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Hey sis!
We are doing something new around here! #QTT (quick tip Tuesdays!) These are short power q&a sessions between me and my community! YOU get to ask me anything in the categories of online business, clarity, where you’re stuck, podcasting, life/motherhood, entrepreneurship, faith, or even personal stuff you’re curious about! ASK AWAY.
Today, we have Natalie asking a great question, “How do I know if my podcast content pillars are working?” I give Natalie 2 specific tools she can use to figure this out and I hope it helps you, too.
Be sure to head over to and scroll down on the homepage to the ASK STEF section. Record your question to be featured!! Can’t wait to have you on #QTT!
(00:00): It’s Quick Tip Tuesday. Today we have an awesome question from Natalie. Here’s what she had to say.
(00:07): Hey Stef! Natalie here from The Her Holistic Space Podcast. My question to you is about content pillars. How do you know when they’re working well for your podcast? Or how do you know when it’s time to maybe switch one or more out? Thanks.
(00:23): Hey Natalie, such a great question. So I have two answers for you about how you know if your podcast content pillars are actually working or not working or which ones are working and what to do about it. So the first thing I came up with, number one is an analytic deep dive.
(00:44): So what I want you to do is I want you to go into your Podbean. And first of all, let me rewind for a minute. If you guys are like, what the heck is a podcast content pillar? Inside CYC when we build out your five tier brand map, in my course Clarify Your Calling, we create something called content pillars. These are three to four specific solutions that you’re going to offer to your person for what your promise is, your tagline.
(01:09): And when we build out these content pillars, that’s what we podcast on, right? So if you look at my business, for example, I talk about pillar one clarity, live coaching, pillar two, building a scalable audience, podcasting, Pinterest, one too many. Number three, my third pillar is monetization, making money, online marketing, course creation, et cetera. And then my fourth pillar is faith, God as a CEO.
(01:34): So what Natalie’s asking is how do you know which of those four are working? Are those three are actually working? Should I throw one out? Should I modify et cetera? So that’s what she’s talking about. Just so you have some context here.
(01:46): So what I would like you to do, Natalie, is I want you to go into your podcast host, those of you that take PPU with me, you know that I recommend Podbean. And what we’re going to do is you’re going to click on your analytics and you’re going to go ahead and change that timeframe to 60 days.
(02:04): And then what you’re going to do is you’re going to scroll all the way down and take a look at the top 10 episodes in the last 60 days, you’re going to grab all that information. You can just highlight, copy, paste it over into an Excel file. And then what you’re going to do is you’re going to sort your, your top 10 episodes by pillar bucket.
(02:21): So you can also use Meiser task for this, which would make it really easy. Pop up your three buckets at the top, Natalie, right in underneath those 10 episodes where they go. You’re already going to see a trend. Maybe you’re seeing like, oh man, you know, I’m heavily weighted over here in pillar one. What does that tell me? That tells me that your audience is loving pillar one.
(02:41): And here’s what I have to say. Give the people what they want. You know, like if people aren’t loving pillar three, don’t spend as much time over there. The second thing you’re going to do is you’re going to go back into Podbean, and you’re going to grab your last year. If you’ve been podcasting a year, if you haven’t been podcasting a year, grab your longest, maybe it’s six months, whatever.
(03:01): Grab your longest amount of time and take those top 10 episodes and go pop those into MindMeister as well. And populate those that gives you like in the short term, what are my people loving? In the longer term, what are my listeners loving? That’s going to give you a lot of clues. So that’s number one to get that data because data doesn’t lie. And what data allows you to do is really dig into what’s actually working.
(03:25): So when I noticed, oh my gosh, my audience is loving live coaching. I doubled down on live coaching. When I realized, oh my gosh, my audience is loving the clarity bucket more than they’re loving the monetization bucket because they’re still in the beginning stages, I doubled down over there in pillar one.
(03:44): I don’t do very many episodes in pillar three because most of my audience isn’t there yet, right, Natalie? So we don’t have to be, you know, 25%, 25%, 25%, 25%. We need to stay where our people are asking us for, give the people what they want. So that’s number one.
(04:02): Number two. The second thing that you can do is go in and do some market research, right? And we can do market research in Facebook groups that are not our own. And we can also do market research with our own people, send out an email with a quiz, with three questions.
(04:16): Hey, three questions. Do you like this kind of content better or this kind of content better? Click reply and answer me back. Ask them in your podcast episode to come and DM you or to, I know you hate social Natalie, so like ask them to email you and give them their feedback. Hey, what of these top episodes are you loving the most? Why? Like where are you stuck? Get inside your person’s brain.
(04:37): So you’re looking at the data, data doesn’t lie. And number two, you’re asking people what they want. All of that together is going to give you a lot of clues about what’s working for your pillars and what’s not. Last but not least, Natalie’s you have to decide what are you going to do with this information? It’s okay if what you guys discover is that 90% of your stuff is coming from one pillar.
(04:58): It allows you to be even more niche. Boom, get it girl. Like I say, go there. I say, you should go there. Don’t force people to listen to stuff that they’re not into now. However, you feel led and compelled to have pillar number two, cause it’s on your heart. It’s missions work or whatever. It’s faith led and you’re like, I have to have pillar number two, but the people aren’t here for it.
(05:19): Go there anyway. If something is God led, you must stay there. So for me, pillar four is non-negotiable and it’s so funny. Cause I’ll be like, I’ll have some like amazing pillar about like praying or hearing from God and I’ll get in my DMS, like Man, Stef, you know, I always just look for your business episodes. But once in a while, I’ll listen to one of your God episodes and this one really touched me or changed me or shifted my heart or the way I think about God or the way I partner God in business.
(05:45): So they’re working, it’s working if it’s a God led pillar. And not like literally about God, but like he’s asked you to have this pillar in your brand. I hope that helped you. I’m excited to do more of these quick tip Tuesday episodes with you guys. As long as there are questions, I will keep doing this.
(06:02): Huge disclaimer. I’ve got to have questions or I will stop doing Quick Tip Tuesday. That is hard to say. So what I want you guys to do, if you have a question for me is go to, scroll all the way down to my homepage. And it says, Ask Stef! click the button and record your question. Do it now, as of right this second, I only have four questions in the queue. So as soon as we run out of questions, we don’t get to do these awesome mini episodes anymore.
(06:27): And I think this is so much fun. It’s a great way for you to get featured on the show. To have any question you want to ask me answered. It can be about clarity, online marketing, business, faith, growing in your faith. It can be about my personal life, girl. I’m an open door. Ask away. Scroll all the way down. Click Ask Stef! and submit your question. 3, 2, 1, go girl.
(06:48): Love you. Praying for you. I will see you Thursday for more amazing content on The Stefanie Gass Show. And if you have not left a review on apple podcasts for this show, that is the number one way you can help me. All right, this is truly a ministry in my life. This is a calling on my life. I love this show so much. I am here for partnering business with our Bibles. I am here for laptops and Jesus, and I think that we need more of that.
(07:13): And so the number one way you helped me get the word out and you helped me stay motivated and excited is hearing what you think of the show. You can do that, but going to apple podcasts, find The Stefanie Gass Show, scroll down and click write a review. Lovely girl. See you soon. Bye.
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