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Hey Friend!
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast. Her conversion rate translated to these numbers:
$21,000 in revenue
5 new clients in less than 6 months
I want you to hear from Lara yourself. It’s one thing for you to hear from me and the conversion rate my program can give you. I’m proud of the program I’ve built but it’s important for you to get Lara’s testimony. Whether you ever decide to work with me, is beside the point. Lara’s story will inspire you to:
Do the hard things
Stay consistent
Get out of your fear
Get out of your head
Stop the excuses
Show up
It will also inspire you to invest in the next right thing for you in alignment with God’s will for your business. When you finally decide to draw your line in the sand, things start to flourish. You begin to experience the fruitfulness of God.
I‘m confident this interview will blow you away, warm your hearts, and bring a smile to your face. Are you ready? Let’s learn more about the conversion rate Lara experienced in her business.
About Lara Frendjian
Lara Frendjian is a registered holistic nutritionist and life coach dedicated to helping women over forty lose weight and reclaim their health through peri- and postmenopause without restrictive dieting.
Her passion for women’s health is deeply personal. She experienced struggles just like her clients. When she hit her forties, she dealt with weight gain, hormonal imbalance, and low energy, but discovered the root causes behind it.
This journey led her to create her podcast, Master Your Metabolism After 40, and her amazing program, Metabolic Mastery for Women Over 40. I want to share her conversion rate and massive success through Podcast to Profit. Let’s dive in.
Stef Gass: Welcome to the podcast, sis. I’m so glad you’re here.
Lara Frendjian: I’m so excited to be here. Thank you so much, Stef.
Stef Gass: As we’re recording this episode, you are still in Podcast to Profit.
Lara Frendjian: It’s my last week, but I’ll be back.
Stef Gass: I have this bad habit of creating lifers because we all love hanging out together.
Lara Frendjian: It’s such a great group and place to be. It’s hard to let go. At some point, I know I have to but as long as I can stay, I’m sticking around.
Lara Understands the Struggles of Women Over Forty
Stef Gass: We’re not mad at it. We love you so much. Let’s begin with who you are. Tell everybody a bit about what you do and what your podcast is.
Lara Frendjian: My name is Lara Frendjian. I’m a registered holistic nutritionist and life coach. My podcast is called Master Your Metabolism After 40. It helps women lose weight without dieting as they’re going through perimenopause as well as postmenopause.
It’s a tumultuous time for women. It breaks my heart to see women try so hard and not see results. That’s where the podcast began because I know the struggle. I went through it myself, and I’m on the other side. I know what’s possible for women. It could be so simple but we make it so complicated.
Stef Gass: Sounds familiar in every area of our lives. I believe we all overcomplicate everything instead of looking for the simplest answer. Often, those answers are right in front of us.
Did you have a podcast before you joined Podcast to Profit? Tell me a little about where you were and how you discovered me.
Lara Frendjian: I did not have a podcast. It was on my wish list for years that I needed to start a podcast – a whisper in the back. But I always wondered how I could start a podcast.
When you start a new thing, there’s so much to learn. The learning curve is so high. It felt like such an unattainable thing, like pie in the sky. You want to do it, but you don’t know how.
I was chasing Instagram and other things, driving myself crazy. I saw very few results, and I was stubborn about it. I’ll share my stubbornness in a bit. The podcast dream was always there.
When you launched your bootcamp, a friend of mine, sent me your podcast. She said, “My friend sent me this bootcamp. Why don’t you join? I felt like God wanted me to share it with you.” It was right before my birthday. God was telling me to give my dreams to Him.
I was chasing it hard. I knew this was what God wanted me to do. He wanted me to help women because I know their pain. I can help them. But I was chasing the promise instead of God.
The day before my birthday, I joined Podcast to Profit. In my journal, I wrote, “Okay God, I’ve done it my way for eight years. Now I’m going to do it Your way.”
Lara Frendjian: When I joined the bootcamp, you said, ‘I can stay off Instagram!‘ You had me at that. Like, you know, you had me at hello. I had a love-hate relationship with Instagram. Yes, I wanted it, but every time I got on it, my anxiety levels went up.
Some of my reels did well and gave me lots of traction but it caused anxiety. Even thinking about Instagram right now, there’s a tightness in my chest. It’s not good. I was so stubborn thinking I had to do Instagram.
But God was, “That’s not how we’re going to do it.” So I came to your bootcamp thinking. “Okay, Lord, if this is a thing, show me.” I had so much peace.
As you taught and prayed, I realized, “She loves Jesus!” Okay, take my money. I’ll do this God’s way.” And here I am.
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Stef Gass: How was your business doing, Lara? You didn’t have a podcast but were trying to grow intentionally on Instagram. How was your conversion rate? Were you making sales?
Lara Frendjian: I made enough to reinvest into the business but haven’t paid myself. I’m an accountant with a background in accounting and finance.
I started doing this full-time in 2020. Prior to that, it was part-time. Even since going full-time, I’ve made more this year than ever. Since the podcast, I’ve made more per month than I ever have doing it my way and on my own.
Stef Gass: So you were making a little bit to get by, but it wasn’t scalable. You felt you were striving, hustling, and addicted to Instagram. There was anxiety.
I know the discernment alarm. It’s the Holy Spirit. Every time you get on the thing you’re not supposed to be on, you feel the Holy Spirit’s conviction. It will manifest itself as anxiety or stress. My discernment alarm lets me know how addicting the thing I’m doing is.
Barriers to Joining Podcast to Profit
When you decided to join Podcast to Profit, were there any barriers to entry? Were you worried about the financial or time investment? Were there any limiting thoughts you were experiencing before joining?
Lara Frendjian: Yes! My husband supports our family and I was trying to build a business, but it wasn’t going anywhere. Every penny I made, was reinvested. I had invested a ton of money with other coaches. It was the most disappointing thing, every time.
Going into Podcast to Profit, I wondered if I trust this. Can I trust Stef? You prayed and it seemed like you knew what you were talking about. But this was all brand new. I had never listened to a podcast episode until the first day of the BootCamp. There was that and my past investments.
When I signed up for Podcast to Profit, every client I had was through word-of-mouth. It was based on referrals. That was nice but I was down to my last paying client with no one else in my funnel.
I had three hundred dollars that month with nothing in the bank account. I can’t afford Podcast to Profit but I felt I still needed to do it. So I juggled things around and here we are. I’m glad I did.
Stef Gass: You had spent a lot of money with other coaches. I know that’s a roadblock for people because you put all this money out and didn’t get the result you wanted.
What was different in those programs compared to Podcast to Profit? What wasn’t there? Why didn’t you succeed in those other programs?
Lara Frendjian: The other programs push you to hustle. It’s all hustle. You have to do more!
Podcast to Profit is a very different environment. I feel God’s presence every time I’m with the coaches. This is God-led. The way the coaches show up is completely different. From you to every single one of the coaches, you all care.
When I showed up on other calls, you could feel it – they were ticking a box and not invested in your results. Even though I paid more than you charge, I always felt alone. I love you but don’t raise your prices!
I paid more, got less, and I felt alone. Here, I never felt alone. From day one, I felt so supported. The coaches cared. If I’m struggling, I can post something in the Facebook group and someone is there to hold my hand.
There’s so much support on the weekly calls and with you every other week. Dani encouraged me to do a live launch. It wasn’t a great time of year for weight loss and health. I still needed to create my website and landing page. I’ll extend it but Dani said, “I think you can do it.” And that’s all I needed. If Dani says I can do it, I think I can too.
The Secret Sauce to Conversion
Stef Gass: And you did?
Lara Frendjian: I made ten thousand dollars for my business. That’s a nice float to have going into the new year. Then you told me a little tweak to do. I did it and everyone paid in full.
Stef Gass: Praise the Lord! These hacks you don’t know about are the things that increase conversion. They’re the secret sauce. You have alluded to some of the things you love about Podcast to Profit:
What was the one thing you loved about the program? What was your favorite thing?
Lara Frendjian: Oh, that’s so hard. I would have to say the community. It’s mostly women. There are some men. So if you’re a man listening to this, there is a place for you. The community is beautiful. Honestly, it’s the heart of it.
Everything points back to God. The little nuggets of wisdom dropped in your lap say, “You don’t need to hustle. It’s going to be okay. Take your time with it. Do the one thing.”
On every call, the calm that comes over me is priceless! You can get all the strategies from other coaches but if you confuse me, I can’t do anything. I’m paralyzed.
The simplicity of Podcast to Profit makes it very hard to pick one thing. I love the way that everything is laid out. It inspired me to change things in my program. Because of your program, I show up differently for my clients. I’m so happy I could cry.
What to Look for in a Coach
Stef Gass: I love that so much, Lara. Thank you for attesting to that. It’s important to have a coach leading the kind of life and business you want. It’s one of the most important factors when deciding on an investment.
We look for something to invest in and only consider the result. This person knows how to build a big fancy course. We buy based on the result, not on lifestyle. I love what you said when you started Podcast to Profit. Everything was peaceful and simple.
We’re still working and hustling. You did a launch. We’re about to share your results and conversion rate. Everyone will hear that we are very results-driven. But our method to results is always God-honoring.
Stef Gass: You should always invest in your growth and business. As you think about your next investment, look at the person leading the way:
Are they living the lifestyle that you want for yourself?
Is their energy what you want to portray?
Are they morally and biblically sound in their teaching?
Those pieces are critically important because who you get is who you get on the inside too. I’ve gone wrong when I purchased something based on the result of an initial Instagram impression.
Instead, let me hang out with someone on their podcast, consider their results, participate in a bootcamp, and get to know them.
To your point, Lara, if you throw a lot of ideas and strategies at me and then check the box when you coach me, I’m frozen in indecision. I don’t have the execution or support.
A strategy without execution and support doesn’t get you anywhere.
That’s why my coaches are so great. They’re the detail people. I’m a strategist and visionary. They help you implement everything that I’m telling you to do. This holistic approach is why you’re successful. Thank you for bringing that up.
Was Podcast to Profit Worth It?
Lara Frendjian: Your coaches are so thorough. They get to know our businesses. I felt like everyone got to know my business inside out. It wasn’t surface-level coaching. They went through word-by-word. I was floored!
Stef Gass: It’s above and beyond. My coaches are amazing. Was it worth it for you? Here you are on your last three hundred dollars and client. You struggled to trust if you could let go of Instagram and social. You barely knew me and hoped I was the right coach.
At that moment, you took a big risk by investing in me. Thank you God and Holy Spirit for helping you know it was okay to move forward. When you came into my program and poured out for six months, was it worth it? Please share your wins, testimony, tactical breakthroughs, and conversion rate.
Lara Frendjian: I started from zero and launched my podcast. So far, I have almost eighteen thousand downloads. In the first month, two clients signed up from the podcast. They paid in full! You know what’s amazing? They trust me. They hang on to every word, trust that I can help them, and do what I recommend.
Do you know why? Because they’ve gotten to know me through the podcast. Podcasting is much simpler and easier than any social media I’ve ever done.
I told my sister the other day, “I don’t know if I’ll ever go on Instagram again.” I have so much peace. Maybe one day I’ll hire someone and they can help me with it.
Stef Gass: Exactly, you don’t have to go back. I didn’t go back. But one day you might have a team to repurpose your podcast on Instagram. What a beautiful freedom to know that you don’t have to. You don’t need it.
Lara Frendjian: I don’t need it. The person who comes through Instagram doesn’t trust me nearly as much as the person who comes through the podcast. They’re already primed and doing some of the things I recommend to them. They’re feeling better and losing weight through the podcast.
This is everything to me. If I can help everyone, I would love to do that for free. And they could do it through the podcast.
More Numbers From Lara’s Conversion Rate
So what else? How about my conversion rate? Since I’ve been doing this podcast, I’ve made over three times more than I have through any other source over the last six months. I made so much more through the podcast! So far, I’ve had ten clients come through the podcast. My launch was successful and I have money in the bank.
And it’s scalable! The live launch and two-day bootcamp I did was so much fun. I’m enjoying my job again. I love Mondays because I love what I do. I always dreaded the business aspect because it felt so hard. My entire life was built around creating reels for Instagram.
Stef Gass: It’s like looking at your life through the screen instead of your eyes.
I’m going to get on my soapbox. It’s a distraction from the enemy to keep us glued to a screen instead of our lives.
Lara Frendjian: When I went on vacation, I had to take lots of pictures and B-roll for reels. My life has changed. I have more time, I’m more present, and I’m dreaming again.
Through the podcast, I have more quiet time and less buzz in my brain. God reminded me of the purpose of my business. It wasn’t even for profit. There is a plan beyond it to help other women in impoverished countries start businesses.
That’s my heart and soul. God reminded me of that because now I can think clearly. It’s truly amazing. I love you and the program.
Connecting With Lara
Stef Gass: Congratulations! Your conversion rate is amazing! You have almost eighteen thousand downloads! You’ve tripled revenue! You know the strategies to sell and have a fun, live workshop that converts. Fifty percent of your clients come from the podcast.
This has freed you from the shackles and the invisible prison of Instagram and social media. Praises, praises, praises, Lara. I am over the moon for you.
What would you say to them? What is on your heart to share with this person?
Lara Frendjian: Take your fear, bring it to God, and let Him give you clarity. From a tactical results perspective, this is hands down the most comprehensive program ever. It gives you clarity on your client and takes you step-by-step through the process of serving them.
It would have saved me eight years of struggling. If I had you eight years ago, where would I be now? I’d be in Africa helping women start businesses. That’s where I would be. But it’s God’s timing. We trust Him.
Don’t think twice about it. Pray and say yes! There is work to do. Every week, I carved out time and listened to the videos. I did the work but it wasn’t scary because I had so much support. The unknown usually scares me and might scare others, but there is no guesswork here. You’re told what to do, why you need to do it, and how to do it.
Once you do it, it’s reviewed. The coaches give you a yes, or guidance on how to fix it. It’s so simple. So I would say, go for it and do it.
Stef Gass: I know this will resonate with my audience. I want to thank you for your time and honesty. Where can everyone learn from you and be encouraged?
Lara Frendjian: The best place to find me is through my podcast, Master Your Metabolism After 40. Binge-listen and connect with me from there. I pray it blesses everyone.
Stef Gass: It will. I love you, girl. I hope you enjoyed this conversation. I’ll see you soon.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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