defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Are you ready to be authentic on social media, grow spiritually, and break free from perfectionism as a Christian Entrepreneur?
In today’s episode, we will answer all of these questions from the community so that you can gain more confidence and show up authentically. It’s time for you to start showing up messy and gaining more traction in your online business.
I pray this blesses you!
(00:07) Oh, my gosh, this is so crazy. Lady, friends. We have officially passed 100,000 downloads together on this podcast. I mean, my heart is exploding. I am beyond belief that this has grown into something that we can learn from and we can grow together. And God has blessed this show by bringing me each and every one of you. And I’m just sitting here in immense gratitude. Thank you for being part of this sisterhood with me, for being one of my Lolas. I love you so much. Okay girl, I will meet you inside this 10 by 10. Get ready. These are gold.
(03:33) All right guys. This 10 by 10, I’ve got my girlfriend, Emily Luuko on with me. She is a 26 year old from Massachusetts. She’s working full time and attending grad school at night. She’s with Beach Body, but she hasn’t actively grown a team yet. And in addition to doing all of those things, she’s looking into podcasting. It’s been on her heart for a long time. So she’s got some questions for us today. And if you guys wanna connect with her, her Instagram account is at MemLuuko. Hey Emily.
(04:05) Question one, since I am with Beach Body and the way they train is very the same and we all need you the same on Instagram and across social media. And I just feel so fake and now because of it, I’m super anxious to be on Instagram and to post anything. And how do I move past this? So you feel anxiety about being your own brand versus being the Beach Body brand? Yes, absolutely. Okay. So I want you to remember that you are not a product right?
(04:40) Beach Body is a product, it’s a solution for people. It’s also like a multimillion, if not billion dollar company and to be really brutally honest and you got MLMers, don’t come throw a mad shade at me, but you’re just a number. Okay. Yeah. So as much as we want and wish that, oh gosh, I matter, we really don’t. There’s a million more of us that are selling the same product and that are doing it in the Beach Body way. So the way that you actually differentiate yourself in the online space is be an outlier. And what I mean by that is just be you just talk about the transformation you’ve had.
(05:22) You can talk about why you became passionate about the products. And the beauty of that is when you step away from just being branded underneath a product or a company, you now have an umbrella where you can branch out and you can add your own passive income streams. And if you ever decided you didn’t wanna sell Beach Body products or do that anymore, people wouldn’t get shocked. So just start naturally, stepping into this new branding, honestly, the sooner, the better. But if you feel weird about it, make it a transition where you do a couple of Beach Body related posts and then you do a couple branded.
(05:57) Then over the next month, you kind of easily step away from the Beach Body style of marketing into your own brand. Does that help you? Does that make sense? Yeah. That makes total sense. Yeah. It’s just that’s what I’m nervous about doing, but it definitely needs to happen. Rip the bandaid off girl, you’ll be like, oh my gosh, this feels better. This makes sense. And I think you’ll get confirmation that your audience likes it too. Cause nobody likes to be spammed and sold to. That’s where I’m really struggling. You got this.
(06:30) Question number two is I know you talk a lot about your spirituality and I have a relationship with God, but I’m not really deep into it. And I wanna know how and where to start to dive deeper into that relationship. That’s such a good question. And I guess what happened, probably the answer is different for everyone. I wanna start by saying that. But for me, what happened for me was I was always a Christian, but I didn’t really, I guess I never really had like Holy Spirit directing my life and speaking through me and moving my feet. And I didn’t even know that was a thing until I felt it.
(07:08) So the way that I kind of started that process was I had to find a church that sparked my joy. I would go to church and just be like, Hey, this is cool. You know, but when I finally found one that every time they were doing worship, I was crying every time that the pastor was speaking a message, it was like in my bones. And so we had to jump around for a while and find that right fit that would fuel me spiritually. So that was the first thing that I did. And once I got into the right church for me, the right style, that was really moving me. I was shifted in a way that had me craving more of it.
(07:52) So the next step was I started praying like I’m talking Jesus freak style praying. Like in the car driving, at work, over lunch, at night. And like I started to almost have this best friend style relationship with God in just open dialogue conversation and asking. I got outta my own head about prayer, like, oh, it has to be at night and it has to be perfect. And I’m like, God gave me these words. So He knows what the heck. I mean, I can stammer, I can talk to Him. Like I can say what I’m frustrated about and ask Him to help me.
(08:22) So once I got outta my own way, when it came to prayer and started to open the dialogue every single day, all day, I felt Him moving every hour. Like He would move things for me and bring me clients and bring me answers. I would see like, Holy Spirit signs all over the place. And it just started with me asking for it. And then the third tier of all of this, and this is all over the course of a year, Emily. So it wasn’t like, oh, overnight makes sense. The third tier was I had to get sisters in Christ and I had a lot of friends. None of them were super spiritual. And so I got into a Bible study with women that I knew would keep pushing me to grow spiritually.
(09:06) I started to work on the friendships that I knew were godly friendships. And I had to let go of some hard relationships that weren’t serving this space in my life. But it’s funny when I let go of certain people, God literally like within the same week, here you go. Like, here’s this new friendship that I was waiting for you to be willing to accept from me. That brought me closer. I would say those are the three things that I really did. Oh, wow. Okay. I just got goose bums about like the Bible group. I really need to find that. So, uh, thank you. You’re welcome.
(09:41) My third question is, I am an Enneagram one, so I am such a perfectionist. Oh my Lord. I love you guys. You guys are so cute with your organization. I just feel like I’m like stuck in my own way and I just don’t know how to like basically shove myself out of my own way. Okay. I think, and this is hard for ones because this is very against who you guys are. Like, I’m a three. So that piece of my soul, it’s easy for me, now. It’s not easy for me to like double organize a drawer though. So you guys got that over me. Here’s what I would do.
(10:19) I would have a hard discussion with yourself and let yourself know it is okay for this not to be perfect. I need this to be done and don’t get stuck in every piece needs to be clear before I do step one, cuz also see you your style, your personality style, wanting everything to be clear. Yeah. And all the pieces to be laid out before you. But that is a lie and that is unrealistic and it’s almost impossible. So give yourself some tough love. Okay. I’m gonna do something and it’s not gonna be perfect. And if you can chunk down to just stuff you’ve said, you’ve been wanting to podcast. Yeah. Step one. Okay.
(11:01) Instead of everything being perfect and everything being clear and me having a hundred episodes laid out and my channel art is literally perfect. How about step one is let’s just name it. Step two. Let’s just come up with the tagline. Step three. Now I’m gonna create channel art. Step four. Now I’m gonna do this and step five, I’m gonna launch it with one episode. That’s it. I’m not, I don’t know who’s gonna listen. I don’t know what the next one’s gonna be about, I don’t know what I would sell. I don’t know how long they should be, I don’t know who my first interview would be, but I’m gonna flipping do this because it’s been on my heart for years.
(11:36) It is a disservice to my soul for me to continue to wait until everything is clear and everything is perfect to just do the dang thing. And so set yourself a launch date and say, I am doing this by January 20th, with channel art and my one episode. Once you rip that bandaid off, I think Emily, it’s gonna feel so liberating to see that you can do stuff without it all being mapped out. And it’s gonna feel so gratifying to you that you’re now gonna be craving it. Awesome. What’s the next step? And what’s the next step.
(12:11) Then the other piece of that is I would really encourage you to be accountable to someone other than you. So whether that’s a mentor, a coach, just a friend, a significant other, someone where you say, this is the date, it’s this date. It’s January 20th. And I don’t care how unprepared I feel. I am launching it on that date. And if I don’t, you can come in here and like slap me around. Get somebody that’s like a tough love human in your life and make yourself accountable to doing the activity. Yeah. I hope that helps. Let think if there’s anything else. I have a date in mind now that I’m just looking at my calendar, January 13th. My favorite number. So it’s a Monday, girlfriend. You got this, you so got this. I love it.
(13:04) Also, I think that when it comes to being overwhelmed with stuff, remember that everything is overwhelming until you just do it once. Yeah. Right. And, also everything is overwhelming when you’re looking at everything because anything you’ve ever done before has many moving parts. Podcasting, for example, that’s why I’m saying, if you can just, instead of looking at the big picture and saying, oh gosh, I have a brand and now I need a website, there’s all these components. Yeah. That’s me.
(13:39) So stop that and ask yourself what is the most important thing right now today? One thing, just one. And until I do one thing, then I am allowed to look at thing two. Then I do thing two, and then I’m allowed to look at thing three and that should help you navigate that space of overwhelm. And also knowing that action brings clarity, right? That makes so much sense. I hope you loved that quick 10 by 10 and that you took away some value to help you in your own life and business. Sending you off with love and light. I will see you again tomorrow. XO XO, Stef.
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