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Hey Friend!
This is an interview with Tamra Andress who is here to talk to us about our money mindset. She is a best-selling author, top podcaster, international speaker, marketplace minister, and the founder of Fit in Faith Media Press Publishing. She is an incredible human who teaches faith-filled leaders to become messengers and broadcast their truth for the kingdom of God. This is so aligned with what I want for you guys- to use your podcast to share your true calling.
I do not doubt that this interview is going to bless you, your business, and especially your money mindset.
Where Are You In Your Business?
Before we dive into this money mindset interview, I want to ask you where you are in your business. Are you trying to get clear on what you are called to do so you can get started in an ordered way? If so I encourage you to watch my free clarity workshop which will help you get crystal clear on what you are going to create and build. Maybe you know what you are called to do, but you don’t know the next step on how to get started to build an audience and create consistent income. If so then I have another workshop for you! Check out my Podcast For Growth Workshop designed to help you understand how to use podcasting to grow an online business. Both workshops are free and will help you wherever you are in your business.
Introducing Money Mindset With Tamra Andress
Stef: Well hello Tamra and welcome to the podcast friend!
Tamra: I’m so pumped to be here. I’ve been an avid listener for years so it’s so exciting to be on the other side of the microphone.
Stef: I fell in love with you the second I saw you preaching from a Pelaton. I knew you were my people! So tell everyone who you are and what you do!
Who is Tamra Andress?
Tamra: I’m Tamra Andress and I am a marketplace minister. I do exactly what Stefanie does but by a different title. If you are wondering what that means, I am ordained and also a business coach. My passion is to develop a marketplace ministers from the lens of messengers. This is the language we call our community. It’s been a God deposit that has developed over the last 6 years in this particular business. What it means to be a messenger is just to be willing to speak up and speak out on behalf of the good news and make sure you have God at your back as you do these things. The zone of genius I like to catalyze people in is speaking, teaching, business development, and publishing. Sharing the good news in a way that God has called you to.
Stef: So good! I learned you have a hybrid publishing company.
Tamra: I do! It was a hybrid but now we are in all the bookstores across the world that we can get access to. We are working with a distribution partner who has been in the business for 23 years. So while we are a new publishing house we have access to people who are OGs in the industry and it’s been really fun. The variable to us vs Amazon or similar options is the average author who might only sell 2000 books ever, we are promised 10,000-15,000 based on our access to distribution.
Staying Aligned with God In Business
Stef: I love that so much. You have your hand in a lot of things as an entrepreneur like so many of us do. We have so many callings and purposes. What the world says we should do, what we are well versed in, and then these kingdom nudges from God. How do you know what to focus on and then how do you align your faith with those decisions of stepping forward into something new?
Tamra: This is such a powerful question. I can get off base and know that .1% misalignment will lead me to this huge chasm. I’ve been there. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 10 years. Before Fit in Faith I was not walking with the Lord intimately like I am now. I never asked God what I should be doing with my life and I didn’t know the words calling or purpose or identity. So everything I was doing was based on accolades and the world’s version of success and the “American Dream.”
What Changed Tamra’s Money Mindset
I had what I like to call a quarterly life crisis. In that time I came to know God and had a supernatural encounter in my living room. He wrecked it all and it makes me think of the young rich ruler. Instead of me having a choice in the matter, it was a forced quit because I was either going to keep my marriage and family intact or I was going to be a rich ruler. I didn’t want that and it wasn’t my end goal.
Now I process everything with the Lord and he really is my CEO. I start and finish my day with the Lord. I want to be in alignment and it’s not being religious but knowing how much it hurts to be out of the will of God. So even when it comes to marginal choices like passion projects and what everyone else might be doing, I know that might not be the Lord’s will for me. I can often find out just based on my internal alignment meter is fruit coming out of it or if is there peace coming out of this decision and ultimately is it glorifying God.
A lot of my people come to me because specifically because of the freedom I operate in. That’s why I love listening to you Stef because you’re willing to put your faith first as your foundation instead of it being this last thing or not mentioned at all.
I help others lean into this “What does God say?” And why aren’t you speaking THAT as the primary message?
Stef: To reiterate some of the important points you made:
what is the fruit coming from it
does it give you peace and joy
are you utilizing your gifts and talents
is it glorifying to God
These are a lot of good tactical things we can look through as we think about stepping into something new.
So how has your faith been a part of your journey? I know we have a lot in common in our stories, but can you tell us more about that wrecking moment and how that impacted what you are doing now from a business perspective?
Tamra: I know not everyone gets to have this story, but I wish everyone could have a forced timeout when it comes to chasing a dream or checking into a job. I had the luxury in this force quit to not really have to do anything except be a stay-at-home mom and become a wife. Although I had been married for 4 years and been together for 7, I did not know what it meant to communicate with my husband. I did not know what love meant. I didn’t have a relationship with God. My mothering was structured out of how I was mothered and had not created my own way. My mom was still the end-all-be-all and I had not cleaved to my husband.
I took a 3-year gap in titles and labels and job responsibilities besides nurturing my home and heart. For the first time in my life I was learning to communicate with myself, learning what emotional intelligence actually means, and just finding my life and what I wanted it to look like. And learning to voice that to my spouse.
We were about 3 years in and I was having coffee with a girlfriend and she was like “You should do this and business coach.” Even though I had been an entrepreneur for 10 years I had never had a coach. I didn’t know what that was. So I went on this journey and this exploration of what could that be and realized that I am naturally an encourager, equipper, motivator, and teacher.
Tamra’s First Steps as a Messenger
Tamra: I brought together 30 women locally and we came into my husband’s office space. I sent them this very encrypted message before the new year and called out the golden side of them and asked them to come to this office space. They came and I opened to Proverbs 31 which I had never done before. I asked them to raise their hand if they felt like they were a Proverbs 31 woman and most women did not. I then asked how many would consider themselves an entrepreneur and a few more raised their hands. Lastly, I asked how many of you would LIKE to be a Proverbs 31 woman and everyone raised their hands.
I then offered them an invitation to come alongside me as I learned how to be a coach and help them grow. By the end of 2020, I had about 15 of those original 30. Now I still have 5 of those original 30 which are successful entrepreneurs who have quit their full-time jobs and are making revenue. It’s really cool to see how my “yes” unlocked the access point for all these other people.
Stef: I love that story so much because it highlights that pivotal moment in all our lives where when we give our “yes” it’s always terrifying. But when you experience the ripple effect of the “yes” you want to give a thousand more. Do you have any tips for getting over the fear of getting to that “yes”?
Tamra: Well we know that faith and fear coexist at the same time. Having that revelation, you just get to prioritize which one is more important to you. Even with the fear, just do it. Realize that you aren’t failing and that what you are afraid of is likely just a story you made up and has no truth to it whatsoever.
Poverty Mentality vs Money Mindset
Stef: Let’s talk a little about the poverty mentality. You have this concept that I want to hear more about. What is your lens on the poverty mentality as it relates to the Great Commission?
Tamra: Poverty is a place that no one hopes or dreams to be. Everyone wants to be rich and famous. I had these songs about money that were anthems in my life and money was my idol. We know based on scripture that it is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself. It’s a heart posture towards our finances and ultimately the knowledge and activation of stewardship that will bring anyone out of poverty. But this poverty mentality isn’t necessarily a bank account number, because we as Americans who make 30K or more a year are the wealthiest in the world. That is the top 1% of the world. As Americans, we think that’s nothing, especially after expenses.
This is where I help encourage people to shift their minds to realize that we are already in the top 1% so how does that then make us steward those finances and bring us into more wealth? Because we need to be willing to be patient, take risks- which we don’t like to do, we usually want to hoard our money, but it’s so biblical to put our money to work. Money is a kingdom principle. Gold was planted in the garden and wealth was established in Eden. Having these knowledge points helps us go ahead and break that poverty mentality and create a money mindset.
The church has honestly created and continued this “Jesus was poor so I’ll be poor” mentality, but I promise you he was always an entrepreneur and was never poor. He was gifted gold at birth and surrounded himself with people who had great wealth like Deborah.
God is calling women to stand up, speak up, and start stewarding well. I’m not trying to step on anyone’s toes, but if you are posting about your Amazon boxes every week are you stewarding well? Are you just in the cycle of consumerism? Materialism and consumerism will put you outside God’s favor. If we are willing to give it all, God is willing to multiply it all.
Stef: That’s a word! What would you say are some tips for those finding themselves in this love of money? If we want to have the heart posture of taking risks and stepping into wealth.
Education For A More Biblical Perspective
Tamra: I think education is a huge part here. We don’t get the support when we are young to learn how to be stewards. We need to know how to curate money and that it’s not bad. If we think it’s bad we will constantly be rejecting it.
There’s this book called Abundant Money. It’s so good. In between every single paragraph, it says ” I love money. Money is good.” This is important to know it is not something to be afraid of. We are afraid of
what if I break this poverty off me?
what if I become a millionaire?
will people quit trusting me?
will people think I’m “too good” for them?
So education is important so we can break off this unhealthy money mindset.
You need to know your numbers like what’s coming in and what’s going out. What’s going out is a huge portion of what’s coming in. You have to learn tax strategy which sounds terrible, but there are so many educators on it.
I didn’t always have this knowledge and it wasn’t until I started leaning into the word and what God says about money. We have to come back to that heart posture to having our hands wide open because it is all His. When I did this it changed the game for me and he started to trust me.
Stef: As with anything that God’s created, it can be used both for good but also the enemy can create those lies around money. As we look at the most successful people we know, we can see clearly the ones that aren’t biblically based and how they are having to make money and feel the anxiety that the fruit might not be the best. In contrast, you can see the ones you know are biblically based who are successful and making great money, and what they are doing with that money.
When I look at my life now, I make way more money than I did when I was working 4 times as hard and I give way more money than I was ever able to give. It feels peaceful joyful and glorifying. So we have to discern through our heart posture and become educated on it.
It can feel overwhelming to seek all this education and become educated, so just take one step and learn that one component. God goes before you so just keep taking the next step.
Tamra: When your eyes and heart are open to the willingness He will teach you in the process. If he is your CEO he is also your teacher. You will open the word and have all these fresh revelations about finances because he will speak to it and it will change your heart.
In Proverbs 28 it says ” The trustworthy person will get a rich reward, but the person who wants quick riches will get into trouble.” If you think about the get-rich schemes and trends, you’ll realize that nothing worth having comes fast. It’s this knowing that it is not the money that makes us happy, it is the abundance and the willingness to create joy in the earth with it. We can give, release, and steward it.
Stef: I remember telling my husband that I wanted to tithe the true 10%. This was back when we didn’t have the money so we sat down and calculated what it was. We were terrified that it wasn’t going to make sense. We made that first payment trusting God and that it would return, and now I know 100% that it is God’s and that the whole point is to be able to give and bless others.
Tamra: And I don’t want people to think “Oh it’s easy to give because they have money.” Because I still worry about money. I struggle in this area because my husband and I are both entrepreneurs. We don’t have consistent income coming in every two weeks. It’s the knowledge that it doesn’t control me and that God is my ultimate provider. There are plenty of times when I think there is no way this is going to work. But because I continue to do things like fast and seek God, he ends up meeting my needs.
How Podcasting Has Helped Tamra and Her Business
Stef: Let’s shift gears and talk a little about podcasting. As you know that’s what I do is help women use podcasting to share their voice because I believe we can reach people more organically without the strive and hustle. How has podcasting helped you grow your business? Would you recommend it?
Tamra: Yes! It has foundationally shifted my lens on quality time and what it looks like to spend time in the word with God. The power of storytelling can be so healing to the people listening. I’ve been podcasting now for 5 years and I have 3 podcasts. We drop 4 episodes a week between those podcasts and I love it because it is the most beneficial spent time and quality time I get every single week with the people I love and the community I serve. I’m most attuned to myself and my voice when I’m serving the good news. Some of my podcasts are very business-driven, at the same time, I know that I get to go back to the Lord to learn and apply that to the world. You are getting to people around the world instantaneously and you’ll eventually get to see the ripple effect.
How Podcasting Changes Lives and Boosts Revenue
We did internal promotions on one of our podcasts and 18 months into my show I had someone book a call and I didn’t know who she was. Then I hop on this call and this woman starts crying and tells me ” You’ve got me through the darkest season of my life just seeing you and hearing your voice. I can’t believe I’m on a call with you right now and I didn’t think this was possible. I don’t know how I can work with you, but I want to do it.” So I invited her to my women’s retreat in Mexico and she booked the flight to come with me and then booked a coaching experience with me.
That one ripple effect was 20K on the other side. And not that I care about the money, but I care about her salvation. She was saved because I was willing to turn on a microphone.
Stef: Exactly and amen! I love that you mentioned the benefit to you. Often I talk about things like the audience and reaching people, and yes you can make money, but I like that you mentioned all the benefits to you. You were growing in the conversation and YOU were benefiting from the time that was saved with podcasting.
Tamra: I can tell the difference in my demeanor on the days I podcast vs the days that I’m working on internal things like strategy or emails. I know I’m doing specifically what God has called me to do and being a messenger. It’s not just fruit for me, but fruit for the people I love most.
Finding Tamra Andress
Stef: Thank you for blessing us with this conversation about money mindset. Where can everyone come to listen to your show and learn more about what you offer?
Tamra: You can find me at I’m on Instagram a lot. My three podcasts are:
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