go to podcasttoprofitmastermind.com.
Learn about it. It is a live immersion program. It’s hardcore, it’s bootcamp. You will grow. Period. End of story. You’ll monetize, you’ll scale, you’ll have SEO.
You’ll have marketing, you’ll learn evergreen launch, live launch. I have a workflow for every single thing, a tutorial, a formula, an Excel sheet.
You are gonna have all the things to get your show to absolutely crazy new heights, all in partnership with God, all with prayer and God as a CEO, because that’s what we’re about up in here.
And I want you to do this. I want this to be your time. I want this to be your biggest and best year ever.
So if that’s on your heart and you wanna grow your show, you wanna do it in the community. With other faith led podcasters.
You want to monetize with a coaching offer or a course, or a program podcasttoprofitmastermind.com. Okay, let’s go.
You, guys, heard about these amazing ladies in the intro. I’m super excited for you to be sitting at the table with us getting like a real live, full-on experience of what Podcast of Profit is really like.
So I’m so excited for you, guys, to meet these three incredible women today and Makenzie you’re up first. Hi, welcome to the show!
I’m so happy to be here!
Yay! Me too! Tell us a little bit about your podcast and what you do.
All right. My podcast is Teacher, let your light shine and I help teachers and homeschooling parents start their micro school, homeschooling business, or their learning pod.
How epic is that? So what you’re basically telling me is that you can get paid to be a homeschooler.
You better believe it.
You can start a homeschooling business.
That is amazing.
And many people do not know about this opportunity and because you helped me, Stefanie, through so much of this labor of love and teaching me that it’s okay, that my niche of who I serve might be small.
But because of your confidence building and the path that you put me on through coaching and Podcast to Profit, it literally changed not only the trajectory of my life.
But the people that I impact in multiple generations of children. So I thank you so much for that.
You’re the best! You’re so sweet! Makenzie, I remember sitting down to our very first coaching. Y’all Makenzie and I coached before she came into P2P.
And I remember you telling me Makenzie, there’s not anybody, no one’s gonna listen to this, Stefanie.
What do you mean? But there’s no podcast about micro-schools and making money homeschooling.
Exactly, you have to do this, this is gonna be so good. So anyway, why did you join Podcast to Profit, Makenzie?
Cuz we had already coached together, tell everybody a little bit about why you decided to do that.
I decided to join Podcast to Profit because I had only been podcasting for a couple of months and not only was I building a micro-school and that was new to me.
I was also podcasting and starting this business of really impacting people and feeling lonely in a sense.
And you encouraged me because you said, remember it’s just as small as a mustard seed that can grow into something so big. And I needed the confidence.
I needed the strategy and I needed the accountability, because I had a massive business going on right now and for me, to be able to step away and start a podcast and do something else in conjunction with that.
I needed accountability, and I needed strategy and I needed someone to tell me deadlines and to help me with all of the pieces.
So I was not duct taping and spending way more time and energy than what I needed to.
Yeah. And I think that’s exactly why I thought Podcast of Profit was such a great fit for you because I’m a strategist. Makenzie, do this thing, here’s this vision for you.
And I handed you a vision on a platter and then you’re like, ah, how do I actually implement it?
Well, Podcast to Profit is how you implement it, cuz that’s got like the details and the pieces. So did it give you what you wanted?
Talk to me a little bit about what was this program really like and then what are the wins that you’re walking out with where we are?
We are not actually done for those of you listening. We have a couple of weeks left, but the girls are coming on early to talk to you about it.
So knowing we’re not even done yet, how is the program really? And then what are the wins and the tactical things that have happened for you?
Well, being a teacher it’s so enlightening to sit down across from you and multiple women and being able to learn.
And so I was really trying to find as many ways as I could be there for every single zoom meeting, turning in my assignments.
And what it was like I had been in a course literally with a professor who was teaching me, that was like a friend, but gave just such honest, real raw advice and really poured into us the community.
Not only after your teaching, but the community that we set up through our chats and through our Facebook group was so perfect for accountability.
I am so grateful that I went through Podcast to Profit because I was able to double my downloads with my podcast within just two months.
So I been podcasting for four months and then within two months I doubled what I had done in four months.
And had such a more improved engagement with my Facebook group because I truly began to know who my avatar was because I had this Facebook group, but I didn’t know how to interact.
I knew what I wanted to say to them, but I was also just needed to connect with he and she just at a deeper level.
And you gave us so many great tactics to do that. I walked away with over 100 podcast episode titles.
I was able to launch products. I was able to help, six teachers in one week said yes to my coaching. What you taught us, and pitching and being able to connect with clients.
And I was able to double my membership in my Facebook group. And remember that felt so hard for me because I’m such a micro-niche.
And you kept saying, if you just keep doing this, if you just keep doing what I’m saying to do, I promise you will see the fruit. And I certainly did.
Oh my goodness, Makenzie. Six teachers said yes to your coaching. I mean, that’s insanity. And I love, I remember distinctly the moment on your face, where I was like, you’re gonna make the course.
You’re gonna build the course and you’re ready to do the course. And you were like, now? I’m gonna do it now?
But it was this thing, this moment in time where, okay, I’m doing the course, I’m moving forward. Yes. I’m gonna help these people.
And with validation, so much validation being a first mover in your niche, amazing. I’m so proud of you. I’m so excited about your growth.
I mean, wow, won’t He do it? So, what was your funniest or most memorable moment?
Just the interaction in our Facebook group. It taught me so much about these people showing up to serve and just the daily little doses of inspiration from you and your team and the other amazing women.
It was funny at times, it was encouraging most of the time, that’s definitely what I would say, but it was so inspiring.
And when you’re doing something such as this, it can feel lonely at times when you’re building a business, when you are trying something new for the first time and you’re really sweating through the process.
But when you come into community with people that are going through the struggle with you, it just makes you feel so much more capable. And that’s exactly what I needed Podcast to Profit.
Amazing. Thank you so much for sharing, Makenzie. Tell everyone what your podcast is called one more time so they can come to see and learn all about this amazing thing that you teach.
All right. It is Teacher, let your light shine.
Awesome. All right, my friend, next up to the mic we have miss Liz Henderson. Hey, Liz!
Oh, man. Girl, this has been a ride for you for sure. Hasn’t it? You’re like on a roller coaster right now.
I feel like I’m always on a roller coaster.
This is crazy. So first of all, what is your podcast and what do you do?
Podcast is the Tough Love Mom podcast and it’s for moms who get consistent so they can lose weight after having kids.
So postpartum moms, their first few years just need to get that consistency back in their life.
Yeah. I needed you after I had gained 60 pounds with both of my pregnancies and it took so long, it was so hard to lose all of that weight.
And I was like three years out, help, I’m still over here in my… And it’s so great though.
I love that you partner like tough love with tactical, with habits and you have like these really easy, simple things that these busy moms can start doing. So good.
Yeah. Cuz it really is simple. It just feels so complicated cuz we’re in this brand new role, in learning everything over again.
So I just wanna bring that tangible help to moms to actually equip them to move forward in their lives and move forward in their journeys.
So good. I love that everybody has different callings and we can, we can literally see two totally different women bringing something to the world that is desperately needed.
And Cason too who you’ll meet in a minute. So Liz, how did you find me? And then why’d you join Podcast to Profit?
So I found you, you were interviewed on someone else’s podcast. I wish I remembered whose it was, but I don’t think I’m even subscribed to that one anymore.
Whoop, sorry.
But you changed my life. So I’m glad I came across it when I did. But that was like not even a year ago, maybe nine months ago and so I decided to join P2P.
Podcast has been on my heart for like a few years. Evidently, I’m finding all these notes all over the places where I wrote podcasts down. I was like, okay, God, this is cool.
And after just years of trying to do business on my own and helping moms in a way that I was helping them and impacting them but it wasn’t fully what I was being called to.
I took CYC and PPU October and November launched my podcast in December, applied for P2P. And I just pressed go on that dream because I was this is the right time, God’s telling me now.
And so I followed through, I mean, I think I listened to your podcast. I binge listened to everything for three months then did all the things and now we’re in P2P.
So yeah, a rollercoaster, I guess you would call it, but I just wanted to do this the right way. I wanted to do my podcast the right way. I wanted to build my business the right way.
Because I’ve tried to piece things together before and it just doesn’t work. And I like to do things the right way and to impact moms in a way that actually changes their life. I needed P2P.
How did it feel Liz? I mean, cuz that’s a big investment. You were like, okay, I’m gonna buy CYC and then I’m gonna buy PPU and now I’m gonna spend thousands of dollars to join this mastermind.
And what did that feel like? And what was the inner conflict or did you have any that was going on around investing in yourself at that level?
Definitely scary, but I also know that growth doesn’t happen without… what’s the word? It’s not growth. Doesn’t happen without doing something that takes trust and a step of faith.
And, I just knew you can figure… People say google.com, Google university, you can do that, but you’re figuring it out on your own.
And you can either figure it out on your own and take a long time, which is doable. And you can do that or if you want to do it, I mean, I just felt like God was calling me now.
He was saying now put your foot on the pedal and go and to do so I had to do it the right way. And so investing was the logical step to do, even though it’s scary.
And I like that you said you pressed go on your dream because you can grow slow or you can grow fast. Was that investment worth it, Liz?
How fast did you grow? Tell us a little bit about the tactical wins and where you sit right now.
The Tough Love Mom podcast went from about 960 downloads a week, which is phenomenal. At that time it was a month old when we started P2P.
So super it’s cuz I did CYC and PPU and did it the right way. So this was obviously the logical next step as well. But now we’re at over 1600 downloads a week, so that’s super awesome.
After just nine weeks of P2P, cuz we’re not done yet. Still not even done yet. We just hit 16,000 total downloads for our four-month-old podcast.
So I’m excited that growth and community are so important for my niche. They just wanna feel not alone in where they’re at.
And my Facebook group is an integral part of that and we learned so much about how to do that the right way. My group is almost at 400 moms. And it is so engaged.
I mean there’s moms posting in the group on their own. It’s not just me talking to no one, people are commenting and connecting and it’s amazing.
So yeah, I’m so excited and I’ve always had it on my heart to have an offer of my own. And I’ve already had five 1:1 coaching calls, which is helping me figure out that framework for my course.
That I want to do for these moms to help them get consistent in the right things at the right time, for real weight loss. And that would’ve taken me, I mean, at least a year to do.
And it would’ve ended up looking all kinds of wrong and busted as you would say. So yeah, totally on the right track, and in an amazing timeline, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with it on my own.
That is so good and so God, and you’re just in all obedience. I heard go on the dream, I made the choice. I made hard investments.
So, I showed up, Idid all the work, and look at that this 16 K total downloads in just four months. I don’t even know, but it took me so much longer than that to hit those numbers.
And for you to have already five one-on-one coaching clients. And we just learned how to launch our coaching offers not 30 short days ago.
In P2P. That’s so amazing. And it’s a testament to doing the work. Talk to everybody a little bit about what’s it like to be in Podcast to Profit?
What is happening in there? What is it just me talking to you, guys? Give everybody like someone else’s perspective of what’s really going on.
So on a daily basis, we’ve got our chat with our pod, which has been so helpful in just bouncing ideas and getting feedback immediately when you need it at the moment while you’re working.
And then every other week we’re getting training from you where we’re learning the tangible tactical this is what our next step is.
This is how you’re gonna do every single piece of it. And then we have two weeks to do that work and really dive in and it’s gritty work. It’s like a sprint season.
We’re all talking about it in our pod how it’s like this is when we sprint and it’s really hard, but we are going to do it. And we get to take a breather when it’s over.
And reevaluate and reflect and then keep moving forward. So, that’s every other week. And then we get to chat with you on the opposite weeks and get feedback within our pod.
And like Makenzie was saying, the Facebook group is so engaged and so supportive. If you have questions or things, we need to bounce off and there’s accountability.
Which is the deadlines is so nice to have, cuz it would again take forever to do all of this if we didn’t have that. And the back office.
I was gonna say something brand new that no one else has had, started with you, guys, was the back office. Explain what that is and what it’s like.
So it’s everything like our trainings, our calls get uploaded there. The resources get uploaded there. All of the templates that you’ve given us, we have links directly to those.
So we can save them to our Google drive. I mean, I literally print off our slides and make little pamphlets out of it so I can take notes, Office Depot does it. It’s like everything’s right there for us.
So when we can take a breath after the training and like process everything, we can go back and go through as we’re doing our homework.
I’m so proud of the back office. Cause do you know how excruciating it is for me to like go to the detail granular level of how does somebody actually implement what I’m teaching right now?
And making a spreadsheet or a formula or giving you a template. I did that for every single module. And submodule, there is a resource, anything that comes outta my mouth, I show you how to do it.
That’s new. And it’s been so good. You, guys, are having some of the biggest results we’ve ever seen come out of this program.
So just so excited. Last question for Liz. How did God move in your life in the last 12 months?
12onths… 12 weeks?
I was gonna say, I mean, it’s kind of the same thing really. Obedience, blessing the obedience that I’ve had is the biggest thing and challenging my growth and my confidence and my belief and myself.
Because that’s something that I struggle with a lot. Is just that who am I to do? That’s kind of imposter syndrome.
But it’s been really neat to say no when you’re equipping us with the next step, the next piece of homework, the next piece of our business, the next piece of the puzzle.
And every time I put that into place, it just reminds me I’m the one who’s called to this and I’m being equipped by God, through you in this program.
And through the women that I’m alongside this journey as well and just being encouraged by them. I mean, there’s friendships that are gonna last a lifetime from this, which I’m so grateful for.
So lots of just blessings and obedience is just what comes to mind.
Amen to all of that. And I think really watching you step up into this godly confidence, even if you feel like an imposter, which no one else would know because you show up.
And you do really big things and you make big God size moves and you allow him to push you forward.
And so look where that’s going, God uses the willing. And so that’s what’s happening. I’m so proud of you, Liz! Keep growing, girl! And where can everybody go?
One last time to get their booty kicked. Get it together, mama!
The Tough Love Mom podcast, wherever you listen, that’s where you can find all the goods.
I love it. Thanks, Liz. Last but not least is our beautiful Cason. Cason, hello and welcome to the show!
Hi Stef! This is so exciting. I’m holding back tears, to be honest, because I’m like, this cannot be over. It’s been so good. Cannot be over.
It can’t be over. I love my favorite thing is when people cry. So just go for it. I held tears back for way too many years. And now like, God’s like now you can make up for all that lost time.
It’s fine. I’m a crier too.
It’s fine. Cason, what’s your podcast. And what do you do?
My podcast is called Her Pursuit and that helps busy stay-at-home moms find more time for themselves through time management and simple routines.
I love it. Like keeping it simple is so important. Isn’t it?
Exactly. I’m a simple person. We are getting back to basics. That’s what we do.
One thing at a time. You and I have talked a lot about that. How sometimes these podcast downloads and these experts who want you to simplify are actually overcomplicating your life with all the things.
How do you just do one easy thing at a time so that we can actually get a win and then it’s something that can build on itself?
Yeah. So good. How did you find me and why did you decide to join Podcast to Profit?
So back in October of 2021, I was on a call with another girl. We were just chatting about plans for our businesses. And I was so stuck on what my thing was.
So coming up with the tactical, tangible thing that I offer moms was keeping me so stuck.
And this girl was working through something similar and she’s like, I listened to this podcast, I just listened to this episode, check it out. I love her. And I think it’ll really help you.
And it was actually Juliana’s episode where she comes on and she’s sharing some of her wins. I text this girl back and I’m like, this is so good. This is exactly what I need right now in my life.
Thank you so much. So I start binge-listening. I cried a lot of tears, Stef because I’m like, this is truly an answer to prayer.
And I signed up for the free workshop. I felt I’d already wasted so much time trying to figure it out. I was like, give me the workshop, give me the thing I bought CYC. So, I was like, let’s do this.
Give me the steps because I in, I’m ready to go. I wanna make this work. There is no other option. It’s gonna work, but I need direction.
I need somebody to give me steps and accountability and strategy and so enter Stef. And so I complete, CYC and then heard promos for Podcast to Profit. And I thought, yes, I want to monetize this.
And I had some ideas, but no plan at all for how to do that. And you know, God really said to me, this is your year. This is your year to build the foundation the right way.
Because I’d spent so much time learning and working through different programs and business courses with other really wellk-nown names.
And I felt so frustrated and so confused and defeated because they were not speaking to Christian entrepreneurs. And I got sucked into that and God had to bring me back and he did.
I agreed to lay the foundation the right way. And that’s what P2P has helped me do every step of the way.
I’m so excited to hear you say it was an answer to prayer because I think that’s the whole point of this whole program.
Yes, I want you guys to launch these big fruitful businesses and yes, I want you to make money. I do. And I want you to have success, but I want us all to do it for the glory of God.
I literally truly, and my bones believe that your calling brings him glory. Us stepping into these purposes over our lives makes God so happy.
And he has all of these beautiful plans for the people that we’re meant to help. And until we get out of our own way and we stopped doing it all the world’s way.
We can’t ever experience this beautiful life and the things that he has in store for us. And so to hear you say that you were home, you had tried all these different things and they didn’t work.
It just makes me feel so happy to hear you say that. So yay, God.
Cason, what would you say was the biggest difference between all the programs you’ve taken? Cause you said you were confused.
You said you didn’t feel that you had that clarity versus going through CYC and P2P and all those things. Why was it different? Why did you get what you needed?
It is so clear. It is so direct and it is so step by step. I feel everyone else was kind of dancing around the issue. It’s kind of shiny offer, oh, come look at me, come on, I’m gonna teach you how to do this thing.
And you get in there and it’s almost an empty promise. Whereas I get into just CYC and I’m like, this girl is delivering. I, in a month, have so much more clarity than I have had in the past year.
And so actually being able to get the results that I was just looking for. I immediately trusted and God’s working and God’s moving. And so it was like, I will follow Stef and whatever she tells me to do.
And that hasn’t always been easy through this program, but I know that when you partner with God and whenever you are following someone who is also a faith-led leader.
That he blesses that and he’s gonna guide in and direct your steps every step of the way.
Oh my gosh. That’s thank you for sharing that. And I’m honored and humbled that God brings me women like you, guys. So fun. It’s like we’re hanging out and doing business with our best friends.
I know.
It’s so good. So Cason, what happened to your show? Where are you at? Was it worth it? What are these amazing outcomes or tactical wins you’ve had?
Yeah. So not only have we laid the foundation, we got receipts over here. So, the methods and the strategies work. My growth and my download numbers since finding you have multiplied times eight.
Wow. But they’ve tripled since starting P2P alone.
I’ve ranked on the charts in number 4, 14, 30, everywhere in between, consistently ranking within the top 50 in various countries and the top 3% globally of podcast.
Is just blows my mind that in the entire world, my show and my voice and my story and what God’s doing, his work is having that kind of impact.
It’s mind blowing because before I started this, I was crying in my laundry room. I was crying and I was like, okay, God, did I really hear you right?
Is this whole podcasting really what you asked me to do? I was frustrated.
And so these results are totally all to His glory. And then the combination like I said, of having a faith led leader, who gives you the roadmap and the steps.
Then being willing to show up and do what you say to do and putting in the work has really been a blessing.
And not only that, like the other girls have said and optimized community group, I have episodes mapped out through months and months in advance.
Because of the strategies and the templates that you give us to actually walk it out. I’ve got a coaching framework, I’m doing coaching calls a course is in the works. It’s crazy.
And I’m so glad that I listened because it was a step of faith for me to say yes, the investment was a step of faith. And God has faithfully provided every step of the way.
Oh my goodness. Congratulations. That’s legit. Top 3% in the whole world, does that not just blow your mind?
It does. God does.
Truly. Oh, I’m so excited for you. And I can’t wait for the course to be finished and you’re already helping people and you’re already monetizing, all of you are. And P2P isn’t even over.
It’s just so cool to see the growth potential when you’re fully committed, you leap in, you lean in, you do the investment and you show up to the work and you’re super accountable to seeing it through.
All of you are a testament to that. So last question for you, Cason, what was your funniest or most memorable moment?
So I was not gonna say this, but I’m going to say this. It has to do with you. And you’ve just been my guiding light. I remember it was the second coaching call I think we got.
And you were so what should we go over today? And I’m like trying to go in this direction. I’m like, well, what about if we look at Pinterest – this is week two.
And Stef’s like, no. We’re gonna cover, in a very gentle, graceful way, but she’s like, no sister friend, come back this way, come back to me, I’m gonna lead you when we get there.
So every time that I’m like squirrel or trying to go a different direction, that honestly was like, so funny to me, I got off the call and I was like, why did I even wanna go over Pinterest?
We’re still optimizing, we’re working on SEO. Why did I even say that? But the fact like memorably, because you have been my guiding light.
And you give us truth and you tell us when we need to hear, no, you say no. And when it’s, yes, you say yes. I appreciate that honesty.
And just the fact that you have guided us week after week in the exact steps that we need, you’ve left nothing out, no guesswork. And you’re going to get us there as we’re ready and you break all that down.
I love it. It’s like, I have no questions about where I’m at, what I need to be doing right now. It is crystal clear.
I love that. And I do remember that really too. I was like, actually, we’re not gonna talk about that, but I love you.
And I’m like, okay, whatever you think. Go ahead.
So good. Oh man, this just lights my heart up. So Cason, big wins. Thank you for sharing your heart today.
Thank you for just blessing everybody with just a lot of truth and insight into what this program was for you and the wins that you’ve had.
Again, where can everybody find your show? Remind them what you do last time so they can come hang out.
Yes. So my podcast is called Her Pursuit and I’m helping busy stay at home moms find more time for yourself. We all need that. So come check it out. You can find it wherever you stream podcast.
Amazing. Thank you, guys, so much for coming on. And I’m just so grateful that I got to sit it in all of your presence for 12 weeks and hopefully beyond.
We’re talking about some fun stuff that we can do after P2P but it’s just been an honor to work with you, ladies.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
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