As a business owner, how much do you turn to God’s Word, or Bible Scriptures, to guide you and help you as you grow your business? I’m asking because, as an online business owner and podcast coach, I sometimes forget that what I read in Scripture doesn’t just apply to life. It applies to my business, too. Scriptures are relevant and applicable to all areas of our lives.
As a Christian who stands firm in her faith and the Word of God, I love how Bible scriptures have become second nature and planted in my heart and mind. Bible scriptures speak life and bring peace in times of need, struggle, and strife, whether in our family, relationships, or business.
The Bible has all we need to lead us in the way we should go. As you grow your business and help others through your podcast or online course, you can confidently turn to the Bible for advice. I want to share 5 powerful Bible scriptures applicable to you as an entrepreneur and a business owner. Grab your Bible, a notebook, and a pen. These Bible scriptures will bless you as you grow your online business and podcast.
Dedicate Your Business to God, Live Out Bible Scriptures for Kingdom Impact
Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3 NLT
To commit your actions to the Lord means to devote or dedicate them to Him. The result is that the Lord will establish your plans. Why is this relevant to your business? Because you must dedicate your business efforts to God. As you work and serve in your business, do it with a heart to help and support others. When you record a podcast, do it for the glory of God. When you lead people in your coaching program, do it for the glory of God.
A heart wanting to be used by God says, “I’m here today. Let me be a vessel for You. Let me bless people today.” Say that prayer before you show up so that even when you face frustrating or challenging things inside your business, you respond as Christ would and move forward because you are committed to the Lord and His assignment on your life. This makes a beautiful partnership where He can establish your plans. Commit your business to Him so that it will be established.
Please note that the scripture “Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed” is found in Proverbs 16:3, not Proverbs 16:13.
Seek God, Search Bible Scriptures for Wisdom
Go to God for guidance and decision-making. Whatever crossroads or challenges you face, go to God as you make decisions. Search the Bible Scriptures. Bring it to the feet of Christ.
Inside my group coaching program, Podcast to Profit, there is an entire module on having a God-centered business and how to have a business meeting with God. Is He the CEO of your life and your online business? He can direct the growth of your company, help you hire and build a strong team, and help you make offers and courses that convert and help others. Every single component of your company can be in partnership with Him.
So, seek Him in your decision-making. You will see a difference in the execution of your business. You will have more clarity and peace because you have plans ordered by the Lord. God placed plans, goals, and dreams in your heart for a time such as this.
Working for the Lord, Live Out Bible Scriptures to Keep the Focus
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.
Colossians 3:23 NLT
This Bible scripture is important because as you work inside your online business, work at it with all your heart for the Lord and not man. Evaluate your business dealings, products, services, and courses through this question, “Am I working for God or am I working for man?”
When you work with all your heart for the Lord and not man, you show up at your highest capacity. There is no need to worry about what people say or think. When partnered with God in your business, you can relinquish fears of what other people think about where you are going or how you are growing.
Working with all your heart for the Lord keeps you in the right perspective of showing up for God and not for man, yourself, or money. As a business owner, regularly stop, pause, and inventory what you are doing and why. Sometimes that means to lay down your business, set aside the to-do list, and show up for your family. It might mean hiring someone so you spend time getting new clients instead of doing administrative tasks. God will help you find a beautiful balance in your business.
When you partner with God and work with all your heart, He gives you the drive, vision, motivation, and perseverance you need when building an online business gets hard. As you show up, work, and serve with the belief that Jesus is your Lord and Savior and that Scripture, God’s Word, is the truth you stand on and live by, you show up for God, not for man.
A Good Name Is Better Than Wealth, Live Out Bible Scriptures to Choose Right
Choose a good reputation over great riches. Being held in high esteem is better than silver and gold.
Proverbs 22:1 NLT
Building your online business with a good name is far better than earning great riches. Earning a good name builds your listener’s trust, allows you to speak on controversial things, and gives you the courage to stand up for God’s truth instead of what is accepted.
Bible Scriptures speak wisdom.
Do not focus on short-term gains or worldly accolades over an honest and true name. It says to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Getting silver or gold often comes by saying what is comfortable and safe, but being esteemed comes when you are trustworthy and rooted in who and Whose you are.
Prayer of Thanksgiving Over Your Business, Live out Bible Scriptures With Gratitude
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 NLT
There are many stresses while building an online business, launching a podcast, creating a course, trying to get clients, working with customers, and hiring a team. So many stresses, roadblocks, fears and limiting beliefs when running an online business. The more you grow, the more challenges you face.
This is not to diminish your desire to grow but to encourage you to put on the armor of God and to show up before the feet of Christ with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, presenting your requests before Him. When you do, God will give you peace. God will guard your heart and your mind.
If you deal with anxiety and want to be free from nervousness, worry, and stress, get on your knees. You need prayer and petition with thanksgiving. Present your request to God. Incorporate daily, even hourly prayer. In the moment when anxious thoughts creep up, let Philippians 4:6-7 be in your mouth and prayer on your lips. Then practice gratitude.
Power of Prayer
How might this sound for your business? “Lord, thank You for allowing me to shepherd and steward this company. I’m so honored. I’m so grateful. Thank You for allowing me to reach thousands and unlock whatever the calling is on their hearts and lives. I am thankful that You use me, believe in me, trust me, forgive me, and make me a new person.“
“I’m struggling with blank. I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do. I feel anxious about it, Lord. I’m asking You for clarity. I’m asking You for direction. I receive a word from You, Father God, on what I should do. Thank You for Your peace. Thank You for Your direction. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Seek First the Kingdom, Live Out Bible Scriptures in Your Online Business
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33 NLT
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Ask yourself, “Do I have a kingdom mindset in my business and personal life?” You know you have a kingdom mindset by how you help His people and spread God’s truth.
Are you the hands and feet of Christ in what you do and say? Are you showing up as Christ would, not being a gossiper, not putting others down, and not comparing? Does what you do influence and further God’s kingdom?
Use your online business, podcast, and courses to bless, serve, and help others find Jesus, improve their health and relationships, and grow their income and businesses. Whatever you are called to do, do it to further God’s Kingdom. As you do, God will provide everything you need.
More Faith Episodes Like This One on My Podcast
I pray this encourages you.
You can find more faith episodes like this one inside the Online Business for Christian Women Facebook Community. Go to Guide #4 for the podcast catalog. Inside the podcast catalog, you can search for any topic you want to learn and grow in. Search by category such as online business, podcasting, increasing your income, or faith. Binge listen and grow!
Pray With Me for Your Business
Before you go, let’s pray over your business. “Father, we are grateful for all the goodness You bestow on us. No matter where we are in our business journey, just getting started in the very beginning, the messy middle, or even over on the success scaling side of things, we know it doesn’t get easier. We understand that there will be trials, stumbles, roadblocks, and things we have to overcome. There will be failures in the future.
But we receive it because we know You refine us by fire. You prepare us for what’s to come. We ask You to be the CEO of our company, and that You help us make wise decisions.
Give clear forward thinking and eliminate distractions in Jesus’ name. Eliminate opposition and distraction in Jesus’ name. Put warring angels at every corner of our businesses. Make your plans for us clear, defined, and protected by the blood of Jesus. We are grateful that You help us walk this journey.
Lead us in the next right steps. Help us focus on where we are going. Give us the right mentors, pastors, and friends in our lives to give us biblical sound advice and guidance.
May our hearts be at peace, our minds healed, and our relationships fruitful and beautiful. May our parenting be patient. Help us to show up for our teams, students, listeners, and clients with kindness, patience, and grace. Make us more like Christ every single day. And lastly, Lord, help us to make time and space in our schedules to get into the Bible so that we grow in wisdom. Amen.“
I love you and I’m proud of you. Keep showing up and shining.
I pray this blesses you!
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