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from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Tune in as I get REAL with my coaching client Chelsie Lambert about taking her gifts and transforming them into a source of income! After launching her podcast, Chelsie has been looking for other ways to use her platform to transition out of her nine to five job and start making her dreams a reality. Together we talk about how to create a course and set her up for success as she looks for ways to monetize her podcast!
We all want to skip the grind to make it to the end goal we have in mind, but we can’t skip chapter one. We have to be committed to devoting the time and work to building up our brand in order to ensure it’s stronger in the long run. I share my own experience building my brand and offer the advice to spend that time to really discover the granular details we need to create the course to monetize the podcast!
I discuss the approach to building a profitable brand that will withstand the long haul by taking it slow and focusing on what to do first. We outline the deliberate steps needed that will allow your podcast to flourish into a passive income funnel. I speak into different aspects of client communication and how best to handle coaching calls with fairness and transparency. We discuss how to nail down a price for your products and services that parallels the time you invest in your service and clients. I share the concept of scaling prices and time until you find a sweet spot that works best for you and your podcast development.
I pose the challenge of implementing this approach while building your new podcast for 90 days. At that point, check-in with yourself and your avatar and see if you are ready (at that point) to take the next step in growing your passive income strategy.
Mamas, your podcast has so much potential! I encourage you to embrace the growth phase of your brand and use that time to discover what works best for YOU! In the long run, you and your brand will be better for it!
I pray this blesses you!
Hey friends. Welcome to another episode of the show. I’m actually sitting outside on my patio. I’ve got my little pug next to me on the left. I’ve got two goats over here on the right, drinking coffee and life is feeling really good this morning. I don’t know about you, but with everything that’s been going on in the world, I’ve just been having a moment the last couple of days, maybe even the last week where it’s been hard.
I’m like what’s happening to the world and I don’t know what to trust and who to trust and what is real and what is not. And looking around for schools for my older son as well. And finding that too to be so overwhelming. So confusing, not sure what the right choice is. And finally, you know, I just came to the realization this morning that the enemy loves to use confusion and deception to keep us stuck, to keep our minds spinning and going a thousand miles a minute so that we can’t be still and hear God.
This is just me sharing a totally unrelated story to what we’re talking about on the podcast today, because I want to remind you that we have to quiet our minds, be still in our soul, dig into peace so that we can wait with excited expectation for the answers that God provides. We can’t trust what the world says, and we can’t trust what the media says, and we just have to go with our gut and ultimately God will reveal the truth.
So at the end of this, I’m going to pray with you a prayer for us to be able to discern the truth, that God will not allow us to be deceived as his kingdom builders, and as women that are fighting for his mission here on earth. So I just wanted you to hang onto the end of this episode so that we can have a moment of prayer together.
Totally off topic, but I feel led to share that with you, because maybe if I’m sitting in this space of confusion and overwhelm and a lot of spiritual warfare, a lot of noise in my own heart and head, maybe you are too. And I want you to know you’re not alone. And while I haven’t figured it out, I have come to a place of peace with it and relinquishing it back to God, letting Christ lead my steps, lead my choices in his timing, and really having to be okay with not knowing what’s next, not knowing exactly what’s right, but knowing God will show me that truth when he is ready. Okay.
Switching gears my loves. Today are talking on this podcast episode all about how to profit when you are just getting started, when your brand is new, how the heck do you make money? And then secondly, we answer questions such as when should you create a course? When is the right time to spend all of the time and create a passive product? Should you do it right away in your business, should you wait? Should you start coaching?
So that is what I discussed today with Chelsie Lambert, who you’ve actually heard on the show before. Chelsie won this 30-minute coaching session in a giveaway. Yay, get it, girl. Any who, so you guys are going to really love this topic. If you’ve been curious about how to profit when your audience is small and when you’re brand is new.
Before we dig in today I just wanted to quickly remind you guys that I have a couple of coaching slots left in the next couple of weeks. If you have been sitting in a space of confusion over your business, wondering what to create, wondering what your passive products should be, need help coming up and brainstorming what your freebie could look like. Maybe you’re just literally wondering what is the business that I should start?
Hey, I’m Stef. I am a Clarity Coach. This is one of my spiritual giftings is helping you guys get clarity over what you need to offer in your businesses, over messaging, over offers, maybe creating an online course draft or outline together. I’m your girl email support@stefaniegass.com. And we will get you on the books with a coaching session right away.
So fill me in and then tell me what our goal is today and congrats on winning this by the way. Yeah, I don’t win anything. And to be honest, I almost didn’t do it just because I thought I’m not going to win this. But I thought, if anything, I can just hype Stefanie up and get more women looking at her page. So it’s not even about winning at this point.
I owe it to her to spread the word about all the goodness. Thank you for that, and I’m so happy you won. Yes, same. But since we last talked, of course, I launched the podcast. I have been doing my weekly episodes posting every Tuesday. I wanted to get some interviews on before now, but I’m not even going to get upset with myself, just getting into the flow of things.
I’ll get into that nice rhythm hopefully soon. But I wanted to more so focused on consistency than perfection. If I focus on perfection nothing’s ever going to happen. For sure. And I have been doing the coaching calls, which I haven’t charged anybody yet. I’ve been doing them pro bono just because I feel like it’s kind of I help them, they help me type of a situation.
I’ve learned so much from the coaching calls, and I’ve learned their language and hearing their perspective. I’m like, oh my goodness, we were on the same page. Yes, but you just said it in a completely different way than how I would have said it. You know, and it’s helping me kind of tweak my verbiage in my podcast and just my social media content. And I’m seeing more interaction since tweaking my verbiage. Good. Those are always so critical.
Once you get that social proof too, and know I’m really helping these women, it makes you feel good about transitioning into charging for them, right? Yeah. Yeah, of course. I finally feel like I’m to a point now where I am comfortable charging. I’m to the point now where I’m like you have invested the time you done the research because I am obsessed with getting all the good content for my Lola, for my Samantha, for my person.
I don’t have much time with her, because I have drop-off or pick-up from school, whatever that timeframe is, where she’s waiting for a kid to get out of class. She’s driving to the office or picking up her kid from soccer practice. I have about 15 to 20 minutes with her and there’s not much room for fluff, so I definitely I’ve gotten a lot better at it cutting out the extra mess. It adds to the story, but doesn’t really add to what can be implemented into her life.
So I believe that I’m ready to ask for money, but I can say all that. And then when I go to put a price tag on it, the imposter syndrome is crippling to the point where I’ve had to shut my laptop a couple of times. I’m not feeling this right now. And I go take a bubble bath, where you just get stuck in your head. That’s where I’m at.
That piece doesn’t sound good, but the rest of that is good. What is the goal for today? So today’s goal is a thousand percent figure out how I can sell my coaching and/or course, or a mastermind, I don’t know how to monetize what I’m doing. I know that it can be monetized. I know that my time is limited.
I love doing the research and I truly do also love the coaching calls, but they are time consuming, you know, and then people are running late sometimes. You have to schedule around their schedule and being a working mom, I’m working to get out of the nine to five. That all sounds really good.
I guess the first thing I’m going to say to you is that with the coaching, when somebody pays you for something, they show up. So doing it for free is probably a very different experience than if you were getting paid. You’re going to cut out people that just want the free thing. You’re getting people that are ready to take it seriously, they are showing up on time, and they’re very invested in what you have to say because they paid for it.
Try to have that perspective with that piece of it. The other piece of it is it is much easier when you are new and have a smallish audience. Even if they’re hyper engaged, it is easier to sell one-on-one coaching because it’s one person that’s paying you. Versus gosh, I tried to do courses at first. And I tried to do all these group coaching things and they just wouldn’t sell because I didn’t have a big enough audience. That was the first problem.
The second problem was I hadn’t done enough one-on-one coaching to know who Lola was at the deepest core of her depths to hear over and over again. What was the systematic solution that I was giving every single call. So here’s what you’re not going to like that I’m going to say. Keep it real please because I can only Google so much before I make myself go dizzy.
Everyone will tell you, go do this and do that and you’ll make money. Well, all those people telling you that Chelsie, they have a million people in the list already. And of course they’re making money off of people by telling them, come do what I did. I don’t like that because I know where you sit in the stage of entrepreneurship, you just started this brand. You are so new.
So if I was to go say, go create a course, I would be doing you a disservice because you’re going to create something that we don’t know we need yet. Then you’re going to spend all these hours that you don’t have and it potentially won’t sell like you want. And you’re going to make a different course six months from now.
So all that being said, what I would do, Chelsie is I would start charging for coaching one-on-one coaching. What do you think a good price point would be for that? So what are you worth in the job market? Let’s start there. What are you worth? I don’t care if it has anything to do with this, if you were to go get a job right now, today doing what you do as your nine to five. And you were making what you want to make per hour. What would that be?
From a nine to five, in the ideal world commission and everything involved, I would sit right about $35 an hour. Here’s what we want to consider. We want you to feel valuable, so we want to make more than that, which makes you feel it as a starting place.
As a coach, here’s the beauty, it’s unlimited. You can go, $2300 when you’re in the highest demand ever, but we’re not there today. And so what we want to do is we want to charge something that makes you feel very valuable, a bit more than what you’d be worth in the job market. We also want to consider who that woman is, who Samantha is and what she can afford. And we want to go get a ton of market research.
If you only have three hours a week to take clients great, we’re going to take those three hours, Chelsie, and you’re going to get your little premium for it’s more than you’d make at a job. You’re going to learn your woman’s soul inside and out for at least 90 days, maybe even four months before, then you say, Stef, I now know. Because every time I do one of these calls, I’m getting the same question or I’m giving the same answer.
That’s when you know, oh my gosh, there it is. That’s the systematic answer or the high demand question that I need to create a product around. Like with the coaching calls, I thought I knew what they were going to say or how they were going to verbalize it. Then they throw a curve ball at me and I’m like, oh, that sounds completely different.
So in my coaching calls, then since I’m putting the course on pause, cause I do after hearing it from you, it is smart. I need to kind of pump my brakes and think about the long game and not the short game, because we’re good. Now that I see that there is something here. I can taste it.
Now when I go to work, I’m like, I hate this place. I know. Let me give you a pep talk for two seconds and then we’ll talk price. We will all want to skip straight to, I need to make as much as I’m making so I can leave this job. But we just can’t. We can’t skip the first year of hustle and grind and not making a profit. We have to start from a place of service. And sadly, most often that is not a profitable position.
Here’s what I’ll tell you, Chelsie, if you are willing to start there and serve Samantha and serve Samantha and show up on the podcast and take clients with her, as they’re willing to come, you are setting yourself up for the long game to explode.
If you skip and you go, I’m going to already create a course based on what I think we need, you shoot yourself, you set yourself back, you waste time and we make something that she’s not asking for. If I could go back, here’s what I would have done differently. I would have started with a podcast, instead of all the other stuff I started with.
I would have done private coaching for two straight years. I mean, gangstered it out, grinding. If I had to charge 50 bucks, I would have 40 bucks I would have, because I would’ve known her. I would have skipped to where I’m sitting today, seven and a half years later, so much faster. And it would have been so sticky, but we don’t know what we don’t know.
I want you guys to do it right in the right order, and it’s really hard when we want to leave the job and we know we can feel that this is right. I think that that’s the hardest part that I’ve struggled with because before I didn’t know what I was doing. So I’m like Chelsie, sit down and be quiet and stay here. Yeah.
Something feels really good. And then like I said, you get the taste of it. And you’re like, oh, now I see how people do this online. It makes sense now because being on the other side, watching women do it from home, you’re like, what the heck? How are you doing this? Iknow.
That’s what my recommendation would be because then in about six months, I think you’re going to have so much clarity on what the passive addition will be. Okay. So do you like doing hour-long coaching sessions or are they too much? This is another reason why I think that once I do start charging, it’s going to get better. I am really struggling at keeping it within 30 minutes, I’ve been doing 30 minute sessions. That’s been what the goal is to stick to and it always ends up running into about 40 to 45.
So I think 45 minutes would be ideal because that gives me enough time to get the two problems, talk about where they stem from. And then typically like the last 20 minutes, we kind of jam out, talk about what my person can do or little things that she can implement into her day to day to better her relationship with either her husband or her child like that day. And 45 minutes seems to be a good place now. Okay.
What do you do as the coach, if you’re at the 45 minute mark and I want to keep helping her. It doesn’t really have to be an extra 45 minutes or it’s not really worth doing an extra call. You as the coach, do you just keep rolling? How do you set those boundaries?
What I do is about 10 minutes or five minutes even before a session is over, I just pop in. We have five more minutes, so let me cut straight to the chase for you. Let me give you the tangible steps for you after this call. And you basically wrap it up because that’s the amount they paid for. And then what I would do, Chelsie is send them their replay, and in the email say, Hey, I know that was barely scratching the surface.
I would love to do a second session with you. If you’d love to consider it, you know, I’ll offer that first time session price again, and we can book another one for next month. The goal is to have residual coming from clients and to get to know these women and having a one off session is great. But imagine if you can get a monthly or biweekly client phenomenal.
Where you stated the first session pricing, do you suggest doing that at, not a super discounted, but a cheaper rate to kind of get them through the door? And then doing each session at its own price, or if you buy five sessions, get them at a discounted price.
So I just said that. I’m always thinking about it. Even though we love humans and we’re here to serve, people are ready and willing to purchase when there’s urgency behind it. You know, you can help her. In the future, of course you can have a big menu like I do and different pricing options and all of those things.
I think maybe what you do is where I was sitting at was $47 for a 45 minute session, that’s where I was at for you. Because that’s a 20% increase in pay for you and it’s less time. So it’s actually probably a 35% increase, which is phenomenal. It’s very affordable for that woman. So I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of ho hum from it.
But that price to me is an introductory feel. So I think you get them in at $47 and that’s session one. And then if they want to continue forward with you, we bump it to $67. I’m comfortable with $67, that doesn’t make my stomach curdle. And especially cause it’s a 45 minutes. So what I would do from a marketing perspective, Chelsie, hey, first time She Speaks with Love session is $47.
You can do it for everyone or you can say, oh my gosh, I was vibing with Felicia. I loved it. I totally know we had more to breakthrough. Tell her I’ll extend that introductory price for you if you want to snag a couple more sessions with me. Allow that to be a tool that you can use to drive urgency and to just really get in their brain.
I learn more about people every time I meet with them and you and I are at a different level, now that we’ve gotten to know you more. I already know your business. And so now I can already help you at a deeper level. Well, you’re going to feel that way about these women in their marriages. Yeah. And the comfortability of them on their side.
You can tell after about the first 20 minutes, we actually get to the good stuff. So that first coaching call, I do think it’s me gaining their trust as well. Right about 20 minutes is when I get to the real problem, it’s like the first 20 minutes and we’re done touching base on a couple of different things. Then right about 20-25 minutes, I’m like, oh, that’s why you DM’d me. Here we go.
So I think you have this beautiful opportunity to get people to work with you at a deeper capacity. So from today, you’re going to start charging, and at $47, it’s an easy ask. You don’t need to feel weird about that price, you need to sell the heck out of that price and say, guys, this price will be going up in the future, but I want to get to know you guys. I want to have a lot of women have transformation. I want to be using them on my show.
So for a very limited time, I am offering these 45-minute She Speaks with Love sessions, whatever you call them for $47 for your first session, spots are limited. You want to really drive that urgency. So the second tier that you mentioned to me was time is so limited. How many 45-minute openings do you have per week? Mondays from literally the time I take my daughter to school from 7:30am up until me picking her up before dance class at 4:15pm.
This is my She Speaks with Love day, this is when I do my newsletter, I get my podcast either recorded for the next week and upload it for the current week. All the things happen today. Ideally I need to be able to sprinkle in some stuff on different days. So like if I made Monday’s my coaching day or my coaching call day, I could definitely make Tuesday nights my newsletter night.
I can find different times. I just know that there’s nobody here to mess with me besides my dog, but she just needs to go out twice. So do you think if you took two people on Monday at 45 minutes each, how does that feel? I could definitely do the two for $45. Because that’s $95 a week extra. That’s a place to start.
I think that’s where you want to remind yourself, if you’re doing that Chelsie, you are actually operating in profit. You’re covering all, if not most or all podcast expenses basically. Right? Yeah. Once you max out two people a week, four weeks in a row, you get to raise your prices, right? Let’s go to $67. Yeah. Maxing out again a couple more months. I’m going up, I’m going to $87. Right?
So you can always scale up until you find the sweet spot of equilibrium of, I’m not always full, but I am comfortably full with clients. Then you know, you hang out there for a little bit. Okay. Yeah. And then the next step is I want you at 90 days from today to evaluate, am I answering these women with the same systematic answer, or am I hearing the same question every single time? If you can answer yes, you’re ready to create in mini course.
If you’re not there yet, I want you to give it 30 more days of working with clients and then ask yourself that again. Don’t force it you’ll know. After hearing you put it that way, I know I’m not ready yet, but I am excited to start charging because I do my research and I need to take my authority in my little niche of the internet.
I think that once I put it out there that there is a price that women will take me even more seriously. And either it’s a good fit for them or it’s not, and no hard feelings. I will continue to put out all my free content, but if they’re not willing to pay for my time, which I know that I love all over my people, then maybe it’s just not a good time for us to talk at that point.
So you’ve got to know, hey, this is my worth. I know that I can bring the solution to the table and don’t be afraid to really push this right now. This is all you’re pushing on your show, right? Every time. Get those people that did free ones with you, Chelsie. Edit them to the really sweet spots. Get those up on your podcast, get testimonies from those women.
I started a free Facebook community and that’s how I’ve been collecting emails for my newsletter. And I’ve been doing all the things and all the freebie stuff. So I’m going to see who could do some testimonials for me and maybe shout me out on social media or just for me to collect them so that I can put them in my newsletter for when I do promote the coaching calls and in my podcast.
I know we’re running short on time, but I wanted to throw this question out there. In my podcast at the very end. I do bring up my coaching calls. Should I do like an advertisement in my podcast for the coaching calls? Absolutely. So you’re like, okay, hey, wifies, real quick. Before you go, I wanted to remind you that I offer one-on-one She Speaks with Love sessions where we can really dig into the communication issues that you and your spouse are facing.
I want to help you navigate simple tweaks and changes to help you communicate more effectively, feel at ease at peace with your relationship and make sure that you’re really speaking with love. These sessions are 45 minutes. And for a very limited time, I am offering them to you guys at an introductory price of only $47.
This will be going up. I am telling you. So if you want to grab one, you’re going to want to hurry and shoot me a DM or an email. I can’t wait. If you’re curious about these sessions, head over to episode 10 and listen to one live. Love that. Okay, cool. I definitely need to get some coaching sessions uploaded and that would be amazing to be able to reference back.
Just coming from network marketing, I was so used to you hide the product and you hide the price and everything is super secretive and everything’s about marketing. But you never talk about what you actually sell. I’m trying so hard to just realize that money isn’t dirty. There’s nothing dirty about money. It’s just them paying for my energy.
And you know why you have to do that in network marketing is because there’s nothing unique about what you’re selling. Cause there’s a thousand other people that can sell it. But here’s the deal. Here’s the difference. What you are doing with these sessions. This is just such a godsend to these women that are having such trouble communicating themselves and feeling that they’re worthy enough of speaking up and then doing it in the right way and without causing all this stuff.
What wife do you know that isn’t sitting there going gosh, I would love to understand my husband better. I would love to hear this male perspective. I would love to get your feedback. And so what you are doing is so unique, Chelsie, that the more vulnerable and transparent you are willing to be, the more she’s going to trust you, and the more she wants to put herself in the shoes of the women that you’re helping.
Think about what I do. When you guys hear my coaching episodes, how do you feel? You’d probably do some of the exercises that I walk people through. It’s crazy, and so the only thing I don’t actively promote is my prices for coaching because I know they raise pretty quick because I max out pretty quick. In the beginning I didn’t though.
In the beginning, I was a bit more open about that, but now I’m like email me, because I don’t know what the price is going to be. It may be stuck there for a year when I was new. I didn’t have that many people to market to, or that we’re going to do coaching with me. So I thought this is an amazing price. I’m going to promote it.
Well now as you explode and grow, it may be different. So vulnerability though, and being open and being so transparent in my opinion is always going to get you farther. It’s the long game again. My husband, if only he knew what information I put out in our coaching calls, he would lose it, but it’s okay. I just hide in my closet and shut the door and pray he never listens to my podcast. He doesn’t pay attention. It’s fine. He’s not listening.
Well, my friend, I hope thatwe answered your issues today or your questions about making money. I hope that I gave you clarity on a timeline. Yes, you definitely did. I feel like the little engine that could, but I’m going to be running myself off the tracks if I don’t pump the brakes just a little bit. So thank you.
Thank you for giving me permission in the grace to allow myself to really enjoy this moment because I feel like I’m so focused on the next that I don’t want it to take away from this fun because it is. It’s supposed to be fun and I want to be able to thoroughly enjoy every step of the way. So thank you for giving me the permission that I needed to slow down. You’re welcome girlfriend and let’s jam again in six months or so, and we can map out a course if you feel ready.
I will definitely be messaging you once I am ready. I hope that you loved that coaching episode with Chelsie. She is so cute and so amazing. I’m so excited for her in her business. And I want to encourage you to think about maybe what you can do to create more profit in your own brand. And the number one way that I profit in my brand is pairing my podcast with Pinterest.
That is right, my friends, because it is the number one completely free. I don’t run paid traffic or do anything like that. It’s an evergreen lead generator for my business, it’s super easy. I’m recording from my patio. Like I said, right now, hanging out in my PJ’s, drinking coffee and this show is going to be making me money today.
It’s actually going to be making me money for the next 30 days, year, five years and beyond because having a podcast is evergreen. It goes on and on forever. You’re not fighting an algorithm. You are not fighting to be seen. Your SEO is completely searchable inside all of the podcast platforms.
People listen to you. They start to trust you. And then of course they want to work with you because they’ve learned something from you. So if you don’t have a podcast yet, sister, what are you waiting for? You can hide behind the mic with your mom bun, say a few words every week and start to grow a genuine, authentic, online brand community and following.
I want you to come and join us in Podcast Pro University, where I teach you every single thing you need to know about growing a podcast, starting it, launching it, editing it, having people on your show and everything in between. I’ve helped now almost 250 people inside my course, and I have dozens of people who are launching top 30 shows.
I have a couple of people who have launched even top 10 inside their category. I have women who now have profitable online courses that they’re funneling buyers to because of their podcast. It’s working. I promise you this works. I am a testament. My students are a testament. Don’t wait on creating a funnel for yourself that will grow forever.
Come join us. Podcastprouniversity.com. My online course, you will get my membership community for free right now for a limited time, we want to see you in there. It’s so great. You’re going to love it. You will not regret it queen. I can’t wait to see you there.
Next step is the prayer I want to leave you with. So if you’ll just close your eyes with me, unless you’re driving, don’t close your eyes, Susan. I decided to say Susan, instead of Karen, because my aunt’s name is Karen and we saw her this weekend. She’s like, what’s up with all the Karen’s? Why is everybody so mad at Karen? So I’ll use Susan for the sake of Karen.
Lord God. I pray over every single woman, man, person, child that’s listening to this podcast episode right now. Lord, I ask you Lord to lift them up and wrap them in your complete and utter protection. I pray that with everything going on in the world, you bring them peace. You bring their minds to a place of calm understanding where they can truly hear you. That if they, like me, are struggling with choices in their life, business, political choices, what to watch, who to follow, who to believe, which blogs are right or wrong, which followers, which leaders are speaking truth.
I pray that you give us the gift of discernment, now I pray that you whisper truth into our hearts and allow us to not be deceived today, tomorrow or in the future. I pray that you wrap all of our homes, our lives, our children, and our businesses in protection, protection from viruses, protection from financial default, protection from anything that we might be fearful of right now, because you are on the throne.
You are good, you are true and you are still the King of the kingdom, amen. And we are grateful that you have shown us and led us to this space. Continue to lead us. God, you are fearless and mighty. We trust you, we have faith in you, and we are fighting for you. Don’t don’t let us falter, give us the strength and the courage to keep going. Grateful, God. Thank you, we love you.
Thank you for every woman and person that is listening to this show. I am so excited that you have given them the path to finding this podcast, this community. We are just thankful, thankful, thankful, so blessed. In your incredible name we pray, Jesus. Amen. All right, friend. I’ll see you back here. Soon. Love and light, Stef.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
What are the biggest business myths behind starting an online business? Check out my step-by-step guide and learn how to avoid them!
Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
How do we trust God with our online business? Here are three practical ways to keep Him at the center of it all.
Come Hang Out!
Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Join 5-Day Profitable Podcast Bootcamp!
Podcast Launch Checklist
Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish
Should You
Start a Podcast?
Complete Business Blueprint
Where Are You in Your Online Biz?
Choose the option below that best describes you!
Show me how to grow an audience the easy way - without the social media hustle
Show me hot to grow my podcast, make money online and get more visibility.
Show me the exact steps to starting my online business
from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!
Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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