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Start a podcast, the right way! Today, we are diving into these 10 tips to help you plan, start, and launch a podcast with success. If you’ve been dreaming of starting your own show but you’re thinking… Who would listen? What would I talk about?
Do I really have time for this? What do I need to know? Then it’s your lucky day because we are covering all of that – and more!
Podcasting has been the funniest, easiest, and most profitable avenue for making an impact and income in my business, ever!
I want to show you how easy, simple, and fun it can be to hang out behind a mic, partnered with God – speaking your truth.
These 10 tips will help you find more confidence to get started and will give you the guidance to know that you’re doing it RIGHT.
I pray this blesses you!
Hey, Stef! This is Liz Henderson of the Tough Love Mom podcast. I’m a CYC and PPU grad, and I’m about to go through Podcast to Profit. So excited.
I wanted to share with you really quick how my podcast launch went because I’m mind blown. And it’s really just because of Podcast Pro University.
It made a huge difference in how my podcast launch went. I launched on December 30, I launched with a decent social media following, but nothing crazy. Nothing crazy on the email list.
I launched it. I reached out to my friends and family via text message about how to review it and everything.
And within 24 hours, we had almost a hundred reviews and within 72 hours, we hit 1000 downloads on the podcast. And I only had three episodes up and my podcast trailer.
Two weeks later, within two weeks, we hit 2,500 downloads.
And actually within the first week of the podcast, number seven in the United States in fitness.
And in the weeks following, we’re only three weeks into this podcast, we’ve been in the top 50 or top 75, every single week in fitness in the United States category. So, so exciting.
I’m really excited for this year of podcasting. I’m doing two to three episodes a week and it is a total blast. So thank you so much for Podcast Pro University. It’s just so fun walking in this calling. So thank you, Stef!
Liz, I am so excited for you! And I know since you’ve actually been on this podcast talking about the massive success you had coming out of Podcast to Profit.
But I wanted to just replay this testimony from you because today friends, we are talking about 10 tips to starting a successful podcast.
And Liz is a prime example of someone who specifically followed these 10 steps to a T.
And so I wanted to replay her testimony for you so it would be fresh in your mind, the potential and possibility of linking into doing this the right way.
One thing that Liz told me over and over again, as I asked her, Liz, you’ve gone through CYC, and then you went through PPU.
Those are my courses if you’re new around here. And then you went through P2P, which was my 90-day immersion mastermind program for podcasters.
And I asked her why did you do that? How did you commit to going through all three courses and you just hopped from one to the next, and Liz said, I just wanted to do this right.
I wanna do it right. And boy, won’t He do it? God can work when you are obedient.
When you show up and you take massive action in the call that’s on your heart. And Liz did that. She leaned into what God was asking her to do. She put her head down and she followed these 10 tips.
So I can’t wait to show them to you, because if podcasting is on your heart, I know that it can feel scary. I know that you have questions swirling in your mind right now.
What will I talk about? And will anybody listen to me? And I can’t podcast, I’m too introverted.
And I don’t know what equipment I need, and this just feels too hard. I know that you’re feeling that way, but I want you to understand something.
If I can have a top 0.5% podcast in the world, by hanging out in my little home office, in my comfy clothes, with my kombucha and my puppies by my side, makeup-less, braless and flawless, so can you.
If Liz can do this, she has a little baby.
And if Liz can do this and show up, so can you, and if the over 1500 Stefanie Gass students can say yes, so can you, there is nothing keeping you from your breakthrough, but you.
And so I hope that these 10 specific tips I’m gonna give you today, give you some freedom to step into the unknown, to try something that may feel a little bit unclear right now because that’s the whole point.
No one successful ever had success without pushing through the fear. I call that a fear anchor. It’s holding you back from where God wants to take you.
Every one of them had to take off the fear anchors and push through the pain to pursue the purpose.
There is not one person that you look up to to a mentor, someone who is making an impact and income, who did know what they didn’t know. At one time, we all started from the same place.
So this is your permission slip to start messy, but to start now, I pray this blesses you big. Let’s do this.
Let’s have a conversation. I need some more iced coffee guys. I truly have a problem. My friends tell me I have an oral fixation problem, cuz I always have to have a drink or three.
I have to have kombucha and a LaCroix and an iced coffee. Thus the intro to this podcast.
If you didn’t notice, I redid it. Do you guys like it? I hope you like it. Come tell me in the Facebook group, I tried to pick new music, but I literally sat there for like two hours listening to songs.
This is so dumb, I like the song that’s here. Let’s just move on.
This is the point, guys. Podcasting does not need to be fancy. It just needs to be real. And if you ever wanna know someone who is not afraid to be really weirdly awkwardly real, it would be me.
So hang out with me for a while and you’re gonna feel so good about yourself. Cause I am so weird.
Anyways, I don’t know why I told you that weird fact about loving all of my drinks. I think cuz I’m looking at them all thinking I do have a problem. But anyway, it’s time to talk about you, enough about me.
These 10 tips to starting a successful podcast. Number one, you are definitely gonna need to write this stuff down, cuz I’m going deep today with you, guys.
I’m gonna give you everything that I can to help push you through your fear.
10 tips, number one, know why you’re doing it. So why are you starting? And you guys feel free to pause me throughout this episode and actually do this work. I’m totally fine with that.
Why are you starting a podcast? For me, there were many reasons that I was starting a podcast.
Number one was that God told me to in October of 2018, I had a dream and I had been praying to God, very intently. I had been Lord, what is the thing?
Where am I supposed to show up? I was YouTubing and I had a blog.
Please don’t go looking for me prior to 2018, cuz you’re just gonna laugh really hard. It’s just really awkward. I’m like how to style your mantle.
This is not a drill guys. So God spoke to me in a dream in 2018.
And it was very clear. It was very prophetic. And He said to start a podcast. Sure, Lord, I don’t even know what that means. So one was obedience.
And so some of you were feeling that tug, that whole holy spirit nudges to start and you know it’s from God.
So obviously if God tells me to do something I’m gonna play. He knows what’s best for me and he knows the way. And so, yes, Lord, going. But the other piece of why I was doing it is I was really tired of video.
I had tried using video, tried using lives and I’m fine on video, but I just feel like it’s awkward. It’s just not my jam. I’m a big secret introvert at heart. I love to be home.
I love to not get ready. It’s my dream come true. Put me in an uncomfortable anything and I have problems.
I threw away all my high heels. I just can’t, I’m too old for this, guys. I’m in my thirties. It’s fine. I’m gonna be 37 in a couple of days. I just wanna be comfortable.
So I wanted to use my voice, which I’m very comfortable speaking to friends and pouring into people.
And so it really was a perfect fit for me to stop doing something that just didn’t sit right. It felt such an uncomfortable stretch every single time I would do it.
And just commit to doing this, to serve people. And then the third piece of why I was doing it.
And I’m giving you examples cause I want you guys to go and journal over this.
The third reason why I was doing it is because I knew that you, my Lola, that’s the name that you guys have as my beautiful, incredible avatars. I knew that you were busy.
You were driving, you were doing laundry, you were washing dishes. How many of you were doing any of that right now?
Maybe you are running around one earbud in as you have a baby on your hip. Maybe you’re a grandma and you’re doing pickup and drop-off. I know you’re busy.
And so I knew that the best way that I could touch your heart was through your ears instead of through your eyes.
And so that’s the other reason why I decided to do it. So why did you? Why are you doing this? Why are you deciding to start a podcast?
I want you to go ahead and pause me and journal over that and if you can’t do it right now, I want you to come back and do that later.
Number two, the second tip to starting a successful sustainable podcast. My favorite word lately is sustainable. I’m so sick of these overnight lies and success, and the hustle.
No, just gimme sustainable. Give me something real, something tangible, something evergreen, something forever.
Are you guys so sick of all of the flighty? I just want a foundational business. And so this second at tip is so critical. Know who it’s for?
And I know I talked in the last episode about knowing the one person and you will.
But when you start your podcast, you may just know in general who it’s for. That absolute clarity that takes you to your six-figure and seven-figure business that comes with actual podcasting.
None of you are gonna hit your thousand dollars months, your 10K months, your 100K months, et cetera, until you start with your zero months, $0 months.
We all had $0 months and we just started in service. And then we let God pour back into us. Not prosperity style, not show up and you’ll be a millionaire, but God wants to help you help people.
So that then when you make income, you can use it for the glory of God, for His kingdom.
I’m here for that work and you should be here for that too. So know the direction you’re going with your show. Who are you actually talking to? Please do not start a podcast when you don’t have a specific niche.
Don’t start a podcast without knowing your calling. That’s why I have Clarify You Calling course because you need to know the direction. If someone’s like Stef, I’m gonna start a podcast.
I love mindset and weight loss. I love faith and I love gardening. That’s great, honey. But what’s your thing?
If I had to pick, I love macros and gardening. No, what’s your thing? I’m gonna do a gardening podcast, but it’s gonna be for moms. So I can talk a little bit about motherhood and gardening.
We can talk a little bit about the meal plan, and meal prep, because we’re talking about using stuff from the garden.
Now we’re talking. Do you see how we can take a big macro idea and twist it into something micro? So that’s what we’ve gotta do, which actually brings me to number three. So, know who it’s for number two.
Number three, know what your niche is. And I just gave you an example of that. So if I’m talking to a mom who gardens, then I have a who, and then what my niche is, is gardening.
So I really need you guys to be willing to get a little more into the details of what you wanna do and who you wanna serve. And all of that we do in Clarify Your Calling together. So that’s where are gonna go.
Now, if you’re like, I know all that stuff. Cool. You can skip to Podcast Pro University, but this is for my people who are like, I wanna do this super right. I wanna do it in Liz style.
I wanna rank on the charts in five minutes, then you’re gonna do it.
Number four, the fourth tip is to have an SEO-specific title. And I know maybe you’re looking at my title and you’re like your title’s your name, who are you to tell me?
And this is not to toot my horn or toot anything. It is to tell you that you can earn having a podcast under your name when you get known for your thing.
And if you wanna know how to get known for your thing, you’re gonna go listen to the last episode. The one that was right before this one.
But when you are starting and you’re chasing your first thousand downloads, you’re chasing your first 10,000, your first hundred thousand, you need to have, in my opinion, an SEO-specific title.
You guys don’t have to listen to me. It’s fine. But I have helped hundreds of people have top three, two, and 1% ranked and 0.5% ranked podcasts in the entire world.
I think I know a little thing or two about SEO and this is such a seriously undervalued component.
So if we’re thinking about our example, the mom, and we’re gonna have a gardening podcast, she could call it Mom of light, mom of light.
But what does that even mean? How about something like you could have Soshi Blooms, that’s a little play on words.
If you wanna have that kind of stuff going on and then your tagline is gonna be super specific, how to get started with gardening for moms. How to get started with gardening and holistic meal prep. I don’t know.
Or you go super SEO driven and you have the Gardening Podcast for Moms or Gardening Made Easy or the Beginner Gardener Mom or Mom Gets Gardening. I know you’re like that’s boring.
That’s fine. What’s your goal here?
Do you actually wanna grow and do you wanna grow fast or do you wanna have a fluffy name that makes you grow twice as slow? It’s totally up to you. You, guys, may tell me I wanna have a fluffy name.
I’m cool with that. You can have a fluffy name. My podcast was called Mompreneur Mastermind Show for two and a half years. And then I didn’t want that name anymore.
And I wanted the Stefanie Gass show. Well, I had half a million downloads at that point. And so I could make that decision.
When you guys hit half a million downloads, you can rename your pod if you want to. But I think that’s great to get there faster.
Number five, your fifth tip to starting a successful sustainable podcast is to research and be sure that you’re legally clear to use the podcast name that you choose.
One other big mistake that I have seen is people see someone else’s name or someone else’s podcast or someone else’s brand and they think that they can use that same thing. You can’t.
The second that someone uses the name Mompreneur Mastermind, for example, I now have first used rights to that.
And so anybody else that comes out and tries to use the same podcast title or even something close to it is actually going to receive a cease and desist from my attorney.
And same goes for many other podcasts out in the world.
Now your next phase here is to go check the trademark website, not trademark yet, but the actual government trademark website and see if the name you want is been trademarked.
The other thing you need to do is check, godaddy.com and make sure that the name you wanna use has not been used.
It’s not purchased by someone and being actively used. Be unique, be different. Think outside the box.
Now all that being said, if you choose something that’s super descriptive, like the Gardener Mom Podcast that probably can’t be trademarked because it’s descriptive.
So there are definite workarounds to this whole rule that I’m giving you right now. But you just wanna make sure, you’re not building a brand that already exists.
Because you’re gonna be a year in and you’re gonna get a cease and desist letter and you’re gonna have to start over.
So don’t worry when you guys join Podcast Pro University, I have an entire link for you guys in there on the legalities.
And going through how to actually do these searches to make sure that your podcast name is super safe to go with.
Number six, your sixth tip is to have podcast art or channel art that steals the show. I cannot speak on this one enough. I am going to tell you from experience.
I’m raising my hand and my face is red and I’m kind of embarrassed now. I’m really not. It’s fine.
Fail forward, guys. I had two podcast arts that I made myself and they were so ugly. So busted.
If any of you have been hanging out with me since way back in the day, you remember my little Canva art, you know what I’m saying? My iPhone photo?
Podcast art is actually very inexpensive, like $75.
And you can work with my designer that I link and hook you guys up with her and get you amazing pricing inside Podcast Pro University and have art that’s going to get you seen.
The reason that Liz ranked so high, she did not spare any expense when it came to her art. A lot of my students have big success.
If you guys go to Podcast Pro University, you can look on that, the testimony section of the website, and you can see 50 different podcast covers that Ali has made for my students.
And it makes a difference. It’s the cover of your book. Think of it that way. If you were gonna create a best-selling book, would you go to Canva and make your own art? I don’t think so.
Now granted, some of you are amazing at graphic design, but here’s the deal just invest in really great art, please. It is so critically important.
Number seven, tip number seven. Focus on niche-specific keyword-driven titles.
This is one of the things that I think Podcast Pro University, why my course is so different than everyone else’s courses, is because I truly understand keyword-driven searches and SEO, and really getting into my person’s brain.
And I teach you guys how to have titles that actually become search result ready. So if someone searches for how to start gardening for free, or do I have time to garden or three garden hacks to do with your kids?
There is a purpose inside of every title that I put out and inside of every title that I help my students create because you can’t just come up with a title and have it work for you.
You have to be so strategic in the keywords, you’re using the SEO you’re using. And then also in the verbiage that you’re picking, it’s very easy to title podcasts in a way that you would title them.
But you’re not your avatar anymore. You’re way up here.
And your person’s way down here. I’m just trying to get started with the garden and do I buy the manure? Do I buy a planter? This is me.
I don’t have a garden, but my husband wants to garden. Somebody start this podcast and tag me.
How do I get started in five minutes a day? Cuz I don’t have time to garden, but I would love some fresh ground strawberries.
This is the situation. If you understood Stef Gass, you would need to title your episode so that I would click on them.
Not, I don’t even know any fancy terms, but it’s like four steps to elevating your gardening blossom experience in the fourth tier of the winter phase season. I don’t know what that means.
I’m not gonna click on that. So you’ve gotta really bring it down to where your person is and that it’s an art and it’s a strategy and I’m so excited that I teach that to you guys inside PPU.
Tip number eight, be vulnerable and story telling. So this is such a good tip for you guys from episode number one, rip off the bandaid.
You’re choosing podcasting and podcasting is a different experience for the listener.
A YouTube, okay. Do a two-minute video on something tactical about how to apply your lipstick. But when you move to podcasting, you’re creating friendships with people.
You are creating lifelong bonds with people and people come to me and they’re like, I feel like I know you, I’ve binged 200, 300, 400 episodes.
And I know everything about you and I’m so okay with that because God told me to do this. And so if I’m gonna show up, I’m gonna show up with all of me.
I’m gonna tell you, guys, the weird things about me. Going to joke with you. Share stories with you. Will explain when I fail.
I’m not embarrassed to bring you into the reality of my life because that’s what helps you guys trust me.
And it’s also what helps you see that I have been where you sit and I still often am right where you are. I’m real, fail, mess up, and struggle.
The other day I aired a podcast episode. The exit was at the intro. If any of you heard this, just go into our Facebook group and make fun of me. It’s fine.
The exit was at the beginning of the show and then not 12 hours later, I went in and I got the email that my team had prepped for me to send.
And I always go in so that I can update the CTA, the call to action side. Well, I changed the title of the email. I totally left out a word.
Made no sense. Three steps to how to have a thing. So ridiculous. Whatever, if I can mess up and own it, so can you, guys.
I think that we overthink this perfectionism thing and we think being vulnerable means that we are being weak or being perfect means that other people are gonna respect us more. I think it’s the opposite.
Just show up in your mess. Just be who you are, own it, own your weird. Somebody told me, it was Justine. Justine told me once. She said, Stef, you just own your weird, I’m so here for you.
And so why I’m saying this to you is I want you to come into your new podcast and I want you to be fully you from day one.
It’s gonna be hard. And I wasn’t fully me from day one. I’ve grown so much, and become so much more comfortable behind the mic, more authentic and you’ll get there.
But do your best, just let go of any perfectionism or thing that you think you have to hide behind the sooner you talk to your person.
Tip number two, the sooner that they will see you as a best friend that they trust, as a mentor, as a coach, as an expert in your niche.
The sooner they’re going to say yes to going with you all the way, to going with you through your show.
And through whatever it is that you create to monetize in the future, they’re gonna be with you. That’s important.
Number nine, you guys are gonna love this one. Two more tips, tip number nine. Don’t overspend. Do not do it.
So many of those podcasting courses and those experts out there, here’s your $2,500 mic that you’re gonna wire through the wall and hang from the ceiling.
And then don’t you dare podcast in an empty room. You need to have that cellophane stuff on the wall. What is that? The pads? Y’all, I mean, get outta here.
This is not rocket science. I have a Yeti mic. My room is half empty, so it’s probably very echoey, whatever. I sometimes record from my phone. I edit myself as I go.
I really do. I don’t even have a full-time editor. Once in a while, I edit one if it’s a coaching episode that we need to get down to 30 minutes.
Don’t overspend. Podcasting is the most inexpensive way to build a business that I have ever experienced in my entire life.
And I teach you and side Podcast Pro University how to do this really extraordinarily well, but legit style.
I want you guys to be spending less than 10 bucks a month on your host, you’re gonna spend a hundred bucks on your mic. I’m gonna teach you how to edit yourself.
I’m gonna teach you how to utilize Fiverr if you do need some help, I’m gonna teach you how to do this so scrappy and so quickly.
And so efficiently that before you know it, your podcast is the easiest thing you’ve ever done in your business.
I’m saving, I did a calculation one time, 15 hours a week podcasting versus what I used to do: be on Instagram to do stories, make reels, do a YouTube video, try to blog.
I was all over the dang place spending so many hours and getting absolutely nowhere.
Now, I hang out with you guys for two hours a week. Sometimes it’s just an hour, depending on how short the shows are. So, 90% of the time I don’t edit it all.
I pop in an intro and an exit, the team uploads, it publishes it and we’re done. However, if I was doing that myself, it’d be an extra 20 minutes. It’s literally so easy, so inexpensive.
Don’t overspend. And then to that point, don’t overcomplicate.
And so that’s why you’re gonna take my course, shameless plug. My course is going to tell you exactly what you need to purchase as well as everything that you don’t.
Last tip. The very final tip here is to start your incredible successful sustainable podcast. So, number 10 is, have accountability and a step-by-step plan.
That’s kind of two so you win. Have accountability and a step-by-step plan.
How do you have accountability? Well, when you guys join Podcast Pro University, it comes with my student community access.
We have over, I don’t know, 700 people in there who have gone through CYC or PPU and so they can help you.
We have my team. We have multiple people in there from my team every single day, answering your questions, and giving you guidance.
I am in there. I go live every single month and answer your questions live to make sure you stay accountable.
You actually do the things to get your podcast launched. You actually do the things to make your podcast a success. You’re stuck on the title of your show. Amazing.
There’s hundreds of people who are going to help you get clarity. So, you need podcast art. Amazing. We have all the recommendations of who to go to.
I don’t know what I’m gonna talk about in my first episode. Guess what? I have a formula for that in PPU. I don’t know how to edit. Guess what? I give you a full tutorial.
I don’t wanna edit. No problem. I have a person for you. Every single thing is in there, which is your step-by-step plan. All of it, and that is all at podcastprouniversity.com.
Now, let’s say that you’re I don’t know if I should start a podcast. Still, you will. So, just stop it already. You’re totally gonna do this.
But let’s say that you still feel unsure. I have a free quiz for you. So, I think that’s a great next step. And that is startapodcastquiz.com.
So, it’s gonna take you through a quiz of should you start a podcast. And, I think that’s a great option for you guys as well if you’re just like, eh, I don’t know what to do.
But here’s the deal. You’re never gonna feel ready. Let me just have a moment with you. If you’re still here, still hanging out with me, I’m proud of you.
This is hard and it’s never going to get easier to say yes to something that feels super scary. I validate you, see you, feel you. Truly, I’ve been there.
I remember feeling so anxious, my voice shaking the very first time I pressed record. But guess what? I’m here now.
Now that we have that out of the way, this is never going to be easy. It’s going to stretch you, and it’s going to feel uncomfortable. You’re gonna feel a little bit unclear.
You’re gonna feel a little bit unsure, and that’s the point. But when you have a plan, when you have accountability, when you have people running the race beside you, you don’t feel alone.
You don’t wonder if you’re doing it wrong. You know you’re doing it right cuz you’re following a proven method that not only I have followed
But hundreds and hundreds of other people, just like you have followed and found success. It’s the same exact process for you.
You’re just gonna have your own unique who and your own unique what and your own unique why. And you’re gonna bring all that spice to the table, along with your sassy little self, and you’re gonna spit behind the mic and it’s gonna be amazing.
There are no rules in podcasting either, so I want you to know that you have full permission to be you. So, you can have a full interview podcast or a solo show or five-minute mini-episodes.
You can do two hours. I don’t care what you do. We are gonna figure out the most perfect plan to bring your vision to life for your podcast.
Because this is about you and God’s vision for the people you’re meant to serve.
And so the sooner that you recognize that this is not actually your show, it’s His, the sooner that you surrender the yes to God, He is going to use you.
You have to act out in faith. You have to take big audacious leaps of faith that start with yes and amen. In order to experience, God’s favor over your business. The business you so desperately are praying for. It’s already there for you.
You just have to say yes and lean into the unknown by the power of God, by the power of the holy spirit, he will show up. He will guide you. I promise you. I’ve seen it. I live it.
And I know it is here for you. So there you go. I love you, and I’m encouraged by you today. I pray that you’re encouraged by this message.
So,I would just love to invite you again to Podcast Pro University, head on over there, check it out. And if you’re not sure the podcasting quiz is a great place to start.
It’s startapodcastquiz.com. And I’m just praying for you. I’m praying that you find the courage and that God pours the courage into your heart.
And that He gives you discernment over God’s timing on knowing when is the right time for you, that He gives you the provision that you need to start the show.
And it gives you so much clarity. And almost like that, the conviction in your heart would rise to such a level that there’s absolutely no chance that you could possibly say no.
Because you know with all of your heart, that it’s God tugging on you to lean into this purpose that he has for you. Love you. God bless you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. I’ll see you guys back real soon.
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What are the biggest business myths behind starting an online business? Check out my step-by-step guide and learn how to avoid them!
Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
How do we trust God with our online business? Here are three practical ways to keep Him at the center of it all.
Come Hang Out!
Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Join 5-Day Profitable Podcast Bootcamp!
Podcast Launch Checklist
Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish
Should You
Start a Podcast?
Complete Business Blueprint
Where Are You in Your Online Biz?
Choose the option below that best describes you!
Show me how to grow an audience the easy way - without the social media hustle
Show me hot to grow my podcast, make money online and get more visibility.
Show me the exact steps to starting my online business
from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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Find out more about working for Team Stef as
an intern! We open our internship twice a year.
Contact us with questions, concerns,
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!
Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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