defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
We’re going to do it again! We’re going to have another conversation about social media because as I look at the top, most-downloaded episodes of all time, I find it quite interesting that we see a common theme here. The theme is lots of podcast episodes on “if” you should start a podcast, but my show’s 2nd most downloaded topic is either getting off social media, using it less, or why you don’t want to use it anymore.
I know it’s hard because we’ve got what the world says, what your coaches say, and what you see. What you see is not always reality. We may see that someone has tons of likes and followers and their TikTok’s are going viral, so you decide you’re going to chase after what you see. Often what you see is not actually the reality of what’s going on.
We have to bridge this gap between what your heart and the Holy Spirit are trying to convict you of and what your head is telling you. The best place I know to do that is to go to Scripture. We know we can trust one place and one place only for truth, and that is the Bible.
Let’s go through 5 Biblical questions to ask about getting off social media so you can make this decision once and for all.
Hey Stef, it’s Jenny Good from the Estranged Mom Coach podcast. I wanted to say and big “thank you” for everything you taught me in P2P. I just more than doubled my hourly rate for a single coached session and my 4-month coaching package is fully booked. I’m living my dream in my coaching career and God is restoring families through this healing work. Love you, Stef; I appreciate you so much!
Jenny Good, did you just say you doubled your rates, and your 4-month coaching is completely booked out? Yes, you did, girl! I am so here for this! Friends, if you want to hear my and Jenny’s story of working together as coach and client, go listen to Episode 577 where I have a conversation with Jeeny about how she went from frustrated and distracted to over 10k months, doing better than that now, and still growing! She did this with the help of my group coaching program, Podcast to Profit. She really struggled with her mindset, her belief, and the direction of her business.
If you feel ready to create an offer that’s going to convert, whether it’s coaching or creating an online course, figuring out what to put on a sale page, how to plug all the pieces together, how everything works, with me and my team, please head to to check out all the ways we can work together whether you have no idea what your business could be, you’re ready to start a podcast, or you want to learn how to monetize your show to make income and impact online, I’ve got a place for you at
Is Technology the Problem?
We are living in a super digital world. Social media is one thing, but now we’ve got AI, ChatGPT, and all the crazies going on! It is like the wild west right now; I don’t know what to think. I don’t know who to trust. I don’t know what to do so I’m just taking a step back and watching it all unfold for a hot minute.
As entrepreneurs, we have to use technology. We are in a digital age, and that’s okay. However, have you ever felt like it’s become too much? That it’s become overbearing? That you’ve become obsessed in a way?
I remember distinctly hating my phone because it was always in my hand. It still creeps up on me; I’m not attesting to be perfect. I still struggle with this. There’s no shame. The best engineers in the entire world are being paid the most money to get you addicted to, not just your phone, but the apps, and the clicking. The behavioral science that goes into it is against you. You’re not crazy if you feel addicted; you are! And it’s not really even your fault.
I’m not surprised to hear that many of you have discernment alarms going off. You feel the Holy Spirit convicting you that something’s wrong. Any time we have an addiction or idol in our lives, God will tell us. He will give us that conviction; he will beautifully and kindly remind us that we need to turn away from that thing and we need to turn to Him.
Thinking About Getting Off Social Media? Here are 5 Biblical Questions to Ask
I want to have this conversation today because I know how hard it is to know what to do. I remember going through this. You guys have heard me talk about this a lot. I have a lot of episodes about this. Go grab our podcast catalog at – it’s in the Guides. There are episodes on how I felt convicted to leave Instagram, a study on social media, a six-month update, a one-year update, a one-and-a-half-year update, and a two-year update.
I find this topic so fascinating. For me, it’s because I’m on the other side of it. I understand that this doesn’t need to be a part of my, or anyone else’s business model. It’s a big lie that social media is making a drastic difference. That repurposing content is the holy grail. It’s not. Data has proven it time and time again.
I know there’s this conflict inside so many of you; in your minds and potentially in your hearts around this fear of loss. At the same time, this belief, that’s so deeply rooted, is making you question if it’s truth. Maybe your heart is tugging you in a different direction.
Let’s go to the one and only place we can find truth and let’s ask ourselves some questions. I’ve got five Biblical questions to ask yourself before getting off social media. I just want you to sit with these questions. You can journal them out and then my homework assignment to you is to actually do something with the outcome, with the revelation that God will give you.
You’re not going to make a change by listening. You have to listen, apply it, and do the work.
Question No. 1: Do I Prioritize My Social Media Presence Over My Relationship With God?
I think the line started to creep in a little too closely when I realized my social presence, and time online were consuming me. God should always be our number one priority. Always. What are we magnifying bigger than God? I hear often, for a lot of people, it’s the phone, technology time, and time on apps. Ask yourself: Am I spending more time crafting posts, repurposing, and making reels than I am with God?
I know that may not be a fair question for everyone. Maybe you say, I don’t want to spend five hours with God; I want to spend five hours on social media. But are you prioritizing it more than God?
There was a time in my life when the first thing I did when I woke up was touch my phone, check my DMs, and get lost in the “scroll-zone” for ten minutes. I had to decide to be disciplined; you guys know this journey for me was years long. I didn’t just snap my fingers and was cured. This was a true addiction. I had to do the work. Now, I don’t touch my phone, other than to turn off my alarm. I’m not in the apps, no notifications are on, and I don’t even have Instagram or Facebook on my phone. I am completely unavailable. My priority every single morning is being in the Word, having meetings with God, having prayer time, and sitting in gratitude.
My relationship with God MUST be my first priority. Is it for you?
Maybe you’re not prioritizing social media over God, but is there something else? I think that’s really valuable for you to know.
Question No. 2: Is Social Media Distracting Me From Fulfilling My God-given Purpose?
As a Christian who is called to entrepreneurship, it is such a unique calling to minister or to teach, help, or inspire. But I know social media can be a huge distractor. It can steal from the time you’re available to grow your business. It can lead you into comparison:
I’m not good enough.
I’m not enough.
They already have a podcast
She already has a course like that.
I won’t do it at all.
The distraction can also get you to lose sight of what your vision was in the first place. It’s so highly distracting and highly dangerous to our brains, our focus, and our intention. It ends up pulling you away from God’s purpose for your life. It’s that serious. Ask yourself: Am I using social media to elevate my business, mindset, or heart? Is it stealing from your time, intention, and purpose? It may be time to take a step back. What’s the first step? Can you delete the apps from your phone on the weekends? That’s where I started. It got me a long way on the journey to getting off social media.
It was so healthy for me, my marriage, and my parenting, and was pivotal in my relationship with God because I couldn’t hear Him. I couldn’t connect with God because I was so distracted. It’s crazy that this little hunk of metal can steal so much from your life. It is insane the power it has over you.
Question No. 3: Is Social Media Taking Away My Peace or Joy?
We know peace and joy come from God. But social media is smoke & mirrors of peace and joy. Come and escape. It’s just another drug.
We’re robbed of Biblical peace and joy. The enemy gives us a facade and fake replica. Everything God creates, the enemy tries to destroy and use for evil. We have to be present and cognizant. Ask: Am I being misled? Am I being tricked with this facade of happiness, when I’m feeling anxious, stressed, or addicted? If those are your feelings, you’re not in your peace and joy.
Look for the culprits. What is the culprit of anxiety, overwhelm, depression, stress, frustration, sleeplessness, or addiction? What is the root? When I start asking questions, God reveals the answers. He is not a God of confusion and He will show you. But be ready because when He shows you, it becomes a test of your obedience and discipline. I promise you it’s worth it! God’s peace and joy are so much bigger than that facade of peace and joy we think is coming from social media.
I can’t stress enough that the fear we have around laying it down is not something to be worried about because God can breathe on your business, and it can explode, flourish, and bloom. He does not need social media to do it.
I believe for many of you, that God wants you to be getting off social media so He can eliminate and alleviate the feelings and give you back your peace, purpose, and joy. Through your obedience, trust, and willingness, you will receive it in an amazing way.
It’s okay for you to do something that’s unworldly. It’s okay that you’re going against the grain. Not only is it okay, but it will be blessed.
Question No. 4: Am I Using Social Media to Connect with God’s People or Mission or Am I Using it to Isolate Myself?
Social media can be a great way to connect with people; honestly, it can. It can be a way to build relationships but it can also be isolating. Really ask yourself, of all the hours trying to grow your business or connect, how many deep, authentic, and God-fearing relationships have been created from all those hours? Is there a better, more effective way to build community and create connection that doesn’t rob you of every waking hour?
I’m not afraid to say I’m super biased against you living your life on social. But the reality is that you might be trading your real-life relationships for this facade of an online community. Is it taking time away from you intentionally having relationships with your kids or grandkids? Is it stealing those evening hours when you could be having a conversation with your spouse; laughing, playing a game, or taking a walk together? Are you staring at your phone more than you are looking at the people you love?
This is a really hard question. It makes me emotional. I’ve been there. But we don’t have to stay where we are! You don’t have to stay here for one more minute! Your life can change with one decision, one transformational habit, or one prayer. And that moment can be right now.
If you said yes to this question, Friend, it’s probably time to take a step back; it’s time to take a break. Even if you just take a Sabbath from social for a while; I promise you’ll start to see more clearly. It’s a veil and you don’t even know it’s a veil until you remove it from your life for a while.
Question No. 5: Is Social Media Interfering With My Ability to Hear God?
As believers, who have businesses, we MUST hear from God. There’s no way to grow a Kingdom business, and be in partnership with Him, without hearing from Him, connecting with Him, and being in relationship with Him. But I think social media can really interfere with our ability to hear, get still, and rest. We struggle so much as a nation right now to be able to just be. When is the last time you just were – you just sat, looked, and breathed? When was the last time you really breathed?
We’re so addicted to busy, to doing, and to more clicking. I’m exhausted just talking about it! We’ve normalized it for far too long.
We might really need to ask ourselves this question. If we’re not available to hear from God, we won’t. God is a gentleman. He is there, willing and waiting, but He will not interrupt your scrolling. Sometimes He does; He interrupted mine. He broke my phone. Often, He’s waiting for you to take action; for you to be willing.
I really struggled with this so much. If you answered yes to this question, it’s time, Friend. It’s time. Let’s give social less priority to focus on hearing God more.
You Think You Should Be Getting Off Social Media. Now What?
Houston, I’ve got a problem. I’m answering ‘yes’ to these questions. Guilt, feelings, and emotions are bubbling up inside right now.
This is for you. You could be on a big spectrum. On one side you could be saying, “I’m done. Stef has convicted me. I’m deleting it. Let’s go!” Delete those apps, trust in the Lord, and make sure you have long-form content to support your business (Podcasting is the way:
On the other hand, you may be saying, “I can’t be getting off social media, I’ve got a million followers, Stef. Isn’t that where I’m making money?” Well, is it? Do you know? What does your data show you about all the time and energy you’re spending on these apps?
Maybe the prayer is:
Lord, are You asking me to get off social media? If so, how can I do it? Can You give me the courage? Can You give me the discernment? Give me the conviction, Father. Help me to want to get off of this app. Give me the strength. Allow me to make a Holy Spirit-led choice when it comes to getting off social media.
Start there. You don’t have enough strength on your own to break addiction. Whatever addiction you face in your life, you will fail if you go at it alone, but with God, it is possible. God will give you strength. God will give you courage. He will give you the way.
God is Faithful
1 Corinthians 10:13: No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will provide a way out so you can endure it.
God, what temptation am I facing? Give me the willingness and desire to overcome it. God is faithful. He will provide a way out.
Our God is good. Every single time. He is here and will help you. Let’s step out in big audacious faith and decide to be disciplined. Take your life back!
If you’re still here, this message was meant for you. It was God-crafted and God-created for your heart to find freedom. Take the first step. Many of you struggle because you think it’s all or none, maybe it is eventually, but it doesn’t have to be right now. What’s the first step?
Is the first thing the prayer? Great! Is the first step to delete your socials on the weekends? Delete them. Maybe it’s to set a time limit of 10 minutes a day, Monday – Friday. Do it. Is your step to fully lay it down in complete and utter trust and surrender in full obedience to the call of getting off social media? You need to do it.
What’s the step for you? Make the decision. Make the choice. Do the work. Trust that He will bless that. There’s going to be a ripple effect of your decision. It will go far beyond you. It will reach your home, your family, and the way you speak. Your conviction and your belief will change. Your heart will shift and your mind will be clear. Peace and joy come rushing back. It’s that life-changing.
I know because I walked this out.
Follow My Journey of Getting Off Social Media
If you need a little more help on this or you’re really curious about what I went through, here are some episodes you can listen to:
Episode 605 – Don’t Want to Use Social Media to Connect? 6 Things You Can Do Instead
Episode 571 – FOMO Over Other People’s Social Media Success? Get Ready to Get Triggered
Episode 555 – How to Grow an Audience with No Social Media with Sandy Cooper
Episode 450 – 5 Reasons Social Media Marketing is Dead. What to Do Instead
Episode 347 – 3 Reasons Not to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business
I pray for your strength, resilience, and clarity. I pray that God will give you the right next steps; that you will believe and trust that there is so much favor on the other side of this decision for you. Know that you can do this. If I could do it, you can do it too. Friend, I would never go back. It was one of the best decisions of my whole life – getting off social media and finding my joy.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
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When it comes to growing a business in alignment with Christ, and someone who has her boundaries, morals, and heart in the right place, Patrice Washington is THE person you should listen to.
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Feeling stumped with your podcast content? I’ll share three key concepts and an action plan to create highly desired and listened-to content that is also found worldwide.
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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