defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
You have an online business, but you are not making consistent income. It can be frustrating, to say the least. I’ll share four main reasons why you are not making consistent income, and I am here to help you navigate through it. One of the deepest desires of the people I serve is to create a business where they are helping people while producing money at the same time.
You want to make a difference in this world using your gifts, your vocational and spiritual gifts that align with what God has for you, all while making money. It’s important to have that income in the bank to provide for your family, get out of debt, tithe, and give. When people of God make money, they can use it for the good of His kingdom.
I want you to know why you aren’t making consistent income so we can remedy that and help God’s kingdom grow.
#1: Buyer Confusion
Buyer confusion is the first reason you are not making consistent income in your online business. When you set out to create a business, you often create it based on what you think, not on what your audience needs.
For example, you want to start a business helping moms learn how to meal prep. You create this business and decide to start a podcast. Then, you start a social media account and a blog, create a Pinterest account, and make YouTube videos for your YouTube channel. You end up doing it all!
The problem is you start the business everywhere and build it based on what you think that woman would want without knowing what she wants. You end up talking about so many different topics, such as content around:
Homemade meals
How to mix your own hummus
How to create a wholesome breakfast
Lunch and dinner meals
General food basics
Weight loss
Quick workouts
The list goes on and on with you being full of ideas in all directions. It’s ok because you are starting out and trying to figure out your avatar. Yes, starting is the hardest part. But once you get started, you need to create something called a micro-micro niche. In this example, you discuss wholesome food, meal prep, and workouts. Your content ends up being all over the place. It’s in the same niche, but it’s not niched down enough.
Have Consistent Income When You Go 3 Levels Deep
In my program, Podcast To Profit, we go three levels deep to create a micro-micro niche for your brand. This eliminates buyer confusion. You want to become a high-level expert in your market, and by niching down three levels, you can become that expert.
The example of having a meal prep brand that includes all those other niches is too generalized, as we stated above. You need to come down to the market, which is “Meal prep for busy working moms“. Don’t include fitness, weight loss, and quick workouts.
Also, if you are talking to busy working moms, you shouldn’t talk about how you spend all day making homemade hummus. This mom doesn’t have time for that. Once you niche down, you can be more mindful about your messaging and copy to eliminate buyer confusion.
Showing Up in One Place = Consistent Income
Another source of buyer confusion is your brand being in too many places, and you spread yourself too thin. I teach my students to focus on one thing — the thing they will marry. I recommend podcasting to start building your brand. From there, once you make strong connections with your audience and generate leads, build upon the podcast and branch out.
You can start to develop a website, create an email marketing strategy and launch a YouTube channel. Take it one step at a time and avoid doing it all at once. Buyer confusion happens when your audience lands on one thing and the messaging and marketing are completely different from the other places you show up as a brand. Be clear, have a micro-micro niche, and show up in one place that represents your brand well.
#2: Too Many Offers
The second reason you are not making consistent income in your online business is due to having too many offers. Too many offers equals negative money in the bank. Often times online business owners create a tiny offer and think they are catering to those who don’t want to spend a lot of money. Or they may get the urge to have a high-ticket offer because they see another big brand doing it. That big brand is making $10K a month with a high-ticket offer and it’s appealing. I recommend you stay clear of that for now.
Sometimes, entrepreneurs have several creative ideas that they feel their audience will want to buy, and they end up offering a product at the midway point. I see this all too often: too many offers at various price points. This is one of the major reasons why you are not making consistent income in your online business.
Let me tell you a secret. There is such a sweet spot for your first offer. You should only have one core cohesive offer and keep working on that one offer until you reach six figures. Does that mean you never get to deviate? No, but I have found with my thousands of students that the one core offer allows you to know what you are supposed to do.
Create One Clear Offer
This also creates buyer confusion. It’s best to be clear with your audience, helping them understand the next step in their journey, rather than confusing them with too many offers. For example, you have that meal prep brand and create the “Meal Prep Method,” a $397 course. You pitch them on your podcast saying:
“Hey Mom, are you struggling with meal prep? Do you want a simple step-by-step program that is going to take you 30 days to set up your meal prep so you can spend less than 30 minutes a week on this process? You’ll be able to feed your family nourishing and wholesome meals, creating happy healthy kids who will actually eat the green things because we are going to hide them!
Come and join our meal prep course for moms. It is on sale for the next 30 days; you can grab it for $397. We have an awesome payment plan option for you. Come check it out on our website.”
Price Strategically
There’s no room for confusion in this example. I didn’t create a lot of different offers. It’s simple, and I didn’t have to create excuses why they should invest in this program. It’s also priced very strategically. I have one core offer, which makes it very clear to my audience.
When you come into Podcast to Profit (P2P), we build out the offer together so you know exactly what to do and how to structure it to convert and sell. We also create pitches with your avatar’s verbiage, just like the one I laid out for you. We make an extension ladder for you over the next 3-5 years as well.
If you want to increase your income, you need less going on with your offers — less is better. Simple equals success! Get rid of all the extra offers and focus only on your core offer. Once you have consistent income coming in and make $100,000, you can branch out into more than one offer.
#3: Unprofessionalism
The third reason you are not making consistent income in your online business is unprofessionalism. On one hand, you cannot afford to have a professionally built-out brand, while on the other hand, how can you afford not to? This could be the deciding factor as to whether people are going to work with you or not.
For many years, I bootstrapped and duct-taped my business together: I created everything on Canva, and my best friend taking pictures of me on her iPhone were the extent of my graphic design and marketing for my business. I grew to a point until I stopped growing. I was my lid when it came to professionalism.
Unless you are a graphic designer, you should stay in your lane. There was a point in my entrepreneurial journey when I stopped growing and I took a deeper look at my brand. I noticed it wasn’t great. I actually had a red and orangey-yellow brand color. Someone commented on my brand and said “Why do you have ketchup and mustard brand colors?” That’s when I realized I needed to do something and hire a professional to help me create a beautiful aesthetic brand that looked professional.
If I had done that sooner, I would have grown a lot faster. Professionalism is absolutely key to growing your brand and making more income. You can make a few thousand dollars with an unprofessional brand, but it’s going to be difficult to scale past that $100,000 mark, that multi-six figure level, without a highly professional brand built out. When you join Podcast to Profit, I teach you what you need to level up.
#4: Not Nurturing Your Audience
Lastly, you are not making consistent income because you are not nurturing your audience. What most people are doing with their online business is putting out a lot of content without nurturing their audience and following through. Online entrepreneurs post all over social media and spend a lot of time creating content.
That’s great, but it doesn’t happen enough or at all when it comes to nurturing people. You may get names on your email list, but you aren’t doing anything with that list. This right here is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Truly, so much of the magic comes in converting through nurturing your email list.
Someone may come to my podcast episode and binge-listen. Then, she happens to sit on the sidelines for 6-12 months, still listening but not buying. She isn’t ready to buy yet, for a variety of reasons:
She wants to save money
Thinks that I’m not the right person to coach her just yet
She has a mindset block
Her spouse is not on board
Whatever it might be, she isn’t ready. If I never nurtured that person, why would she think of me when she is finally ready and has a breakthrough? One day, she realizes she is ready to start a podcast, and I’m the next step for her. I want to be there for her when she has that moment of realization. The best way I can be there is through consistent nurturing.
How To Best Nurture Your Audience
While you consistently post content for your podcast, one episode a week at a minimum, you will also run a free Facebook community. This allows you to have a back-and-forth conversation with your community. A Facebook community allows them to be seen and heard.
The last part of nurturing your audience is having an email list. Fifty percent of our last live launch, a 6-figure launch, had conversions happening mostly in the email inbox from the email sequence. Email marketing is a must. I encourage you to send out weekly nurture emails. All of those pieces are necessary to nurture your audience.
To bring in more consistent income into your online business, first start with a podcast. Join Podcast Pro University to find out how to get started with your podcast. You can sign up for the Profitable Podcast Bootcamp to find out how podcasting can help you make consistent income.
Then you can join me in the next step after you launch your podcast. My 6-month group coaching mastermind program, Podcast to Profit, is where we set up your email marketing strategy. We also review how to nurture using a Facebook community and your podcast. You don’t have to be frustrated and overwhelmed because I coach you on how to do it.
Avoid These 4 Major Mistakes When Trying to Make Consistent Income Online
Often we are so confused as online entrepreneurs that we take messy action or no action at all. Our efforts come off as unprofessional when we try to look professional. Our audience doesn’t resonate with our brand and ends up getting more confused in the long run. We have to do things the right way in order to create consistent income. I want to help you create real income from your podcast this year. To review, here are the four reasons why you are not making consistent income in your online business:
Buyer confusion
Too many offers
Not nurturing your audience
It’s time to start making money by helping people with your gifts and doing what God has called you to do. I am excited to help you along the way. Your next step is to check out my workshop. If you are confused about your calling, check out the free Clarity Workshop. Lastly, come check out our free community where we can hang out online.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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