defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Lola!
In today’s fun bonus episode I answer a question from my community, “Stef, how do you bring God into your business? How do you hear from Him when it comes to big decisions?”
This question hit home for me and made me realize that some things that seem easy aren’t so clear or simple for everyone. And, if there is one thing I am EXCITED to share it’s how to partner with God in your business choices. Whoop!
I walk you through exactly HOW I speak to God through prayer, quiet time, scripture, and how I obediently wait until He speaks. I share how He speaks to me and how I decipher His answers when they seem unclear…
I hope this bonus episode inspires you to partner with God in your life, choices, and business and lean on his understanding. Sister, His plans are so much bigger than ours could ever be.
“For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11
(00:00) Hey friends. I hope you’re having a great day. I am recording this quick bonus episode for you. Why? Well, because I’m crazy. And I decided it would be a good idea to do a bonus episode every single week for the month of September. And so yeah, here I am showing up doing a bonus episode. Let’s get it.
(00:23) Today I am actually answering a question from one of my mastermind girls, which was Stef, how do you bring big decisions to God before you take action on them? Like, what does that actually look like? And then where do you find space, peace and time in your day. And finally, Hey Stef, who do you go to for mentorship? Questions and inspiration? I thought, Oh my gosh, this is perfect. This is a perfect conversation for a quick bonus episode.
(01:45) All right sista-friends. First question. How do I bring major decisions to God? I feel like there’s nothing major here, but I always forget that when I don’t think that something is complicated and hard, it doesn’t mean that it’s not that way for other people, which is exactly why you guys have to show up in your businesses and in your lives and really focus on what are the things you do or that are easy for you because it’s probably not easy for your avatar.
(02:20) That’s the stuff you guys need to be sharing and coaching and teaching. Okay? So I’ll just use a live example. I just finished my podcast to profit mastermind, or whenever this airs it’s going to be ending, which was my four month all intensive, crazy, awesome mastermind group, helping my podcasters scale and go next level, grow the show then monetize the show using a passive product, like a course or starting a coaching business.
(02:55) I taught them all the secrets. We had weekly meetings, breakout sessions, like it was so incredible. We truly became a family and it was amazing. And it was a ton of work. Oh my gosh. I mean, at least five hours, every single week between the Facebook group, serving, doing the breakout sessions, which were three hours a week, every other week, the trainings. I was creating the content for the first time.
(03:24) So I had all of the slides to prepare, just all the things. So we just ended and I’m like sitting there going, Oh my gosh, like I should launch this again. I should just launch it. I should just do it now. I shouldn’t wait. I was going to wait until January. I’m like, I should do it.
(03:40) Then I remembered like, okay, God led me to do this mastermind in the first place. And God also has a season and a time for me to really show up intentionally and work really super hard. And he also has a time for me to rest. I don’t really know. I don’t know what this season is, so I need to bring this to God.
(03:58) So before I acted, which is very Stefanie Gass fashion to just act and go, I’ll just launch it and we’ll see what happens. It’ll be fine. I got quiet, and I’m still getting quiet and I’m bringing it to God to see what he wants me to do before I do, because we cannot make a decision out of, you know, hastiness or out of being reactive or even out of what we think we should do.
(04:27) We have to make those decisions and those choices based on what God wants us to do. So I just had to get really quiet with that. And the first tip I have for you guys on this is just to pray, to really be mindful in your prayer about what you want to do. So I said, you know, Lord, God direct me, help me lead me and show me if I’m supposed, what am I supposed to do now?
(04:52) Am I supposed to launch podcast to profit again? Now, do you want me to wait? What should I do? Should I just focus on private coaching? Do I just need to rest like, share what I should do with me? Give me that clarity, give me that those answers so that I am walking with you in this season and you are directing and leading my steps in Jesus name. Amen. Right? So you can pray over that choice and bring it to God.
(05:20) And here’s the hard part, the waiting and a lot of times, or so often I hear you guys, well, I don’t know, like God’s not giving me an answer and you’re frantically looking for an answer and you’re trying to force an answer, but we cannot force an answer. You know, like God knows what’s best for us. He also knows how to answer us in his own timing.
(05:42) So the next piece of this is you have to get quiet enough and intentional enough to hear that divine intervention and to hear that direction. And what I mean by that is I have to get off social media every weekend, right? That’s what, what I have to do to get quiet and to hear, I also have to have my quiet prayer time. And this, this for me and you guys, this takes practice, but this is multiple times a day.
(06:08) It’s every time I wake up, every time I lay down for bed, at least two or three times throughout the day, because it’s just a habit for me. It’s just like conversationally, showing up with God and saying, hi, just seeing if you have any intervention for me. And then, then the next place is the shower, because I’m really quiet. I’m really in a, just a restful state, just kind of hanging out.
(06:31) And I have a notepad in there, a notepad, they’re called like sticky notes, I think, or shower notes, shower notes. You can get them on Amazon. I’ll just in the shower sometimes get like a download. I’m like, Oh my gosh, I have an idea. I’m gonna write it down. Then the third place I look is in scripture.
(06:49) So every, at least every other day, but I really try every day to either listen to the Bible on the Bible app, they can play it for you while you’re doing things or reading the Bible or doing my with God She Rises journaling or something like that. And sometimes I’d say 50% of the time, I really get like a very clear answer right inside of scripture.
(07:13) So God speaks to me a lot of times through scripture, a lot of times do just direct downloads. I’ll get the clarity and like an idea, or sometimes through you guys, God will work through you guys and I’ll get 27 inbox messages being like, I want to do podcast to profit now. I’m like, okay, I hear you got it. So trusting, trusting your answer will come and just really being open to receiving that answer.
(07:39) Then here’s the third part of this that makes it sometimes pretty tough. Being obedient. Would it be convenient to launch this mastermind again? Maybe, maybe not because I am distance learning our oldest kiddo and husband’s home and just all the things and I want to rest. I want to rest and who doesn’t want to rest, you know?
(07:57) So there’s that, would it be wonderful financially? I’m yes. Yes. It’s my biggest product. It’s my highest price point. And I already have all the materials. So like there’s pros and cons to it. So what if God comes back and he’s like, no, you know, daughter, wait, rest, just be, just hang out, just focus on your kiddo during this season of distance learning or whatnot.
(08:18) Then when, because I asked for that direction, I have to be obedient. And so do you. When I get that clarity, okay, got it, got it, father. I’m here for it. Here’s the beauty. Every time we are obedient, he will make really, really good on that promise. The next time that I do do that mastermind and he tells me go, and I’m ready and excited. And he’s behind it. That provision flows through, right?
(08:47) Like the first time I did it, you guys, I mean, God had whispered that into my heart to do that mastermind. I launched that thing without even it, I just talked about it. I’m like, hi, I’m going to do a mastermind. Does anybody want to do it? And I had like 20 people request, fill out a Google form. I didn’t even have a sales page. It was a Google form in like 48 hours. It was fully sold out.
(09:09) So I know that when we wait and when we do things, God’s way that those are the times that they are really ultimately really successful because his hand is on it. Right. God’s favor is behind your decisions. So I would recommend if you want to do what I do, you know, bring every big decision to God, pray, wait, journal over that, read scripture, get quiet, and then be obedient once you hear back.
(09:38) This is for everything, not just my business, you guys, anything like, should I work with this client? Should I do this? Should I do that? Like help me decide if this is the right eating plan. Like I’m literally that girl. So all of that takes practice. But I do think that will be really helpful for you.
(09:57) The next question was, how do I find my inspiration? Like who are, who do I look up to and what, where do I go for that mentorship or that coaching? I think that’s such a great idea because, or a great question because everyone’s different. I do want to highlight that, okay, I have clients who always need a coach every month. They need a coach and they want a coach.
(10:21) Why? Because those people operate best when they have accountability, when they have someone in their pocket that they can bounce ideas off of and brainstorm with perfect knowing yourself and the way that you operate at your highest possible level. The way that you show up for your business is so imperative to your success. Okay?
(10:45) If you’re one of those people who procrastinates and you need that accountability, and you need someone to just kind of verify what you’re thinking to just work through ideas with you, you probably are someone that needs a coach every single month. And that’s great. That’s that’s okay. I am not that way. I do not need accountability.
(11:05) It’s just, you know, businesses natural for me. I need accountability with like dieting and working out. Don’t get that twisted, but business. I’m good. So for me, the way that I operate best is I need bursts of inspiration. I don’t necessarily need brainstorming or like business advice, but I need bursts of inspiration and just insight. Okay. So what I mean by this is for me, I love to go and do a couple of live events a year.
(11:40) Last year, I did a Brendon Burchard and then we had, or this year, this year, that’s crazy. This year we went to Brendon Burchard’s event and then COVID happens. So I don’t think I’ll be able to do a second one this year, maybe a virtual. And then right now I am part of a mastermind group and it’s been great. Like you’re able to get a burst of inspiration, but, but not necessarily having that constant handholding.
(12:03) What I love about that is sometimes you just need to be refueled and excited about your business because it’s still a business at the end of the day. Like, yes, it’s a calling. Yes. It’s a purpose. Yes. It can be super fun. Yes. It’s super rewarding, but it’s still work. So getting that infusion of excitement is super critical. So I love events. That’s my number one. Favorite way to be reinspired and invigorated.
(12:27) The second one is to find just some really exciting personal development, or even having a, just a friend who’s in your same like zone. So some of my clients have actually become friends. You know, whether they’re previous clients or current clients, and like, I can even bounce just a quick text to them, like, Hey, thinking of doing this thing, like, what would you, what do you think about that?
(12:50) Like getting that validation, I guess, is also something that really inspires me to keep going. As you guys grow bigger and bigger communities, you’ll be able to get that validation faster in your groups or with your clients or at events, or if you operate best with a private one on one coach, that way, I think you have to play with how you like to learn and be inspired and then stick with it.
(13:18) I say this because you don’t need permission to have coaching or mentorship, your way I have happy will come to me are like, well, you don’t have a private coach, so I’m not too sure. You know, if I could work with you and I’m like, that will okay. But that’s weird because not everybody operates best with a private coach. Some people operate best in a group mastermind like I’m part of right now.
(13:42) I have been part of masterminds for the past three years, or they operate best doing just a course. They just need a self study product to help lead them and give them what they need. I’ve bought plenty of self study programs, or they’re an events person. I want to go to a retreat. I want to go to an event. So there’s no right or wrong answer to how you should get coaching and mentorship.
(14:03) And yeah, that’s where I find mine. And then of course in prayer as well, and I’m just working with God, holding his hand in my business. So there are the answers to those questions. I thought this was a fun, great, easy, fun, fast bonus episode for you guys. If you have any other requests, I promise to do bonus episodes all month long. So I would love to hear from you and know what you want to know.
(14:29) What do you want to hear? There are no limits. I’m an open book. Come on into my DMs at Stefanie Gass, drop me a voice memo. Tell me what you want to hear on the next bonus episode. I can’t wait. Lastly, if you need any help in your business, if you need a podcast audit, if you need to have a podcast strategy or map out your course or whatever that next thing is, or that thing that you’re stuck on in your online business, grab a one hour strategy call with me.
(15:02) You can hit us up at to get on the books. I have a few spots left for September. I would love to help you break through any roadblocks that you are currently facing in your business so that you can explode into 2021 because it’s coming and it’s coming fast. And I have a feeling next year. It’s going to be so much better than this year.
(15:23) How many of you agree? All right, loves, sending you love, sending you, lifting you up and just prayer, excitement, love, and peace right now and praying God has so much intervention for you and divine downloads that he is bringing into your life to answer any questions that you might be stuck on because we know that he is good. We know that he is here and he’s ready and willing to guide us.
(15:45) If we will just get quiet enough to hear from him and let him guide us in our businesses, those doors will be opened. Thank you, Lord, for that in your, in your glorious name, Jesus’ name. Amen. I’ll meet you guys back here super soon. Talk to you later. Love and light, Stef.
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