defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey girl, hey!
I often get asked, “Stef, should I bring my faith into my business/podcast?” I have a theory that I often walk them through and I figured, maybe YOU are wondering the same thing?!
In today’s episode I will talk to you openly and honestly about if God is a foundation or a pillar for your brand, and if so… how to bring it into your business.
We also have a candid conversation about the fears of being polarizing, or seen as ‘religious’ and how to best navigate those fears!
One thing you will ALWAYS walk away with is HONESTLY and God-centered advice. So if this question has been on your heart, take a listen. Love ya sis.
Hey girl. Hey, welcome to another episode of the show. Today we are digging into, if you should bring your faith into your business, done, done, done. I’ve had so many people ask me how to do this. When to do this, if they should do this, they’re afraid it’s going to be polarizing.
If they talk about their faith or their religion, or label themselves as a Christian. So I’m just going to walk you through. You know what I think are some great things you can ask yourself and some inventory that you can do on your brand business and your heart to see if you should bring your faith into your bed.
So here you guys are starting businesses. You are starting a podcast. You’re getting clarity over what your thing is, and y’all are just doing the things right now. Some of you have absolute clarity on whatever your thing is, whether it be meal prep or crafting or making journals, or maybe you make soaps or candles, or maybe you’re a life coach, or maybe you’re a network marketer.
And the thing that you do is what you’re super focused on. Now, when you’ve been hanging out with me for any extent of time, you guys are starting to learn the importance of a personal brand. Along with your thing that you are not just a thing, right? You are not just a product. You are not just a service, but you are a person with a calling with a purpose.
And the thing is the solution to your person’s problems to whoever it is that you serve. So the thing is not the brand itself. The thing is the solution. I know if you’re, this is the first time you’re hanging out with me, prepare yourself because I don’t do things the normal way up in here, we back into whatever we are selling by figuring out who we first are and then how we serve and solve and who God crafted us to be.
And then identifying the person that we are called to serve, solve, and help solve problems for them. What are their problems? What are their triggers? What are their pain points? What are they struggling with? And we figure out what we need to sell, to get them where they need to go. So what I find you guys coming to me to me often with lately is this like in the DMS, in the emails during the coaching sessions are like stuff.
I have no idea if I should bring my faith into my business. Right. And I get so often like, Hey, there’s not really anyone like you like me doing business coaching with this foundation of faith and really centering it around God. It just seems like so much hard. Like how do you do that? Or don’t people judge you, or isn’t it polarizing?
Or how do you get clients? Because you know, you’re so faith-based, aren’t you, aren’t people not working with you because you’re so faith-based, and these are such great questions and I get them often. And so I figured why not just have an open and honest conversation about it with you guys? And I know no that this can be a sticky subject, but I’m going to do my best over here to just always be really transparent with you guys, because I,
Oh gosh, I believe that we, we, you, me daughters of the King, you know, we are called to be the salt of the earth. We are called to be the light on a Hill, right. We are called to do good works here. And it’d be really hard for me to do good works without talking about God, because God is, you know, he is this business.
He is this podcast. He is my voice. He gives me these topics. Holy spirit is alive and at work inside of my business, my finances, every aspect of who I am, comes back to who God is constantly molding me to become. And it would be really hard for me to not bring that up because I have this deep, true desire to be as authentic as possible.
So if I showed up here, like I did the first, maybe two months of this podcast, like tiptoeing around it, you know, like today we’re going to talk about money, we’ll talk about money, but I never brought God into that conversation. It would be a really big disservice to my authenticity because I’d be hiding a piece of who I am.
And I think that’s really why I was having such a hard time with my business for so, so so many years, because I was separating like church and state, so to speak right in my own life.
When I was in network marketing, it was just network marketing and then kind of going to church over here, but like never merging the two because you know, you can never turn someone away. You have to take and have them sign it, sign up into your bids. Well, then I started doing this marketing, this business coaching online and the YouTube channel and all the things in the blogging, never talking about my faith.
And it was really hard because if I was to be the brand, I had to stop pretending. And if I, it was to be the brand, I couldn’t hide any part of myself and really, truly help the women that I was called to help. Because one of the deepest solutions of her problem of Lola of y’all of your problems is that I need you to do this God’s way and not the world’s way.
And so when that realization, yeah, hit me, there was never, ever a choice. Okay, you didn’t have a choice anymore, but to start bringing my faith into my podcast and what’s SU super cool about that.
And this is, is not going to be the answer for all of you. I’m going to help you guys in just a moment here, but I just want to explain, you know, what, and for me, when I did that, something magic happened, the women who God had planted or, or sent my way and kind of divine, I truly believe he divinely, orchestrates all of our paths to mix and mingle.
And he sends me clients and he sends you guys certain podcasts that he wants you to listen to. And everything is so divinely, orchestrated trying to get us to step into our purposes, trying to give us every opportunity to have the plans and the life that he already has for us.
And when I finally stepped into that and I was like, Oh man, here we go. And I distinctly remember recording an episode, talking about something from the Bible. And I was so nervous. And I kept saying like, I don’t know. I feel really unqualified right now to be talking about this. Like, I don’t know every book of the Bible, I’m not sure, but I just feel like this is something I need to do. I need to bring this into this show.
It’s going to be a faith founded business podcast, and I’m going to become, I’m going to go ahead and label myself, right? Like I make Christian business coach. And when that happened, the flood Gates burst open. And I think it’s because I was finally standing on absolute truth. There was nothing left that I was hiding from you guys that I was trying to tiptoe around, you know, trying to pretend that I do my hair and makeup every day.
Like y’all, you know, I was like, you know what? I’m a Jesus love PJ wherein a hot mess express mama who loves her some business at the same time has crazy laser hardcore boundaries. I’m sometimes funny, but sometimes just really weird, you know, like take it or leave it.
And I finally just stepped into it. And what was super cool is that the people who weren’t meant for me fell away. And instead of me taking clients who weren’t exactly meant for me, I wasn’t being truly who I was supposed to be. They walked away cause I wasn’t a good fit anymore.
And because I started to be so ridiculously, authentically myself to the point, my friends of not listening to podcasts anymore, not getting on social to scroll or to research, I do not research episodes before I record them for you guys. Why? Because I can’t be influenced by anyone else’s message by anyone else’s purpose. I can only be who I am, who God asks me to be in the authentic messiness, awkwardness, weirdness, cumulation.
How are you? You say that of, you know, of, of,
Of genes and purpose and life experience and strengths and weaknesses. Just all the little pieces of who I am was like, this is it. And I just laid it on the table. And a big piece of that was my faith.
And that is exactly when it exploded. Why? Because it’s who I was. And it was part of the solution for you guys. So everything exploded the client base the podcast revenue also my peace of mind, like my happiness, my fulfillment through the roof, because it was like this
Just massive,
Sense of relief to finally just be whoever the heck you are, you know, and know that you don’t care. You just don’t care anymore about judgment. You don’t care anymore about fitting into a box. I love being different. I love that. I do things differently. I love that. I’m one of the only God centered, clarity business coaches and podcasting coaches out there that is truly, truly authentic.
And truly honest about doing all of these things for you, truly from my heart, for you, not for me. And I feel really good about that. And I also love that. I can just show up and be me and know that if I meant for you, you guys will hang out. And if I’m not, there’s no pressure. It just feels really, really freeing to be whoever you are. So that brings me back to the question,
Stef, should I bring my faith into my business, my podcast, my coaching, and what I want to ask you is do you feel called to do so, do you stand on a foundation of faith?
How is God leading you in your purpose work and whatever it is that you do is he part of it, not just for you, but is he part of the solution for your, for your ladies? So that first kind of inventory of is this a part of who I am? And I think for many, many, many of you that answer’s going to be, yes. Okay. Yes. It’s probably a part of who you are. So if you answer yes to that question,
Two things, one you can choose to just have a foundation of faith. Okay. And so this would be an example of your, you’re doing a podcast episode about parenting your kids. Okay. Great. And then you say, you know, for me, when I have a really bad day, I go to my prayer closet and I just spend some time with God, see what if he can, I pray for patience, I pray for peace. I pray for some parenting advice.
And you know, for you, that might be taking a walk that might be this I like. So you’re kind of using your faith as an example. Okay. But it’s just about you, if that makes sense. So that’s called a foundation of faith and that’s kind of just sprinkling it in and kind of letting people know where you stand as an example. That’s wonderful.
That’s a great way to have teachable moments for people, but also a great way to not be maybe as niched in, because you may get different types of people, right? Different faiths or different religions or different levels of spirituality. And everyone might be okay with that going, Oh yeah, that’s what she does. Great. Well, option B is that you actually have a pillar of faith.
You guys know when I talk about, in my, in my coaching sessions with people, we do the pillars of the brand, right? Well, the pillars are things that the brand stands on. So for me, one of my pillars actually is faith, right? It’s God in your business, God, Jesus, scripture, faith identity in Christ.
Because if you don’t have that in your business, we can’t have a God led business. It God’s centered business, God sized dreams, God sized goals, favor and blessing and provision that flow through your business. Like it’s actually a solution that I have to talk about. Otherwise I’m doing you guys a disservice because I truly believe that’s part of your solution.
So in my business and it was an evolution, okay. Lola, like I didn’t just jump over to adding faith as a pillar. I started with having faith as a foundation and I sprinkle it and I sprinkled it and I got more and more comfortable, more and more confident.
And I started to get really great feedback from the listeners. I started to get confirmation from God during prayer and scripture. And then there was a day and I don’t remember the day, but like, I just was like, we’re here, you know? Or like I’m doing this like love me or leave me baby. We go in there. And that’s when that faith became an actual pillar of the brand.
Now I think how you can decide for you where you want to go is if faith is an answer to a problem. Okay. So faith would be an actual solution for your avatar. Then you would choose option B where faith is an actual pillar.
And the difference is when you have a pillar of faith in your life business, you’re using God scripture, faith, prayer Holy spirit, being led by the Holy spirit identity in Christ God centered, blink motherhood, marriage, business, finances, you’re using that stuff as a teachable solution to your people.
That’s how you know, it’s a pillar. Okay. So now that you’ve kind of decided that then the second, the second question, or the second thing to consider for all of you guys is, is if God has asked you to do so, you know, I believe that there are many different types of ministries and not all ministries, our faith, our faith infused or faith based, even if you are.
So I think that the first, the very first thing is to talk to God about it. And if you’re asking me these questions, though, I think that you already have a feeling in your heart that maybe you should be, but you’re afraid. So that second one is to talk to God about it, see what comes through.
And then the third thing to think about is why are you not okay if you yourself know that God scripture and Holy spirit and relationship with God are all answers to whatever it is that you teach and your woman or man, or person, or solution needs that as an actual as a way to get your person where you want them to go, why would you not bring it into your podcast, your videos, or your platform?
Why would you not and ask yourself those questions? Okay. Because some, most times, I think most often the answers are, you’re just afraid of judgment. Or like, in my case, I just felt unqualified. I’m like, Oh, like I’m not a preacher. I don’t have much theology, but you know I’m not sure if I would like really understand which, which Bible version or what this verse real.
I was so worried about like perception of not knowing at all. And then I got back to this, this base, like go back to square one. And that’s where I went. And I said, you know what? It’s about relationship with God, God will give me the words. Right. Open your mouth. And he shall fill it. He’ll tell me what to say. And when to say it, you know, he’ll help me interpret the scripture that he wants me to talk about.
I don’t need to be perfect. I just need to say yes, I need to say yes to him. And I need to just show up for this. It’s been great. Like, God totally has allowed me to grow while talking about relationship with Christ and identity in Christ. And you guys have God centered boundaries and just all of it. Like he will equip you if he’s asked you to do something.
So you’ve got to let those fears go. If you’ve heard yes from God and you have it, have faith as a personal foundation or pillar. And you’re just afraid to go there. That is the wrong reason not to do it. He’ll equip you. Okay. And then the final thing that I want to bring up is sometimes you guys come to me and you’re like, yeah, but stuff. I run a fitness podcast. Like it’s going to be super weird if I talk about God or prayer in my fitness podcast.
But I really believe that we all have different ministries. We all have different strengths and passions and callings. And what’s so beautiful is that God, God, he is, is, he’s a part of all of it. And you can have your fitness podcast or your fitness, YouTube truly impact someone’s life just by sprinkling it in.
Even if it’s just a foundational conversation, right. You’re sprinkling it in. I’ve had people in my DMS like actually come to Christ because of something I said in a pot, on a business podcast, you guys like, I’m not a preacher. I’m not, I’m not, I have no, you know, theology background.
I have no degree anything like your girls over here with my, you know, now the translation Bible, like figuring it out like the rest of you, but God is at work. And we have to trust him that he will allow, he will give us Holy spirit strength and Holy spirit will take the wheel when we’re speaking.
And when we’re showing up and we don’t get to question him, we don’t get to question, well, God, how are you going to use my fitness podcast as a ministry? He’ll do it. Believe me. I have seen so many of my clients say yes to this and begin to sprinkle in faith or even add in a full foundation of faith.
And God just works, like does work through their show. And it doesn’t matter what the show is about or what their, what their brand is. He will figure those things out. So I want you to remove any judgment on yourself that because you have a podcast about food or fitness or motherhood or marriage, or just business, that you can’t bring your faith into your thing.
And I’m going to go even deeper than that. And say, if faith is a really big part of who you are, and if you’re still listening to this at 19 minutes and 36 seconds in, I have a feeling that on purpose, you’re here on purpose, right?
And, and you need to just say yes to being authentically, whoever you are, sister. And if faith is a big piece of that, then I in my heart would like, I should definitely bring that into my brand because whoever I am is who I’m also called to serve.
And if I wasn’t showing you guys this part of me, this faith part of me, this, you know what God has done in my life, in my business. And gosh, everywhere, just everywhere, you wouldn’t have the, the full truth because I couldn’t do this on my own. There is no kingdom business kingdom, purpose kingdom calling without Jesus Christ because he is at the heart and center of everything.
And God is the one who is orchestrating the pieces. He is the one who is crafting the, the world changers. He is the one paving the way. So if I didn’t talk about that, I would actually be doing a disservice to you.
So I want you to think about, are you showing your people the full picture of what you need to show them? And if not, how can you start changing that? How can you start just tiptoeing in? How can you ask God to equip you, to bring your faith into your thing and allow your thing to impact so many people. I know that it feels scary to bring something in that you don’t feel qualified to do or talk about, or you’re afraid to, to pray in front of others.
I know guys I’ve been there, but remember we are not called to have the fear of man. We are, we are called to show up for God, right? And we are called to do good works. And if we show up for him, he will show up for us. And just imagine if all of you with all of the different, beautiful, incredible things that you do.
There’s so many of you listening to this podcast and you all have different giftings, strengths shows purposes, clients, if you all sprinkled in your faith, or even when, as far as having a foundation of faith, could you possibly imagine the impact, the ripple effect, the world shift that we would begin to see?
I think we can’t even fathom it. But what I do know is that if God’s asked me to talk about it, he can fathom it. He can see it. He can sense it. He knows the power that we all have when we come together for his glory. So sister, friend, if this is for you, let’s go girl, get it.
And if it’s not for you and you’re still here, that’s okay too.
But I think that you know, gotta let you know, just, just lean into him. He’s always there to answer your questions. I love you guys. I hope you enjoyed this podcast. I will see you back here next week for more goodness. Hey, and I wanted to let you know those of you that missed clarify.
You’re calling the group coaching program. We are two weeks in at this point and you can purchase the self study version of clarify your calling. This course goes through four weeks from your identity in Christ and partnering with God in your calling through discovering the root of who you are digging into the brand.
You walk away with your pillars, your avatar, their pain points, a title, a tagline, and a whole bunch of content ideas based on what we come up with together as your thing. And you begin to walk in your calling by the end of this program, it’s ridiculously affordable.
I promise I did that on purpose. I want to help as many women as possible begin to tap into what God has for them. So you can head to grab access to the course and you can get started on module one and two right now, as we finish up this course, I will be uploading module three and four.
You’ll have it in just a couple of weeks. So it’s a great time to get started. And I just, you know, I pray that if you’ve been in a season of searching of wondering what your thing is, who you are meant to be and what God has for you. And you’re really done with that sense of unfulfillment, you’ve had enough of doing all the wrong things, looking for worthiness or validation or money, or that favor in all the wrong places.
And you’re like, I’m Lana down and I am ready to step into what God has for me and really open your eyes to what your God crafted calling is.
Then this is the course for you. I can’t explain it. We had some Holy spirit moments over there. It’s been nuts, breakthroughs, tears. It’s crazy. And I just can tell you one thing that I know for sure, you will not be let down. You will not be disappointed. I have a feeling you will be transformed again.
That is I’ll meet you inside. I pray for these women, father God, that if they are in a season of wanting to bring their faith into their business, that you help equip them with the, how you give them the confidence to step into that. Knowing that you will give them the words, you will give them the way you will help them open that door.
And they do not need to fear, man, God, but that they only need to fear you and fearing you is not something to be scared of, but to be blessed by that, when they walk with you your way, you will make a way you will pave the road.
You will lay the bricks and they will be able to shine with a incredible purpose with a full authenticity, a Christ centered confidence that only you can provide. And I just pray that you bless them with that right here and now, and let them know if you want them to infuse faith into their business, that you just give them that sweet Holy spirit push and let them know that answer is yes, we trust you. We love you. We have so much faith in your plans for our lives in Jesus name. Amen love and God’s light. Stef.
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Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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