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Today I’m introducing you to my friend, Polly Payne!
Polly is the founder and CEO of Horacio Printing. She left her career in advertising to redesign her life and pursue her God given purpose. She founded Horacio Printing which has now sold more than 35,000 Dream Planners around the world and raised over $64,000 to fight human trafficking. This is all about how to make your dream a reality!
We discuss HOW her dream went from an ‘I wish’ to a REALITY. How she started her powerhouse paper printing company in a few free hours during the evenings and weekends and how product-by-product she ramped it up into a thriving COMMUNITY-niche product business.
What I love so much about Polly’s story is that she isn’t just a product, she’s a brand. She is on a mission to equip Christian Mompreneurs around the world with quality planning products, bible studies, journals and a sister-hood of kingdom-minded women through her Dreamer’s Summit Events.
YES, I brought her on to inspire you, but also so that we could invite you to her amazing event that is 3 short weeks away! I am beyond grateful that I get to be a speaker on Polly’s stage this year! I am training on Professional Growth by partnering with God. I can’t wait to pour into all of you along with some amazing company like Christine Caine, DawnChere Wilkerson, Alli Worthington and so many more
You can grab your ticket, here. Use the code: STEF10 to save $10 off! I’ll meet ya there. <3
Do you know what it takes to go from just a dream, just to passion and really scale it to something that can be a life-changing business, a generational business, a business of impact. And most importantly, what do you do when your business isn’t fully online? Because I know that’s something that I often teach, but what I haven’t really taught is how do you guys actually do a brick and mortar?
So Polly runs a printing company, but it’s micro niched into a specific demographic. And what she’s created is just so beautiful and so different. So I knew that she had to come on the show and tell you guys all about what it takes to make your dream a reality.
Hi, Polly. Welcome to the podcast.
Hey, Stefanie. I’m so glad to be here. Yay.
We’re new friends, but I just feel like, I love your stuff so much. I talk about your Bible study every week. I feel like because it’s my favorite ever. And now getting into the planner, first year with y’all’s planner. Let me tell you, I’ve had another planner that I have been a diehard for four years. And Chelsi Jo, my audience knows Chelsi.
She has been a client of mine forever. And she was like, you gotta try these planners. They’re just so beautiful. So like, your products are incredible and now we’re friends. And so I’m just excited about our new, you know, girl-friendship.
Me too. Absolutely. I’m so thrilled to welcome you into the Horacio printing family.
Start with, why don’t you tell the audience a little bit about you, maybe some, a little bit about who you are and then talk to us about, in a nutshell, like what was the journey of what you were doing and then how did you get into Horacio printing and what you’re doing today? Because it’s, it’s so cool. I think so many people have that dream of having something like this, like a paper product or brick and mortar style business. So kind of walk us through all of that.
Yes. So I’m Polly. I’m from Fairhope, Alabama, and I pursued a career in public relations communications, ended up moving to New York as soon as I graduated and ended up jumping over to like marketing and advertising. So I worked in the ad tech space for about six, seven years before starting Horacio Printing.
I was really good at sales and marketing. I really liked technology and earning all the nuts and bolts of that. But the truth is as much as I liked that career, I was really yearning for something else. A lot of the sales lifestyle wasn’t super healthy for me. I started pursuing my faith again when I was going to Hillsong NYC.
I’ve always loved planners. I’ve always loved productivity and stickers, and I’ve always had a paper planner because if you know me, you know, I’m so forgetful, I lose everything. So if it’s not written down, I will forget. And so that was just really therapeutic for me. I’ve loved to journal since I was little, and I love art. So my love language is thick, luxurious paper and clean minimalist design, lots of white space.
I never could find a planner that really worked for me that was like not too cluttered or colorful or the paper was like tissue paper, you know, and you’d ruin the next week. So finally I decided I’m going to start my own planner company and I’m going to make it for the Hillsong Christian, which in my opinion is just like really modern and cool.
Just the way they do everything as a church, in my opinion is with excellence. You know, like sometimes you’ll see like a Christian movie and you’re like, it was good, but you know, it was a Christian movie or like, you know, like there’s certain things it’s like, it almost is like a hall pass for being less than.
And in my opinion, if it’s Christian, it should be better than the culture. So I really took that to heart and just speaking, something that I think is gorgeous and excellent, and it makes you want to get artsy and be creative and design your life. So I hired two designers and we came up with the first iteration in like a month. I was just, I was just poor.
That was August, 2014. So I had this pastor come to our church, Erwin McManus is his name. He wrote a book called The Artisan Soul. And when he spoke, it was all about how your life is your canvas. We’re all naturally artists. We’re all creative, which is why we get so much fulfillment when we finally do something with them, thinking about it, it’s here, you know?
So I read the book and one of the, his actions was to write down all of your distractions, things that are wasting your time and create an exit strategy and execute it. I was like, Oh man, that just sounds so simple. So I wrote down all my distractions and then I was like, okay, I need to make a planner to like, make this an accountability tool to live it out.
And that’s kind of how the planner was born. So I took that and then hired the two designers. We made that in August. By October I had a website, Instagram, we had the product built out, had a printer. It was just kind of like, go, go, go. Because calendar business, the calendar product business is very timely. Like it has to be printed by X date. It’s got to arrive to people by X date. It’s not like any other product because like milk, it expires. So it was tricky, but that, you know, urgency created a lot of momentum for me.
How did you guys, so you get these designers on board and I feel like the next step is like, how do I create an actual planner? Like where do I go to create this? And then how do I ship it to people? Cause I’ve done, I’ve had one journal that I made in a, in a few years back and I used Katie P Self Printing and it was fine.
But like, this is another level, you know what I’m saying? When you guys get Horacio products in your hands, you’re like, okay, I see exactly what Polly’s talking about. Just highest quality. So how did you do that? Because I feel like that’s so overwhelming to people that want to have an actual product like this.
I think it’s important to get around somebody physically that is doing it. There was a girl at my company who started a magazine business and that was her little side hustle. I watched her build a website, do a Kickstarter, create a journal. I was like, Oh, I’m wanting to like, make my planner. And like seeing someone do it, you go man, like it’s just invigorating.
So I was lucky enough that she gave me her connection to the printer that we used originally in Canada. But in terms of like how I designed it, I literally sketched it all out in an artist’s notepad, which I used to carry an artist note pad with me to my meetings in sales. Like, what are you doing with this giant pad? You know? And I’m like, I just love good paper. Like you can’t find it anywhere.
So that was kind of my like cork or whatever, which is why the planner has such thick paper. Cause I just, I love that.
Like, you know that, you know, that Polly planner girl with her humongous notebook, it’s like as big as you. It’s so cute.
With like the girl’s face on the front. Yeah. So yeah, that was me. But I just started sketching out what I wanted and then I literally handed my sketches over to my designers and they’d come over and we would sit down and just kind of work it out on Adobe, you know, illustrator, InDesign and get it to where we liked it.
And then we kept printing out samples at Staples to see like, you know, how does this fit? What kind of coil? And then I went back and forth with the printer for a bit picking out the right paper and the binding and the cover and all that. One of my designers was a, is a, an amazing calligraphy artist. So she would do all the hand drawing and then vectorize it and put it into the planner. So it’s not like a font, it’s a true art.
Oh yes. I could see that. Now I’m all what font is that? That is gorgeous.
It’s art. It really is.
It’s so beautiful. So you create this product and you were making it for the church initially, or you were making it for local or did you ever have this vision of what you guys have become? Cause that was 2014. What did that look like from a sales perspective at first?
Yeah, so it wasn’t that I was making it for the church. That was just my avatar. That was my niche. Like this is who I’m going for because that group is powerful in a sense that they are carrying the calling of Christ and not saying like I just said it because they’re popular. Like these are really influential, powerful people that need this tool.
So that was my like avatar ideal customer. I felt like going in that direction would just kind of help it blossom, which it did. When we first launched, I bought like a thousand, okay. I didn’t know how it would go, but I was like, you know what, I’m going to take the risk. I’m going buy it. And worst case scenario, I have a bunch of these, you know, sitting in a warehouse somewhere.
My first printer was actually also a shipper. So they had a fulfillment center in Canada, which wasn’t ideal being an American company. We didn’t do that for very long, but they would ship it. So that was kind of an easy fulfillment logistics situation. And I brought a bunch into my New York apartment and I just would write these handwritten letters to people that I loved and people that I wanted to honor.
And it was kind of a grassroots influencer marketing, but I don’t look at it as influencer. I look at it as like people I want to honor. And that, that really resonated. I think we gave a lot of way to people at our church in Hillsong and they just loved it. They embraced it. God breathed on it intensely. And from there we sold out by January.
Oh my gosh. Your first year? Wow. What a blessing. That’s incredible. So what was the next step? We were like, okay, we create this planner. It worked. What, was there any moment during that whole process that you felt like maybe giving up or that it wasn’t going to work? Or was there any moment that it felt too big or were you like I’m doing this and I’m pushing through.
There’s been lots of moments where I thought I would give up many times. It’s hard to go back and think about giving up at that point just because it was just a side hobby that I didn’t quit my corporate job for another year and a half. So I was doing this on them in the mornings, in the evenings, on the weekends. That’s kind of how it went for a year and a half because New York rent is not cheap.
So I really needed to like build it up to a place where I felt really confident in leaving that job because my corporate job, I was making like over 200 grand a year, like I was at the top of my game. So to give that up for something risky, I just kind of decided to wait until I had about six months of savings to really like give it full force and not stress myself creatively.
So what was the next product that you came out with and what did that evolution look like for you to leave the job?
Yeah, so next product, I just printed posters and then I printed journals and they did terrible. Like nobody wanted our journals. It was crazy. I thought, man, everything I’m going to put out is going to do great. And it did. And I ah, interesting our journals. We still have some posters. Our journals finally just sold out and we reprinted them cause people really started to like them.
Yeah, I just ordered three journals.
They’re great. It just didn’t rock it like I thought it would. Anyways. So that was kind of like a dip in a sense of like, okay, I took this money I made and I invested again. And then it was like, and it just kind of sat there, collecting dust and charging me for space. You know?
So from there we just did another planner. It wasn’t until 2017’s release that I upgraded and designed our first planner kit. And that year we tripled our revenue because we decided to bundle it and take our product price from $37 to like $85. But the product itself was worth like $120. So we just started building accessories, like Washi tape stickers, note pads and adding more things that really make it amazing.
Sure. Yeah. And those things are like, I think you have to really think about from a product perspective, what your profit margin is going to be, because when you have things that don’t cost so much up front that you can add to this kit and they create more of the value, as a product person, you have to think about that. Like what, what’s your, what product do you have as the highest profit margin?
Right now? I guess it’s the planner just because we buy them in such bulk.
Then you upgrade to the kit and it’s even more of a profit margin. Right. Cause you have the stickers and a little things, but they add, from a, from a consumer perspective. Like I’m literally gonna pay double because I want all the little things that go with it because that’s kind of, I’m like your ideal customer, right? Yeah. Just thinking from a product perspective for those people that are like, wow, I really wish I had a product or I wish I had a planner or a journal or something and they want to create that. Do you have any advice on thinking about that?
Well, in terms of like, what do I want to sell it for? If they already need to kind of know what they want. I always tell people, don’t try to create something that’s worth 20 bucks. Like just don’t. If you’re going to sell an item or a product and you’re going to take the time to package and ship, think about what can I sell that’s worth a hundred dollars. Like what can I sell that’s worth $50.
Because when you have to put all that legwork into the fulfillment, you need to just go for the excellence, go for the excellence bar. Don’t be the low price leader because that’s just so full. It’s so hard to compete as a small business, you know? Like go to be the excellent, be the Kiana, you know, like be the, just the best. Be exactly what you would want, you know, and try to think of how to bundle to really crease that one-time purchase or even a subscription of like continuously coming back.
Yeah. And I love how you really, you created more than a product. You created a brand that was super niche and I’m all about like micro niche. Like find your person and don’t just create for them a thing. Create for them like a safe space, a sisterhood that now also has solutions and also has products.
So like you kind of became the face of the brand. What happened with that evolution because you as the face of the brand and events, and you became more than the product. Like talk to me about that evolution and kind of, how did you step into that space?
Well, I think going back to what you said about creating like an experience, it’s so crucial. If you want your brand to take off, to create raving fans by providing outstanding value. I think sitting down with the question of how can I create more value than anyone on the market and not to win, but just to create value, you know, like how can I create more value and give my customer more value?
Versus what we’re always thinking about is how can they get new customers? How can they get new customers? Sit down and how can I honor the people I have? How can I make sure that they have such a killer experience They have to get a planner next year. They have to tell their friends about it because their life was changed. So that’s why I really try to invest in the education that goes with the product.
So when you get the planner, you could go to the Dream planning party and you can invite your friends over to do this experience together. Or you can sit at home and watch all the YouTube videos that walk step-by-step through the planner, because it’s my 100% purpose that you use it. And you see a transformation.
You see one positive change in your life that helps you and makes you feel less stressed, less overwhelmed, more fulfilled, less distracted, you know, that’s the goal. So I think it’s important to put yourself out there with the concept of how can I always be adding more value and not just selling and providing the education to the customer so that they are a raving fan and they truly get that value.
Yeah. It’s service over sales every time. And knowing that one lifelong loyal customer is going to create so much more return and value for you than 10 people who buy one little thing one time. Right? Like perfect example. So I got, I got the Bible study from one of my clients as a gift, which is so funny.
Cause like Chelsi has been doing, doing your products forever, but like someone else sent me one as a gift. So I’m like, okay, I’m using your Bible setting. I’ve been doing Bible studies for years. And there was just something different about the method. And I went through all of the pre-work with the distraction circle and your wheel, I’m like, this is legit. So then I’m like, my clients need this. Right. So end up getting them, all these products to do Bible studies and to give them as gifts.
Then I end up getting the planner. Then I buy the journals. Then I’ve got a planner for my mom, right. Polly I’m like, okay, Stefanie Gass became Polly’s number one customer in like three months. But the goal, but the reason that it worked was what was the difference between the planner that I’ve used for four years and a product that was new to me? It was user experience. It was extremely niched to who I am as a Christian entrepreneur.
And it was from this woman and a mom’s perspective as well, where there was just all these little things. The quality was superior. And I knew if I’m having this experience with this product, it’s a disservice to my clients, not to tell them about it.
Oh, that warms my heart.
And my, you know, and then I’m like here, mom, you need all these things.
And I’m like did you do your Bible study today? So, and I’m not just saying that because like I’ve used all the things. And so the point of that for the people listening is to think about: do your products, services, coaching journals books, does your thing truly create a shift in that person’s heart or life. Right? And so I think you have to ask yourself those questions.
And like Polly said something I really want to come back to that she said was you went for the top tier of quality and service. Those are two things that you said I’m going to niche in. I’m going quality and service above all else. And it’s exploded for you. Right? So cool.
So do you have any tips on those that have a product? Maybe it’s skincare that they sell through an MLM or maybe it’s a journal or maybe they’re writing a book or whatever. Do you have any advice on selling that product? Because my entire way of selling products is through the podcast. So this is the platform and everybody knows it.
This is what I teach. They come here, everybody learns and trusts me. And then I offer coaching and my courses to help them. How did you sell your products, Polly? Cause you didn’t really have, I know it’s word of mouth, but were there any other sales strategies that you can give people that have a product?
Hm. So I tend to go spherically. I’m like, let’s go all the way around. You know, like let’s try it all. Spaghetti on the wall. But like I said, one of the most powerful things was honoring people. Like, I don’t know how this would work as much with like a service, but for my product, I wrote, you know, two-page long letters that first year to people that had inspired me and I was just genuinely authentic with it.
This isn’t, Hey, do you want to like have this and like post? And like here’s a code, you know, which nothing wrong with that. I do that now for sure. But there’s just something really special about handwritten letter and honoring people that was really powerful. And that really took off because people felt like it was a gift and then they were able to with no pressure, fall in love with it and then eventually share it.
I think for me right now, what’s most successful for me because the Instagram algorithm is wacko is my email list. So I’m all about giving people a free trial of the planner, of the Bible study. Like for example, I’ll run ads that give people a free PDF of the Fall Refresh or the Goal Setting or the Refocus Club or three days of the Bible study on purpose.
And I’ll create a nurture sequence that will give people the PDF, make sure they get it, give them videos that go along with it and then give them a code to buy it. So just building that trust with them has been really powerful. But for me, ads have been helpful.
My background in advertising, running ads, retargeting, understanding how to catalog your products and not waste impressions on bad placements. That’s been really useful for me at the beginning because you know, you could really just waste a lot of money on Facebook ads if you’re not careful.
Yes. I’m constantly telling the girls, I’m like, listen, you need an audience to retarget before we spend thousands of dollars on ads. Because I did that too. In the beginning, we think ads are an easy way to make sales, but Polly, first you set a foundation of people to then retarget, right. And really spend extra time and energy just pouring into people from a place of authenticity.
How did you bring God into your business? You know, how did you, because I’m always talking about this concept. And so I’d love to hear your perspective on this of, I have to get out of the way in my business and let God be the CEO and be the president and lead me and direct me. And I think sometimes it’s really hard for people to understand that concept.
Did you have any experiences like that where, you know, like the favor and provision was all God, it was not you and how did you listen? Because it’s hard to know and discern like, is this me? Or is this God right now, like what should I be doing in my business? Talk to us about that.
Oh man, that’s a good question. So at the very beginning, when I was doing that exercise, when I was reading Erwin’s book, I was doing a refocus club before I knew what a refocus club was. And I wrote out schmoozing clients as something that I waste my time on. And I really felt like God just spoke to me and said in my heart, not an audible voice, but I’m going to take that talent and use it for ministry.
And I was blown away that God would ever want to like partner with me because I wasn’t living this Christian perfect life. Like people think, Oh, Polly’s got it all together. I absolutely don’t. I struggle. You know, I struggle with things and at that time I was pretty unhealthy and God was like, Oh, I’m here for you. Like I gave you gifts and talents for my kingdom.
I think it’s, it’s a constant journey of how am I using my gifts and talents for the kingdom? And I made a decision to be very unapologetically Christian in our products. Oh, can you just take the Bible verses out? I don’t really like it. No I can’t. Because if I take that out, it loses all its power because I’ve had a lot of people say, Hey, can you print these for us? But just like take all the Christian stuff out.
And I’m like, I actually can’t. And I don’t apologize for that. I think when you’re running a business, there’s so much stress on yourself. There’s so much weight. There’s so much anxiety. That’s just natural with being an entrepreneur and being a mom and towing the line of all that. It’s so important to remember where’s my hope.
And where’s my joy placed. Because if we’re placing our hope and our joy in the success of our business or the revenue, or how many people signed up when you launched that thing that you’ve been working on for three months, you have to remember where your hope and your joy comes from because it’s going to be a roller coaster.
So that’s been really important for me in a hard lesson of just putting my hope in the right place and remembering to like, keep my eyes in the clouds, like eternal, eternal, eternal. Everything we build, Horacio’s going to crumble one day, I don’t know when, or maybe I’ll give it to my daughter one day. But at the end of the day, her issue will crumble. Everything we see will crumble. Connections we have with people are eternal. And like that’s really important to focus on and remember on the tough days. Right?
I love that the connections we have with people are eternal. That’s so good. Cause we get so fixated on the successes of our business or if I could just hit this or do that. And it’s all just worldly. And it’s the thing, it’s not our fault because it’s the things that have been bred into us and taught to us over and over again. But that’s why I love your products so much is unapologetically the foundation of the productivity, the foundation of the tools is Christ.
And that’s everything. And there was similar for me when I did the podcast for awhile, I tiptoed around like, Oh, so maybe Christian or whatever you are. I mean, it’s totally fine. Then finally, I’m like, look, everybody’s welcome here, but I’m just going to go ahead and step into who I am and what’s happening here. I just ripped off the bandaid and that’s when everything blossomed because God was, Daughter, are you ready? Like I’m waiting on you to stop hiding who you are. Right?
I just got chills when you said that. That’s so good.
So you guys listening, maybe think about, is there something that you’re hiding? Is there something that you are calling, you feel called to, to openly step up into? Maybe it’s not faith? I don’t know what that might be for you, but think you’re hearing a theme here, which is, we just decided to stop being what the world said we should be. And we stepped into what God was us to do and to do it his way.
If you’re still kind of struggling with like, what does that look like? Like, because for me, I love all this stuff, but I’m like, okay, what do I do tomorrow? Like, I’m practical. I want practical advice. If that’s you, I have a challenge to tithe your day, give God the first fruits of your time. You know, if you have 10 cupcakes, right. And you’re like, well, I actually really need all 10 and I don’t want to give one away.
I promise you if you give the first one to God, he will bless the nine like beyond measure. So that was huge for me. Um, taking time and before I had a baby, I mean, I would do like an hour. And for me that was just so rejuvinating and that place of being full was where I was able to crank out amazing content. Like that’s where I could write those email sequences because I was full from my Father from the morning.
So that’s my challenge is do a 15 in the morning, 30 in the morning, whatever that looks like, whether it’s listening to a Christine Caine podcast, while you do your hair or whatever, spend time in the Bible, do a SOAP Bible study that looks like it’s just going to make your day better. It’s going to make you more creative. It’s not a loss of time because sometimes we can feel that way. Like I don’t have time for it, but if that’s what you’re thinking, you actually need it the most.
That’s so good. I had never considered tithing your time because, and you know, I do my morning routine and I worked my way up to about an hour now. And I wake up before everyone else. And it’s a sacrifice. But when you think of it as a tithe and that you’re doing it for God instead of, Oh, I have to do my morning routine for myself.
But when you think of it in that way, it changes something, like the perspective shift is there about, wow, I’m not doing this for me. I’m doing it for God. And then my whole day is different. Like the days that it doesn’t happen, for whatever reason, I’m like all edgy. I’m like, I need a hot minute. Like I gotta go. I got, I have. And whether or not it happens at eight at night or something like I have to do it because I feel this unrest when I don’t sit with God every day. So that’s so good.
So let’s talk a little bit to my community now, Polly, about this dreamer summit that is coming up, I’m so excited. Say to you, tell us first, what is the dreamer summit? Give us this, this vision for who it’s for, what is it? And then we’ll talk some, a little bit about what I’m talking and speaking on at the Dreamer Summit and we’ll tell them how they can get a ticket to join us.
Yes. So I think it’s really powerful when we can dream in community because when you can speak out your dream or share it, there’s just power when you declare. And so when I first made the planner, I used to get together with people and do these dream planning parties in New York, they started off really small and I would start hosting them in different spaces around New York and people in the community would say, are you going to stream it?
I’m in Europe, you know, or I’m in California. So what I did was I made these hosting packets. So I made it where anybody could host a dream planning party in their house that was back in like 2017. And we had 200 people sign up to host a dream planning party the first year. And these were happening in South Africa, Australia. I mean, it was just amazing.
So the next year I did another one in New York and then last year I decided to host a full day in Lakeland, Florida. We had all kinds of people come in. We had people from Canada fly in. It was just awesome, amazing experience. At the summit and at the dream planning parties in general, the point is to fill out your planner together, to carve out this precious time, to dream, to cast vision on your life of who do I want to become because your bucket list is important, but what’s really important is who you are becoming.
Your schedule determines who you become in the next season of life. So get intentional. What am I going to spend my time doing? What am I going to remove so that I can become who I want to become in all areas of my life? What area needs the most help? What toxins in my heart do I need to release? These are all the kinds of questions we dive into at the summit.
And so this year with COVID and you know, the joys of online virtual conferencing, we decided to have a virtual event, which I’m actually really thrilled about because our global community will get to rally together. And it’s going to be a three-day event. The middle day is Saturday, and that’s the full day of dream planning from 10 to 4. We’ll have breaks. It’ll be really fun, really interactive.
The platform that we’re hosting it on is a private social network where you’ll have a profile, you’ll have live chat. You can upload pictures from your watch party. You’ll have breakout sessions you can attend. It’s going to be really, really cool. And then the day before and the day after our two evening sessions.
So the first evening session is all about preparing, getting the wheels, turning, preparing you to dream big. Then Saturday is the big dreaming day. We’ll make a personal growth plan. We’ll make vision boards. I’ll be giving you guys like all the resources you need to make an amazing vision board to keep on your wall. And then the final night, it’s kind of like a launch session where we actually hear from Chelsi Jo.
She’s going to be diving into her, um, training on really taking what you want to do and who you want to become and blocking it out in your calendar, which is just great. We’re going to set up our planners together. We’re going to play and we’re going to hear from amazing speakers. Christine Caine’s coming, Allie Worthington’s coming. We’ve got Claire Donahue, Olympic gold medalist. We’ve got DawnCheré Wilkerson of Vous Church. We get Elyse Murphy and just amazing, amazing people. And of course we have Stefanie.
That is so good. Like A, we all love a good event and we love some personal development, but then pair it with like soul food and vision casting and planning. And this is like the perfect event for you guys. I know you guys are going to love, love, love this. And I’m going to be talking about growing professionally, by partnering with God in your journey. So you guys, if you want to hear me do that, real time, you’re going to want to choose the professional breakout, but you’re going to get the replays of all the breakouts.
So no matter what, you’ll be able to see everybody, which is great. So you guys can go to bit.ly/Stef10horacio. Right? And then you guys use the code Stef10. So that’s why I did that link for you guys. Cause you know, those affiliate links are long, so we shortened it up. Step 10 is your code to save 10 bucks. And then you can get your ticket for only $40, which is crazy. But there’s an upgrade option, Polly, right? Talk to them about getting the bundle.
Yeah. So there’s two upgrades. One is the party pack where we will also send you the vision board kit, which what does that, that is a cork board. Plus all these printouts of power words, things you’ll probably want to put on your vision board because sometimes it’s hard to find the right word in your favorite magazine of like pay off my house or whatever your big dreams are going to be for your personal growth.
So we’ve already created these power sheets and curated, really great photographs that you might love. Of course you can bring her on magazines, push pins. There’s also a journal, a pen and some Washi tape, but like the ultimate is getting the party pack plus the dream planner kit. So you can get an actual dream planner, one of ours, with all the accessories, plus the party pack in your ticket.
And like Stefanie was saying, when you get the ticket, you’re going to get this amazing like packet to use during the day. But you’re also going to get a virtual goody bag and you’ll get replays of the entire event. So we’re going to have six breakout sessions, one for each area of your life, spiritually, physically, personally, relationships financially, professionally. I think I said all of them. So, and we’ll have an in each area.
So you’ll be able to see Stefanie’s session if you’re really wanting some help with your physical body. Cause we all gained, you know, quarantine 15. I know I did. We had the Olympic gold medalist speaking on physical health and we just have all these different experts to help you in whatever area you need to invest in this year. And of course you can go back and watch all of them.
So exciting. I’m so excited to be part of this. I know that my girls are going to love it. You guys grab your ticket Bit.ly/Stef10Horacio. The link is down below for you in the show notes. You can also shop the planners there through that same link. You can still use the code, save 10, even off of the Bible studies. Just go check it out. You guys are going to become avid fans like me. Polly, you’ve been amazing. Do you have any final word of advice or things you want to leave the community with that as on your heart?
Ooh, there’s so many things, but I think if you’re struggling to find your purpose, I think impact is really the way to go with how can I create impact? You were saying before, like our relationships with people. I would just take inventory of that right now and make sure you’re taking care of yourself through this season. I also want you guys to know that whenever you purchase with us, we are donating to help fight human trafficking.
And that’s really where we get a lot of our purpose as well. So if you haven’t looked at A21, the organization that is who we donate our 20% of our quarterly profits to go follow them, see what they’re doing, get involved. Because when we step outside of ourselves, I think we just have a lot more fulfillment. So that’s kind of what I’d like to leave on.
Ah, that’s so good. And yes, my community knows I am big on that as well. I just love that every time you guys spend money with Horacio, you are donating to this incredible cause to fight trafficking. So it’s all good things. All right, Polly, thank you for being here. And we’re just so excited. We got to spend this time with you. Thanks for pouring into us. And we’ll meet you at the Dreamers Summit.
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