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In today’s LIVE COACHING session with my gal-pal Heidi Stallard we cover a multitude of topics. We begin by working through clarity over her calling and discovering the common denominator of her passions and skill-sets to fine-tune the age-old question, ‘WHAT DO I DO?!‘
Once we got clarity in those key brand creation areas (avatar, triggers, keywords, niche, tagline, etc) we moved onto building the podcast brand. We were able to back into WHO she was called to serve, HOW she was called to serve them, and WHAT she was going to talk about / teach!
If you’ve been feeling unsure about your brand, niche, market, or podcast messaging — this one is for you!
Grab some coffee or cocoa, a soft cuddly blanket and snuggle in so you can be a fly on the wall for this juicy coaching sesh.
Love ya.
Hey loves in today’s episode, I am doing a podcast strategy coaching session with Heidi Stallard and we’re going through the four tiers of brand creation. So title tagline, description pillars, we are going through how she can get clarity over what her podcast is going to be all about and find the common denominator between some of her passions y’all are going to love this session.
I cannot wait for you to hear it now, before we get into all this, goodness, I just wanted to remind you that you can grab access at any time to Podcast Pro University, which is the number one, in my opinion, literally the top course for female online entrepreneurs who want to grow an evergreen online sales funnel, that’s totally free, totally fun, totally service oriented and full of value. Using podcasting. I am sitting behind this microphone holding my mom’s puppy right now.
Seriously, this is my job. What? You guys need a podcast in 2021 to help you really start to attract the people that you’re meant to attract, to create more trust. And then we monetize the podcast using a simple, easy, online course or coaching, or you sell your services or whatever, right here from the show, just like this. That is how you make a profit. That’s how you grow a brand and you get massive visibility.
Podcasting allows you to show up and teach and serve and inspire from behind a microphone. You to many, instead of you, one to one like on social media. So if this is your time, if you’re ready to go into 2021 with your very own show, you’re not alone. Let me help you.
Let me come with you on that journey and teach you every single thing that I have learned over, oh my gosh, two and a quarter year of podcasting, over 325,000 downloads and all the amazing things that have come with it, all the opportunity, etc. I know what you need to do to have and scale and launch a successful podcast. Go to podcastprouniversity.com, grab access. Let’s do this. Now’s your time. There’s no better time than now to do the things because 2021 is going to be your year, Sis. If you’re ready for it, I’m here for it.
Okay. So let’s start with tell me what our goal is with this time today.
Yes. Okay. So I will kind of tell you what I have so far. So right now I currently have kind of four categories that I feel like I’m passionate about. I feel like people follow me for, cause although I don’t have a massive following, I do have a pretty good one and then I’m also a leader in a network marketing company.
I’ll say that my following isn’t massive, but they’re very loyal, I guess is the word. So my four categories are kind of faith, family, fitness and finances. I have topics really kind of for all four of those. But the issue that I’m having now is how do I, I’m still having trouble kind of figuring out who my Lola is or how to kind of, and then my name of my podcasts, like, I’ll tell you the first I was like, I had this like whole thing in my head.
Like I was going to brand as like the Money Honey Podcast. It was going to incorporate faith, family, fitness and finances, but mostly talk about like business and entrepreneurship and, you know, of course passive residual income. And I was going to kind of brand myself as like the money honey. And I had like this whole neon black that like background, like neon letters that were going to be like glowing.
Anyways, I had this whole thing, but then I’m like, you know what? I don’t know if that’s a top or if that’s a first of all, I don’t know that that’s a SEO friendly name. I don’t know if that name is going to attract the right kind of people or if maybe it is kind of too niche, if that makes sense. So I’m kind of having troubles with like, I need to figure out just kind of like how to encompass it all together.
I listened to several of your podcasts from the coaching sessions that you did kind of on like finding the common denominator and things like that. And I was, I’m still struggling with that. I feel like I have so many things I’m passionate about, but I also have so many other things that people follow me for that I’m probably pretty good at, but I want to find something that I can consistently bring value on. So I guess that’s just kind of where I’m at right there.
I love it. Okay, perfect. Let’s start with what category is your network marketing business in?
Health and wellness.
And then we get there. So here’s our issue, Heidi, right? We’ve got a health and wellness MLM and we’ve got faith and we got family, fitness goes with health and wellness, so that’s good. And then we’ve got finances. So we have so many things that we absolutely need a common denominator, which is what I do.
So don’t worry. We’re going to get there. So we need that. But let’s start with like, what’s the goal of this podcast. Is the goal really to grow the network marketing business or is it to grow your personal brand? And do you see yourself with other income streams outside of MLM in the next couple years?
Yes. Another funnel, if you will, for my network marketing business, but also to grow my personal brand, like I would like to grow my personal brand to where, I am the brand like, be the brand, as far as like my network marketing company. And then on top of that, I already have a few other streams of income and we’re definitely going to be diversifying even more.
So I love network marketing and I really do see it as I know some people they’re like, Oh, you know, I might see myself phasing out or diversifying kind of getting distracted, but I really think that it’s, for me, it’s a ministry. I think it will always be a calling on my heart. I think leadership development will always be something that I’m super passionate about.
It is. It’s my own personal ministry, so I don’t want to get too far away from network marketing, but I also don’t want to be too niche with network marketing. Like I want people to not be surprised if they come to my podcast and find that I’m maybe talking about some topics that are related to the MLM industry. But, at the same time, I don’t want them to steer away because that’s all I bring.
Got it. I love it. So here’s what I’m thinking. I actually really love Money Honey. It’s so catchy and so much fun. What if we add Money Honey Mama, instead of money honey podcast. Because what I’m hearing from you is this family piece. As a mom and also who we want to attract, right? Like you’re specifically going to be talking to other moms I think. We’ll do the avatar in a second, but perfect.
I definitely have felt like, I have like this whole list of names in my phone of all these different things and it was like Money Honey Hit. And I was like, that’s it. And then I started doing the course and then I was like, maybe it’s not SEO-friendly, I don’t know. So I’ve like gone to question myself, but it actually brings me a lot of joy to hear you say that you like that.
I actually, I love that. I’m curious if it’s trademark though. I’m going to check right now. Money Honey Mama is available as a .com. So that’s great. Checking the trademark. Our only other issue is. I used to play a game. I used to go to the casino with my mom when I was younger and we would play money honey. It was a dollar slot machine or like a quarter slot machine. And it’s so funny. Cause it brings me back. I’m like money, honey. It was like my favorite game.
I love that. And those memories are so sweet.
I know they’re the best. Okay. We’ve got a lot of trademarks for money honey. We just have to see if we’ve got any in your category. I have lots of dead trademarks and I’m not a lawyer, but I’m just doing my best here. You know what I’m saying?
I appreciate it.
Okay. So what’s cool about this is they don’t, they’re having like ad-ons to it. So money honey mama. That’s not trademarked. The .com is available. Only other thing we have to check as the podcast world. The feeling that it’s wide open.
So the money honey mama is available for trademark. Yay.
And so now here’s the thing though. You are right. That is not searchable. I mean, it’s not SEO searchable. That’s why we’re going to add a tagline to this. So I’m going to share my screen with you real quick. What we want to do when you create a tagline…
I am like so excited that you think it’s going to be okay.
I love it. So see how it says, like the Mompreneur Mastermind Show — and there’s all these SEO keywords right here. Clarity coaching, podcasting, passive income for Christian entrepreneurs. We’re going to plug all these SEO words in for you that becomes searchable. And I even went a step further recently. Literally, no one knows this yet, you’re the very first person. In your author slot, you know, by Stefanie Gass, look at this, there’s more space.
You added all of that, wow.
Podcasters, online marketing. So let’s do that for you. Let’s come up with our keywords and our SEO that help us get found. So my first thing that we need to do though, is let’s get Lola mapped out. Okay, let’s get your avatar. Does she have a name yet?
She does not. And the reason she does not was because I was stuck for a moment on, okay… because I coach men and women. And I was like, I don’t know if I want to lean necessarily only into women, but I feel like if I’m leaning into the money honey, that that will probably be a female audience.
Totally. And because we added mama and now we’re really specifically speaking to also moms who are…they’re you right, Heidi? Here’s why that’s so incredible. Because when you create a personal brand, you want who you want to work with, right? Like you get to pick, and the more micro niche you get, the more successful you’ll be so much faster. It doesn’t mean that money honey Susan, over here signs up and doesn’t sign her husband up with her.
Great, fine. Maybe she tells this other person and they’re not a mom. I have all kinds of different people in my audience. But what it helps me do when I’m speaking directly to Lola is you guys feel seen and heard. And 90% of my audience, this specific niche and that’s made me a big fish in a small pond. I think and tell me if I’m wrong. Cause we can absolutely play with that name a little bit.
But because you are a mom, you’re able to really resonate with this driven, empowered, like excited woman who, who wants to live this abundant, fruitful life. And she’s passionate about business, but she’s a mom. And because she’s both things you get her so much deeper than if you were like, I’m just talking to whoever men or women or you could be a mom… You’re just excited about money. Like that’s a different person.
That is a very different person. Cause I could, I can relate with her. And I was nervous for a minute too about going like, okay, do I want to even get niche as mamas? Cause I work with a lot of people I’m at that age and I’m 29.
So it’s like, I’m really in the middle of like this group of women, like half of them have kids and half of them don’t. But at the same time, I think if I’m just trying to focus on the future and have like a forward focus, then I know that mama is probably going to be something that I can grow into and my audience can grow into if they haven’t already.
Exactly. And it doesn’t mean that the people that are not moms won’t listen to you. I have people that aren’t moms that listen, I’m like how much more mom can you be than me? I’m like 20% are like, I’m not a mom or they’re already empty nesters. And I’m like, okay.
Like people will find you Heidi for you, but this will just help you in your messaging to be, to claim it. You know, I’m going to claim this space and I’m going to like, I’m going to help all of these incredible driven, motivated moms or moms to be really start understanding passive income strategy, 10x-ing their network marketing business, uncovering what entrepreneurship would mean for her.
Love it. Cool. Love that.
So let’s talk a bit more about this avatar then. So she’s a mom or a mom to be, right? Driven, excited, motivated, abundant. She’s faith fueled because faith is one of your pillars. She is, is she already in network marketing or is she just exploring passive income or both?
I would say based on kind of like where my audience is and where I would think they would go into some of the topics that I have in my head. Like it would be women that are either already in network marketing, kind of listening for, you know, more belief and more strategy for their own businesses or women who are exploring it. And this would be a way for them to see that I would be a credible leader. Does that make sense?
Yep, absolutely. And I’ve seen so many, like that is such a huge market, right? Heidi, like think of every woman who’s a mom or about to be a mom from 25 to 35-40 even who’s in network marketing or wants to be in network marketing or wants to 10X a network marketing business.
And then she wants to pair it with certain aspects of family finances. You can sprinkle in health and wellness because this is who she is at the core. She’s a healthy mom, motivated. She’s driven. Like it’s just a huge market that yes, it’s itch and niche, but that’s why it will be successful because it’s niche and it’s still huge. And let’s name her.
So, I have two names in mind when I was like, I haven’t tried to name her yet. Let me say that. If I want to go name her now I have like two names I have in mind and one would be Carmen because she can get sassy and she may pop off sometimes. And the other one would be Phoenix because she’s constantly reinventing herself.
Oh gosh, those are good. I just love the name Carmen so much. But either one.
We’ll call her Carmen.
And I love that sassy aspect of this. Like when you create this podcast, Heidi, and you step up onto your platform, you have full permission to be fully you. Right. And so you get to bring that sassiness to the stage cause it’s your stage and the right women that hear that are gonna be like, Oh, I love that about her. Like she’s so sassy. She’s so spicy sometimes.
I always use the word spicy.
I love it! Spicy. And we’ll add some of those. We’re going to write some of those words into the description copy. Okay. All right. So Carmen is pretty clear to me, I think. Is she feel clear to you?
Yeah, I think so. I’m still, I think if it’s not Carmen, it’s in the right direction. It’s like some other, I’m Heidi and I’m blonde and I have hazel eyes. So it’s some other kind of, I feel like, and I’m from Texas. So people they think like, Oh Heidi, this cute little Southern belle, but then they meet me and they’re like, well, okay. She up, she got a little tude there.
So I feel like it needs to be anything other than like you’re playing Jane typical little white girl, you know, from Texas. Something spicy. So if it’s not Carmen, it’s headed in the direction of Carmen for sure.
Right. I love that so much too, because I think there are so many like, Oh, nice, neat little podcasts that are super like, you know, buttoned up and blonde girls from Texas talking about MLM. That’s super true. Like I think it’s awesome that you’re going to be like, Hey, let’s have some spicy, real unfiltered conversation about making money. Like go ahead and just be that. That’s super fun and it’s super different. And I think any time you can be different from what everyone else is doing, that’s where you start to shine.
I love that. Yeah. I feel like I’ve just started to kind of step into my power and step into like who I am as like a woman, like that’s two years.
Journey, man. It’s like,What am I doing? Who am I? Okay, let’s take your categories. And then we’ll back up into your tagline and your keywords. And then finally I’ll give you a description. The first category is obviously this business bucket, business, entrepreneurship, passive income MLM. That’s all one thing to me. What do you think?
The second category I’m wondering is talk about this finances idea, is that its own category?
I think really where that stems from is for women like becoming like if now that I am clear on my avatar, because this is important to me, I guess now that I’m thinking about it, it’s like kind of educating women on why they need to be in charge of their finances or have some control or not even just control. Control is a very aggressive word. I would just say have some wisdom because you know, we are typically the ones who live longer, take care of our parents, take care of our husband.
We spend, you know, I don’t know what the most recent statistics are, but it’s like, you know, a man on average, if he works a job, he’s only not working 18 months out of like his total, you know, career life, whereas women it’s 11 years. So we make less and we work less and we take care of the kids and we take care of our parents and we most likely have to take care of our spouse in old age and then should anything ever happen?
A lot of the times women don’t have the knowledge to where if their husband passed away or if they got a divorce or God forbid, something else happened that’s tragic they don’t have the wisdom of finances to be able to carry themselves in their families through. So a lot of the times women will lose their wealth.
And so I want people to kind of wake up to that idea of like, Hey, even though you love letting your husband do all of this for you, or maybe you guys are very, you know, trusting and whatnot, like it’s still good to have an idea because even though things are okay right now, God forbid when you’re 80 something happened and you don’t even know how to access the checking account.
Totally love that. Ooh. So, and that’s another thing for me, that’s like, it’s bringing me this idea of like, Hey, this powerful, independent woman. Sure. She’s married. Sure. She has kids. It doesn’t mean you have to be in the backseat.
Yeah. Taking control. And then also like how to save and invest and so part of it was earn, save and invest. So how do you earn money if you still want to be a mom, you know, without sacrificing being a killer mom, you can still have a killer career or business, earn, how to save it.
Some of the laws of abundance even from like giving and then how to invest, like how to make smart investments, whether that’s through like a financial advisor and a portfolio, or even getting a little bit more daring and going out and like trying to find investments that you’re passionate about and how to build those up and diversify your portfolio. Those are kind of the things I was thinking.
I love it so much. So pillar one is this business bucket, entrepreneurship, passive income, MLM bucket number two, or category number two then is financial education is what I called it. And your whole concept of like investing, saving, stock market1:1, all of those things that you said, knowing your books, being independent, financially independent, having that knowledge.
So then our third bucket. So right now, so far we are super micro niche. We are. So hyper-focused on this woman who’s a powerful entrepreneur and she wants to know and understand savings and investing in like lifestyle wealth. She wants to know how to create wealth and mone freedom.
What else about her? Well, we know she’s a mom. And the question though is, are we bringing in and you said you were in the beginning, but let’s talk about it. Are we bringing in, how are we bringing in faith, family and then this health and wellness concept or our wins?
No, I definitely want to… Faith really just talking, I mean, you know how you talk about God on your podcast. I know other people do too. Like I find myself oftentimes like when I am discussing business or motherhood, like I’m quoting a scripture or I’m pulling, you know, something from the Bible or just kind of adding in that like Christian flare, you know, that you just have when you start to get passionate about something a little bit preachy, you know, like I do, I kind of get preachy, whether it has gotten the conversation or not, it’s just kind of the way that I talk.
And so whenever I’m like going and flow in, it’s not uncommon for me to like, I want to say maybe this isn’t the right verbiage, but it’s like, I want to like claim a biblical principle. Like guys, this is law. This is how, even the Bible says, like, I’m telling you this, every successful professional, every successful mom, every successful this or that, but what the Bible says is this and no matter what you believe, this is a principle and principles never change.
I love it. And so for that, having that be part of your brand, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a pillar. It can just be who you are. Anytime you want to bring in, Hey guys, I have like, and just as the Bible says, blah, blah, blah. It doesn’t mean you have to target just Christians. It doesn’t mean you have to say anywhere like this is specifically a Christian podcast.
Like you don’t have to do any of that. You can sprinkle it. Just permission to just sprinkle. If it’s like this, isn’t a full on pillar of yours. So I’m going to write that one at the bottom. Cause I’m wondering if it’s a full-on pillar or if it’s just your a foundation of who you are, you know?
I don’t know. Yeah. I’m probably not somebody that’s going to be like pastoring somebody through like a tragic life event. I might be able to be like, okay, here’s how to get unstuck or here’s how to manage disappointment. Or here’s a pep talk for you every now and then, but I’m probably not going to be somebody that is like a pastor. If that makes sense. Maybe not a pillar, but maybe more of a foundation.
Agreed. I’m going to write that foundational. And that doesn’t mean every single time you can’t say something about that. Even for me, it’s more of like just a foundation, something I’m doing. It’s not really like, Oh, I have to cycle through and do something from the Bible today. You know, it’s not like a pillar of what I’m teaching. It’s just part of it. If that makes sense.
We’ll put a pin in that because let’s see what else we have here. I don’t like more than four pillars because then we get diluted. So pillar number three. Well, I think your next two pillars are health, wellness, fitness. That would be the next one, right? This wellness pillar. Yes, definitely wellness, health, fitness. And then the final pillar is like kind of just family or almost, and that one could even be family and faith, like, because that’s kind of this open bucket
And family too. It’s more like how to build a business with a baby or how to time block. So it’s not like how to be a good mom. It’s more like how you do all the things while being a mom.
It’s like this concept of being productive, the time-blocking, talking about mom guilt as a working mom, that type of thing as a working woman. So good. I love it. We got our four pillars and so I feel like what in the wellness, health and fitness bucket, what do you see yourself talking about in there?
So like tips, tricks and hacks on how to live healthy is kind of what I’m thinking, like get fitness and with a child or how I began my fitness journey, it wasn’t about… I’m a fitness competitor now, but when I first started working on, after I had my baby, it was like, I just made a goal to like move for 15 minutes a day. And then eventually that turned into going to the gym every day and then kind of the progression and how to take baby steps in your fitness goals or your health goals.
Obviously my products are a huge thing for that too, is like talking about the importance of supplementation and kind of how it’s own form of like biohacking, you know, and being able to streamline your wellness, I guess, in a way. And then also maybe talking about like, okay, what is the difference between micro nutrients and macro nature?
Let’s get in on that. Let’s talk about traveling and eating healthy. How are you able to like manage that? How to get your mindset right. I don’t believe in dieting. I believe in lifestyle. You know, I don’t believe in dieting unless you have something like a fitness competition.
That’s perfect. What’s inside the wellness fitness, because that’s who she is. So who she is? Is this mom who wants to live her healthiest, most fit, energetic lifestyle. Why? Because she is a driven entrepreneur, running a passive income business or wanting to scale her MLM business, probably most likely in network marketing. And why does she want all of that? Because she wants lifestyle freedom, forever freedom because of her family.
So I think we have our common denominator. The common denominator is that this mom, this driven woman wants lifestyle freedom. So I wrote that word down, like lifestyle freedom. And then I’m just trying to put that together into your one sentence tagline, like The Money Honey Mama – create lifestyle freedom using passive income, financial strategy and something.
High performance habits.
I was like what’s the word for like the wellness piece? Cause I don’t want to be like and wellness and smoothie. No, it’s high-performance habits. So The Money Honey Mama – create lifestyle freedom using passive income, financial strategy and high performance habits. Love that. So good.
So when we think of our keywords, then the keywords that I would plug in would be, you can just plug in this tagline lifestyle, like The Money Honey Mama dash lifestyle, freedom using passive income, financial strategy and high-performance habits because that has a bunch of SEO in there. And then by Heidi Stallard and then in your name area, we have more room. And so in there we can put network marketing, direct sales scaling strategy. What else, investing for women?
Could you do things like mompreneur, entrepremom? I can’t ever pronounce that one.
I never even heard of that one. What is it?
Oh my gosh. I’ve never heard of that.
I just recently started seeing that. I don’t know if it’s a thing or if it’s just something that like I clicked on and now it’s like become a thing in my world.
That’s so funny. I’ve never heard of that one, but yeah, absolutely. That’s where those go. Like where do those words come in? Right after your name. So like network marketing, you know, and you can make the line mompreneur, entremom, direct selling sales strategy. Passive revenue is one we haven’t used yet. It’s also like this woman though so we want to be careful, too much… you never know.
Like obviously if someone types in passive revenue and your podcast comes up on the first page, like Bob Jones, isn’t clicking on it. It’s it’s really aimed at this woman and it’s clear The Money Honey Mama it’s for women. You can just tell. So those are some of the keywords. Okay.
And then the last thing is, let me refer you a description and then you’ll have to transcribe it. Cause I talk too fast. You know how this goes and then make it your own because you know her better than me. Do you call your well, de we call them Carmen’s but she doesn’t know that yet.
Whenever I was thinking about like a future name, like I could call on my honeybees.
Oh my gosh. I love it. So
You know, the honey hive or the honey, you know, the honeys or you know, my honey bees or? Oh, it was like that, like that’s, what’s like coming to my head, like
That is so good. And I really hope you play off of that for your channel art. You can have that O like a hive, like the O in money and honey could be a hive or something.
Oh my gosh. I didn’t think about that. I had in my mind, like three little hexagons and then like a little bee sitting on the side from Money Honey. I’m like this whole black background in my head. And then like neon, like if you were to see me on letters, you know how they glow, not just like neon block letters, but like glowing letters with like my picture on the bottom in this hot pink suit that I think I’m going to do shoot.
I’m glad that you liked it. That has relieved so much stress for me. Cause I’m like, okay. I need to like figure out where I’m going with this because I wanted something that’s sassy, catchy, bold, and a little edge.
I love it so much. I love the play off of the honey hive and the honey bees and the honey mamas so much. Yes. Okay. All right. Let me try to rip you a description. Okay. Let me get, let me get into my zone. Calling all my sassy money honey mama’s. If you are ready to dip into the honey hive and create true lifestyle freedom using passive income, financial strategies and high performance habits, then you are in the right place. Queen bee.
It is your time to not just manage your business, not just run a business, but to really scale and step into your own full potential. As an incredible powerful entrepreneur and business woman who wants passive income in the bank, I’m here to school you on everything, business, finances, wellness, health, and family productivity and time management. Because I believe your honey hive is a short flight away. Let’s dip into your own potential and begin to create the income and life that God has in store for you. Let’s dip in.
Oh my gosh. That is so cute. I can not wait to share this recording with my husband. He’s going to be so fired up.
You may have to add some more sass, you know, but I feel like it’s so fun. I love that you made me think of this honey hive, honeybee thing. Cause we can so play off of that in everything that you do and all of your marketing.
Thank you so much. That is, I feel so good now. I’m like, okay, now it’s just time to go and record and create And sometimes it’s like, God speaks to you and you’re like, that’s it. But then you’re like, but is it God? Or it’s actually my husband, I like did a poll on Facebook and Instagram and I had put something like, something, something the money honey and in my post and then Miles, my husband, he was like, what about the money honey? And I was like, Oh, I love that.
I love it too. I love it so much. And the now with the playoff of everything and it’s like, it makes such perfect sense to like dipping into your high being the queen bee and all of these things. That’s who she is.
I do have one question about, cause you were saying like, I want to teach you how to scale your business. So even if somebody isn’t in network marketing yet or isn’t in business yet, do you think that the description, do you think like it’s still good as is it will attract the right people or do you think I need to almost change it up a bit as far as that part goes
In that one sentence, then I would say, whether you’re ready to start or scale your… And I think you should say your online business, cause like let’s be clear. It’s probably a network marketer or anyone in this online sphere. You can say that. And that way it’s clear. And I added the God, God into that last sentence so that you didn’t, we didn’t make it all about that, but we’ve now it’s there. Like we will mention faith in this podcast. So there’s that little, little component in there as well.
I love it so much. I’m so excited. You really do have such a gift. I mean, you really, really do.
It’s all Holy spirit. Just like, Lord, give me what we need today. Give me whatever it is for Heidi. And then it seriously flows through me. Cause if you were to ask me to type any of that, I just gave you, I couldn’t. It’s like, yeah that, so thank you. But it’s not me. It’s all God.
Well, He has definitely gifted you with that. He’s gifted you with the ability to help so many people kind of get a clear understanding of where they’re headed and how to even out, you know, and just kind of evening out what they have, what their calling is, I think is sometimes we need that confirmation. That’s why He says like when two or three come together, like it’s so important to have that fellowship and have people in prayer on that same mission. So girl, I’m so proud of you and I am so thankful for this call today.
You have no idea what it means to me. Oh my gosh. Well, I’m so excited for you. Let me say a quick prayer for you and I’ll let you get back to your baby.
Yes, please. Thank you!
Lord, I lift up Heidi right now and I just pray that you give her so much clarity and excitement and confidence as she brings this new mission into the world. I pray for favor and provision all over this launch, all over her new podcast, all over her business and that every single person that needs to be aligned with Heidi, that you just bring them to her seamlessly. And we’re so excited for your plans. We’re thankful for this time together in Jesus’ name. Amen. I’m cheering for you, sister.
Yeah. Thank you.
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