Are you a podcaster (or soon-to-be podcaster)? This post will dive into four podcast title hacks you need to use to attract more listeners. According to analytics, these trends have worked for my students and me. They are working across the board.
These podcast title hacks will help you inspire people to click, subscribe, and be engaged with your content. And ultimately, you want more listeners who stay on the entire time.
Podcast Title Hack #1: Create Curiosity-Driven Titles
Podcast titles should evoke curiosity, encouraging listeners to learn more. My favorite way to create curiosity-driven podcast titles is to use:
- intriguing questions
- surprising facts
- mysterious statements to pique interest
Examples of mysterious statements would be:
3 Mistakes You Are Making When It Comes to Growing Your Facebook Groups
What They Didn’t Tell You About Parenting Your Toddler
See how those feel? A bit mysterious and intriguing. These kinds of podcast titles always do super well on my show.
Podcast Title Hack #2: Focus On Benefit or Outcome-Related Titles
These titles communicate to your ideal avatars the value/desire they have or what they want the most. The key to this hack is to speak to your ideal avatar because not every clever topic or title will resonate with your avatar.
If your avatar needs to increase productivity to get more work done, an example of a podcast title might be “Boost Your Focus With Three Proven Strategies”.
Or maybe your avatar is a busy mom who gets exhausted just thinking about cooking after work. A good podcast title for her would be “Master Meal Prep in 20 Minutes per Week”.
See how this gives them that desire or outcome they want? And I am specifically telling them how or what I will give them to help them get there.
Podcast Title Hack #3: Incorporate Storytelling or Testimony Titles
These are my favorites. When you have a student win or a client win, invite them on the show and have them share a testimony. Then, listen back to their testimony and determine their biggest outcome. Finally, take that outcome and pull it straight into your podcast title.
This creates anticipation for your listener. This also creates a sense of possibility and hope for your listener. After all, if it can happen to someone else, it could happen to them, too.
This might look like:
- How Mary Got to the Top 5% in Podcasting
- Bob and Leanne Are Finally Communicating Without Fighting – Hear Their Story
The title indicates the end of the story. These do well, especially if they concern metrics, money, or your avatar’s intense desire.
Podcast Title Hack #4: Use Numbers and Steps
When I looked at my analytics for the past year, I noticed that any time I used steps or numbers, those episodes excelled and were highly downloaded.
Some examples might sound like this:
- 3 Steps to ______
- The #1 Way to ______
- 2 Reasons You’re Failing at ______
I also recommend experimenting with how to incorporate numbers and steps into your episode titles. Don’t always put them in the same place because it looks repetitive. Instead, play with where you put those numbers or steps. For example, “Starting to De-clutter Your Closet? 3 Easy Things to Do in 10 Minutes a Day.”
Now your listener has three steps to follow and needs ten minutes to implement those steps. They know what to expect. Play around with it and see how it works for your show.
Going Beyond Podcast Titles
Everyone’s ideal listener is different. Because of this, the best thing you can do is utilize the different titling strategies listed above, then review your analytics monthly and quarterly to see what is working. Which episode titles are highly consumed? You want to duplicate those styles.
You always want to do more of what’s working and less of what’s not.
Need help?
Are you struggling to come up with podcast titles? Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall you can’t break through? Or maybe you want to start a podcast but cannot think of anything.
If this is you, I would love to have you join my program Podcast Pro University. In the course, I teach you how to:
- build your podcast plan
- pick your podcast title
- create your content
- record and edit your episodes
- title your episodes
- understand analytics
- and so much more!
You may have already launched your podcast and are ready to monetize and take things to the next level. This is where Podcast to Profit comes in.
This is a six-month group coaching program. Not only do I provide live coaching every other week, but I also suggest workshop titles, come up with message mining, and determine what curiosity-driven actions your person needs to take. What are their desired benefits and outcomes?
We find all of this out, and we put data behind the desire to use and implement it. Next, I give you my cheat sheet with many podcast title templates that you can plug and play.
In the meantime, check out my workshop if you’re ready to learn how to grow your online business using podcasting.
I pray this blesses you!
Live Podcast Audit: How to Make Sure Your Podcast Is Clear and Niche
Coaching: Podcasting Basics and Tips for Business Beginners With Jeri Bisbee
Coaching: Clarify Your Podcast Name and Tagline (TSO) to Get More Traffic
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