Hey Girl!
Today I am answering Liesel’s question, “What types of coaching should I be doing in my paid program vs. with my high ticket clients vs. on my podcast?” This is such a great question and I actually broke it down into 3 specific types of coaching with 3 different outcomes!
I know that any of you who are building a podcast and want to (or already are) monetizing with coaching, courses or both will love this one!
Be sure to take notes and join us in our sisterhood www.stefgasscommunity.com!
If you have a question for quick tip Tuesday, hop over to www.stefaniegass.com and scroll down to the ‘ask stef’ button!
I pray this blesses you.
Hey, girl, hey! It’s Quick Tip Tuesday. Hope you, guys, are ready for an amazing question today from Liesel Hill. I love this question. It’s so good. And I think so many of you are gonna have this question relating to what you should be coaching on inside of your programs or your courses versus what you coach on in like your high ticket or your private coaching practice versus what you coach on on the show. Going to be a juicy one. So grab a notebook and pen. Let’s grow, girl.
Hi, Stef! My name is Liesel. I’m one of your Podcast Pro University students from quite a while ago, but you taught me how to podcast so thank you for that. My question is that I have been spending the last six months or so putting together a fiction author business academy. I’m a fiction author myself and I serve other authors, helping them get their books written well. And then of course their marketing and all of the things that go around being a career author.
And I know I want to do coaching inside of my academy for my paid students, but I’m having a hard time coming up with what to coach them on, and more specifically differentiating between what I coach my high ticket paid students on versus the kind of coaching that I would do on my podcast or other free presentations like Facebook lives.
So, of course I wanna give them more value because they’re paid students, but I’m just kind of hitting a wall there. So you could give me some clarity or some guidance on that, I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much for all you do. I always look forward to listening to your podcast.
Hi, Lisel! First of all, congratulations on creating your fiction author business academy. That sounds so legit and so much fun. And I love that you have a micro niche and that you know what you’re doing. Tears to my eyes, sister.
What I did here is I actually mapped out the three different buckets of coaching that we do as Stef Gass business model, you know, peeps, we go through the podcast, which we’re actually giving value away. And sometimes we’re doing coaching there and then we have our one-on-one coaching, not everybody, but you and I do and or high ticket coaching for some people.
And then you also have this program or this course that you are running. So I wrote down those three buckets and I’m gonna go through with you today what I believe the style of and the goal of coaching is within each of those three buckets. So definitely grab a notebook, Lisel, and let’s dive in.
The first place that I want to to begin is the podcast. So when we show up on our shows and we are doing coaching and teaching there on the show, the type of coaching we’re doing on the podcast are examples. These are the what, and whether you are sitting with somebody and you’re going through and you’re strategizing with them on what their fiction book is gonna be about that is not solving, you know, Mary’s problem over here.
Because Mary has a different vision of what her book’s gonna be about but what it’s doing for Mary is it’s casting vision of what it would be like to work with Lisel, you know, so for me when I do a live coaching episode on the show, which is an unstuck session or a strategy call that is not solving the problem of my other Lolas because they have a different calling on their heart, they have a different vision, they have a different set of trials, triumphs skill sets, spiritual gifts.
And so it almost makes it worse, cuz they’re like, okay, but can I have you do that for me? And so don’t be afraid of on the podcast doing a lot of examples, that cast vision for your other avatars. So that’s number one.
Number two is what’s happening in your private coaching slash high ticket coaching sessions. This is going to be your actual strategy and implementation. So if someone knocks in the door and they come in and they buy a coaching session or coaching package with you. This is where you’re giving them the actual strategy, how to, and implementation to get them through the other side, right?
Because somebody can go take the fiction off their business academy and do this on their own. But sometimes they have a block as you probably know around, what’s my story, I’m stuck with writer’s block or I can’t figure out the ending or I don’t have a good enough middle point, it’s not triggering enough for the reader and they’re stuck.
So this is where they come to you for this strategy, this I wanna tap in a Liesel’s brain to get her to help me be able to complete this program. So that what’s happening in the one on one it’s the personalized focused strategy.
Now third type and place that we coach is within our programs or courses. So I don’t know if your program is live or if it’s passive, but either way, what I believe to be the best type of coaching that we can offer people in our paid is support and accountability coaching. So Liesel, this would look like they take the module, they learn the thing and then the coaching that you’re providing inside of the program is actually just Q and A.
You show up and you’re like, Hey guys, we’ve got our accountability coaching Wednesday nights or every other Friday or whatever that looks like, throw your questions at me, where you at? So you’re truly just supporting, you’re truly just providing accountability for your students to make sure that they’re getting it, to make sure that they’re doing the work to make sure that they’re not stuck.
Now, another style of accountability support could coaching that I’ve done and that I do in Podcast to Profit is called power coaching. And so everyone gets five minutes and they can say whatever they wanna say in that five minutes. And it’s related to what they just learned.
So if somebody just learns how to create an outline of their book with you and they have their five minute coming up, all they’re gonna say is like, okay, here we go, Liesel, on, I’m gonna pull up my outline, here’s what I’m thinking. Da, da da. I’m stuck on point number six. What do you think? Do you think this is the verbiage is good here? Do you have any insight? And then Liesel gets to spitfire back.
Anything that we can do and help them with in five minutes is a go. And people love this so much because they get to learn simply by listening and simply by watching me do power coaching for other participate inside the program.
But the entire goal here is not additional teaching because your fiction author business academy already teaches them how to do this, it already gives them the tacticals. They do not need more teaching, more coaching inside your program. They need support and accountability.
So quick recap for you. Number one on your podcast, the goal of our coaching is to give examples or live coaching that shows people the what, and it casts a vision for what could be possible for them if they were to coach with you.
Number two, coaching that we do in a one-on-one session or a private coaching call is actually provide strategy and get them unstuck, and then show them how to make that a reality. It’s the vision. It’s the strategy vision of where they’re gonna go. And then finally, in the program it’s to provide support / accountability coaching.
I hope this helped you, Liesel. Thanks for this great question. I loved it. You guys, if you have a Quick Tip Tuesday question for me just like this, I would love to feature you please. Head to stefaniegass.com, scroll down on the homepage and you’re gonna see and Ask Stef button.
Simply click that button and record your question for me. This can be anything related to getting clarity, building a profitable online business, partnering your business with God, having God centered impact or income, time blocking or planning or productivity within running a business while working from home or anything else y’all wanna know about me.
I’m an open book. So ready, set, go. Get that recorded. Get it over. As long as I have Quick Tip Tuesday questions to answer, I will keep doing Quick Tip Tuesdays for you, boo. Yes, you, you’re welcome. Anyway, I pray that this blesses you.
And I want y’all to be really excited about the episode on Thursday, because I am sharing something so big, so exciting and something I have never, ever done or shared before. And so be sure that you are subscribed to this podcast right here, right now cuz Thursday’s episode is about to blow your mind. God bless you, sister. I’ll see you soon.
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