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Hey Friend!
Have you ever struggled to determine how to scale and grow your revenue? Have you ever felt stuck in the business that God has led you to start? Or, have you ever tried to launch something new before your first offer was successful?
Today, I will discuss four different revenue brackets and what you should prioritize in each phase: $0 to $100K, $100K to $500K, $500K+, and $1 million and beyond.
You may be surprised to hear that what you should be doing at each revenue benchmark looks very different depending on your bracket.
As we’re growing our business, we sometimes experience imposter syndrome or get distracted by what everyone else is doing. Friends, what everyone else does is not always what we should do in our business! You should focus on where God is leading you in your business and stop letting comparison distract you from your mission.
Today, I’ll give you the exact steps for what to focus on and what you should be doing to grow your revenue in your kingdom business.
This is going to be fun! Let’s go!
When I discuss these revenue phases, I mean your top-line revenue – your gross revenue. I’m talking about what you make from your sale, not what you profit from after you’ve paid your virtual assistant or any other expenses.
For the purpose of this blog post, we are focused on gross income from what you are selling. If we aren’t producing any revenue from our business, then our offer isn’t working, and things are broken. We aim to focus on the right things at the right time and avoid distractions as much as possible.
Revenue Milestone Phase I: $0 to $100K
Whether you’re making revenue or not within this bracket, our focus in this phase is the same as what I’ve repeated time and time again. I know that can be frustrating to hear when you’re thinking, “Just tell me what to do to triple my revenue!” But it’s not that simple, friends. This bracket is all about foundational tactics. So, let’s talk about what we need to focus on from $0 to $100K.
Surrender Your Business to God
You’ve got to surrender your business early. In Podcast to Profit, I teach my students how to have a business meeting with God from the get-go. This step is critically important because God has to be partnered with you in everything you create. Otherwise, you will fall victim to worldly tactics that will lead you astray as quickly as you started.
What worldly tactics am I referring to? It’s social media, hundreds of reels per week, hustling around the clock, and spending hours in DMs to close a sale. We’re not here to sell our souls for success; we’re here to surrender our work to the will of God.
If God is the original entrepreneur (see Genesis 1:1), then I think He knows a thing or two about entrepreneurship. Our goal isn’t to follow in the world’s footsteps but to partner with God. If you aren’t doing that yet, get started and get back to basics. This might look like making a cup of hot coffee and spending an hour with God in the mornings. Bring your ideas to your business meeting and get quiet with Him.
If you are currently in Phase I, I believe you should be meeting with God more often. Not that it’s not crucial after you’ve reached a higher revenue bracket, but the frequency you meet with Him should be pretty regular as your business is getting off the ground.
Gain Clarity to Gain Revenue
You need to clarify what your business is doing and who it’s serving. Your TSO (Tactical Specific Outcome) statement will give you the answers. Once you nail your TSO statement, you can build a business around it.
Here are some tactical examples:
I teach modern women how to start a garden.
How to can food and homestead.
Start your micro-school on a budget.
The “who” that you serve is one person in your mind. If you aren’t making much revenue right now, this is likely where your problem lies. It’s time to get clear.
Create Longform Content to Build Revenue
You need to start your long-form content method. I do all three. We blog, podcast, and YouTube in my business. If you’re following me, then you probably know podcasting is the clear winner! Especially for those of you in the Phase I bracket. Why? Because you need to focus on the easiest, most sustainable, most affordable, and quickest converting method. You start and optimize your podcast.
This phase is a great place to enter my program, Podcast to Profit. I teach all the foundational things, like email marketing, website, offer testing, coaching, and podcast optimization.
Once you consistently make revenue in Phase I, what you DON’T do is launch offer #2. Just focus on one core offer through $100K. However, you CAN double your prices after three months of booked-up coaching.
When I first started podcasting in the Mompreneur Mastermind Show, I had one core offer, which was coaching. I charged $80 per hour and doubled my hourly rate until I reached $800 per hour around the 18-month mark. I didn’t feel right about charging that much, so I figured out other offers and ways to make my coaching more passive.
Some of you are ready to start a course, but we need to validate what we’re teaching before we create something, or else it will fall flat. Please avoid creating a dozen freebies or too many offers. Hold off on these things until you start making serious revenue!
Revenue Milestone Phase II: $100K to $500K
Now you’re at a revenue milestone of $100 to $500K. Congratulations, this is so exciting! Now we have to start getting you out of the weeds of your business.
Hire Help
If you’re even over $50K in annual revenue, this applies to you too: you need to hire help in your business. Hire your first virtual assistant, or maybe even two. As you scale, you will be maxed out without this kind of help.
I see students and colleagues become stagnant around $200K because they’re, a) completely unorganized, or b) completely alone, trying to solopreneur their way past $500K. This is impossible to do alone unless you’re willing to work 40-60 hours per week and burn out at the expense of your family.
The first things I recommend outsourcing are anything administrative, like emails, customer service, Facebook group management, podcast editing, and the like.
Create A Scalable Offer to Increase Revenue
The next thing you should focus on in this bracket is to create a scalable offer. Many of you will begin coaching and you’re going to learn very quickly what your audience wants from you. It’s like getting paid to do market research.
I found that my audience wanted me to help them find their business idea and launch a podcast to grow their leads. Therefore, I built Podcast Pro University, which became a multi-six-figure offer. After that, I created Podcast to Profit as my Holy Grail product. I had to create a few offers to find my end-all-be-all offer, and it’s okay to baby-step into your final offer.
Your first scalable offer can be a fully passive e-course or group coaching program, and I teach both of these things in Podcast to Profit. Don’t worry about the how, I’ve got you covered there.
Get Organized
At this stage in the game, I would highly recommend investing in an operating system. You can check out the resources I use to run my business. In theory, you now have team members and you’re scaling, so this is a good time to get extremely organized.
Repurpose Your Content
Here is where we start to repurpose our long-form content. After $100K you begin to repurpose. The easiest repurpose method is blogging because you can take a podcast episode and rewrite it in blog format. You can even use ChatGPT to help you write a blog post from your podcast transcription.
Will blogs be more successful when they aren’t co-written by ChatGPT? I would say, yes. The algorithm knows good, organic work when it sees it, but time is money! If you need to use ChatGPT to clean up a poorly written blog post or find grammatical errors, use it and save that time!
YouTube, But Beware
If you are confident on camera, you can start a YouTube channel in this phase. I’ll be brutally honest with you; it’s very expensive and time-consuming. You will need a video editor to dedicate hours per week to editing. It’s a lot!
I’m new to the game and only about a year in, and I’m just now getting some traction. It took over 8 months for me to make a sale. I’m not saying it doesn’t work, but it’s going to be the bane of your existence for a while! You probably need to make lots of money to justify having a YouTube channel.
Remember, you want your podcast to drive business and you want your offer to be selling on repeat before you ever get distracted with another type of long-form.
Revenue Milestone Phase III: $500K
Now you’ve hit the revenue milestone of $500K. Holy smokes – what is this life!? You have now truly hit the top 1% of your micro-niche! Your messaging is on-point, your audience trusts you, your long-form is working, you’re consistently making sales, and you have a team that has gotten you out of the weeds.
Utilize and Refine Your Team
What does your team look like at $500K? You probably have an operations manager running the entire back office, an operations assistant or VA doing administrative tasks, someone doing graphics, copy, and social posts, and maybe a few contractors to edit the podcast.
As the CEO at $500K+, you have the revenue to support a full team. It’s time to relinquish your control and take things off your plate. You’re no longer creating graphics or editing anymore. I know this can be hard for some of us! I see you, and I get it. If you want to grow to $1 million in revenue, you need to let things go.
Consider Paid Advertising to Grow Revenue
At this point, you can start utilizing paid advertising. I would begin with retargeting ads. That means at $500K you start running ads to your offers. This will target your warm traffic (i.e., those who visit your website) with your offer. It’s a great use of your money at this stage in your business.
Once you convert from retargeting ads, you can begin toying with cold traffic paid advertising. This runs cold ads to people who don’t know you and it brings people into your corner of the internet. Now, you’re starting to spend money to make money because you have it.
Public Relations and Sales
Another important component at $500K is you (the CEO) being focused on PR and sales. In Phase I we’re focused on foundational things, like setting up an email list and building a website. Once you’re over $500K you need to shift your mindset from micro to macro.
You’ll need to ask yourself these things:
How can I get in front of more audiences this week?
You need to rise out of the day-to-day operations of your company to go to the next level. Start thinking beyond your capacity and see what’s possible. This is all necessary to grow to seven figures.
I never knew seven figures was possible for me, and now that I look back, I realize how much went into getting there. It was organization and team expansion, and then it was my own mindset as a CEO. It was the realization that it’s okay to grow this big and make this much. It’s okay to glorify God with the revenue my company makes. I had to position myself in this growth mindset in order to expand.
Longform Content
Once you surpass $500K, you can go ahead and do all three long-form methods: podcasting, blogging, and YouTube. If it’s on your heart to do it, this would be the right time. Now you have the team and the revenue to pay someone to help you do all of these things without bogging you down.
Revenue Milestone Phase IV: $1 Million
Let’s talk about the $1 million revenue milestone. Some of you are already seven-figure business owners, however, I just passed this benchmark, so I’ll share with you my plan going forward.
Public Relations
My main job is public relations – guesting, media, and networking. I’m fully stepping into my leadership role as CEO. If you’re at this benchmark, then you should be stepping into your role as CEO of your business and focusing on PR.
Pour Into One Core Offer
I am refining my core offer (Podcast to Profit) for more visibility, more scaling, and a higher profit margin. We are restructuring things to give my clients better results. Your customer is your biggest marketer, and when they have an exceptional result, they tell everyone about it.
It’s a common misconception that you need multiple offers to make seven figures. I used to have a bunch of offers as I was trying to figure it all out, but where I landed was one core offer. This offer is a high ticket offer, but once you’ve grown in your capacity and people trust you, it’s okay to move from a smaller offer to something more substantial.
Revenue Milestone Summary
We often let all the micro things distract us from building revenue in Phase I. At the end of the day, they won’t matter as much as you think. The sooner you can invest in yourself, the quicker you will get out of Phase I.
I sat around Phase I for a decade, trying to do it all myself. I could have invested in a program to teach me what I needed to know. If I had any advice for you (and my former self), it’s to invest in someone you trust who can show you the way. Look at who they are inside and out. Vet them, go read their testimonies, and pray about it. God will show you your person. He is with you in your business. Surrender to Him sooner rather than later on this journey.
I hope this encourages you to feel good about where your focus lies. Perhaps you’re feeling a little triggered because you’re focus is on the wrong things. Until we have proven revenue coming from a proven offer, it’s not worth your time. You need to know it’s worthwhile before you pour fuel on the wrong fire.
Let’s recap the revenue milestone phases we discussed today:
Phase I: $0 to $100K: Surrender, Clarity, Longform
Phase II: $100K to $500K: Team, Organize, Offer, Repurpose
I pray that God fills you with hope and peace, and you’ll trust in Him and overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is with you in the details (yes, even your revenue!) and He delights in it, friends!
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Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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