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This live coaching session with Carmela Lieras is for YOU if you want to figure out how to niche-in, get your brand in line and uncover the content vessel that would be best for YOU. Also, we go into how to build an audience and start monetizing your business.
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Hey, Lola, welcome to episode 152 of our podcast. I’m so excited because today we have a full live coaching session, super in depth with Carmela Lieras, and we are gonna be talking about brand creation, choosing a content vessel and even monetizing. We really have the whole shebang, the full breakthrough call here for you so that you can be a fly on the wall of figuring out what’s next, understanding how to create a brand that will scale, really getting clear on content, on visibility, on who your avatar is, and on how you can grow and scale your brand in an authentic way.
Then ultimately how it will make you money. Right? Cuz I think that’s really the big question is yes, I’m doing something I love. Yes, I’m doing something that’s in line with my calling and my gifting, but how do I make an actual profitable business out of this? So grab a pen and paper, grab your sparkly water, your coffee or your wine. And let’s dig into this amazing coaching session with Carmela Lieras. And you guys can get in touch with her on Instagram at Carmela_Lieras.
So I got your notes here and let’s start with, what is your goal of this session? When we’re done, what would be the win for you? So I think really just helping me, not so much with branding, I mean, I’ve struggled with branding in the past couple years. I’ve really had a hard time figuring out who I want to focus my online coaching. Like what my niche market, my Lola is, because I can go a couple different directions based on where I’ve been myself and also where my in-person client training has been. It’s like a totally different demographic. And so I’ve really struggled with that.
I’ve had awesome business coaches before and they’ve tried to help me and I’m like, I just don’t know where to go. I don’t know where to start. I can go know this way and this way and this way. And it’s like, it’s just draining my energy and I don’t know where to start, but the thing is I haven’t started anything, no freebies. I’ve started a bunch of different products or freebies and I just always get stuck about halfway and I’m like, this isn’t gonna work. They’re not gonna like this. No one’s gonna read this. And so then I just try to start over.
The same thing keeps happening. It’s like this endless cycle. So I’d really like to kind of nail down and kind of go over who I’ve been working with, but also who I would also like to work with. Okay. And somehow tie in also my network marketing business. It really does mesh well with either place. I can go diet, nutrition, macros. I’m doing that right now, myself as well. So that’s kind of where I’m trying to tie it all together and have just kinda had a hard time doing that. Yeah. Well that’s what I do. I love it. Okay.
So let’s talk about what are you doing? What do you do? Give me that first and I see it in your notes, but let me hear it from you. So right now I have a nine to five as well just because I’ve got bills to pay. So I’m working at my church. Okay. I’m working in the music and arts department. That’s full time, 35 hours a week. Okay. Then about 10 hours a week, cuz that’s all I have, I’m doing one-on-one training, personal training. That’s where my degree, background, CEUs, I’ve been doing that for like the last 10 years.
I owned a gym for five years, my own gym. And then when I had my daughter, I couldn’t do it anymore. I was like, this is crazy. I can’t work six days a week with a newborn. It’s not gonna happen. So I sold my partnership back in 2016 and then decided to just train on my own one-on-one, using someone else’s gym. Don’t have to worry about that. So this whole past three years, since I’ve gone on my own, I’ve been like literally just training. It’s like time for money, time for money. And it’s just not working anymore.
If I don’t see a client, I’m not getting that extra income, because I don’t have any products. I don’t have any online programs. Yeah. And it’s like, it’s taking away time for my family. I’m working now 45 hours a week because you know, the nine to five, isn’t cutting it either like in terms of salary. So I’ve just had a really hard time putting something out there online that speaks to my clients that I’ve either currently training that demographic or that could be a totally different demographic than who I’m working with in person.
Talk to me about the network marketing. What is happening with that? So I’ve been with the same company for going on three years. Okay. I just signed up my first consultant in three years. I know this past week I’ve just been in fear mode and imposter syndrome mode, you know, I literally just signed up my first person, one of my good friends this past week. And so I’m getting some momentum now with that, cuz I kind of see, why not me? Like, why am I not doing this?
I’m sitting on this amazing company that’s health related. It just spoke to me during a time when I was going through a health scare. And so that’s why I joined. Yeah. And so the mission of the company really speaks to what I also teach and what I also coach with my clients is there’s always a better way. There’s always something else out there to do to take care of your health. You don’t have to just stick to the status quo.
I just, haven’t been shouting it off the rooftops like I should be, because I don’t want it to become my brand. I’ve listened to your podcast and I’m like, you’re so right. It doesn’t have to, you don’t want it to be a part of you. Yeah. If it goes away, then what else do I have? Yeah. So what products or services are with your network marketing company? Is it shakes health, nutrition, supplements. All of the above. Oh no. It’s just personal care. Beauty products. That’s it, Beauty Counter. Okay. Safer products.
It speaks because I had a cervical cancer scare back after my daughter was born. And part of what I did to take care of myself was I got rid of all these products that I thought were safe and they really weren’t and they were making me nauseous and they worked on my skin, but they weren’t actually healthy. Like when I looked up the toxicity stuff, like it was just all bad. I, and I was like, oh my gosh, I’ve been lied to for like the past 10 years. Right. So yeah.
So I joined them for the mission of actually better product testing, ingredient research, and like all that stuff, so. Okay. Very good. We’ll get back to that. Okay, cool. So that’s what you’re currently doing now. Obviously you wanna do a passive product, right. And you wanna bring everything full circle. So let’s talk about out of those things, the job, the fitness training, all of the makeup, what’s the thing that lights you up. You’re like forget about the company or the client, just you and your heart Carmela. What are you obsessed with? I wanna do this every single day. If I didn’t get paid for it, this is what I would wanna do.
I think where I had the most conversations with people about and the one that I could probably talk to people about the most, is nutrition. Okay. And diet. Yeah. I just recently lost like 10 pounds through doing macros with a macro coach. And I’m in her mentorship now to actually put that online and do my own macro program. I needed that because I had been carrying around like 20 pounds, extra baby weight from like 2014 when my daughter was born and I just lost 10 pounds that I couldn’t get off. I’ve been in the trenches for so long in fitness. I could not lose this weight.
It was literally just by doing macros. So that is a huge need. Huge number one. And I saw your face light up when you talked about it, like crazy. Yeah. And I won a hundred dollars just from her contest, cause I had the best transformation photos. I was just doing this for accountability. Like I sent her my photos and she goes, girl, you are one of my winners. And she sent me a hundred dollars. I was like, oh my gosh, that’s awesome. I wasn’t even trying to win the money, I was just trying to do it to see if I could do it before I would coach other people. And it was so easy. Oh my gosh. It was so easy for me. Yeah.
I mean imagine if you could bottle up that knowledge, which you totally can and say to other women, let’s talk about that for a second. Let’s say that you got to do your passion, nutrition and diet. Let’s say it’s macro coaching. Who do you wanna work with? If you could pick anyone in the world to work with, who do you wanna work with? Is it a male, female? What type of person is it? It would be a female, definitely. Cuz all of my clients, I only have one man right now. Yeah. Like so all the rest are women.
But the problem is in my head, I could go with the moms because there’s so many moms out there that like me, they get into that mindset of it’s just what happens after you have a baby, I’m just gonna have to live with it. Like carrying around that extra weight. Even if it’s 10 pounds. That was my mindset. I’m like my body’s never gonna be the same again. Mine’s 10 pounds. It’s so annoying. It’s 10 pounds. Yeah. And so I could go that route of like the moms that haven’t been able to lose that extra weight.
It’s like taking away your confidence, taking away you wanting to get dressed up. That was me for like the first two years. I didn’t wanna put on makeup, I didn’t wanna get dressed up. I was in sweats all the time. My husband was like come put on some nice clothes for once. Cause I was just hiding myself in baggy clothes. Totally. Yeah. 10 pounds is a lot. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but for our confidence. And I think as women we’re such feelers and we get so emotionally tied to an outcome like the scale or like the extra three inches we’re carrying, it affects all different areas.
The beauty of that, if you did go mom, is that she’s a feeler. Right? And it’s easier to market using feelings than it is to a man who’s a bodybuilder cause you have to market to him using specifically results. But with women, marketing is so much easier cause of everything you just said to me about, couldn’t get that weight off, the last 10 pounds. The confidence that you felt inside and out was all tied to just kind of knowing you could do it. Right? Knowing that this last thing doesn’t define you. Right. So that is a beautiful thing.
Now talk to me about why it wouldn’t be the mom. Is there any reason why it’s not? I think just because in my head who I’m more experienced with too now, granted I’m a mom, so I have an experience, but like who I’ve actually worked with are women like 45 till 65 range. Like that’s my current clientele and they’re all struggling with their weight at like 10 to 15 pounds that they need to lose. So let’s do that. Let’s talk to the woman that has 10 to 15 pounds to lose. Like you’re not gonna be an obesity expert. Right.
I don’t even think you need to be an exercise expert. All of that can be bonuses and perks. But if you wanna stick with diet, nutrition and macros, and the beauty of that too is you can do that all from home if you want to. Yeah, I do. Well then there you go. And so speaking to the woman who is dealing with confidence issues and she has 10 to 15 pounds to lose and how you’re going to solve her problem is by providing her what reworking the macros with her to give her a simple, sustainable solution to weight loss that works for her.
I’m gonna simplify this weight loss process for you using macros, right? Yeah. because that’s the thing is like when I’m working one-on-one with them, they wanna talk nutrition. I’m like we can’t put these two together. We can’t do an exercise and a nutrition session at the same time. Like it has to be separate. And I just haven’t been able to separate it and really put together a comprehensive program for them or even like a five day challenge to start with. But now that I’m gonna be in this macro coaching program, it’s just like, I gotta do it, because it was such a game changer for me.
It was so easy, in the right place at the right time so that you can learn what you wanna learn. So here’s how I would see the brand laid out. You are the brand. Okay. Carmela is the brand. So your name is your brand. Okay. Yeah. Do you already have another name of your company? Yeah, it’s basically just Carmela’s Fitness and Performance and I have an LLC, but I wanna change it. Or I just wanna use Carmela Lieras Coaching or something. Yeah. It doesn’t resonate with me anymore. Okay.
So Carmela is the brand and I think we wanna come up with a clear tagline, six words or less of like what your solution is that you offer, which we can do. So you’ve got you and we’ll have that tagline that really, I think we wanna speak to health and confidence would be the two things. Because under health you can still do personal training, one-on-one, you can have a macro business that’s all online, online coaching, definitely wanna have some type of passive product. Like whether it be a membership group and you send out weekly, new macro menus and you have three segments. Because if she’s a woman, she’s not gonna be that different.
You’ll probably have three sets of macros that almost fit everyone. Right. So you could have something like that, that’s standardized. And then once you’ve done the assessment with them, they plug into one of them and you can have a weekly new menu that you send out or you just have an online course, that’s understanding macros, setting them up and then maybe they get a one hour with you or something to refine. I don’t know. We’ll talk through that. That’s the online business piece, which is diet and nutrition. And then the third component of this is confidence, which I think you can plug in Beauty Counter. Right.
You’re speaking to this woman and she’s losing the weight. She’s feeling really good in her body. Again, she’s understanding food, getting to know like getting a better relationship with food and you’re giving her a solution, not just a diet, but like a lifestyle solution. You can also tell her there’s also this organic solution to makeup and skincare that you don’t know about and that will help you feel even more confident. Right? Yeah, totally.
So those are the three I would see. What do you think about that? I think that’s great actually. Yeah. I didn’t know why I never thought to put the whole confidence factor in there and realizing that that was part of my own struggle was confidence. And, then interestingly enough, before I was with Beauty Counter, I did Stella and Dot and I was like, well maybe if I dress up with jewelry and put on more jewelry, it’ll help me. It wasn’t me. Yeah.
I never thought to throw that in there. Even though that would be a pain point, be lack of confidence. Exactly, I think that’s the biggest reason why we wanna lose the weight. We’re just feeling self conscious. Yep. You know, and even when I lose five pounds and I can tell it’s just like that glow and it’s because I’m eating healthier. I’m more energetic. I am like, I don’t wanna go to bed at eight o’clock cause I feel all sluggish. Like I just feel so good. And then it all links together like, oh wow.
Now I feel good about myself and I want to wear makeup again. And I wanna go on a date with my husband and all of the things are better in your life when you feel confident. Right. You could totally play with this like that healthy confidence coach because there could be more facets to you just teaching the macros. Right. You could take a woman, be like, okay, Stefanie’s my client. You bring me to work with you. And there’s all these options. Look, let’s talk about why you’re not feeling confident. Is it to do just with your weight? Is it to do with your fitness? Cuz I can direct you there. We could have a 30 minute coaching session and I could help you decipher what fitness plan might be best virtually. Right.
You should go do classes at the gym. Right. You’re not a person that’s gonna be successful working out by yourself at home. Like you can maybe do that or is it that you don’t feel good about yourself in your weight? No problem. I can offer you this macro workshop where there’s women in here and we work together or I have a course for you. You can set up your macros. So that’s an option. Yeah. Like a Health and Confidence Coach. That would be really cool. I don’t know how that sits with you, because I always bring it down to one sentence.
I help women find confidence through health, but I don’t really wanna say beauty and like beauty products in your branding. Right. I help women rediscover confidence, rediscover their health and confidence, something like that. There’s a couple ways you could spin that. Right. You could be like, I am a Health and Confidence Coach or a Healthy Confidence Coach. I like health and confidence coach And then, or I help women blank. Right. And the beauty of saying women is you’re being very clear with who you work with.
For me the description of this whole thing, and then we’ll get into a specific product you could create. And I won’t remember this and I say this every time, but it’s recorded. Cause you’re trying to write it down. You’ll be like, what did you say? Let me channel my brain for a second. So it would be something like, do you find yourself hiding out, frustrated with that last 10 to 15 pounds? Not feeling very sexy, not feeling like heading out to the gym, just wanting to Netflix and chill. I’ve totally been there. I had the baby weight for three or four years. Do we still call that baby weight?
Hi, I’m Carmella, let me help you rediscover your confidence as a woman, that last 10 to 15 pounds and feeling beautiful, both inside and out. I’ve got your solution. I’m gonna simplify it for you. Let’s do this together. Yeah. I love that. That was totally me for the last three years. So we always just have just put ourselves in the shoes of who we were right. Three years ago. And that’s who we’re talking to. And those are the trigger words that you wanna use in your marketing and in your podcasting, YouTube, blogs, anything, all of the above. You’re gonna need something, you know this. Start building that credit in the online space.
I’m, the person that’s devoured all the trainings, all the podcasts, all the, whatever you, Laura Kennedy, like all those I listen to and I just don’t do anything. I would totally say you should have a 15, 20 minute once a week podcast, you can even bring on a woman and do confidence, health coaching with her on the air. You can explain macros. You can explain swapping. Hey, it’s about to be holiday season. How do we swap out this for that, how do we prepare a fridge, how do we prepare a mindset for the Halloween party, how do we handle when we do overindulge, what do we do to not spiral.
Limitless content that you could be positioning yourself as that health and confidence coach for that woman. And that could take you, I mean, an hour and a half a week, if you were putting out a short mini episode once a week, and then you point everything back to it. That is where the leads come from, you know? So yeah, just to add that to your plate. Now next phase. So let’s talk about a strategy for you. I mean, obviously I think you wanna either have probably a YouTube channel or a podcast Carmela that’s once a week don’t make it a big thing.
It doesn’t mean you’re busy. You’re very busy today. Yeah. I’m like, where do I have time, when am I gonna do this? But the podcast could be done on the weekend, literally on a Saturday if you had to, I’m serious about an hour and a half. Cause if you do a 20 minute episode and you know your stuff, don’t make it fancy. You just sit behind the mic and get the content done. Sometimes I don’t even edit stuff. Like when I do it on the phone for you guys, I just put I’m on the phone or whatever, they know who I am, it’s fine. My dog can make a noise. Nobody cares.
So don’t worry about something being perfect. It just needs to get out there. Right, and you can then take that audio file, that podcast file and put it on YouTube, Instagram, you know how I do, you promote it everywhere else. And really you can do that in an hour and a half per week. So that would be the content, the outreach. And then the next piece is how do we monetize that? Yeah. And so let me ask you, I come to you and I’m like, okay, I’m dealing with, I think the makeup is gonna be like a second tier sale.
I don’t think that you would bring that up right away. But I think, get me to know you and you see, oh, she also talks about these organic products on her social media. You could promote the products in the show too Carmela by saying, you know, this show is sponsored by organic beauty products that I am flipping obsessed with. They make me feel so good about myself and Hey, do you know what kinda toxic stuff is in your makeup? I bet you don’t let’s fix that sister. Right?
You could be promoting the makeup through your show as well. Yeah. But the woman that’s gonna come to you, like let’s say it’s me. And I say, I have 10, 12 pounds left. I have 10 pounds actually. Let’s talk about me. I have 10 pounds left, I’m paleo ish and I fall off. And then I go to the black hole all weekend and gorge pizza. And, and then I on Monday start over, but I never lose the weight because I’m like, I guess I’m just here now, which I’m not really happy with just being here anymore. I’m like, Ugh, like I just want it gone. And it’s not that I look bad. It’s that like, it’s the confidence piece.
I just want to be the healthiest I can be. And I know that this is not it, like there’s a little bit more for me. So if I came with that, what would be the easiest bottled solution for me? I think we would have you start with a three to four week tracking and figure out where your calories need to be because you could be on any diet out there. But if you don’t know how many calories your unique body needs to hit every day in order to lose weight, you can keep starting and stopping and starting and stopping. The macro diet, or I don’t even like to call it a diet, cause it’s just a way of eating, a lifestyle. You can eat almost whatever you want.
Now, granted, there’s an 80 20 rule we wanna follow, but it makes shopping so much easier. It makes, you know, even just meal prepping a little easier, cause you’re not eating chicken and broccoli every day. You can make it fun and it’s sustainable. I show you how I can actually get you started on the right track and it doesn’t have to be a long term thing. OK. It’s gonna make you, so you have to work with me. You need an hour with me. Okay. Stefanie, you’re gonna do all of these tracking things or can you do that automated?
Can you say this is what I need you to do in like in email or a prerecorded video, Carmela? Hey guys, you’re starting out with me. Let’s say two weeks. Could you get what you needed outta me? Even in a week? I’m trying to figure out if this can have coaching involved. You have this video, you explain to me what you need me to track for one week, right? Then I would, what can I email it to you? Or do we need to meet on a video for you to review it with me? No, you could actually export your daily My Fitness logs to me, you can send them to me directly.
Before all that, I would actually either walk you through how to calculate your daily caloric needs based on your age, your height, your current weight. Or I can do that for you. I could send you the formula and you can put your info in or I can do it for you and send it to. Okay. So I could submit back everything to you. Then you would take that. And you would, from that work, come up with a calorie plan for me breaking out different macro categories for me, right?
Could you have a video then explaining this is what your macros mean? Cause let’s say I knew nothing about nutrition, this is what macros are. This is My Fitness Pal, this is how you’re gonna plug in your macros. This is the example of how that might look. Then maybe the next bit is this is the types of foods I want you to fill protein with. I want you to fill fiber and fat and the carbs I want you to eat. It’s all video. And I wouldn’t necessarily give you your specific meal plan and say, I want you to eat an omelet and this for breakfast.
I’m gonna give you soup to choose from, but I’m not gonna actually sit there and say, this is what you’re eating on day one and day two and day three. Cause the way that I learned it was I can eat whatever I want, as long as it fits my macros. I want a piece of pizza and you know, it’s cool too. Something that I dunno if you wanna infuse this or not that I’ve loved. We made Frito pies the other night. Well, everyone else had Fritos, but I used Peatos. Have you heard? They like tasted exactly the same. It was like simple swaps that I’ve been making that have made a huge difference.
I think that woman, she’s not missing out. Right. If you have like that swap and that swap could be your free, if you had like a swap worksheet. Like how to eat your favorite foods. How to still eat your favorite foods with a healthy swap with these simple, healthy swaps. Right. And you know, pizza, like they have cauliflower and gluten free, like all these healthy versions that still taste really great. I like have to have pizza period. Like it’s just a thing. Yeah. Ice cream. Yeah.
Back to the planning. I think most so far we are 95% online course. The only piece is you teaching their upload, revising it and emailing that back to them and then continuing with the course. So then now, is there anything else in there? Obviously we need accountability. Yeah. So that to me would be a Facebook group that’s free to the people that buy the course, right? And I think you could go live in there. Why don’t you go live for 30 minutes? You know, you could do an hour a month or maybe like 15 minutes once a week.
Just answer questions for now until the group gets big enough that the people start answering each other, which is amazing. All your videos are in there as free bonus value. That’s what I do now with my macro coach, she has a free group and we just feed off of each other and ask questions and answer questions, you know? So that’s what I was already thinking. Can that still speak to the woman that’s that’s older. Oh yeah. Cause that’s just who I’ve been working with. And I just feel like I know their language. I know what they’re always complaining about. And I probably have a handful of people that are seeing therapists and depressed, but a lot of it has to do with their weight. And it has to do with like them getting older.
I think Carmela,a big piece of you being really successful with this too, is yes, we’re going give them this training piece, but in the accountability group. And maybe even in the course, you need to have a whole thing on mindset because you’re not gonna be successful in your nutrition unless you have the right mindset. They’re excited about becoming healthier. It’s not about weight and the scale it’s about your health and your mental weight. And the way that you feel is directly related to mental health in some cases and food you’re putting in your body, eating processed foods and stuff that directly affects your mood.
I think if you can get them through that mental shift and then plug them into a group of people, a group of women where it’s a safe place, they can ask their questions every week. You should have a check in like, how are you guys feeling so far? Yeah. What’s your favorite meal from today? And that way people are like recipe building with each other. And in this community of women that are on this confidence journey with you. I think in the last week I’ve just been like, man, there’s so many women out there, myself included that are just struggling with confidence and whether they’ve been there for a long time or they’re really starting to show those signs or symptoms of like just not being happy.
Every time I’m like, how are you doing? They’re like, oh I’m okay. And I’m like, oh my God, where are you getting your joy from? It just it hurts my heart cuz there’s so many out there that the ones I’m training too that are just so broken and a lot of ’em are nonbelievers. And it’s where I’m called to be working with them. Yeah. And I’ve tried planting seeds and I’ve tried inviting them. And it’s just another part of it that we could even go off on, but that’s needed too. That’s the reality factor. That’s the beauty of you.
If you do the podcast Carmela is that yes, you have a solution for people, but because they start to love you, they’re gonna listen to all the things in the show. And so you can have little snippets of God or your experience or testimonies of finding fulfillment through other things other than food and stuff of this world, you could have guests on that talk about certain things that you wanna plant the seed on. Yeah. And because they’re part of your program with you, they’re gonna listen to your show and you’re going to impact them in some way. And if you’re speaking to confidence, anything that fits that for her, it goes, and that means mindset.
You can talk about spirituality if you want, you get to define the woman that you’re bringing in. You don’t wanna come so hard with spirituality because you know, a lot of people you’re helping are not yet religious or a believer of any kind. Right. So if you can talk about faith lightly, I think you’ll be able to maybe plant those seeds and impact them a bit. Yes. That’s great.
So we have the brand, I think for sure right now you still have the personal training piece. For the course, it feels really good to me cause that’s 90% passive product. All I see you doing with them is taking that input and you are gonna have to revise that and then you can give it back and I would give them an option to add, let’s say this course, if you’re taking them through the discovery, you’re reworking the plan.
Then you’re doing a whole macro training. You need to have My Fitness Pal or whatever your app is that you’re gonna use training. But explanations of the food choices, the choices that you are gonna give them, some meal ideas or like something like that. The tangible cuz not everybody knows how to cook with this stuff. So I think anything you have, that’s a resource for them to like be more successful with their cooking, a grocery list or a grocery template and then have the accountability, the group you can have every week to get them to talk and be in there and then you’re going live in there. What would you pay for that?
I already know what I did pay for it. What’d you pay for it? It was six weeks cause then it was $400. So $397 basically, which is just actually what I put in my head was like a six week. Same even four to five is almost cause the last two weeks I was kind of like, okay, I’m ready to send in my final photos and all that. Any longer than that would’ve been really hard. Yeah. And you’re really preparing them, like you’re giving them all the tools to be successful and then they go be in the group to continue and the bigger the group gets the better because it’s just more accountability and social proof that it’s working and you’re still popping in there answering, going live.
I love $397, and I feel like that’s not a huge ask. I would do a payment plan as well, Carmela and I just use Teachable, you know, just do the lowest plan and have buy upfront or you can do a two payment plan and it’s a little bit more expensive if they do the payment plan. Like 15% or so. Then the third component is, do you wanna add an hour of private coaching with me or a 30 minute macro session with me and then let them do like a, whatever you think your value us per hour and just step into that and be like, I’m gonna do $97 for a macro strategy session. Add on if you want that or whatever it is.
I was thinking to do a VIP upgrade, because some people would probably prefer group coaching or doing it on their own. And some people were like, no, I need you to hold my hand for the first six weeks, and then you can let me go. And so with the one you took, was she doing everything live? Cause I think you can totally automate this as far as like all those videos can be just a course that you can drip every week. Yeah. She had a portal where we could log in and watch, cause this is like maybe her third go round of it. Then she would do one live every week for six weeks. And then we had a Facebook group to go with that and she would do like daily check-ins and all that, yeah, it worked really well.
We could always ask questions. So it’s like a similar model to that. And I think the other piece that you can really create a differentiation for yourself though, is if you talk a lot about the confidence and mindset piece, because I think that is maybe even 50% of the battle, and habits, that’s the other one that I’ve been studying a lot more is habits. Any of those that you can add in there Carmela, they don’t need to be big, like maybe it’s a three minute video on that piece or it’s a bonus bonus video on habit breaking, it’s all an upsell, you know. Or here’s my favorite habit books on Amazon with affiliate link. There’s an affiliate link to sell your books.
That’s something I’ve like done all the like homework, but I’m like, I just need to do it and put it into place. So, what other questions do you have on the course piece? I guess, leading into launching or selling that would be to do like a webinar, like a free webinar or a free challenge or something to like drive people, to look at what I’m actually selling, look at what the product is. How would that look if it was like a three day? What if it was like a free three day challenge in Facebook? What would that look like?
You could do webinar, it’s fine, but if you get me on a webinar to talk about macros and weight loss versus get me in a challenge group and have me participate and see the group aspect of it. Then funnel me into the group, but there may be so many things in there that are proprietary to the course. You may not wanna have them in there. Right. So anyway, if you had me in there and you’re going, okay guys, like there are three pieces to your success, right? There is mindset. There are actually what you put in your mouth, your habits and your macros and your nutrition. It’s the actual stuff that makes up your diet.
Then the third component, let’s say it’s and you know this better than me. Like maybe exercise or maybe that you have mindset and confidence is one day and then you have the macros and the nutrition is day two. And then day three is maybe exercise and wellness, right? Just throughout the day you have tips. You have maybe a couple prerecorded videos that you just upload. That’s like who you are. Here’s our lesson for confidence building today. Everybody has a challenge. They put in day two. Here’s your macro lesson, prerecorded video or live the first time or first couple. Then day three do let them ask questions and then upsell them into the course.
The course has to be created by then. For now though, you know what you do is get them on the wait list, sell ’em the course, get them on the wait list for the course say, I’m creating it right now. You guys can be on the wait list. You’re gonna get early bird pricing for completing the five day challenge. You can even have them pay for it early if you want I’ve sold stuff before it was ever created.
So that would be, if it was me as a consumer, I think you should do both and see what works best for conversion. I don’t have the attention space for five and seven days stuff like three days is enough to sell me, you know? Then maybe doing two webinars and see which one converts better, because you just don’t know for your women, which one’s gonna be the best fit for her and maybe they both convert. Great. And you wanna do automated and you go to the webinar. That’s cool. See how you wanna funnel people in. And then I would do maybe do like two weeks at $297 open, close cart every quarter. You could just have it be a big launch for two weeks Or you can have it be every time you run a three day challenge.
You guys have three days to buy it at $297, like push ’em with the urgency to get in now. And they don’t know you’re running a three day challenge every week. Or maybe they do. They don’t care. That’s not the point. The point is they wanna save a hundred bucks. So that’s how I would funnel and then you need some basics. You need an email list. Yeah. My email list has like 50 people on it basically, because I haven’t known really what to talk about when I start, when I talk about exercise and pain and like rehab stuff and it just doesn’t flow as easy as like nutrition does and like things people say about nutrition and diet culture, like all that is so easy for me because I hear it all the time, wherever I go.
That’s a huge sign for you that that’s where you need to pivot. But the beauty of the exercise is you are even more of an expert in your space because you have all of that background. So don’t be shy with sharing that hello, I’ve owned a gym. I’ve been in this space for a decade. I know my stuff when it comes to fitness, wellness, and health and position yourself and then say, but I’m a mom. And I struggled with that same 10 to 15 pounds, for years until recently it was in the macro shift. You guys, the macros, how simple is this? Let me help you.
What’s crazy is if you, you look at my Instagram feed, there’s like hardly any pictures of me because I didn’t wanna put myself out there. You have to say that. I did not wanna show myself. Didn’t wanna be on camera and I still don’t but now I’m like, all right, I gotta start taking more pictures cause I feel better. If my whole feed for the last two years has been my daughter and like my husband or like coffee or just everything but me. That’s how she’s feeling now. So that’s what you’re going to put out there and promote and talk about.
So for order of operations, I think, sorry, but you need to have a podcast or something where you’re out there starting to spread your knowledge. Even if you don’t wanna set all that up right now, just do like a prerecorded video that you put on Facebook and YouTube. If you are like, Ugh, podcast is a big commitment, you can grow into that, but you wanna position yourself like ASAP. So that’s step one, step two is a freebie. You’re gonna start to market what brings people into the list.
This is where I would do the challenge for free and you can start doing that right away and funneling people into the email list and get them on a wait list for the course. Don’t be afraid to talk about the course in that third day. Tell ’em I’m creating it now. It’s not done, but you guys can be the pilot people like let’s do this together or you can take a couple of them on as private coaching in the meantime to get to practice, you know? So that’s what I would do. And then maybe another simple freebie that you’re testing like that food swap list.
You know, you could also have something like five hacks you don’t know are affecting your weight or like five things that are hurting your health that you don’t know about. And you know, one of those things could be the makeup that you’re plugging your makeup products in. So maybe those two things to roll with that for like 30 days. You’re monetizing or not monetizing, but you’re plugging that into that free video or the podcast, right? And your Instagram, cause you have a following there in your stories. That’s how you can sort people for that first challenge group.
Have them add a friend, do a giveaway of some kind like make they get a 10 minute with you if they add five people to the challenge group or something. So the next step, while you’re doing all of that, you gotta create the course. Literally I record them on Zoom. I have a PowerPoint up. I don’t even show my face for most of my videos I do in the intro, but it’s me training them. Simple is best, shorter videos and then breaking them up, especially for the woman with like us with a child and coffee she forgot about in the microwave. Short and sweet. Maybe even just audio as an option. And you can do all of that through Zoom for free.
A checklist for her like we talked about, maybe some grocery lists, some bonus stuff. And I’ve already talked about what to put in the course you’ll have to rewatch like twice, because there’s so many things you’ll be like, oh I didn’t hear that the first time. So you’ll have all of that in there. Third thing is set up the Facebook group. Okay. And then you wanna have maybe three or four people do it for free for you. That way you can get video testimonies, written testimonies, get social proof, get photos of her. And so even as you’re building it, she’s taking module one. I just finished module one, get in there and do it. I just finished module two, get in there and do it.
So by the time you’re ready to launch, you have all of this stuff you can use for marketing. So like beta testing. I was thinking to do that at a super discounted rate, but you think I should do it for free. Do it for free. I’ve done free when I was new and I didn’t have enough people. And then now I do it half off at this level. Cause I know there are people that don’t wanna pay for it still. So that’s totally up to you. And if no one’s biting at half off, well I know you need this and if you promise the only thing about having them pay that’s a perk is they’re actually gonna do it. We can get them to do half for you. I think that’s great.
Now they’re testing out. Not the challenge cause that’s free. They’re testing out the course modules. When they fill out the My Fitness Pal and they send it to you, does it work? Does that system work? Do they understand it when they get it back? Cause you’re gonna have to tweak as you go, which is fine. It’s not gonna be perfect, and you’re not gonna know all the answers before you launch. It’s messy which is uncomfortable. And then the last thing is launch and for that, the beauty is, let’s say it’s 60 days from now.
You can totally get a course done in 60 days from now. It’s not gonna be perfect and I don’t want it to be perfect. But you’re gonna have hopefully, maybe five, three day challenges under your belt. Maybe people that are on your wait list that you can launch to give them a hundred bucks off, to be the first people in exchange for videos and testimonies always. And you get to launch when everybody’s ready to lose weight in January early February. That’s what I was thinking. I’m like it’s actually a good time to start working on it with the new year, cause we know everyone’s gonna be in the gym on January 2nd. A hundred percent. So that’s what I would do.
I’m excited for you. I hope you have the direction. So I’ve given you all of the how, And now it’s your responsibility to do the thing, right? So I would love to hear a commitment from you of when you’re gonna get this thing launched. It’s about to be Halloween tomorrow. December. I have time off work and like everything’s kind of chill at least for me. I think at the latest like February 1st. So put February 1st date you are launching your course.
We didn’t talk about like course name. Digging into the course specifics is probably a whole other session. We have a couple minutes, so we’ll try to come up with it. Roadmap, strategy, blueprint. It’s almost like, I don’t wanna say weight loss. Confidently Healthy, your simplified blueprint to losing the last 15 pounds. Something like that, because we’re simplifying the blueprint we’re talking about. She’s confidently healthy. You’re gonna have mindset in there. You’re gonna have the habit breaking along with it. And then I think your sales page really goes in to remember the feeling side of it all.
A huge piece of it for me would be you get the group, you get me going live, answer questions. You’re not at this alone. I’m gonna teach you how in a simplified way. And then we’re gonna ensure success together. Thank you so much. Oh, you’re so welcome. I hope you loved that coaching episode with Carmela and were able to think about how the questions that I asked her could be applicable to you and your business and also to really put yourself in her shoes when you think of your own avatar and messaging and do the homework to get super clear.
Because once you get super clear with who you’re serving with your brand, you are then able to start solutions into the world, which in turn creates trust and organic marketing that will scale and then make you money, which is all amazing. So I hope you love this episode. Just wanna leave you with a quick prayer for encouragement.
I pray that you are lifted up, you are lit up today that you are smiling and happy and that God pours down His blessings, favor, courage, and confidence into your heart. And you feel inspired to go into the world and conquer all the things. Sister friends, I’m here with you and sending you a huge virtual hug. I’ll see you soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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