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One of the questions I get most often is, ‘Who does your COPY?!’ I was shocked because, well….. I do. It made me realize that there must be a system to how I am creating and crafting copy that hits home for my avatar and ultimately gets her to connect and convert!
So, I sat down and came up with the C.A.M.P R.E.A.L formula to help YOU map out all of your copy.
This formula will help you craft copy that will transform your podcast descriptions, website copy, email blasts and more. It can be used for ALL messaging and is going to completely shift the way your avatar sees, connects, and converts with you.
It’s about to get REAL, sis. You are going to take a bazillion notes so get comfy, grab a pen and let’s dive in.
What’s up. Lola, how you doing girl? I hope you’re doing great. I am. So looking forward to today’s episode, one of the questions I get super often is Stef, who does your copy? Who writes all your captions? What about your website copy? Who does your emails? And that answer? My love is a resounding me. I do all my copy, but I think that it is, um, so kind that people think that I outsource it.
And I have to tell you that I do have, as I sat down to think about this, a specific formula or system that I use to create really great, copy that converts that lands home, or hits home with my person, with all of you, copy that isn’t just fluffy, but it cuts straight to the chase and it makes you feel like we’re besties hanging out, having some coffee or kombucha at lunch.
And you’re like, she totally gets me. So in today’s episode, we are going to be going through my camp. Real formula. Those are just acronyms for crafting. Copy that converts. I know this is going to absolutely change the game for you. All right, girl. So grab a notebook and pen or that laptop because you are going to take pages and pages of notes
On today’s episode on this training, because we’re going super tactical at the top of your page across the top, you can write down the crap crafting copy that converts “CAMP REAL” formula that’s C.A.M.P R.E.A.L. We are going through the camp real formula.
This is basically just acronyms to help you guys remember how to create, copy that converts. Now, a lot of this work you’re going to do as groundwork as foundational work, and then you’re not going to have to redo that work again.
You’re just going to pull from your arsenal and before you know it, it’s going to become more and more natural as you head out to create the caption or the pod episode or the website copy or the landing page or whatever it’s going to be. You’re just going to pull it from this arsenal, your camp real formula, when you’re going to be able to pop out, copy that converts super, super quickly over time.
But we really do have to lay some foundations here in order for you to have copy that is stellar. Let’s start with C C clarity. I know y’all I am not a clarity coach on accident clarity. So as we’re looking at who our person actually is, that is such a deep question that we’re going to go into next. But, but I actually mean when I say clarity, I mean you, what do you do? What do you do?
You have no idea how many times I get in the room with a client. Even someone who’s an expert in some other field than Neopod episode, whatever, a free Facebook group. And I’m looking at these women, these incredible women who are out there with this big purpose and this big mission. It’s like, what do you do? And they, they returned that answer with a totally blank stare.
They don’t even know what they do. They’re just showing up and slaying at who knows. Now, if you don’t know what you do, forget the rest. Forget the copy. That converts. Forget creating the courses. Forget launching the podcast. You must know with absolute certainty what you do. So I’m a clarity coach and I help Christian female entrepreneurs figure out what they’re called to do, launch a podcast and monetize it using courses in coaching.
That’s it sure do. We do lots of other fun things over here. Yes. We talk about motherhood. Sometimes I’ll give you guys versus I grow. I help you grow in your faith, but at the foundational core of what do I do in essence, I help you find I help you launch a podcast and then I help you monetize the show. Period. End of story. All the other stuff is frosting, right?
It’s icing on the cake. And I had a hard time with that for a while, to be honest, I felt like, Oh, I need something so fancy. I need to have some like fancy thing that I do and all these cool, super duper Neato words, but at the end, but at the end of the day, it’s about you not about me.
And the more clear I can make it, the more you get me, the more, you know, I’m here for you. So that clarity is number one. And here are some questions or some prompts that you can ask yourself to dig really deeply into. See clarity. Number one, what are you called to do? Number two. How are you called to do it? Number three. What do you do that adds value in service to others? Number four, what’s a vision of your life one year from now.
And number five, what’s your tagline? What do you actually do? Or if you’re not there yet, what do you want to do? Write in roughly eight words or less. If you cannot get through those four questions with absolute certainty, please. My love, please go and take my free workshop. Four steps to clarify your calling. It’s at getclarity.gr8.com. Get clarity dot G R eight.com. Or you can hop into http://clarifyyourcallingcourse.com . Okay?
Because if we don’t have that foundation hour, we’re going to have cracks in our cement. Our house is going to crumble. Okay. We are a house of cards. If we don’t have clarity, let’s move to the next one. A, a stands for avatar. All right. So once we have clarity, what do we do when we’ve answered all of those questions? And this is going to take you guys some time.
I really want you to go through this framework, okay? This is building your foundation for copy. That’s going to convert. That’s going to make you sales, make you money, help you grow, help you, um, transform all the things that you do is avatar. So we’re going to go into avatar.
Now, who do you serve? Who do you serve now? Again, I get in the room with these incredible people. I go on their pods. They come on mine. Some of them might be students. Some of them might be clients, whatnot. And I go, who do you serve blank, stare again. Or I serve everybody. Everybody likes it. Well, cool. I’m so glad everybody likes it. But like who do you actually serve? Because if we’re talking to everybody, we’re not, we’re talking to nobody, right? We don’t want to be a small fish in the ocean in a huge pond.
We want to be the biggest fish in a small pond, which means we have to be specific about who we’re actually talking to. So one of the best ways you guys can start crafting and we’ll get to the copy part in a moment, but this is your foundational work. You got to know who she is or he is.
So here are some triggering questions or some prompts that you can ask yourself. Number one, who is my person on a demographic level?
Who is your person on a demographic level? Number one, this is, um, are they married? Are they not? In school? Are they working? Are they not working? Do they have children? Like what’s actually going on in their day to day life. That’s going to be your number one. Number two. What type of person is he? Or she personality wise and gifting wise.
So go into like now we’re looking at the, inside the ammo on an emotional level, on a personal level, who is the PR this person. So this is going to be stuff like, what are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their personality traits? What do they desire? Like this is all the internal, uh, characteristics of your avatar. Number three. What do they do? What does your avatar actually do? Like a professionally.
Okay. And personally their hobbies, their interests, all of that. Number four. What does your avatar want? What do they want now? This is going to be in relation to what you do. Okay. I’ll give you an example in a sec. And then number five, what is your avatar struggling with? What are their biggest pain points? Now let’s go through an example. So let’s say we’ll take brand. You already said what I do, right?
I’m a, I’m a clarity coach and podcasting coach. I helped Christian entrepreneurs get clarity on what their calling is, what their purpose is. We start a podcast and then we monetize it using courses and coaching. That’s it. You get through my entire product suite and roughly six to eight months. My biggest breakthroughs happen around the year, two year and a half. Mark. Why? Because we’re playing the long game over here.
We are not here for overnight success. We are here for a strong stellar foundation. That’s going to grow and scale forever, organically, where we don’t have to show up 24 seven on social, et cetera, et cetera. Yes. Can I get an amen? Who is my avatar? It’s a Lola. It’s you? You are my avatar. Typically this is not a hundred percent of the time, but this is who my content is geared towards.
My women are roughly 35 to 45, sometimes up to 50. Cause I do grab a lot of the empty nesters and I am helping them figure out what they’re created to do fine. Tune that messaging. Get that clarity, create the four pillars of brand creation, title, tagline, description, and pillars. We are then, uh, figuring out what they’re gonna do with that thing. My students are going to start a podcast cause we know that’s what’s up one podcast, every thousand blogs sit behind the mic in our PJ’s braless and flawless.
We can pause it when our kids come in and talk about fruit snacks. Okay. What else about my avatar? She’s driven. She is faith fueled. And, she wants God to lead her in her business. She is so excited about life, but she’s stuck. What is my thing? I’m too. Multi-passionate I’m too distracted. My spouse doesn’t support me.
I don’t have money to invest. I’m so, um, I’m so confused with which is the right way. I’m so obsessing over if I have to be on social or do I need a landing page or do I need a website or do I do this or do I do that? And actually you don’t need any of those things, wink, wink, but that’s where your brain is going. And I know you, I know you you’re typically working or have a side hustle. Okay.
And you’re ready to invest in figure this thing out. That’s my avatar. Like I could go on and on. Like I know Lola, so exceptionally well that I can speak to her. Now, if you guys cannot answer those five avatar questions with absolute certainty, please, please go and take my free workshop. Four steps to clarify your calling. We go super deep into that.
http://getclarity.gr8.com or go take my course. ClarifyYourCallingCourse.com. We spend an entire week on avatar creation. All right. Let’s move on. M M right? M and camp right now, market research. Once you think you know who your avatar is, you have to go improve it. Kay. I had an idea, a concept of who I thought my Lola was. I even found a picture of her on the interwebs.
Totally took a screenshot. Yup. I’m sure. One day I’m going to get a cease and desist from Lola. No, she’s like you use in my picture, but I got so that I could visualize her. She’s a mom of three. She was sitting at the beach within a family photo. Like I could just picture her, trying to break, break into this online space, but feeling super overwhelmed and discouraged. And it helped me.
It helped her come to life. But what I had to do was prove it. What were the actual words that Lola was using? And what was the verbiage? What was the difference between what I thought she wanted and what she was actually Googling and searching for and typing in on the internet. So here’s what you do for market research.
Number one, you’re going to go into free Facebook groups and post questions that are related to what you think your person is struggling with. For example, hashtag market research.
If you’re starting, if you’re trying to start an online business, what are you struggling with the most? Okay. Hashtag market research as an online Christian entrepreneur, what do you find hardest about scaling your business? Hashtag market research? Um, if you are trying to launch a podcast or have you ever considered launching a podcast? If yes, what’s keeping you from it and if, no, why not?
Like starting to ask these leading questions to get those, the verbiage back in Lola’s own words that I can write into a spreadsheet or copy into a notebook and start using in my copy. Okay. So that’s number one. Number two, start hopping on five minute jam sessions with your ideal avatar. Where do you find them? Free Facebook groups, your podcasts, wherever you guys are hanging out.
Hey Christian entrepreneur mamas. Would you hop on the phone with me for five minutes? I have 10 questions. I’m trying to figure out some market research. I’m not selling you a dang thing. I promise. And I’ll send you a coffee. Makes me poop mug when we’re done. Okay. And um, you get on the phone and you just ask these same leading questions. Like what’s keeping you stuck. What is your biggest fear? And, what do you really want? What would be the ideal outcome?
If you, if you had this online business, what’s keeping you from launching the show, what’s keeping you from starting the course. Like these are the questions I have to ask, because then I get to know what her pain points are in her own words. Why is that extraordinarily game-changing because she, those are the words and phrases she’s typing in boom, Shaka, Laka. Okay. Those equal keywords in SEO.
Uh, next one. I don’t remember if I was on number two or number three for market research is, um, powering with other experts in your niche. Now I would prefer that you guys are jamming with, with your actual avatar, but if you have some other industry experts who do what you do, you can say, Hey, what are you finding? Like putting your market research together. The other things you guys can do is you can search keywords.
You can look keywords up in, um, on Google. You could just type in like keyword searches and start to do some of that research. But again, I have found that actually talking to my person was the biggest breakthrough, as far as me using verbiage that you guys use. So that market research is going to be invaluable.
And I would actually challenge you to do market research every month. And I don’t care if you’ve been in business for five years. I am still asking questions. Why I still keep a coaching client base? Well, number one, I love it. But number two is it’s the best way for me to hear firsthand what y’all are struggling with. I love coaching, but coaching is the catalyst to all my courses, all my programs, all my content, because I’m hearing it with my own ears. I’m seeing with my own eyes, why you can’t break breakthrough or what?
Um, those problems are. So that’s end market research. Let’s move on. Pete. Last one in the word camp is P and this is for pain points, pain points. All right. So once you’re done, then with clarity, mapping out your avatar, validating what you think about your avatar by using market research. I would like you to make a list of 50 to 100 pain points that has come out of your research that your person is experiencing.
Yup. So for y’all, if we’re looking at my business, okay, let’s just rattle through some pain points. Preferably ladies, this is like two or three word phrases. If you just use one word, um, it’s not going to convert as well because you’re going to be a big fish in a little, in a, I mean, a small fish in a really big pond. But if you have a two or three word phrase, you’ve now niched down as far as pain points are concerned.
So for example, um, get unstuck how to get unstuck, how to start a podcast, get clarity, how to make money online, how to work from home, how to build an online course launch strategy for entrepreneurs, Christian entrepreneur podcast, Christian entrepreneur, coach, um, uh, be more productive as a work at home.
Mom, how to use a planner, how to time block, how to be less distracted, social media detoxing and on and on and on and on and on. I could literally, if you gave me 30 minutes, I would have 200 pain points that y’all come to me with every week. Why do we care about this list? Well, girl, all the, all of the work we’ve just done.
All of this foundational work is for this pivotal moment right now, when you have a list of their pain points, you now have a list of juicy SEO and keywords that you can infuse into your copy, your content, your blogs, your Instagram, hashtags, your Facebook hashtag that that’s even a thing.
I don’t even know. Um, your title everywhere. And you can create copy that solves each one of those 50 to 100 problems. For example, how to start a podcast. If I know that’s something she’s searching for, looking for, it’s a pain point for her, I can create episodes all around that, right?
Three hacks to starting a podcast. When you don’t feel ready or should you start a podcast or a blog, the truth revealed, um, how to start a podcast as a busy work from home. Mom, do I really have time to start a podcast? How much does it cost to start a podcast? Do you guys see this?
I’m starting to create, copy that, that sandwiches in my pain point. Now this is, this is what right now, what I’m really talking about are like using those keywords and those, these pain points as, um, triggers to create copies.
So in a moment, I’m gonna take you into the real camp real and tell you how to create copy from those pain points. Everybody good? Yes. Say yes, I’m good. I can totally hear you right now. We’re going to move on. So we’re going to go to our, here we go. So now we’re actually digging into the crafting copy portion.
We’ve laid a lot of the foundational work. And again, if you are stuck on any of this, all of this is covered 100% in inside of clarify your calling. And you can check that out http://clarifyyourcallingcourse.com. I’m not pitching you that 100 times because I want to sell you my course. I want you to say yes to investing in yourself so that you have step one of every single successful business it’s on planet earth, which is clarity. You must know what you do and who you do it for and how you do it with absolute certainty.
Or I’m not, I’m not going to be able to help you, right? You’re not going to have that breakthrough that you desperately seek. It all starts with the roots, the roots of your tree. And I want you guys to grow the most beautiful, audacious Oak tree that you’ve ever seen, but it all starts with the roots.
So that is why I’m bringing that up multiple times. Because if you’re over here going, I don’t need clarity. I think I got it. That’s not good enough. I want you to have businesses that are transformational, not just for you, but for the people you’re meant to help and serve and solve with them.
Let’s go into real. Now. Now here’s where we’re really getting into the copy. So our ours for relate, relate as we build a copy out. The first thing that we’re going to start with any time you guys are writing anything.
Okay. Anything you starting with the pain points. Now, I like to ask triggering questions that are related to the pain points. Are you struggling with how to start a podcast? Do you wonder if you even have time?
If anyone would listen to you, are you afraid that it might be too big of an investment or it wouldn’t, or you wouldn’t end up being able to monetize it? Like those are the types of questions I’m going to ask at the beginning of my copy. Now we’re going to move to relate. So in the relate portion, this is where you now connect.
You’re going to connect with that avatar that you have right there in the copy. So back to the example, I too was struggling with, if I should start a podcast, I had been blogging for years and it grew slow as molasses. I had tried YouTube, but I hated putting on makeup every day.
My kids would come in and talk about poop and fruit snacks. Y’all this is not a drill. And my background kept falling off the wall. Okay. My Amazon $10 background kept falling off and all my videos were busted and it was just ridiculous. So I was praying over how I could touch my audience more deeply and scale faster.
And in a dream in 2018, God spoke to me and said, start a podcast. So what did I just do right there, right there inside my copy. I related to Lola by telling her all the things I tried, that weren’t working for me. And then I turned it around and told her about, I found the answer. And, but I found the answer is going to relate back to that pain point that you guys are actually speaking on in this piece of copy or this course, or this, this works for anything.
Okay? Whether it’s a short little caption that you’re building or an entire website, this process is layout is really, um, recyclable. You can use it for anything. Now let’s go to E so E is for edification. All right. So now here’s the edification loves. We should not teach something that we have not yet done ourselves.
Remember, you are talking to someone who is probably two to five steps behind you. So don’t worry about having it all figured out. Don’t worry about being perfect. All you got to do is show up in your mess and tell her what you’ve done to get from hot mess express to moderate mess. Okay? Like it’s all gravy.
So in edification, here’s my example. Remember I just said, I heard a dream or God gave me a dream in 2018 to start a podcast because now I’m going into E edification and girlfriend in just two short years.
My podcast has exploded almost 500,000 downloads, uh, over 200,000 people in my collective community, uh, multiple, multiple six-figure launches and courses and a full coaching business, all because of my podcast. Listen, if I can do it messy and awkward behind a mic with my PJ’s on and my multiple bottles of LaCroix and iced coffees surrounding me. So can you, so what I’ve done in edification is I’ve told her why it’s worked for me.
Okay. Number one, why it worked for you? And then number two made it possible for her. So I talked about how I was in my PJ’s, how I had looked for ways in iced coffee. Like that’s something she wants. She doesn’t need a big, fancy produced podcast. She wants to do it fun, easy and scrappy, which is what I’m all about. So E is for edification. What does Edify mean?
It simply means you’re going to be seen as an expert. Like I’ve walked it out. K, like I’ve already walked it out. I’ve already started a podcast. Let’s go to the last two, a a is for authenticity. And other one you could put authenticity slash vulnerability here. Okay. Now here is where you’re going to tell her all the reasons this can work for her. Remember the only reason that people aren’t saying yes to you, I’m listening to the end of the episode. Ultimately buying ultimately opting in is because they don’t think it’ll work for them.
It’s not that you don’t have the right solutions. Or that your avatar is an on point. It’s not that your pain points aren’t stellar it’s that she doesn’t think, or he doesn’t think that they actually can. So spend some time when you’re building copy. After you’ve talked about the pain points after you’ve related, after you’ve edified telling them with authenticity and vulnerability, why they can.
So, so let me give you some examples here. When I talk about authenticity and vulnerability, I know all these fears that she has. I’m going to authentically speak to her heart about why it’s possible for her.
I know that you’re wondering if anyone had actually listened to you, but I have to share that in the 450 students that have already launched with me, I don’t have one student with zero downloads.
Whoop. You’re probably thinking how much time does it take to create this podcast? But my friend, sometimes I record from my phone, from my closet and 98% of the time, I do not edit a single thing. And by the way, by the way, I’m going to teach you every single thing that you need to know. Step-by-step take out the guesswork. I’m gonna teach you how to do it.
Cheap and scrappy girl. You can have a podcast up in the world that you can begin to monetize ASAP. Imagine growing an audience organically without being on social 24 seven, without having to write big, long blogs out that make your eyes Twitch and water. Okay. Like, just imagine. So that’s me like from my heart authentically telling my Lola why she can podcast, why it can work for her and why she needs to do it. Okay. So this is really just even deeper into the authenticity and the vulnerability.
The final one is L tactical solutions. So in your copy at the very end, at the very end of the copy is the tactical takeaways. This can be, you can actually lay things out, like step one, like I’m doing right now for y’all. If this was a blog post and I was writing, copy, I’d be going into all the things I’m saying out loud, avatar, step one, step two, step three, step four, the tactical stuff.
People love something they can chew on. They love a framework, a solution, a step-by-step packs, a system because they think that when they write something down in a step-by-step, it’s something that they can, what accomplish. It’s not just a big fuzzy dream or a, Hey, this sounds good, but it’s like, here’s a plan that you can go implement.
So anytime you guys can plug in tactical solutions, step-by-steps frameworks hacks three ways to blank, blank, blank into the copy. You’re going to win. You’re going to win big.
Especially if it’s a sales page, especially if it’s a big website. And sometimes these tactical solutions. For example, if you’re selling a course, that would be like the modules you’d be mapping out. What’s inside of every module. You always have to tell people what they’re going to get or what they need to do. And this depends on what type of copy you’re writing as to what goes in the tactical solutions.
Example: If I was building a blog post, I might go three steps to creating, crafting copy that converts. Step one is clarity. Number two is market research and pain points. Step three is relating edifying and tactical solutions, et cetera, right? Where it’s like, these are the step-by-step. If this is going to be a sales page, let’s say it’s a sales page for podcast pro university. Those tactical solutions are actually a layout of each module explaining what’s in it.
So how to plan your podcast, how to edit, how to record, how to scale, how to get visibility, how to market, how to have guests on your podcast, um, how to create amazing channel art, how to create descriptions and all the things. So that’s what my tactical solutions would be for a sales page.
Now the very last thing, and this is just a bonus, but I mean, it didn’t fit in my camp reel, so I’m just going to call it a bonus, but it’s the CTA.
Okay. CTA. So just put at the very end, all of this camp real equals CTA, which is the call to action. Copy, creating copy. That’s amazing. Can end with camp real. Okay. But creating copy that converts must have a CTA. So real camp real equals your CTA. Now, what is a CTA? It’s a call to action. When you’re done telling them, connecting with them, pain points, relating edifying, creating authenticity and connection and giving them tactical solutions.
What do you want them to do? Every time I create copy, there’s a CTA. I don’t care if it’s an ad Instagram post asking a question. It doesn’t matter if it is a blog post, having them opt into one of my free things. I simply don’t care. If it’s a podcast episode selling you guys, something that I can offer you that can change your business forever. There is a, what do you want them to do?
100% of the time. That is the absolute must have this entire process is that you’ve got to always have a thing that you are pushing them to a what’s next, because here is this person feeling seen, feeling, heard, connecting with you, being like, man, she’s my person. She made me believe I can. She taught me so much. What can I do with her? What’s next? How do I keep growing forward? Okay. There you have it.
This is my C.A.M.P R.E.A.L formula for creating copy that converts. This is going to help you come up. Bala Shaq, Kala. Yep. [inaudible] at messaging and copy as an online entrepreneur. So where do you start? Well, the first thing you need to do is get clarity. Like I already mentioned a hundred times, and secondly, I want you to actually sit down for an hour and map all of this out.
I want you to go get deep in the market research. I want you to create your list of 50 to 100 pain points. And, uh, I want you to share that with us in the Facebook group, I double dog dare you for, I’m going to give you, I will give you five extra entries in the mompreneur of the month. You heard that, right? If you come share your pain points over in the free Facebook group, that link is http://bit.ly/successsupportgroup.
And if you don’t know what mompreneur, the month is girl, you better get over in that free Facebook group because we do so much fun stuff. Giveaways, you can win free things. We’re doing the free workshop with Chelsea next week. Like you don’t want to miss it. Now, the last thing I want you to do is start practicing this.
You can practice this with Instagram posts just to, to practice writing. Um, I think this is a great thing as an outline for podcast episodes, absolutely amassed for your websites, your blogs and your sales copy. So a and pretty soon, Oh my goodness. Like a week T minus a week before I have my website up and you guys can go see all of this stuff in real life. Cause I have been working on copy, like a boss over here. Woo. Shout out to Allie. Who’s been working tirelessly, Allie Marino on my website.
This girl is legit. Um, okay guys, I love you.
I pray that God just helps pour that clarity into your life. As you begin working on this over the next couple of weeks, that Holy spirit is present through your heart and through that pin onto the paper and just pours out all of the amazing inspiration on who you’re meant to serve who that person is, their pain points, how you solve those problems and that you just leap with courageous action on what you think you’re being called to serve.
Because clarity comes through action. I pray that God would just be with you through this process. I pray that the hand of favor is upon your life, your business, that you are open, have space and time to pursue with purpose. All the things that matter most to you, your motherhood, your marriages, your friendships, and yes, your businesses.
And I pray that God just walks with you every single step every single day, make clear the path you are so good. And so faithful. We trust you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen. Mama show review real quick. Before you go. If this podcast has blessed you in some way, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a written review for the show over on Apple podcasts.
I seriously am lit up every time I hear from you guys, every time that I see that this show has impacted your life in some way. Ff you’ll do that for me, I would be super grateful. The second thing you can do is take a screenshot of this episode or of your review and go share it in your Instagram stories and tag me at Stefanie Gass. I’ll share you in my stories and then together we can share the love. God bless you sis.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
What are the biggest business myths behind starting an online business? Check out my step-by-step guide and learn how to avoid them!
Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
How do we trust God with our online business? Here are three practical ways to keep Him at the center of it all.
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Come Hang Out!
Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Join 5-Day Profitable Podcast Bootcamp!
Podcast Launch Checklist
Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish
Should You
Start a Podcast?
Complete Business Blueprint
Where Are You in Your Online Biz?
Choose the option below that best describes you!
Show me how to grow an audience the easy way - without the social media hustle
Show me hot to grow my podcast, make money online and get more visibility.
Show me the exact steps to starting my online business
from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!
Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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